64 research outputs found
The Viking viewer for connectomics: scalable multi-user annotation and summarization of large volume data sets
Modern microscope automation permits the collection of vast amounts of continuous anatomical imagery in both two and three dimensions. These large data sets present significant challenges for data storage, access, viewing, annotation and analysis. The cost and overhead of collecting and storing the data can be extremely high. Large data sets quickly exceed an individual's capability for timely analysis and present challenges in efficiently applying transforms, if needed. Finally annotated anatomical data sets can represent a significant investment of resources and should be easily accessible to the scientific community. The Viking application was our solution created to view and annotate a 16.5 TB ultrastructural retinal connectome volume and we demonstrate its utility in reconstructing neural networks for a distinctive retinal amacrine cell class. Viking has several key features. (1) It works over the internet using HTTP and supports many concurrent users limited only by hardware. (2) It supports a multi-user, collaborative annotation strategy. (3) It cleanly demarcates viewing and analysis from data collection and hosting. (4) It is capable of applying transformations in real-time. (5) It has an easily extensible user interface, allowing addition of specialized modules without rewriting the viewer
Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing
With the increasing use of geometry scanners to create 3D models, there is a rising need for fast and robust mesh smoothing to remove inevitable noise in the measurements. While most previous work has favored diffusion-based iterative techniques for feature-preserving smoothing, we propose a radically different approach, based on robust statistics and local first-order predictors of the surface. The robustness of our local estimates allows us to derive a non-iterative feature-preserving filtering technique applicable to arbitrary "triangle soups". We demonstrate its simplicity of implementation and its efficiency, which make it an excellent solution for smoothing large, noisy, and non-manifold meshes.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA
A Computational Framework for Ultrastructural Mapping of Neural Circuitry
Circuitry mapping of metazoan neural systems is difficult because canonical neural regions (regions containing one or more copies of all components) are large, regional borders are uncertain, neuronal diversity is high, and potential network topologies so numerous that only anatomical ground truth can resolve them. Complete mapping of a specific network requires synaptic resolution, canonical region coverage, and robust neuronal classification. Though transmission electron microscopy (TEM) remains the optimal tool for network mapping, the process of building large serial section TEM (ssTEM) image volumes is rendered difficult by the need to precisely mosaic distorted image tiles and register distorted mosaics. Moreover, most molecular neuronal class markers are poorly compatible with optimal TEM imaging. Our objective was to build a complete framework for ultrastructural circuitry mapping. This framework combines strong TEM-compliant small molecule profiling with automated image tile mosaicking, automated slice-to-slice image registration, and gigabyte-scale image browsing for volume annotation. Specifically we show how ultrathin molecular profiling datasets and their resultant classification maps can be embedded into ssTEM datasets and how scripted acquisition tools (SerialEM), mosaicking and registration (ir-tools), and large slice viewers (MosaicBuilder, Viking) can be used to manage terabyte-scale volumes. These methods enable large-scale connectivity analyses of new and legacy data. In well-posed tasks (e.g., complete network mapping in retina), terabyte-scale image volumes that previously would require decades of assembly can now be completed in months. Perhaps more importantly, the fusion of molecular profiling, image acquisition by SerialEM, ir-tools volume assembly, and data viewers/annotators also allow ssTEM to be used as a prospective tool for discovery in nonneural systems and a practical screening methodology for neurogenetics. Finally, this framework provides a mechanism for parallelization of ssTEM imaging, volume assembly, and data analysis across an international user base, enhancing the productivity of a large cohort of electron microscopists
Nonparametric Statistics of Image Neighborhoods for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
In this paper, we present a novel approach to unsupervised texture segmentation that is based on a very general statistical model of image neighborhoods. We treat image neighborhoods as samples from an underlying, high-dimensional probability density function (PDF). We obtain an optimal segmentation via the minimization of an entropy-based metric on the neighborhood PDFs conditioned on the classification. Unlike previous work in this area, we model image neighborhoods directly without preprocessing or the construction of intermediate features. We represent the underlying PDFs nonparametrically, using Parzen windowing, thus enabling the method to model a wide variety of textures. The entropy minimization drives a level-set evolution that provides a degree of spatial homogeneity. We show that the proposed approach easily generalizes, from the two-class case, to an arbitrary number of regions by incorporating an efficient multi-phase level-set framework. This paper presents results on synthetic and real images from the literature, including segmentations of electron microscopy images of cellular structures
(Guest Editors) Particle-Based Simulation of Fluids
Due to our familiarity with how fluids move and interact, as well as their complexity, plausible animation of fluids remains a challenging problem. We present a particle interaction method for simulating fluids. The underlying equations of fluid motion are discretized using moving particles and their interactions. The method allows simulation and modeling of mixing fluids with different physical properties, fluid interactions with stationary objects, and fluids that exhibit significant interface breakup and fragmentation. The gridless computational method is suited for medium scale problems since computational elements exist only where needed. The method fits well into the current user interaction paradigm and allows easy user control over the desired fluid motion. 1
ICāP1ā051: Automatic diagnostic classification of dementia with FDGāPET using a spatial ā decision tree approach
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153055/1/alzjjalz200805061.pd
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