221 research outputs found

    A high-throughput LC-MS/MS assay for piperaquine from dried blood spots: improving malaria treatment in resource-limited settings

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    Background: Malaria is a parasitic disease that affects many of the poorest economies, resulting in approximately 241 million clinical episodes and 627,000 deaths annually. Piperaquine, when administered with dihydroartemisinin, is an effective drug against the disease. Drug concentration measurements taken on day 7 after treatment initiation have been shown to be a good predictor of therapeutic success with piperaquine. A simple capillary blood collection technique, where blood is dried onto filter paper, is especially suitable for drug studies in remote areas or resource-limited settings or when taking samples from children, toddlers, and infants. Methods: Three 3.2 mm discs were punched out from a dried blood spot (DBS) and then extracted in a 96-well plate using solid phase extraction on a fully automated liquid handling system. The analysis was performed using LC-MS/MS with a calibration range of 3 – 1000 ng/mL. Results: The recovery rate was approximately 54–72 %, and the relative standard deviation was below 9 % for low, middle and high quality control levels. The LC-MS/MS quantification limit of 3 ng/mL is sensitive enough to detect piperaquine for up to 4–8 weeks after drug administration, which is crucial when evaluating recrudescence and drug resistance development. While different hematocrit levels can affect DBS drug measurements, the effect was minimal for piperaquine. Conclusion: A sensitive LC-MS/MS method, in combination with fully automated extraction in a 96-well plate format, was developed and validated for the quantification of piperaquine in DBS. The assay was implemented in a bioanalytical laboratory for processing large-scale clinical trial samples

    Use of population pharmacokinetic‐pharmacodynamic modelling to inform antimalarial dose optimization in infants

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    Infants bear a significant malaria burden but are usually excluded from participating in early dose optimization studies that inform dosing regimens of antimalarial therapy. Unlike older children, infants' exclusion from early‐phase trials has resulted in limited evidence to guide accurate dosing of antimalarial treatment for uncomplicated malaria or malaria‐preventive treatment in this vulnerable population. Subsequently, doses used in infants are often extrapolated from older children or adults, with the potential for under‐ or overdosing. Population pharmacokinetic‐pharmacodynamic (PK‐PD) modelling, a quantitative methodology that applies mathematical and statistical techniques, can aid the design of clinical studies in infants that collect sparse pharmacokinetic data as well as support the analysis of such data to derive optimized antimalarial dosing in this complex and at‐risk yet understudied subpopulation. In this review, we reflect on what PK‐PD modelling can do in programmatic settings of most malaria‐endemic areas and how it can be used to inform antimalarial dose optimization for preventive and curative treatment of uncomplicated malaria in infants. We outline key developmental physiological changes that affect drug exposure in early life, the challenges of conducting dose optimization studies in infants, and examples of how PK‐PD modelling has previously informed antimalarial dose optimization in this subgroup. Additionally, we discuss the limitations and gaps of PK‐PD modelling when used for dose optimization in infants. To utilize modelling well, there is a need to generate useful, sparse, PK and PD data in this subpopulation to inform antimalarial optimal dosing in infancy

    Quantification of the antimalarial drug pyronaridine in whole blood using LC–MS/MS — increased sensitivity resulting from reduced non-specific binding

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    Malaria is one of the most important parasitic diseases of man. The development of drug resistance in malaria parasites is an inevitable consequence of their widespread and often unregulated use. There is an urgent need for new and effective drugs. Pyronaridine is a known antimalarial drug that has received renewed interest as a partner drug in artemisinin-based combination therapy. To study its pharmacokinetic properties, particularly in field settings, it is necessary to develop and validate a robust, highly sensitive and accurate bioanalytical method for drug measurements in biological samples. We have developed a sensitive quantification method that covers a wide range of clinically relevant concentrations (1.5 ng/mL to 882 ng/mL) using a relatively low volume sample of 100 μL of whole blood. Total run time is 5 min and precision is within ±15% at all concentration levels. Pyronaridine was extracted on a weak cation exchange solid-phase column (SPE) and separated on a HALO RP amide fused-core column using a gradient mobile phase of acetonitrile–ammonium formate and acetonitrile-methanol. Detection was performed using electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry (positive ion mode with selected reaction monitoring). The developed method is suitable for implementation in high-throughput routine drug analysis, and was used to quantify pyronaridine accurately for up to 42 days after a single oral dose in a drug-drug interaction study in healthy volunteers

