313 research outputs found

    Konceptualizacja zjawiska cielesności w dyskursie biblijnym: na podstawie przypowieści scenicznej Przeklęty Aleksandra Czyrkowa i opowieści teatralnej Moja dusza z blizną na kolanie Jaroslawa Wereszczaka

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    The article deals with the features of the conceptualization of corpore­ality in literary interpretation as an instrument and a category realized in the figural-emotive paradigm of the dramaturgy of the contemporary Ukrainian authors, A. Chyrkov and J. Vereshchak. It should be noted that in the studied dramatic works the conceptualization of the corpo­real code of culture is extremely clear. It appeals to many biblical motifs with appropriate an sphere of concepts. The dramatic works suggest that evangelical projection demonstrates four concepts that itemize the specifics and principles of embodiment of physicality in the biblical discourse: 1) “Five wounds of Jesus Christ,” 2) “The Crucifixion,” 3) “The sinful flesh,” 4) “Body of Christ.” Corporeality in the biblical discourse corre­lates with world-modeling categories such as “soul” and “thing.”Artykuł omawia cechy konceptualizacji cielesności w interpretacji li­terackiej jako instrument i kategorię realizowane w figuralno-emocjo­nalnym paradygmacie dramaturgii współczesnej ukraińskich autorów A. Czyrkowa i J. Wereszczaka. Należy zauważyć, że w badanych dzie­łach dramatycznych konceptualizacja cielesnego kodu kultury jest bar­dzo wyraźna i odwołuje się do wielu motywów biblijnych z odpowiedniej sfery pojęciowej. Z materiału utworów dramatycznych możemy wnio­skować, że ewangeliczna projekcja pokazuje cztery koncepcje o specy­fice i zasadach motywu jako wyrazu fizyczności w dyskursie biblijnym: 1) „Pięć ran Jezusa Chrystusa”. 2) „Ukrzyżowanie”. 3) „Grzeszne cia­ło”. 4) „Ciało Chrystusa”. Cielesność w dyskursie biblijnym koreluje z modelującymi świat kategoriami takimi jak „dusza” i „rzeczy”

    Sharing and Reusing Semantic Queries for Searching the Web

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    This Bachelor's Thesis was preformed during a study stay at the Université de Nice, France. It is about developing a graphical user interface for drawing or generating intentional maps using goals and strategies.This Bachelor's Thesis was preformed during a study stay at the Université de Nice, France. It is about developing a graphical user interface for drawing or generating intentional maps using goals and strategies.

    What is Your Farm\u27s Potential to Pollute Your Drinking Water Supply

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    The following list of questions are a useful guide to assess whether farm and/or home activities or the type of well contribute to polluting your private drinking water well. If you answer yes for one or more of the questions than you should begin a program of annual well testing. It is recommended that a coliform bacteria test and nitrate test be performed annually. The annual cost for these tests performed by a testing laboratory is 26.00.Thereisanadditionaltestthatisavailablethatdeterminesifthereisthepresenceoforganichalides(chlorinatedorbrominatedorganics)calledaTOXtest.Thisacronymisnottobeconfusedwithtoxic.Organichalidesincludetaihalomethanes(THM2˘7s),PCB2˘7s,pesticides,herbicidesandotherhalogenatedorganics(suchassolvents).TheTOXtestisrecommendedforinitiallytestinganewdrinkingwatersource.Itisalsorecommendedtobeperiodicallyperformed,annuallyifitisfinanciallypossible.Thisisanexpensivetestandcostsapproximately26.00. There is an additional test that is available that determines if there is the presence of organic halides (chlorinated or brominated organics) called a TOX test. This acronym is not to be confused with toxic. Organic halides include taihalomethanes (THM\u27s), PCB\u27s, pesticides, herbicides and other halogenated organics (such as solvents). The TOX test is recommended for initially testing a new drinking water source. It is also recommended to be periodically performed, annually if it is financially possible. This is an expensive test and costs approximately 75.00. Remember it is the responsibility of the private water source owner to assure the safety of the drinking water

    Lead in Your Drinking Water

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    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently imposed a regulation requiring public water suppliers to notify all their customers of the potential health effects of lead from household plumbing. The USEPA regulates public water supplies (with at least 15 service connections or servicing 25 individuals) but does not regulate private water supplies. The potential health hazard of lead is also present from household plumbing which is supplied water from a private water source

    Bottled Water

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    Bottled water is an option for families who have a water problem, whether their water is unsafe or has an off taste or odor. It is best used as a temporary measure or in small quantities for drinking water. At a cost of 65 cents to $1.15 per gallon (Lexington, KY; July 1988) bottled water could become an expensive item for a large family using it for drinking and cooking

    Salt Buildup in Flush Recycle Systems

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    A major operating problem that has occurred in recycle flush lagoon systems is the buildup of a crystalline solid in the recycle pipelines, pump, flush devices, and concrete gutters. The major crystalline solid has been identified as magnesium ammonium phosphate -- Mg(NH4)PO4. There have been a couple of reports of other types of phosphate salts of calcium and magnesium. All the cases of salt buildup in the recycle lines of swine flushing systems that have been investigated in Kentucky were found to be magnesium ammonium phosphate

    Home Treatment Devices Listing Organizations

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    Today there is a need for consumer information to assess the multitude of drinking water treatment devices for home use as well as related private drinking water services. There are several organizations that have conducted or conduct on a continuing basis testing of water treatment devices and water treatment services

    Rapid Method for Determining Fertilizer Nutrients in Liquid Dairy and Swine Manures

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    A rapid on-farm determination is needed to assess the fertilizer contents of liquid manure as it is taken from storage. Rapid determination of a tank load for liquid manure will indicate nutrient changes that occur as manure is removed from a storage which cannot be or is not effectively agitated before manure removal. Effective utilization of animal manures as a fertilizer resource requires a farmer to have a knowledge of the amount of nutrients that he is putting onto the soil. If the producer then reduces the commercial fertilizer, he can realize the fertilizer economic value of the manure. Laboratory testing of manures for their N, P and K values will cost 3030-50/sample and the results will be returned to the producer within one to two weeks. If the tested sample is not taken from a well agitated liquid manure storage facility it may not be representative of the average nutrient content of the stored manure. Further the one to two week delay may be too late to use the results to make management decisions on the manure distribution rates onto the cropland

    Drinking Water Analysis Costs

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    The following list is a summary of costs for testing drinking water from laboratories listed in Certified Water Testing Laboratories (Update 1988) AEU-4. All the laboratories are requested to give their costs (July 1988). Nine laboratories responded with their test prices. The average cost and cost ranges are listed for a limited number of water tests that an individual may want to be performed in determining the safety of a drinking water source

    Certified Drinking Water Testing Laboratories (1989 Update)

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    The following is a list of testing laboratories certified by the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the testing of drinking water through the Department of Environmental Protection, Di vision of Water, Drinking Water Branch. The areas of certification have been noted for each laboratory. This list is complete as of September 18, 1989