38 research outputs found

    Variation of Manning’s coefficient with channel stage

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    Although Manning's roughness coefficient is known to vary with river stage, information on this aspect is limited, and practitioners have to resort to trial-and-error approaches or rely on their judgment to quantify the variation. This research was aimed at investigating the variation patterns of Manning's roughness coefficient over depth. Investigators conducted an extensive laboratory experiment using a fairly long and large channel, in the shape of half of a compound cross section, to simulate natural rivers. This experimental channel allowed a comprehensive investigation of both uniform and composite roughness elements along the channel's wetted perimeter. Data were taken from both cases: when flow was restricted in the main channel (to simulate a prismatic channel) and when it covered the floodplain. In addition, the investigators converted data from other researchers to verify factors not covered in this study. The researchers found that while geometry and roughness patterns can both affect the magnitude of Manning's coefficient over depth, the effects vary in prismatic and floodplain channels. Experimental data were used to identify the variation patterns of Manning's roughness in the floodplain channel as well as the effects of varying roughness distribution in the main channel and floodplains. Investigators also made a number of recommendations regarding the equations that should be used to quantify the variation of the overall Manning's n value for a channel section. Suggestions were made as to the specific use of these equations, including the number of subareas within the channel to be considered, the type of division lines between the subareas, and the ranges of applicability of the equations.U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyOpe

    Anomalous Hypothalamic Responses to Humor in Cataplexy

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    Cataplexy is observed in a subset of patients with narcolepsy and affects approximately 1 in 2,000 persons. Cataplexy is most often triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, which can result in transient, yet debilitating, muscle atonia. The objective of this study was to examine the neural systems underlying humor processing in individuals with cataplexy.While undergoing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), we showed ten narcolepsy-cataplexy patients and ten healthy controls humorous cartoons. In addition, we examined the brain activity of one subject while in a full-blown cataplectic attack. Behavioral results showed that participants with cataplexy rated significantly fewer humorous cartoons as funny compared to controls. Concurrent fMRI showed that patients, when compared to controls and in the absence of overt cataplexy symptoms, showed pronounced activity in the emotional network including the ventral striatum and hypothalamus while viewing humorous versus non-humorous cartoons. Increased activity was also observed in the right inferior frontal gyri--a core component of the inhibitory circuitry. In comparison, the one subject who experienced a cataplectic attack showed dramatic reductions in hypothalamic activity.These findings suggest an overdrive of the emotional circuitry and possible compensatory suppression by cortical inhibitory regions in cataplexy. Moreover, during cataplectic attacks, the hypothalamus is characterized by a marked decrease in activity similar to that observed during sleep. One possible explanation for these findings is an initial overdrive and compensatory shutdown of the hypothalamus resulting in full cataplectic symptoms

    Contributions of Dopamine-Related Genes and Environmental Factors to Highly Sensitive Personality: A Multi-Step Neuronal System-Level Approach

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    Traditional behavioral genetic studies (e.g., twin, adoption studies) have shown that human personality has moderate to high heritability, but recent molecular behavioral genetic studies have failed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) with consistent effects. The current study adopted a multi-step approach (ANOVA followed by multiple regression and permutation) to assess the cumulative effects of multiple QTLs. Using a system-level (dopamine system) genetic approach, we investigated a personality trait deeply rooted in the nervous system (the Highly Sensitive Personality, HSP). 480 healthy Chinese college students were given the HSP scale and genotyped for 98 representative polymorphisms in all major dopamine neurotransmitter genes. In addition, two environment factors (stressful life events and parental warmth) that have been implicated for their contributions to personality development were included to investigate their relative contributions as compared to genetic factors. In Step 1, using ANOVA, we identified 10 polymorphisms that made statistically significant contributions to HSP. In Step 2, these polymorphism's main effects and interactions were assessed using multiple regression. This model accounted for 15% of the variance of HSP (p<0.001). Recent stressful life events accounted for an additional 2% of the variance. Finally, permutation analyses ascertained the probability of obtaining these findings by chance to be very low, p ranging from 0.001 to 0.006. Dividing these loci by the subsystems of dopamine synthesis, degradation/transport, receptor and modulation, we found that the modulation and receptor subsystems made the most significant contribution to HSP. The results of this study demonstrate the utility of a multi-step neuronal system-level approach in assessing genetic contributions to individual differences in human behavior. It can potentially bridge the gap between the high heritability estimates based on traditional behavioral genetics and the lack of reproducible genetic effects observed currently from molecular genetic studies