    Optimal designs for population pharmacokinetic studies of oral artesunate in patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently, population pharmacokinetic (PK) studies of anti-malarial drugs are designed primarily by the logistical and ethical constraints of taking blood samples from patients, and the statistical models that are fitted to the data are not formally considered. This could lead to imprecise estimates of the target PK parameters, and/or designs insufficient to estimate all of the parameters. Optimal design methodology has been developed to determine blood sampling schedules that will yield precise parameter estimates within the practical constraints of sampling the study populations. In this work optimal design methods were used to determine sampling designs for typical future population PK studies of dihydroartemisinin, the principal biologically active metabolite of oral artesunate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Optimal designs were derived using freely available software and were based on appropriate structural PK models from an analysis of data or the literature and key sampling constraints identified in a questionnaire sent to active malaria researchers (3-4 samples per patient, at least 15 minutes between samples). The derived optimal designs were then evaluated via simulation-estimation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The derived optimal sampling windows were 17 to 29 minutes, 30 to 57 minutes, 2.5 to 3.7 hours and 5.8 to 6.6 hours for non-pregnant adults; 16 to 29 minutes, 31 minutes to 1 hour, 2.0 to 3.4 hours and 5.5 to 6.6 hours for designs with non-pregnant adults and children and 35 to 59 minutes, 1.2 to 3.4 hours, 3.4 to 4.9 hours and 6.0 to 8.0 hours for pregnant women. The optimal designs resulted in acceptable precision of the PK parameters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed sampling designs in this paper are robust and efficient and should be considered in future PK studies of oral artesunate where only three or four blood samples can be collected.</p

    Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics revealed effects of metronidazole on Giardia duodenalis

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    Giardia duodenalis is a significant protozoan that affects humans and animals. An estimated 280 million G. duodenalis diarrheal cases are recorded annually. Pharmacological therapy is crucial for controlling giardiasis. Metronidazole is the first-line therapy for treating giardiasis. Several metronidazole targets have been proposed. However, the downstream signaling pathways of these targets with respect to their antigiardial action are unclear. In addition, several giardiasis cases have demonstrated treatment failures and drug resistance. Therefore, the development of novel drugs is an urgent need. In this study, we performed a mass spectrometry-based metabolomics study to understand the systemic effects of metronidazole in G. duodenalis. A thorough analysis of metronidazole processes helps identify potential molecular pathways essential for parasite survival. The results demonstrated 350 altered metabolites after exposure to metronidazole. Squamosinin A and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)hexacosanamide were the most up-regulated and down-regulated metabolites, respectively. Proteasome and glycerophospholipid metabolisms demonstrated significant differential pathways. Comparing glycerophospholipid metabolisms of G. duodenalis and humans, the parasite glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase was distinct from humans. This protein is considered a potential drug target for treating giardiasis. This study improved our understanding of the effects of metronidazole and identified new potential therapeutic targets for future drug development

    Population pharmacokinetic modelling of primaquine exposures in lactating women and breastfed infants

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    Current guidelines advise against primaquine treatment for breastfeeding mothers to avoid the potential for haemolysis in infants with G6PD deficiency. To predict the haemolytic risk, the amount of drug received from the breast milk and the resulting infant drug exposure need to be characterised. Here, we develop a pharmacokinetic model to describe the drug concentrations in breastfeeding women using venous, capillary, and breast milk data. A mother-to-infant model is developed to mimic the infant feeding pattern and used to predict their drug exposures. Primaquine and carboxyprimaquine exposures in infants are <1% of the exposure in mothers. Therefore, even in infants with the most severe G6PD deficiency variants, it is highly unlikely that standard doses of primaquine (0.25-1 mg base/kg once daily given to the mother for 1-14 days) would cause significant haemolysis. After the neonatal period, primaquine should not be restricted for breastfeeding women (Clinical Trials Registration: NCT01780753)

    Impact of ivermectin components on Anopheles dirus and Anopheles minimus mosquito survival

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    Background: Ivermectin mass drug administration to humans or livestock is a potential vector control tool for malaria elimination. Racemic ivermectin is composed of two components, namely a major component (> 80%; ivermectin B1a), which has an ethyl group at C-26, and a minor component (< 20%; ivermectin B1b), which has a methyl group at C-26. There is no difference between the efficacy of ivermectin B1a and ivermectin B1b efficacy in nematodes, but only ivermectin B1b has been reported to be lethal to snails. The ratios of ivermectin B1a and B1b ratios in ivermectin formulations and tablets can vary between manufacturers and batches. The mosquito-lethal effects of ivermectin B1a and ivermectin B1b have never been assessed. As novel ivermectin formulations are being developed for malaria control, it is important that the mosquito-lethal effects of individual ivermectin B1a and ivermectin B1b compounds be evaluated. Methods: Racemic ivermectin, ivermectin B1a or ivermectin B1b, respectively, was mixed with human blood at various concentrations, blood-fed to Anopheles dirus sensu stricto and Anopheles minimus sensu stricto mosquitoes, and mortality was observed for 10 days. The ivermectin B1a and B1b ratios from commercially available racemic ivermectin and marketed tablets were assessed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results: The results revealed that neither the lethal concentrations that kills 50% (LC50) nor 90% (LC90) of mosquitoes differed between racemic ivermectin, ivermectin B1a or ivermectin B1b for An. dirus or An. minimus, confirming that the individual ivermectin components have equal mosquito-lethal effects. The relative ratios of ivermectin B1a and B1b derived from sourced racemic ivermectin powder were 98.84% and 1.16%, respectively, and the relative ratios for ivermectin B1a and B1b derived from human oral ivermectin tablets were 98.55% and 1.45%, respectively. Conclusions: The ratio of ivermectin B1a and B1b does not influence the Anopheles mosquito-lethal outcome, an ideal study result as the separation of ivermectin B1a and B1b components at scale is cost prohibitive. Thus, variations in the ratio of ivermectin B1a and B1b between batches and manufacturers, as well as potentially novel formulations for malaria control, should not influence ivermectin mosquito-lethal efficacy

