163 research outputs found

    Strain Heterogeneity and Extended Defects in Halide Perovskite Devices.

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    Strain is an important property in halide perovskite semiconductors used for optoelectronic applications because of its ability to influence device efficiency and stability. However, descriptions of strain in these materials are generally limited to bulk averages of bare films, which miss important property-determining heterogeneities that occur on the nanoscale and at interfaces in multilayer device stacks. Here, we present three-dimensional nanoscale strain mapping using Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of individual grains in Cs0.1FA0.9Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3 and Cs0.15FA0.85SnI3 (FA = formamidinium) halide perovskite absorbers buried in full solar cell devices. We discover large local strains and striking intragrain and grain-to-grain strain heterogeneity, identifying distinct islands of tensile and compressive strain inside grains. Additionally, we directly image dislocations with surprising regularity in Cs0.15FA0.85SnI3 grains and find evidence for dislocation-induced antiphase boundary formation. Our results shine a rare light on the nanoscale strains in these materials in their technologically relevant device setting

    Rpgrip1 is required for rod outer segment development and ciliary protein trafficking in zebrafish

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    The authors would like to thank the Royal Society of London, the National Eye Research Centre, the Visual Research Trust, Fight for Sight, the W.H. Ross Foundation, the Rosetrees Trust, and the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity for supporting this work. This work was also supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this research (Research Project) grant number ‘RGP – VPP – 219’.Mutations in the RPGR-interacting protein 1 (RPGRIP1) gene cause recessive Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), juvenile retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and cone-rod dystrophy. RPGRIP1 interacts with other retinal disease-causing proteins and has been proposed to have a role in ciliary protein transport; however, its function remains elusive. Here, we describe a new zebrafish model carrying a nonsense mutation in the rpgrip1 gene. Rpgrip1homozygous mutants do not form rod outer segments and display mislocalization of rhodopsin, suggesting a role for RPGRIP1 in rhodopsin-bearing vesicle trafficking. Furthermore, Rab8, the key regulator of rhodopsin ciliary trafficking, was mislocalized in photoreceptor cells of rpgrip1 mutants. The degeneration of rod cells is early onset, followed by the death of cone cells. These phenotypes are similar to that observed in LCA and juvenile RP patients. Our data indicate RPGRIP1 is necessary for rod outer segment development through regulating ciliary protein trafficking. The rpgrip1 mutant zebrafish may provide a platform for developing therapeutic treatments for RP patients.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Survival of patients treated with intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation at a tertiary care center in Pakistan – patient characteristics and predictors of in-hospital mortality

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    BACKGROUND: Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABC) has an established role in the treatment of patients presenting with critical cardiac illnesses, including cardiogenic shock, refractory ischemia and for prophylaxis and treatment of complications of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). Patients requiring IABC represent a high-risk subset with an expected high mortality. There are virtually no data on usage patterns as well as outcomes of patients in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent who require IABC. This is the first report on a sizeable experience with IABC from Pakistan. METHODS: Hospital charts of 95 patients (mean age 58.8 (± 10.4) years; 78.9% male) undergoing IABC between 2000–2002 were reviewed. Logistic regression was used to determine univariate and multivariate predictors of in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: The most frequent indications for IABC were cardiogenic shock (48.4%) and refractory ischemia (24.2%). Revascularization (surgical or PCI) was performed in 74 patients (77.9%). The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 34.7%. Univariate predictors of in-hospital mortality included (odds ratio [95% CI]) age (OR 1.06 [1.01–1.11] for every year increase in age); diabetes (OR 3.68 [1.51–8.92]) and cardiogenic shock at presentation (OR 4.85 [1.92–12.2]). Furthermore, prior CABG (OR 0.12 [0.04–0.34]), and in-hospital revascularization (OR 0.05 [0.01–0.189]) was protective against mortality. In the multivariate analysis, independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were age (OR 1.13 [1.05–1.22] for every year increase in age); diabetes (OR 6.35 [1.61–24.97]) and cardiogenic shock at presentation (OR 10.0 [2.33–42.95]). Again, revascularization during hospitalization (OR 0.02 [0.003–0.12]) conferred a protective effect. The overall complication rate was low (8.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients requiring IABC represent a high-risk group with substantial in-hospital mortality. Despite this high mortality, over two-thirds of patients do leave the hospital alive, suggesting that IABC is a feasible therapeutic device, even in a developing country

