47 research outputs found

    Detecção precoce do câncer de próstata: percepção de homens sobre o toque retal

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    O crescimento da próstata ocorre em decorrência de um tipo de neoplasia, que pode ser maligna ou benigna, denominada hiperplasia prostática. A detecção precoce deste tipo de câncer pode ser dificultada pelo preconceito masculino em relação ao toque retal. Esse fato faz com que o índice de mortalidade aumente devido ao diagnóstico tardio, associado ao aumento da expectativa de vida da população masculina (INCA, 2005). O toque retal causa no homem um sentimento de receio por ser tocado em uma área extremamente íntima, podendo se desdobrar em medo da dor, medo de ser violado ou ter ereção peniana, além do desconforto físico e emocional. Dados do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA) estimam que no ano de 2012 haja cerca de 60.000 novos casos de neoplasia da próstata (INCA, 2012). Considerando a abrangência deste problema de saúde, este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as percepções de homens com relação à realização do toque retal para a detecção precoce da neoplasia de próstata. Esta pesquisa trata-se de nota prévia de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso e será submetida ao comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos do CESVA/FAA. A abordagem metodológica será do tipo qualitativo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os sujeitos do estudo serão homens na faixa etária de 45 a 60 anos e o cenário da investigação será a Unidade Básica de Saúde do Bairro Cambota, localizada no município de Valença (RJ). Serão observados os preceitos éticos da Resolução 196/96. Os dados serão coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada

    Role of estrogen related receptor beta (ESRRB) in DFN35B hearing impairment and dental decay

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital forms of hearing impairment can be caused by mutations in the estrogen related receptor beta (ESRRB) gene. Our initial linkage studies suggested the ESRRB locus is linked to high caries experience in humans. METHODS: We tested for association between the ESRRB locus and dental caries in 1,731 subjects, if ESRRB was expressed in whole saliva, if ESRRB was associated with the microhardness of the dental enamel, and if ESRRB was expressed during enamel development of mice. RESULTS: Two families with recessive ESRRB mutations and DFNB35 hearing impairment showed more extensive dental destruction by caries. Expression levels of ESRRB in whole saliva samples showed differences depending on sex and dental caries experience. CONCLUSIONS: The common etiology of dental caries and hearing impairment provides a venue to assist in the identification of individuals at risk to either condition and provides options for the development of new caries prevention strategies, if the associated ESRRB genetic variants are correlated with efficacy.Fil: Weber, Megan L.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Hsin, Hong Yuan. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Kalay, Ersan. Karadeniz Technical University; TurquíaFil: Brožková, Dana Š. Charles University; República Checa. University Hospital Motol; República ChecaFil: Shimizu, Takehiko. Nihon University. School of Dentistry; JapónFil: Bayram, Merve. Medipol Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Deeley, Kathleen. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Küchler, Erika C.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Forella, Jessalyn. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Ruff, Timothy D.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Trombetta, Vanessa M.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Sencak, Regina C.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Hummel, Michael. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Briseño Ruiz, Jessica. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Revu, Shankar K.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Granjeiro, José M.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Antunes, Leonardo S.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Antunes, Livia A.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Abreu, Fernanda V.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Costabel, Marcelo C.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Tannure, Patricia N.. Veiga de Almeida University; Brasil. Salgado de Oliveira University; BrasilFil: Koruyucu, Mine. Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Patir, Asli. Medipol Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Poletta, Fernando Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. CEMIC-CONICET. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigaciones Clínicas ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mereb, Juan C.. Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas; ArgentinaFil: Castilla, Eduardo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. CEMIC-CONICET. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigaciones Clínicas ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Orioli, Iêda M.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Marazita, Mary L.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Ouyang, Hongjiao. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Jayaraman, Thottala. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Seymen, Figen. Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Vieira, Alexandre R.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unido

