4,798 research outputs found

    Recovery and Purification of (Bio)Pharmaceuticals Using (Nano)Materials

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    Biopharmaceuticals main classes comprise recombinant proteins, antibodies, and nucleic-acid-derived products, while synthetic pharmaceuticals include a wide variety of organic compounds. The purification of (bio)pharmaceuticals, as part of downstream processing, is mainly carried out by chromatographic processes, which are responsible for the therapeutics high cost. Therefore, there is a crucial need on the development of novel and more efficient separation/purification processes or on the improvement of the current chromatographic-based ones, aiming at producing pharmaceuticals of high quality and at a lower cost. Amongst alternative techniques, it has been demonstrated that inorganic or organic (nano)particles, used in solid-phase extraction approaches, may be promising for the purification of (bio)pharmaceuticals. This chapter provides an overview on solid-liquid separation/purification processes used to obtain high purity and high quality pharmaceuticals. The main purification processes are described and summarized. The areas where there has been a sustainable progress, combined with improved therapeutic characteristics, are highlighted. Materials based on silica (nano)particles, carbon-based (nano)particles (carbon nanotubes, graphene and activated carbon) and magnetic (nano)particles are overviewed. Based on the reported results, nanotechnology may play a key role in future pharmaceutical developments and manufacturing, where the design of suitable functionalized (nano)particles is a crucial factor to enhance the selectivity and to obtain high purification and recovery yields of (bio)pharmaceuticals.publishe

    Estudos de diferentes espaçamentos na cultura do girassol.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento do girassol em diferentes espaçamentos em condição de sequeiro na região Oeste da Bahia, foi instalado um ensaio no município de São Desidério-BA. O delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (dois espaçamentos e quatro genótipos). Os espaçamentos avaliados foram 0,50 m e 0,76 m e os genótipos utilizados foram: Agrobel 972, M 734, Hélio 250 (híbridos) e Embrapa 122 (variedade). A semeadura foi realizada manualmente no dia 16/12/2008. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: produtividade de grãos, massa de 1000 sementes, tamanho do capítulo, altura de planta, estande final e ciclo de maturação. Nos espaçamentos avaliados as maiores produtividade foram alcançadas no de 0,76 m para todos os genótipos, obtendo-se média de 2.149 kg.ha-1 enquanto que, no espaçamento de 0,50 m foram obtidas produtividades de 1.460 kg.ha-1. O M 734 e o Hélio 250 foram os genótipos mais produtivos no espaçamento de 0,50 m. Independente do espaçamento o genótipo M 734 esteve sempre entre os mais produtivos. Na massa de 1000 sementes não foram detectadas diferenças entre os espaçamentos. O Hélio 250 e o Embrapa 122 produziram maiores capítulos no espaçamento de 0,76 m. Não houve diferenças na altura de plantas e no estande final dentro e entre espaçamentos. Os genótipos completaram sua maturação por volta de 89 dias

    Competição de híbridos e variedades de girassol comerciais em safrinha no oeste da Bahia.

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    Foi instalado um experimento no município de São Desidério-BA com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de híbridos e variedades de girassol comerciais em safrinha no Oeste da Bahia. A semeadura foi realizada em 09/03/2009 utilizando 18 genótipos: NTO3.0, NTO2.0, M 734, Hélio 250, Agrobel 962, Hélio 358, Agrobel 960, Hélio 253, Hélio 251, DAS 735, Paraíso 20, Agrobel 972, Paraíso 33, Paraíso 22, Agrobel 967, Paraíso 102CL (híbridos), Embrapa 122 e IAC Iarama (variedades). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: produtividade de grãos, estande final de plantas, massa de 1000 sementes, altura de planta, tamanho do capítulo, duração do ciclo de maturação. O ensaio teve média de produtividade de 2.344,6 kg/ha, onde estas variaram de 1.543,1 kg/ha (IAC Iarama) a 3.367,8 kg/ha (NTO3.0), estando acima da média da produtividade nacional de 1.400 kg/ha. Nos parâmetros avaliados houve variações entre os diversos genótipos para estande final de plantas (22.631,6 a 33.157,9 plantas/ha), massa de mil sementes (60 a 96 g), altura de planta (133 a 182 cm), tamanho do capítulo (42 a 58 cm) e ciclo (90 a 106 dias), sendo observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas para todas as características avaliadas

    Information System for Tablets Identification (ISTI)

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of PVD-deposited Pd-Ag functional thin films membranes on ceramic supports for hydrogen purification/separation