    Worth the ‘EEfRT’? The Effort Expenditure for Rewards Task as an Objective Measure of Motivation and Anhedonia

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    Background: Of the putative psychopathological endophenotypes in major depressive disorder (MDD), the anhedonic subtype is particularly well supported. Anhedonia is generally assumed to reflect aberrant motivation and reward responsivity. However, research has been limited by a lack of objective measures of reward motivation. We present the Effort-Expenditure for Rewards Task (EEfRT or ‘‘effort’’), a novel behavioral paradigm as a means of exploring effort-based decision-making in humans. Using the EEfRT, we test the hypothesis that effort-based decision-making is related to trait anhedonia. Methods/Results: 61 undergraduate students participated in the experiment. Subjects completed self-report measures of mood and trait anhedonia, and completed the EEfRT. Across multiple analyses, we found a significant inverse relationship between anhedonia and willingness to expend effort for rewards. Conclusions: These findings suggest that anhedonia is specifically associated with decreased motivation for rewards, and provide initial validation for the EEfRT as a laboratory-based behavioral measure of reward motivation and effort-base

    Prediction and prevention of suicide in patients with unipolar depression and anxiety

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    Epidemiological data suggest that between 59 and 87% of suicide victims suffered from major depression while up to 15% of these patients will eventually commit suicide. Male gender, previous suicide attempt(s), comorbid mental disorders, adverse life-situations, acute psycho-social stressors etc. also constitute robust risk factors. Anxiety and minor depression present with a low to moderate increase in suicide risk but anxiety-depression comorbidity increases this risk dramatically Contrary to the traditional psychoanalytic approach which considers suicide as a retrospective murder or an aggression turned in-wards, more recent studies suggest that the motivations to commit suicide may vary and are often too obscure. Neurobiological data suggest that low brain serotonin activity might play a key role along with the tryptophan hydroxylase gene. Social factors include social support networks, religion etc. It is proven that most suicide victims had asked for professional help just before committing suicide, however they were either not diagnosed (particularly males) or the treatment they received was inappropriate or inadequate. The conclusion is that promoting suicide prevention requires the improving of training and skills of both psychiatrists and many non-psychiatrists and especially GPs in recognizing and treating depression and anxiety. A shift of focus of attention is required in primary care to detect potentially suicidal patients presenting with psychological problems. The proper use of antidepressants, after a careful diagnostic evaluation, is important and recent studies suggest that successful acute and long-term antidepressant pharmacotherapy reduces suicide morbidity and mortality

    The role of self-efficacy, coping, and lapses in weight maintenance

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    Purpose Successful weight maintenance after weight loss is exceedingly rare. The present study aimed to identify psychological predictors of lapses and weight maintenance. Methods Self-efficacy, coping, and perceptions of lapses were examined as potential predictors of lapse frequency and weight maintenance (percentage weight loss maintained). Participants included 67 adults (85.3 % women) who had intentionally lost a mean of 16 % of their body weight and had stopped losing weight at least 6 months prior to data collection. Participants completed a 7-day lapse diary tracking the frequency and perceived severity of their dietary and activity lapses, along with questionnaires on self-efficacy, coping, and characteristics of their weight loss. Results Participants had lost a mean of 13.9 kg, 20.4 months prior to data collection. More frequent lapsing was correlated with lower self-efficacy and greater perceived lapse severity. Lower percentage of weight loss maintained was correlated with lower self-efficacy, poorer coping, greater perceived lapse severity, and longer time since weight loss ended. “Regainers,” who maintained <90 % of their weight loss, had poorer self-efficacy, poorer coping, greater lapse frequency, and greater perceived lapse severity, than “maintainers,” who maintained at least 90 % of their weight loss. Conclusions The results suggest that self-efficacy, coping, and perceived lapse severity are significant predictors of weight maintenance, consistent with the relapse prevention model. The goals of improving self-efficacy and coping skills might be important additions to weight maintenance programs