6,352 research outputs found

    D0-brane tension in string field theory

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    We compute the D0-brane tension in string field theory by representing it as a tachyon lump of the D1-brane compactified on a circle of radius RR. To this aim, we calculate the lump solution in level truncation up to level L=8. The normalized D0-brane tension is independent on RR. The compactification radius is therefore chosen in order to cancel the subleading correction 1/L21/L^2. We show that an optimal radius RR^* indeed exists and that at RR^* the theoretical prediction for the tension is reproduced at the level of 10510^{-5}. As a byproduct of our calculation we also discuss the determination of the marginal tachyon field at R1R\to 1.Comment: 13 pages, 3 Eps figure

    The forts on Hadrian s wall: a comparative analysis of the form and construction of some buildings

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    The thesis undertakes a comparative analysis of some of the stone buildings within the forts of the completed concept of Hadrian's Wall. The buildings included are the principia, granaries, gates and barracks. Each building type has been measured and inspected on site, or the data obtained from archival or documentary sources. As a background to the study the forts are set in the context of the Wall, examining its structure, garrisons and taking an overview of the archaeological record, additionally general Roman building techniques are reviewed. The selected buildings within each fort are then discussed and compared with other buildings on the Wall, or on other military sites. In this way then- form, dimensional analysis, construction sequence and building techniques are considered and discussed. Common features and major differences are highlighted in the forts and the buildings, and comparisons drawn. Some tentative links are made as to the builders of the forts and the probable use of standard units of measure. Reconstructions of the buildings are put forward, taking into account the archaeological evidence and architectural considerations. Supporting information supplied in the appendices includes data relating to each fort as well as schedules of dimensions of the buildings, together with comparative tables. A catalogue of the decorated and moulded stonework sets out and discusses the stonework from the various buildings

    Rational Chebyshev approximation on [0, + ∞)

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    Charities and ICTs: Can IS-enabled Innovation in Business Critical Activities Be Delivered?

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    This article looks at the ways in which a number of charities are leading the United Kingdom’s ‘Third Sector’ in their use of ICT/IS capabilities to deliver innovations in a range of business critical activities. It shows that new ICT/IS capabilities afforded opportunities within different types of charities to deliver change. In the older charities established in the ‘pre-Internet’ era, these shifts tend to work with and reflect the existing ‘enterprise logic’ or established ‘ways of doing’. In the younger ‘Net generation’ organisations, the shifts tend to be more fluid in nature, enabling the delivery of new ways of doing and denoting the more flexible model of organisation upon which they were founded. Our research also shows that, in all of the charities, information and data capture and interrogation are intensifying

    Temporal Control of Gelation and Polymerization Fronts Driven by an Autocatalytic Enzyme Reaction

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    Chemical systems that remain kinetically dormant until activated have numerous applications in materials science. Herein we present a method for the control of gelation that exploits an inbuilt switch: the increase in pH after an induction period in the urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea was used to trigger the base-catalyzed Michael addition of a water-soluble trithiol to a polyethylene glycol diacrylate. The time to gelation (minutes to hours) was either preset through the initial concentrations or the reaction was initiated locally by a base, thus resulting in polymerization fronts that converted the mixture from a liquid into a gel (ca. 0.1 mm min−1). The rate of hydrolytic degradation of the hydrogel depended on the initial concentrations, thus resulting in a gel lifetime of hours to months. In this way, temporal programming of gelation was possible under mild conditions by using the output of an autocatalytic enzyme reaction to drive both the polymerization and subsequent degradation of a hydrogel

    Temporal Control of Gelation and Polymerization Fronts Driven by an Autocatalytic Enzyme Reaction

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    Chemical systems that remain kinetically dormant until activated have numerous applications in materials science. Herein we present a method for the control of gelation that exploits an inbuilt switch: the increase in pH after an induction period in the urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea was used to trigger the base-catalyzed Michael addition of a water-soluble trithiol to a polyethylene glycol diacrylate. The time to gelation (minutes to hours) was either preset through the initial concentrations or the reaction was initiated locally by a base, thus resulting in polymerization fronts that converted the mixture from a liquid into a gel (ca. 0.1 mm min−1). The rate of hydrolytic degradation of the hydrogel depended on the initial concentrations, thus resulting in a gel lifetime of hours to months. In this way, temporal programming of gelation was possible under mild conditions by using the output of an autocatalytic enzyme reaction to drive both the polymerization and subsequent degradation of a hydrogel

    Immunodetection of planktonic algae

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    Interest in the identification and characterisation of cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates in aquatic environments is increasing rapidly due to the perceived roles of these organisms in primary production and nuisance aspects in terms of water treatment and public health. Techniques for the identification and quantification of these organisms currently are limited, and the application of molecular approaches provides fundamental taxonomic information and techniques of practical value. Antigenic properties of algal cells may be useful taxonomic markers. Immunodetection techniques utilise the specificity of the antibody/antigen association as a probe for recognising and distinguishing between microorganisms according to their cell- surface chemistry. Immunofluorescent detection of unicellular cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates has been studied with success in marine and freshwater ecosystems and a range of techniques and results are presented and discussed. The most recent advances in the study of planktonic algae have come with the application of continuous flow cytometric methods (CFC). Flow cytometry makes use of the autofluorescence properties of the algal cells, which alone can be used to demonstrate their presence and permit their quantification in natural water samples. When used in conjunction with immunolabelling techniques, the potential of CFC analysis is broadened to study the serological/strain composition of plankters in natural populations. Changes in algal strains represented within and between waters over periods of time are reported and discussed, along with the ecological issues thus raised

    On quadrature rules for solving Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks

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    Neural Networks have been widely used to solve Partial Differential Equations. These methods require to approximate definite integrals using quadrature rules. Here, we illustrate via 1D numerical examples the quadrature problems that may arise in these applications and propose several alternatives to overcome them, namely: Monte Carlo methods, adaptive integration, polynomial approximations of the Neural Network output, and the inclusion of regularization terms in the loss. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of each proposed numerical integration scheme. We advocate the use of Monte Carlo methods for high dimensions (above 3 or 4), and adaptive integration or polynomial approximations for low dimensions (3 or below). The use of regularization terms is a mathematically elegant alternative that is valid for any spatial dimension; however, it requires certain regularity assumptions on the solution and complex mathematical analysis when dealing with sophisticated Neural Networks

    Tachyons on Dp-branes from Abelian Higgs sphalerons

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    We consider the Abelian Higgs model in a (p+2)-dimensional space time with topology M^{p+1} x S^1 as a field theoretical toy model for tachyon condensation on Dp-branes. The theory has periodic sphaleron solutions with the normal mode equations resembling Lame-type equations. These equations are quasi-exactly solvable (QES) for specific choices of the Higgs- to gauge boson mass ratio and hence a finite number of algebraic normal modes can be computed explicitely. We calculate the tachyon potential for two different values of the Higgs- to gauge boson mass ratio and show that in comparison to previously studied pure scalar field models an exact cancellation between the negative energy contribution at the minimum of the tachyon potential and the brane tension is possible for the simplest truncation in the expansion about the field around the sphaleron. This gives further evidence for the correctness of Sen's conjecture.Comment: 14 Latex pages including 3 eps-figure