    Fine-mapping of 5q12.1-13.3 unveils new genetic contributors to caries

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    Caries is a multifactorial disease and little is still known about the host genetic factors influencing susceptibility. Our previous genome-wide linkage scan has identified the interval 5q12.1–5q13.3 as linked to low caries susceptibility in Filipino families. Here we fine-mapped this region in order to identify genetic contributors to caries susceptibility. Four hundred and seventy-seven subjects from 72 pedigrees with similar cultural and behavioral habits and limited access to dental care living in the Philippines were studied. DMFT scores and genotype data of 75 single-nucleotide polymorphisms were evaluated in the Filipino families with the Family-Based Association Test. For replication purposes, a total 1,467 independent subjects from five different populations were analyzed in a case-control format. In the Filipino cohort, statistically significant and borderline associations were found between low caries experience and four genes spanning 13 million base pairs (PART1, ZSWIM6, CCNB1, and BTF3). We were able to replicate these results in some of the populations studied. We detected PART1 and BTF3 expression in whole saliva, and the expression of BTF3 was associated with caries experience. Our results suggest BTF3 may have a functional role in protecting against caries.Fil: Shimizu, T.. Nihon University of Dentistry; JapónFil: Deeley, K.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Briseño Ruiz, J.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Faraco Junior, I. M.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Poletta, Fernando Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. CEMIC-CONICET. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigaciones Clínicas "Norberto Quirno". CEMIC-CONICET.; ArgentinaFil: Brancher, J. A.. Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná; BrasilFil: Pecharki, G. D.. Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná; BrasilFil: Küchler, E. C.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Tannure, P. N.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Lips, A.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Vieira, T. C. S.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Patir, A.. Istanbul Medipol Universit; TurquíaFil: Yildirim, M.. Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Mereb, J. C.. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas “Norberto Quirno”; ArgentinaFil: Resick, J. M.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Brandon, C. A.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Cooper, M. E.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Seymen, F.. Istanbul University; TurquíaFil: Costa, M. C.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Granjeiro, J. M.. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Trevilatto, P. C.. Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná; BrasilFil: Orioli, I. M.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas “Norberto Quirno”; ArgentinaFil: Castilla, Eduardo Enrique. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. CEMIC-CONICET. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigaciones Clínicas "Norberto Quirno". CEMIC-CONICET.; ArgentinaFil: Marazita, M. L.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Vieira, A. R.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unido

    Atividades iniciais para validação de método analítico para quantificação de betacaroteno no colostro de vacas.

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    Os carotenoides, mais especificamente o betacaroteno, são de suma importância para todos os animais. Isso porque, esses compostos são precursores da vitamina A ou apenas provitamina A, ou seja, será originada vitamina A partir da síntese desses carotenoides, vitamina esta, que possui grande relevância. Tomando por base o que foi citado, a quantificação dos carotenoides se torna uma importante avaliação, para poder identificar a concentração dos mesmos, de modo a aferir se o indivíduo está sofrendo um déficit ou não, e casa haja baixas concentrações, adotar as devidas estratégias de correção, para que não ocorre nenhum tipo de prejuízo em longo prazo ao animal. Contudo, o principal meio para coleta de amostra para quantificação dos carotenoides ainda é por meio da coleta de sangue, o que gera estresse e desconforto ao animal e, com isso, novas alternativas para a coleta vem sendo pesquisadas com o intuito de prover bem estar ao animal

    Enamel Formation Genes Influence Enamel Microhardness Before and After Cariogenic Challenge

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    There is evidence for a genetic component in caries susceptibility, and studies in humans have suggested that variation in enamel formation genes may contribute to caries. For the present study, we used DNA samples collected from 1,831 individuals from various population data sets. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers were genotyped in selected genes (ameloblastin, amelogenin, enamelin, tuftelin, and tuftelin interacting protein 11) that influence enamel formation. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups with distinct caries experience. Associations with caries experience can be detected but they are not necessarily replicated in all population groups and the most expressive results was for a marker in AMELX (p = 0.0007). To help interpret these results, we evaluated if enamel microhardness changes under simulated cariogenic challenges are associated with genetic variations in these same genes. After creating an artificial caries lesion, associations could be seen between genetic variation in TUFT1 (p = 0.006) and TUIP11 (p = 0.0006) with enamel microhardness. Our results suggest that the influence of genetic variation of enamel formation genes may influence the dynamic interactions between the enamel surface and the oral cavity. © 2012 Shimizu et al

    Buccal cells DNA extraction to obtain high quality human genomic DNA suitable for polymorphism genotyping by PCR-RFLP and Real-Time PCR

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate, by PCR-RFLP and Real-time PCR, the yield and quality of genomic DNA collected from buccal cells by mouthwash after different storage times at room temperature. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A group of volunteers was recruited to collect buccal cells using a mouthwash solution. The collected solution was divided into 3 tubes, one tube were used for immediate extraction and the remaining received ethanol and were kept at room temperature for 4 and 8 days followed by DNA extraction. The concentration, purity and integrity of the DNA were determined using spectrophotometry and electrophoresis. DNA quality differences among the three incubation times were also evaluated for genotyping EGF +61 A/G (rs 4444903) polymorphism by PCR-RFLP and for IRF6 polymorphism (rs 17015215) using Real-Time PCR. RESULTS: There was no significant difference of DNA yield (p=0.75) and purity (p=0.86) among the three different incubation times. DNA obtained from different incubation times presented high-molecular weight. The PCR-RFLP and Real time PCR reactions were successfully performed for all DNA samples, even those extracted after 8 days of incubation. All samples genotyped by Real-Time PCR presented C allele for IRF6 gene polymorphism (homozygous: CC; heterozygous: CT) and the C allele was used as a reference for Ct values. The samples presented the same genotype for the different times in both techniques. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that the method described herein is simple and low cost, and that DNA can be extracted and PCR amplified after storage in mouthwash solution at room temperature

