3,780 research outputs found

    Thoughts on the Nature and Consequences of Ungoverned Spaces

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    Since the 1990s, ungoverned spaces have increasingly been seen as a source of serious instability and threat in the international system. Society regards ungoverned spaces as the absence of a state as the authoritative allocator of value, provider of collective goods, and as the holder of a monopoly of legitimate coercion. The obvious remedy, then, is state building. This apparently simple formulation obscures the complexity and variability of ungoverned spaces and the reason for their emergence. Moreover, this ignores the fact that ungoverned spaces may lack government but not governance. Ungoverned spaces can pose a security threat, but terrorist groups are rarely responsible for their creation; the reason for their emergence is poor governance that prompts the populations in these areas to render themselves ungovernable by the existing central state

    A Lack of Trust: \u3ci\u3eSouth Dakota v. Yankton Sioux Tribe\u3c/i\u3e and the Abandonment of the Trust Doctrine in Reservation Diminishment Cases

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    Over the past three decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly confronted the issue of whether Indian reservation lands sold to non-Indian settlers at the turn-of-the-century under Congress\u27s allotment policy remain tribal territory for jurisdictional purposes. As the means of adjudicating these reservation diminishment cases, the Court has adopted a troubled three-pronged analytical approach. The Court\u27s approach circumvents well-established rules of construction and diverges significantly from historic principles embodied in the trust doctrine that forms the ideological foundation of Indian law. The Court\u27s recent decision in South Dakota v. Yankton Sioux Tribe exposes important shortcomings in the Court\u27s multi-factor analysis and reveals the Court\u27s effort to reach outcomes in these cases that favor non-Indian interests. This Note argues that the Court\u27s current approach to the diminishment issue erodes tribal sovereignty and arrogates to the Court the role of balancing Indian and non-Indian interests, which traditionally has been a prerogative left to Congress. This Note advocates that the Court return to settled tenets of Indian law and reestablish an analytical framework that focuses exclusively on statutory language as the sole means for adjudicating diminishment cases

    African mineral production 1999-2003 : a product of the World Mineral Statistics database

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    The statistics in this publication are from a more comprehensive database that is published as World Mineral Production 1999- 2003. Coverage African Mineral Production covers the majority of economically important mineral commodities. For each commodity constant efforts are made to ensure that as many producing countries as possible are reported. For some commodities, where statistics on production are not publicly available, estimates are made. Users of this compilation are advised that more statistical information than can be included in a publication of this nature is held in the BGS files and is available for consultation. Production Metals Mine production of many metals is expressed in terms of metal content. This is clearly indicated adjacent to the commodity description. Unless otherwise specified, metal production statistics relate to metal recovered from both domestic or imported materials, whether primary or secondary, but exclude remelted material

    Employee reactions to positive action policies in the United Kingdom: Does the organization’s justification matter?

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    Affirmative action remains a contentious topic in both research and practice. While advocates suggest that such action is necessary to overcome demographic imbalances in the labor market, some research shows that these policies can prompt undesirable employee reactions that negate their value. While positive discrimination (i.e., recruiting or promoting solely based on a protected characteristic) remains illegal in the United Kingdom, organizations have increasingly begun adopting positive action measures (i.e., measures aimed at alleviating disadvantage or under-representation based on protected characteristics). However, there is little research looking at how these policies specifically affect employee attitudes or how different organizational rationales for positive action might moderate these effects. This lack of research is even more notable in the UK context. In two experimental studies of UK professionals (N = 353) we find that perceived organizational justice explained the relationship between positive action and affective commitment / turnover intention. However, evidence supporting the effect of organizational rationale was limited

    Physics and Playstation too: Learning physics with computer games

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    Computer games seem to captivate the imagination and attention of contemporary teenagers. If only the energy, motivation, fun and exhilaration they enjoy from playing games on their PC, or on consoles such as PlayStation 2, GameCube, XBOX, and Dreamcast, could be captured in learning physics! Andrew Stapleton, a doctoral student under Dr. Peter Taylor's supervision at Curtin University's Science and Mathematics Education Centre, believes it can and explores how in this paper. The paper discusses both the use of games and simulations in physics classrooms and their design as legitimate means for learning physics. Based on theoretical and methodological insights Andrew gained from his doctoral research into the design of multimedia for conceptual learning of physics, the paper considers the role of design in the physics curriculum. Physics, education and design are brought together in dialogue in an endeavour to provide physics educators with new perspective and opportunities for their students to learn physics. To illustrate the possibility of learning physics with computer games, the presentation will include examples from SR Voyager, a multimedia prototype Andrew developed for his research, which aims to promote conceptual learning of the physics of special relativity

    Role of inertia in two-dimensional deformation and breakup of a droplet

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    We investigate by Lattice Boltzmann methods the effect of inertia on the deformation and break-up of a two-dimensional fluid droplet surrounded by fluid of equal viscosity (in a confined geometry) whose shear rate is increased very slowly. We give evidence that in two dimensions inertia is {\em necessary} for break-up, so that at zero Reynolds number the droplet deforms indefinitely without breaking. We identify two different routes to breakup via two-lobed and three-lobed structures respectively, and give evidence for a sharp transition between these routes as parameters are varied.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Analysing hypertextual discussion for connected knowing: Units of analysis

