1,827 research outputs found

    Adoption of Web-Based Transactional Banking: Efficiency-Choice and Neo-Institutional Perspectives

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    This study is about the adoption of Web-based transactional banking (WBTB). A theoretical model integrating the efficiency-choice and neo-institutional perspectives was developed and tested using data from the population of all banks and thrifts in the United States. Does the Internet level the competitive landscape for small firms? Our results show that larger banking and thrift institutions have a greater propensity to adopt WBTB. In addition, adoption is also influenced by prior adopters who are incorporated within the same state, are of the same firm size, but not those of the same institution type. This study has important implications for theory and practice. It empirically validates the importance of including both a neo-institutional and efficiency- choice perspective in any theory of IT innovation adoption. It also provides empirical evidence on the diffusion and adoption of Internet-based innovation that will be helpful to the practice of Internet managers and policy makers

    The Effects of Serious Games’ Genres and Frequency of Exposure on Children’s Dietary Preferences

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    Information technology artifacts can help to engender health behavior change but not enough is known about how to effectively do so. Despite the attractiveness of serious games for health promotion, we still lack an educational, theoretically founded and evidence-based framework to explain their pedagogic effectiveness and the extent to which transformative learning (health behavior change) takes place in serious games. Motivated thus, this study assesses the role of two serious games genres: simulation and puzzles in eliciting a sustained health behavior change and the moderating role of frequency of exposure on the effectiveness of these serious games’ genres. The effects of the serious games\u27 genres and the moderating role of frequency of exposure will be examined in a lab experiment

    An Empirical Study Of The Mediating Mechanisms of Knowledge Contribution

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    Knowledge contribution is critical to the success of Knowledge Management (KM) initiatives. While extensive research has been done to understand how different individual and organizational factors affect knowledge contribution behavior, few have studied the mediating mechanisms affecting the contribution act. This study develops and empirically validates a model of how people contribute their knowledge in the distributed team environment. Particularly, we explore two mediating mechanisms of awareness and effort required in searching and matching. Our results indicate that the mediating mechanisms model provides a better specification of the antecedents of contribution behavior. Our findings and implications are discussed in the paper

    Environmental Scanning on the Internet

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    This study investigates the important organizational task of environmental scanning in an Internet context. A theoretical model relating potential causal factors to effectiveness of environmental scanning was formulated based on a synthesis of environmental scanning literature that took into consideration the Internet context. A questionnaire was developed for data collection. Responses from 105 organizations were tested for convergent and discriminant validity before the theoretical model was assessed using PLS analysis. Results showed that smaller organizations tend to scan more frequently on the Internet, both use of external consultants and volatility of competitor sector tend to cause organizations to scan more frequently on the Internet, and both use of external consultants and scanning frequency on the Internet tend to result in effectiveness of environ- mental scanning. Additional insights on these results were obtained through telephone interviews with 10 respondents

    Contextualised Admission: Does Province-Based Quota Policy Improve Geographical HE Equity in China?

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    HE geographical equity is a significant societal problem in China. As the primary admission policy, Province-based Quota Policy has been implemented to ameliorate geographical disparity in HE admission. However, the contribution of this improvement is controversial. In order to evaluate this melioration, this study conducted a secondary data analysis of the latest admissions of all regular Higher Education Institutions (hereafter, HEIs) and HEIs in the World Double-First project in China through three indexes. The study found that provincial disparities in HE admission exist. Both regular HEIs and prestigious HEIs show more preferences to students from well-developed provinces, while less places in HE are prepared for those from inland, remote and under-developed provinces. The implications of this study for future policy making and implementation should be more balanced quota distributions and more educational investment in disadvantaged areas

    Oral History Interview with Sharon Tan: Growing SMU

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    This is an abridged version of the original interview. Please contact the Library at [email protected] for access to the full version of the transcript and/or audio recording.</p