    Enamel Formation Genes Influence Enamel Microhardness Before and After Cariogenic Challenge

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    Abstract There is evidence for a genetic component in caries susceptibility, and studies in humans have suggested that variation in enamel formation genes may contribute to caries. For the present study, we used DNA samples collected from 1,831 individuals from various population data sets. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers were genotyped in selected genes (ameloblastin, amelogenin, enamelin, tuftelin, and tuftelin interacting protein 11) that influence enamel formation. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups with distinct caries experience. Associations with caries experience can be detected but they are not necessarily replicated in all population groups and the most expressive results was for a marker in AMELX (p = 0.0007). To help interpret these results, we evaluated if enamel microhardness changes under simulated cariogenic challenges are associated with genetic variations in these same genes. After creating an artificial caries lesion, associations could be seen between genetic variation in TUFT1 (p = 0.006) and TUIP11 (p = 0.0006) with enamel microhardness. Our results suggest that the influence of genetic variation of enamel formation genes may influence the dynamic interactions between the enamel surface and the oral cavity

    Genetic mapping of high caries experience on human chromosome 13

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    Background: Our previous genome-wide linkage scan mapped five loci for caries experience. The purpose of this study was to fine map one of these loci, the locus 13q31.1, in order to identify genetic contributors to caries.Methods: Seventy-two pedigrees from the Philippines were studied. Caries experience was recorded and DNA was extracted from blood samples obtained from all subjects. Sixty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 13q31.1 were genotyped. Association between caries experience and alleles was tested. We also studied 1,481 DNA samples obtained from saliva of subjects from the USA, 918 children from Brazil, and 275 children from Turkey, in order to follow up the results found in the Filipino families. We used the AliBaba2.1 software to determine if the nucleotide changes of the associated SNPs changed the prediction of the presence of transcription-binding site sequences and we also analyzed the gene expression of the genes selected based on binding predictions. Mutation analysis was also performed in 33 Filipino individuals of a segment of 13q31.1 that is highly conserved in mammals.Results: Statistically significant association with high caries experience was found for 11 markers in 13q31.1 in the Filipino families. Haplotype analysis also confirmed these results. In the populations used for follow-up purposes, associations were found between high caries experience and a subset of these markers. Regarding the prediction of the transcription-binding site, the base change of the SNP rs17074565 was found to change the predicted-binding of genes that could be involved in the pathogenesis of caries. When the sequence has the allele C of rs17074565, the potential transcription factors binding the sequence are GR and GATA1. When the subject carries the G allele of rs17074565, the potential transcription factor predicted to bind to the sequence is GATA3. The expression of GR in whole saliva was higher in individuals with low caries experience when compared to individuals with high caries experience (p = 0.046). No mutations were found in the highly conserved sequence.Conclusions: Genetic factors contributing to caries experience may exist in 13q31.1. The rs17074565 is located in an intergenic region and is predicted to disrupt the binding sites of two different transcription factors that might be involved with caries experience. GR expression in saliva may be a biomarker for caries risk and should be further explored. © 2013 Küchler et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons in the hymenoptera : a meta-analysis

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    Chemical communication is the oldest form of communication, spreading across all organisms of life. In insects, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) function as the chemical recognition cues for the recognition of mates, species and nest-mates in social insects. Although much is known about the function of individual hydrocarbons and their biosynthesis, a phylogenetic overview is lacking. Here we review the CHC profiles of 241 species of hymenoptera, one of the largest and important insect orders, including the Symphyta (sawflies), the polyphyletic Parasitica (parasitoid wasps) and the Aculeata (wasps, bees and ants). We investigated whether these five major taxonomic groups differed in the presence and absence of CHC classes and whether the sociality of a species (solitarily vs. social) had an effect on CHC profile complexity. We found that the main CHC classes (i.e., n-alkanes, alkenes and methylalkanes) were all present early in the evolutionary history of the hymenoptera, as evidenced by their presence in ancient Symphyta and primitive Parasitica wasps. Throughout all groups within the Hymenoptera the more complex a CHC the fewer species that produce it, which may reflect the Occam's razor principle that insects’ only biosynthesize the most simple compound that fulfil its needs. Surprisingly there was no difference in the complexity of CHC profiles between social and solitary species, with some of the most complex CHC profiles belonging to the Parasitica. This profile complexity has been maintained in the ants, but some specialisation in biosynthetic pathways has led to a simplification of profiles in the aculeate wasps and bees. The absence of CHC classes in some taxa or species may be due to gene silencing or down-regulation rather than gene loss, as evidenced by sister species having highly divergent CHC profiles, and cannot be predicted by their phylogenetic history. The presence of highly complex CHC profiles prior to the vast radiation of the social hymenoptera indicates a 'spring-loaded' system where the diverse CHC needed for the complex communication systems of social insects, were already present for natural selection to act upon rather than evolve independently. This would greatly aid the multiple evolution of sociality in the Aculeata