    The uncertain role of substandard and falsified medicines in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance

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    Approximately 10% of antimicrobials used by humans in low- and middle-income countries are estimated to be substandard or falsified. In addition to their negative impact on morbidity and mortality, they may also be important drivers of antimicrobial resistance. Despite such concerns, our understanding of this relationship remains rudimentary. Substandard and falsified medicines have the potential to either increase or decrease levels of resistance, and here we discuss a range of mechanisms that could drive these changes. Understanding these effects and their relative importance will require an improved understanding of how different drug exposures affect the emergence and spread of resistance and of how the percentage of active pharmaceutical ingredients in substandard and falsified medicines is temporally and spatially distributed

    Comparison of lumefantrine, mefloquine, and piperaquine concentrations between capillary plasma and venous plasma samples in pregnant women with uncomplicated falciparum and vivax malaria

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    Capillary samples offer practical benefits compared with venous samples for the measurement of drug concentrations, but the relationship between the two measures varies between different drugs. We measured the concentrations of lumefantrine, mefloquine, piperaquine in 270 pairs of venous plasma and concurrent capillary plasma samples collected from 270 pregnant women with uncomplicated falciparum or vivax malaria. The median and range of venous plasma concentrations included in this study were 447.5 ng/mL (8.81–3,370) for lumefantrine (day 7, n = 76, median total dose received 96.0 mg/kg), 17.9 ng/mL (1.72–181) for desbutyl-lumefantrine, 1,885 ng/mL (762–4,830) for mefloquine (days 3–21, n = 90, median total dose 24.9 mg/kg), 641 ng/mL (79.9–1,950) for carboxy-mefloquine, and 51.8 ng/mL (3.57–851) for piperaquine (days 3–21, n = 89, median total dose 52.2 mg/kg). Although venous and capillary plasma concentrations showed a high correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient: 0.90–0.99) for all antimalarials and their primary metabolites, they were not directly interchangeable. Using the concurrent capillary plasma concentrations and other variables, the proportions of venous plasma samples predicted within a ±10% precision range was 34% (26/76) for lumefantrine, 36% (32/89) for desbutyl-lumefantrine, 74% (67/90) for mefloquine, 82% (74/90) for carboxy-mefloquine, and 24% (21/89) for piperaquine. Venous plasma concentrations of mefloquine, but not lumefantrine and piperaquine, could be predicted by capillary plasma samples with an acceptable level of agreement. Capillary plasma samples can be utilized for pharmacokinetic and clinical studies, but caution surrounding cut-off values is required at the individual level

    Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance phenotype as assessed by patient antimalarial drug levels and Its association With pfmdr1 polymorphisms

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    Background. Multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum is a major threat to global malaria control. Parasites develop resistance by gradually acquiring genetic polymorphisms that decrease drug susceptibility. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which parasites with different genetic characteristics are able to withstand individual drug blood concentrations. Methods. We analyzed 2 clinical trials that assessed the efficacy and effectiveness of artemether-lumefantrine. As a proof of concept, we used measured day 7 lumefantrine concentrations to estimate the concentrations at which reinfections multiplied. P. falciparum multidrug resistance gene 1 (pfmdr1) genotypes of these parasites were then correlated to drug susceptibility. Results. Reinfecting parasites with the pfmdr1 N86/184F/D1246 haplotype were able to withstand lumefantrine blood concentrations 15-fold higher than those with the 86Y/Y184/1246Y haplotype. Conclusions. By estimating drug concentrations, we were able to quantify the contribution of pfmdr1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms to reduced lumefantrine susceptibility. The method can be applied to all long-half-life antimalarial drugs, enables early detection of P. falciparum with reduced drug susceptibility in vivo, and represents a novel way for unveiling molecular markers of antimalarial drug resistance.Swedish Development Cooperation Agency-Department for Research Cooperation (SIDA-SAREC) [SWE 2004-3850, Bil-Tz 16/9875007059, SWE-2009-165]; World Health Organization MIM-TDR [[A60100] MAL IRM 06 03]; Goljes Foundation; Swedish medical research council [K2010-56X-21457-01-3]; Wellcome Trust of Great Britai