870 research outputs found

    Pendeteksi Kadar Alkohol Pengemudi Dengan Sensor Tgs2620 Berbasis Sms Getway Dengan Kendali Mikrokontroler Atmega16

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    Banyaknya kecelakaan yang terjadi pada akhir-akhir ini meresahkan banyak pihak. Kecelakaan yang terjadi tersebut ada yang karena kelalaian pengemudi dan juga ada yang karena mengendarai kendaraan sambil mengkonsumsi alkohol. Oleh sebab itu diharapkan mobil dimasa depan di lengkapi dengan alat pendeteksi alkohol. Pembuatan proyek akhir ini mempunyai tujuan menghasilkan desain alat pendeteksi kadar alkohol dengan sensor TGS2620 berbasis sms getway dengan pemrograman mikrokontroler ATmega16, mengetahui unjuk kerja dari fungsi alat tersebut. Dalam pembuatan alat pendeteksi kadar alkohol pengemudi ini penulis menggunakan metode rancang bangun. Proses pembuatannya terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu : (1) Identifikasi Kebutuhan, (2) Analisis kebutuhan, (3) Konsep Perancangan, (4) Proses pembuatan, dan (5) Pengujian. Proses pembuatan alat ini terdiri dari pembuatan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras terdiri dari komponen utama yaitu catudaya, mikrokontroler Atmega16, sensor TGS2620, modem wavecom, LED, dan LCD. Sensor TGS2620 akan mendeteksi alkohol yang diminum oleh pengemudi dan hasil dari pendeteksian kadar alkohol akan di tampilkan pada LCD. Jika kadar alkohol yang terdeteksi kurang dari 5 % mesin mobil masih bisa menyala. Jika terdeteksi lebih dari 5 % maka mesin akan di matikan secara otomatis, dan modem akan mengirim informasi dalam bentuk sms. Secara keseluruhan kinerja alat ini telah menunjukkan hasil sesuai dengan rancangan. Pengujian sistem dilakukan pada bagian hardware dan software pada alat pendeteksi alkohol. Hasil pengujian yang terdiri rangkaian sensor, display LCD dan output LED dan modem GSM sudah berjalan dengan baik. Pada pengujian software yang dibuat dengan Code vision AVR sudah berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan. Kata Kunci : Kecelakaan, Alkohol, Mikrokontrolle

    The Influence of the Buddy Reading Method Assisted with Flipbook Media on Reading Comprehension of Class V Students

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    Research on the Buddy Reading Method Assisted by Flipbook Media on the Interest and Reading Comprehension Ability of Class V Students at SD Gugus III Paraikatte District. Bajeng Kab, Gowa, Masters Program, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar Supervised by Sulfasyah and Tarman. This research aims to determine the effect of Buddy Reading helping with flipbook media on the interest and reading comprehension abilities of fifth grade students. This research uses a quasi-experimental design involving an experimental class and a control class. The research population was all fifth graders who were members of an elementary school group in the same zone in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The research sample was two fifth grade students selected randomly from the group mentioned above. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires and reading comprehension tests. Descriptive data analysis shows that there is an increase in students' interest and reading comprehension abilities after teaching reading comprehension using the Buddy Reading Method. The results of inferential statistical analysis using Manova showed that there were differences between the control and treatment classes regarding reading interest and reading comprehension ability, with mark scores. 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, the buddy reading method influences the reading interest and reading comprehension abilities of fifth grade students in this study

    The Influence of the Buddy Reading Method Assisted with Flipbook Media on Reading Comprehension of Class V Students

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    Research on the Buddy Reading Method Assisted by Flipbook Media on the Interest and Reading Comprehension Ability of Class V Students at SD Gugus III Paraikatte District. Bajeng Kab, Gowa, Masters Program, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar Supervised by Sulfasyah and Tarman. This research aims to determine the effect of Buddy Reading helping with flipbook media on the interest and reading comprehension abilities of fifth grade students. This research uses a quasi-experimental design involving an experimental class and a control class. The research population was all fifth graders who were members of an elementary school group in the same zone in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The research sample was two fifth grade students selected randomly from the group mentioned above. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires and reading comprehension tests. Descriptive data analysis shows that there is an increase in students' interest and reading comprehension abilities after teaching reading comprehension using the Buddy Reading Method. The results of inferential statistical analysis using Manova showed that there were differences between the control and treatment classes regarding reading interest and reading comprehension ability, with mark scores. 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, the buddy reading method influences the reading interest and reading comprehension abilities of fifth grade students in this study