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    Palladium (Pd)-based membranes have been studied for many years, regarding applications in production and purifi-cation of hydrogen. The reaction of water gas shift (CO+ H2O ↔ CO2 + H2), for example, can advantageously be conducted in a Pd-based membrane reactor, where hydrogen produced selectively permeates the membrane [1]. When hydrogen permeates with an infinite selectivity, its passage is governed by sorption-diffusion mechanism through the atomic struc-ture. Among all metals, palladium is the material that exhibits the highest atomic hydrogen permeability, resulting from the high capability in the catalytic dissociation of H2 molecules it in its metallic structure [2]. However, the use of pure palladi-um membranes has some limitations [3]. When palladium alloys such as Pd-Ag are used, the result is a homogeneous solid solution with a fcc structure [4,5]. This alloy prevents the formation of hybrid phases, allowing higher hydrogen permeation along with chemical and mechanical stability, reducing also the overall cost of raw material [2].Patricia Pérez is grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for the doctoral grant (reference: SFRH/BD/73673/2010). The authors also acknowledge fi-nancing from FCT through the project PTDC/EQU-ERQ/098730/2008 and COMPETE scientific program. The authors show appreciation for the collaboration of Sandra Rodrigues on the permeation experiments

    Control of Pain and Dyspnea in Patients with Oncologic Disease in Acute Care: Non-Pharmacological Intervention

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    Objective: To identify non-pharmacological strategies in the control of pain and dyspnea, in patient with oncological disease, in acute care. Methodology: Question in PI[C]O format was used and search at EBSCO (MEDLINE with Full TEXT; CINAHL, Plus with Full Text; British Nursing Index) retrospectively from 2009 to 2015. We included also guidelines by reference entities: Oncology Nursing Society (2011) National Comprehensive Cancer Network and Cancer Care Ontario, resulting in a total of 15 articles. Results: The gold standard for an adequate symptom control is a systematized assessment. Non-pharmacological measures: psycho-emotional support, hypnosis, counseling/training/ instruction, therapeutic adherence, music therapy, massage, relaxation techniques, telephone support, functional and respiratory reeducation increase health gains. Conclusion: The control of oncologic pain and dyspnea require a comprehensive and multimodal approach

    Dinâmica circadiana no teor de óleo essencial e percentagem de dilapiol em população natural e cultivada de Piper aduncum, na Amazônia brasileira.

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    O metabolismo secundário dos vegetais é influenciado pelas condições ambientais. As espécies aromáticas variam o teor e composição química do seu óleo essencial ao longo do ritmo circadiano. Em Piper aduncum, espécie aromática, rica em dilapiol, avaliou-se a dinâmica circadiana no teor de óleo essencial e dilapiol (%) em duas populações, nas condições edafoclimáticas de Manaus, AM. A população natural situava-se em área na borda de floresta enquanto que a cultivada foi instalada em área aberta no campo experimental da Embrapa.Também em: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ÓLEOS ESSENCIAIS, 4., 2007, Fortaleza. Anais... Fortaleza: Padetec, 2007. p. 21

    Supported ionic liquid materials for L-asparaginase immobilization

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    L-asparaginase (ASNase) (L-asparagine amidohydrolase EC has been widely used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and in the food industry for the removal of toxic acrylamide (formed in foods cooked at high temperatures). Accordingly, ASNase is also used in biosensors for leukemia diagnosis. To improve the performance of ASNase and overcome the limitations of free enzymes, namely low stability and biocatalytic activity, enzyme immobilization is one of the most used strategies. Several supports as carbon nanotubes, graphene and chitosan have been reported for ASNase immobilization. Among them, nanomaterials, and in particular silica, have emerged as a promising alternative support for enzyme immobilization due to their unique characteristics, such as biological compatibility and high surface to volume ratio, being thus identified as promising supports for ASNase. In this work, supported ionic liquid materials (SILs) based on silica were used as novel immobilization supports for ASNase by a simple adsorption method. Different experimental conditions, namely contact time, medium pH and ASNase/SILs ratio were evaluated. The performance of the immobilized enzyme was studied by measuring its activity through the monitoring of the hydrolysis of the substrate, Lasparagine. Characterization of the ASNase-SILs bioconjugate was carried out to evaluate the adsorption of the ASNase onto the supports. The immobilization of ASNase onto the SILs was successfully achieved with an activity of immobilized ASNase ranging from 0.6 to 0.86 U of enzyme per mg of SILs under the optimum immobilization conditions (60 min, pH 8.0 and 0.06 mg.mL-1 of ASNase in 10 mg of SILs).publishe