    Perancangan Kampanye Pengenalan Gangguan Tiroid terhadap Kesuburan Wanita

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    Tiroid adalah sebuah kelenjar berbentuk kupu-kupu yang terletak pada leher manusia. Memiliki fungsi dari mengatur metabolisme dan menjaga keseimbangan tubuh, pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai kelenjar tiroid ini masih tergolong rendah. Hampir 60% dari 17 juta orang Indonesia mengalami gangguan tiroid dan saat ini mereka hidup dengan gangguan tiroid yang tidak terdiagnosis. Hal ini disebabkan oleh gejala gangguan tiroid yang seringkali dianggap ringan dan harus melakukan skrining atau tes darah agar gangguan tersebut terdiagnosis. Ditemukan juga faktanya bahwa wanita memiliki kemungkinan 5 hingga 8 kali lebih tinggi untuk mengalami gangguan tiroid dan dampaknya mencakup gangguan pada siklus menstruasi dan ovulasi, serta pada masa kehamilan dan lahiran, kemudian juga pada tahap menopause. Pada tahap riset, data-data dikumpulkan melalui metode kualitatif berupa wawancara ahli, focus group discussion, observasi daring, studi referensi, studi literatur, dan studi eksisting. Selain itu, metode kuantitatif juga dilakukan dan hal itu mencakup kuesioner yang disebar melalui google form. Berdasarkan kondisi melalui riset yang telah dilakukan, penulis memutuskan untuk merancang kampanye dalam upaya meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terutama para wanita untuk lebih mengetahui isu tentang gangguan tiroid dan dampaknya terhadap kesuburannya. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam perancangan kampanye ini adalah metode perancangan kampanye iklan menurut Landa (2010), diikuti dengan model perilaku konsumen menurut AISAS oleh Sugiyama dan Andree (2011). Hasil perancangan termasuk website sebagai media utama dan juga beberapa media sekunder lainnya yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan perilaku konsumen dalam mengonsumsi media. Dengan fokus pada media digital, hal ini dilakukan karena sikap target audiens yang cenderung tinggi di era digital dan juga karena keterbatasan alokasi anggaran untuk kampanye ini


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    Despite the increasing prevalence, microblogging users are likely to face great challenges in assessing the credibility of health information due to the user-generated nature of content and length restriction on each microblog post. In this study we aim to explore how microblog users assess the credibility of health advice in terms of microblog posts. By incorporating the Elaboration Likelihood Model and Protection Motivation Theory, we theorize that users’ self-efficacy expectation of health actions recommended in a microblog post and their perception of health threat induced by the post can influence their elaboration processes of credibility assessment. As a study in progress, specific design of a controlled laboratory experiment to test the proposed hypotheses is included. Upon completion, this study can potentially provide important theoretical implications in the areas of online health information, microblogging and credibility literature

    The Regulation of Germline Stem Cells and Their Neighbouring Somatic Cells in the Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

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    The Drosophila germline stem cells (GSCs) remain as one of the most well-understood adult stem cells. The number of stem cells that self-renews and differentiates must be tightly controlled to maintain tissue homeostasis. The Drosophila GSCs are maintained by local signals emanated from the niche, which is composed of the surrounding somatic cells. Notably, GSC homeostasis is also known to be influenced by systemic signals and external stimuli. The Drosophila hormone ecdysone and its signalling cascade were found to regulate GSC homeostasis. The insulin signalling pathway as well as nutrient availability can also regulate GSC number. Furthermore, neuronal sex peptide signalling induced in female flies after mating was shown to increase GSC number. Hence, the Drosophila GSC system serves as a useful model towards understanding the mammalian stem cells. Compared with the mammalian stem cell models, the Drosophila GSC system is anatomically simpler where stem cells can be easily identified, imaged and manipulated genetically. Nevertheless, recent findings have facilitated our understanding into how GSCs and their neighbouring somatic cells sense and respond to changes in a variety of local, systemic and external stimuli
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