    Slurry pumping techniques for feeding high-pressure coal gasification reactors

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    Operating experience in pumping coal and coal char slurries at pressures up to 1500 psig is discussed. The design specifications for the mixing tanks, pumps, piping, and slurry heaters are given along with pressure drop and minimum flow velocity data on water-lignite slurries

    Interview with James I. Tarman, May 5, 2000

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    James I. Tarman was interviewed on May 5, 2000 by Michael J. Birkner about his years as a student at Gettysburg College, Class of 1952, and becoming the school\u27s first public relations director. He discusses his experience as a history major, his extracurricular activities and his social life on campus, including how he met his wife. Finally, he talks about his dedication to the school as the director of public relations. Length of Interview: 31 minutes Collection Note: This oral history was selected from the Oral History Collection maintained by Special Collections & College Archives. Transcripts are available for browsing in the Special Collections Reading Room, 4th floor, Musselman Library. GettDigital contains the complete listing of oral histories done from 1978 to the present. To view this list and to access selected digital versions please visit -- http://gettysburg.cdmhost.com/cdm/landingpage/collection/p16274coll

    Development of Reading Materials Based on Local Assamaturu Wisdom Using the Heyzine Flipbooks Application to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills of Fouth-Grade Students

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    This research focuses on developing reading materials based on local Assamaturu wisdom from Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province with the help of the Heyzine Flipbooks application. Specifically, the research objective is to develop a prototype of reading material based on local Assamaturu wisdom using the Heyzine Flipbooks application and test the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the reading material developed. The development model used in this research is the 4-D development model (four D models). The stages of the 4-D model include defining, designing, developing and disseminating. Validity analysis was carried out by two expert experts. The validation results show that the research instrument is declared valid with a recapitulation value of 3.7. Furthermore, the results of the practicality analysis which came from questionnaire responses from teachers and students showed that reading materials based on local Assamaturu wisdom assisted by the Heyzine Flipbooks application were declared very practical with a presentation score of 92%. Effectiveness analysis based on reading comprehension test results shows that the average student score is 87 with a completeness presentation of 90%. This value is in the very good category. Thus, it can be concluded that reading materials developed based on local Assamaturu wisdom with the help of the Heyzine Flipbooks application can be used to improve the reading comprehension skills of class IV students in elementary schools

    The Development of Reading Materials Based on Assamaturu Local Wisdom Using Heyzine Flipbooks Application to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skills of Fouth-Grade Students

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    This research focuses on developing reading materials based on local Assamaturu wisdom from Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province using the Heyzine Flipbooks application. Specifically, the research objective is to develop a prototype of reading material based on local Assamaturu wisdom using the Heyzine Flipbooks application and test the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the reading material developed. The development model used in this research is the 4-D development model (four D models). The stages of the 4-D model include defining, designing, developing and disseminating. Validity analysis was carried out by two expert experts. The validation results show that the research instrument is declared valid with a recapitulation value of 3.7. Furthermore, the results of the practicality analysis which came from questionnaire responses from teachers and students showed that reading materials based on local Assamaturu wisdom assisted by the Heyzine Flipbooks application were declared very practical with a presentation score of 92%. Effectiveness analysis based on reading comprehension test results shows that the average student score is 87 with a completeness presentation of 90%. This value is in the very good category. Thus, it can be concluded that the reading materials developed based on local Assamaturu wisdom with the help of the Heyzine Flipbooks application can be used to improve the reading comprehension skills of class IV students in elementary schools

    Editorial: 2018 (3)2

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    Dear RESSAT readers and contributors, We are excited to be with you through the May 2018 issue (3/2) of Research in Social Sciences and Technology (RESSAT). We would like to extend our appreciations to all who contributes by submitting or reviewing manuscripts or have been readers of RESSAT. In our second issue of the third year, you will find the articles on various topics of social sciences specifically focusing on education