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    This paper identifies possible units of analysis when examining connected knowing in an online hypertextual environment. The units examined are the individual, the thread, and the group. Each is discussed, and the possible positives and negatives of each is cited in relation to the goal of analysing the hypertextual environment for evidence of connected knowing. As a result, a particular unit is suggested as being the most suited for examining connected knowing in hypertextual discussion, that of the group. Although intra-group analysis dominates this form of analysis, it does not discount the important role of inter-group hypertextual interactions. Supplementing the intra-group analysis with the units of thread and individual, identifies the group in relation to other groups and therefore places the group in context. Along with this is a brief examination of power relationships in a hypertextual environment specifically in relation to the goal of connected knowing

    Barry Goldwater: Insurgent Conservatism as Constitutive Rhetoric

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    Conservatives are generally held to be biased towards the present state of affairs, but some conservatives see the present state of affairs as so great a threat, they advocate its overthrow. They are insurgent conservatives. Scholars portray a Republican Party in the 1950s and 1960s dominated by a north-east liberal establishment confronting an emerging opposition based on anti-communism, economic liberalism and limited government. Barry Goldwater, deploying ideas developed as a long-standing opponent of the New Deal, from his experiences as a businessman, and his philosophic commitment to individualism, engaged extensively with conservatives from the mid- to late 1950s, becoming the spokesman for the developing conservative movement. Goldwater articulated an alternative, radical interpretation of conservatism. Using constitutive rhetoric, an under-used tool in the study of conservatism, this paper explores the content and message of Goldwater’s insurgent conservatism. Rather than focussing on persuasion, constitutive rhetoric focuses on the relationship between the speaker and the audience in the forging of an identity. Goldwater’s audience was already persuaded; what was needed was a common conservative identity to inspire a political movement. Goldwater did not ‘call conservatism into being,’ but his rhetoric fuelled an insurgency and constituted conservatism in a new configuration

    Origami lesion-targeting device for CT-guided interventions

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    The objective of this study is to preliminarily evaluate a lesion-targeting device for CT-guided interventions. The device is created by laser cutting the structure from a sheet of medical grade paperboard, 3D printing two radiocontrast agent grids onto the surface and folding the structure into a rectangular prism with a viewing window. An abdominal imaging phantom was used to evaluate the device through CT imaging and the targeting of lesions for needle insertion. The lesion-targeting trials resulted in a mean targeting error of 2.53 mm (SD 0.59 mm, n = 30). The device is rigid enough to adequately support standard biopsy needles, and it attaches to the patient, reducing the risk of tissue laceration by needles held rigidly in place by an external manipulator. Additional advantages include adequate support for the insertion of multiple surgical tools at once for procedures such as composite ablation and the potential to guide off-axial needle insertion. The low-cost and disposability of the device make it well-suited for the minimally invasive image-guided therapy environment

    Are pregnancy outcomes associated with risk factor reporting in routinely collected perinatal data?

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraApresentado como um documento reflexivo e figurativo das experiências e vivências tidas durante o ano de Estágio Pedagógico em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, este relatório final foi desenvolvido com base no contexto da Turma do 11º PS da Escola Secundária de Avelar Brotero, contendo, assim, todas as expetativas, conceções, aprendizagens, dificuldades, estratégias, soluções e etapas superadas. Estruturado em cinco capítulos – Enquadramento pessoal onde consta as expetativas iniciais relativas ao Estágio Pedagógico; contextualização da prática desenvolvida, onde caracterizamos o contexto; realização da prática profissional, da qual consta uma reflexão sobre todo o processo de planeamento, realização e avaliação; reflexões acerca do processo pedagógico, onde expomos opiniões edificantes dos desafios e dilemas na condução do processo de ensino-aprendizagem; e o aprofundamento do tema problema – foi evidenciado o caminho que fomos (re)construindo com identidade, partilha e reflexão, e a forma como encaramos o compromisso com as aprendizagens dos alunos. Fundamentado no paradigma construtivista, o desenvolvimento curricular foi neste relatório assumido como um processo que deverá centrar-se no aluno, aludindo ao conjunto de estratégias, métodos e procedimentos que permitem a concretização de um projeto de formação pessoal e social que a prática desportiva pode potenciar. Tendo em atenção os contextos e cenários de aprendizagem, os papéis e responsabilidades de quem ensina e de quem aprende, fomos delegando ao aluno autonomia, iniciativa, criatividade, capacidade de cooperação e entreajuda, capacidade de decidir, vontade de aprender e de praticar. O Modelo de Educação Desportiva, enquanto modelo de ensino, foi um marco neste processo, pelo que foi objeto de um estudo mais aprofundado. This document was presented as a reflective essay on the experiences lived during the year of Practicum in Teaching of Physical Education on learning stages of Elementary School and High School. This final report was based on the class of 11º PS of Avelar Brotero’s High School, and represents all the expectations, conceptions, learning skills, difficulties found in the process, strategies adopted, solutions found and overcome barriers. It was structured in five chapters: initial expectations relating to the Practicum; characterization of the context; professional practice, in which lies was a reflexion about all the process of planning, making and evaluation; problems and challenges occurred during the process of teaching and learning; and finally deep reflection about he main theme - was then noted the way in which we had been (re)building our study with identity, sharing and reflexion and the way we faced the commitment with the students own learning skills and paths. Under the influence of the constructivist paradigm, curriculum development was seen as a process that will focus on the student, alluding to the set of strategies, methods and procedures that allow the making of a project of personal and social development that the sports practice may enhance, delegating the student autonomy, responsibility, initiative, creativity, ability to cooperate and assist others, and ability to learn and share. The Sport Education Model while teaching model it was a milestone in this process, whereat it was object of further study
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