    \u3cem\u3eRPGRIP1\u3c/em\u3e and Cone-Rod Dystrophy in Dogs

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    Cone–rod dystrophies (crd) represent a group of progressive inherited blinding diseases characterized by primary dysfunction and loss of cone photoreceptors accompanying or preceding rod death. Recessive crd type 1 was described in dogs associated with an RPGRIP1 exon 2 mutation, but with lack of complete concordance between genotype and phenotype. This review highlights role of the RPGRIP1, a component of complex protein networks, and its function in the primary cilium, and discusses the potential mechanisms of genotype–phenotype discordance observed in dogs with the RPGRIP1 mutation

    Identification of claudin-4 as a marker highly overexpressed in both primary and metastatic prostate cancer

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    In the quest for markers of expression and progression for prostate cancer (PCa), the majority of studies have focussed on molecular data exclusively from primary tumours. Although expression in metastases is inferred, a lack of correlation with secondary tumours potentially limits their applicability diagnostically and therapeutically. Molecular targets were identified by examining expression profiles of prostate cell lines using cDNA microarrays. Those genes identified were verified on PCa cell lines and tumour samples from both primary and secondary tumours using real-time RT–PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Claudin-4, coding for an integral membrane cell-junction protein, was the most significantly (P<0.00001) upregulated marker in both primary and metastatic tumour specimens compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia at both RNA and protein levels. In primary tumours, claudin-4 was more highly expressed in lower grade (Gleason 6) lesions than in higher grade (Gleason ⩾7) cancers. Expression was prominent throughout metastases from a variety of secondary sites in fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed specimens from both androgen-intact and androgen-suppressed patients. As a result of its prominent expression in both primary and secondary PCas, together with its established role as a receptor for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, claudin-4 may be useful as a potential marker and therapeutic target for PCa metastases

    Genetic Variations Strongly Influence Phenotypic Outcome in the Mouse Retina

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    Variation in genetic background can significantly influence the phenotypic outcome of both disease and non-disease associated traits. Additionally, differences in temporal and strain specific gene expression can also contribute to phenotypes in the mammalian retina. This is the first report of microarray based cross-strain analysis of gene expression in the retina investigating genetic background effects. Microarray analyses were performed on retinas from the following mouse strains: C57BL6/J, AKR/J, CAST/EiJ, and NOD.NON-H2-nb1 at embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5) and postnatal day 30.5 (P30.5). Over 3000 differentially expressed genes were identified between strains and developmental stages. Differential gene expression was confirmed by qRT-PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry. Three major gene networks were identified that function to regulate retinal or photoreceptor development, visual perception, cellular transport, and signal transduction. Many of the genes in these networks are implicated in retinal diseases such as bradyopsia, night-blindness, and cone-rod dystrophy. Our analysis revealed strain specific variations in cone photoreceptor cell patterning and retinal function. This study highlights the substantial impact of genetic background on both development and function of the retina and the level of gene expression differences tolerated for normal retinal function. These strain specific genetic variations may also be present in other tissues. In addition, this study will provide valuable insight for the development of more accurate models for human retinal diseases

    Sustainable conversion of agro-wastes into useful adsorbents

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    Preparation and characterization of raw andactivated carbon derived from three different selectedagricultural wastes: kola nut pod raw and activated (KNPRand KNPA), bean husk raw and activated (BHR and BHA)and coconut husk raw and activated (CHR and CHA) wereinvestigated, respectively. Influences of carbonization andacid activation on the activated carbon were investigatedusing SEM, FTIR, EDX, pHpzcand Boehm titration tech-niques, respectively. Carbonization was done at 350°C for2 h followed by activation with 0.3 M H3PO4(ortho-phosphoric acid). Results obtained from SEM, FTIR, andEDX revealed that, carbonization followed by acid acti-vation had a significant influence on morphology and ele-mental composition of the samples. SEM showed well-developed pores on the surface of the precursors after acidtreatment, FTIR spectra revealed reduction, broadening,disappearance or appearance of new peaks after acid acti-vation. EDX results showed highest percentage of carbonby atom respectively in the order BHA[KNPA[CHArespectively. The pHpzcwas found to be 5.32, 4.57 and 3.69for KNPA, BHA and CHA, respectively. Boehm titrationresult compliments that of pHpzc, indicating that the sur-faces of the prepared adsorbents are predominantly acidic.This study promotes a sustainable innovative use of agro-wastes in the production of cheap and readily availableactivated carbons, thereby ensuring more affordable waterand effluent treatment adsorbents