378 research outputs found

    Capital Buffer in Indonesia: Do Adjustment Cost and Business Cycle Matter?

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    This study aims to determine the capital buffer determinants of go public banks in Indonesia from 2012 to 2016. The sample selection was based on purposive sampling which resulted in 23 samples of go public banks. The capital buffer is the dependent variable, and the adjustment cost is proxied by the lag of capital buffer (BUF

    Using radio frequency identification and locomotor activity monitoring to assess sleep, locomotor, and foraging rhythmicity in bumblebees

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    Summary: Bumblebees are a key pollinator. Understanding the factors that influence the timing of sleep and foraging trips is important for efficient foraging and pollination. Here, we illustrate how individual locomotor activity monitoring and colony-wide radio frequency identification tracking can be combined to analyze the effects of agrochemicals like neonicotinoids on locomotor and foraging rhythmicity and sleep quantity/quality in bumblebees. We also highlight aspects of the design that can be adapted for other invertebrates or agrochemicals, allowing broader application of these techniques.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Tasman et al. (2020)

    Neonicotinoids disrupt memory, circadian behaviour and sleep

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    What are the effects of macroalgal blooms on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems? A systematic review protocol

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    Abstract Background Anthropogenic activities are believed to have caused an increase in the magnitude, frequency, and extent of macroalgal blooms in marine and estuarine environments. These blooms may contribute to declines in seagrasses and non-blooming macroalgal beds, increasing hypoxia, and reductions in the diversity of benthic invertebrates. However, they may also provide other marine organisms with food and habitat, increase secondary production, and reduce eutrophication. The objective of this systematic review will be to quantify the positive and negative impacts of anthropogenically induced macroalgal blooms in order to determine their effects on ecosystem structure and functioning, and to identify factors that cause their effects to vary. Methods We will search a number of online databases to gather empirical evidence from the literature on the impacts of macroalgal blooms on: (1) species richness and other univariate measures of biodiversity; (2) productivity and abundance of algae, plants, and animals; and (3) biogeochemical cycling and other flows of energy and materials, including trophic interactions and cross-ecosystem subsidies. Data from relevant studies will be extracted and used in a random effects meta-analysis in order to estimate the average effect of macroalgal blooms on each response of interest. Where possible, sub-group analyses will be conducted in order to evaluate how the effects of macroalgal blooms vary according to: (1) which part of the ecosystem is being studied (e.g. which habitat type, taxonomic group, or trophic level); (2) the size of blooms; (3) the region in which blooms occurred; (4) background levels of ecosystem productivity; (5) physical and chemical conditions; (6) aspects of study design and quality (e.g. lab vs. field, experimental vs. observational, degree of replication); and (7) whether the blooms are believed to be anthropogenically induced or not

    Efficacy of Cognitive and Metacognitive Interventions on Executive Functioning Post Traumatic Brain Injury to Enhance Occupational Performance

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    Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) is proposed as an effective intervention for individuals post Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), by addressing cognitive function through remediating skills and practicing new compensatory skills. While there is considerable research, including systematic reviews that explore cognitive interventions post TBI, more research is needed in which occupational performance is the primary outcome of cognitive intervention. This current systematic review aims to synthesize the current body of evidence available on how using CR techniques to address executive functioning impact occupational performance in individuals who sustained a mild or moderate TBI