57 research outputs found

    Experiences in the development of magnesium cell technology at Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi

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    Research activities on the preparation of magnesium metal by molten salt electrolytic process were initiated in CECRI as early as in 1958. CECRI started its experiments on a bench scale level and further developed into pilot plant scale and finally to the scale of semicommercial unit. Various types of electrolytic cells were developed at CECRI which include externally heated cells with different design modifications, modular cells, bipolar/multipolar cells and new modified monopolar ceUs. The primary aim of each development was aimed at high current efficiencies energy efficiencies and space time yields. Various types of raw materials like magnesite, sea bitterns, and byproduct MgCl2 from ZrrTi plants etc. were utilised during the investigations. These studies were carried out with financial grants from Govt. of Tamil Nadu, CSIR, DRDO and Nuclear Fuel Complex. The paper illustrates the design and operational features of different electrolytic cells with consequent gradual decrease in specific energy consumption for magnesium production and increased space time yields with improvement in cell design and operational parameters

    Perturbations and non-Gaussianities in three-form inflationary magnetogenesis

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    We reconsider magnetogenesis in the context of three-form inflation, and its backreaction. In particular, we focus on first order perturbation theory during inflation and subsequent radiation era: we discuss the consistency of the perturbative approach, and elaborate on the possible non-Gaussian signatures of the model.Comment: 29 pages and 8 figure

    Magnetic Field Amplification in Galaxy Clusters and its Simulation

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    We review the present theoretical and numerical understanding of magnetic field amplification in cosmic large-scale structure, on length scales of galaxy clusters and beyond. Structure formation drives compression and turbulence, which amplify tiny magnetic seed fields to the microGauss values that are observed in the intracluster medium. This process is intimately connected to the properties of turbulence and the microphysics of the intra-cluster medium. Additional roles are played by merger induced shocks that sweep through the intra-cluster medium and motions induced by sloshing cool cores. The accurate simulation of magnetic field amplification in clusters still poses a serious challenge for simulations of cosmological structure formation. We review the current literature on cosmological simulations that include magnetic fields and outline theoretical as well as numerical challenges.Comment: 60 pages, 19 Figure

    Microwave Hall mobility and electrical properties of electrospun polymer nanofibers

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    10.1063/1.3556456Journal of Applied Physics1097-JAPI

    Nerve repair by denatured muscle autografts promotes sustained sensory recovery in leprosy

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    A total of 38 patients with leprosy and localised nerve damage (11 median at the wrist and 37 posterior tibial at the ankle) were treated by 48 freeze-thawed skeletal muscle autografts ranging between 2.5 cm and 14 cm in length. Sensory recovery was noted in 34 patients (89%) and was maintained during a mean period of follow-up of 12.6 years (4 to 14). After grafting the median nerve all patients remained free of ulcers and blisters, ten demonstrated perception of texture and eight recognised weighted pins. In the posterior tibial nerve group, 24 of 30 repairs (80%) resulted in improved healing of the ulcers and 26 (87%) demonstrated discrimination of texture. Quality of life and hand and foot questionnaires showed improvement; the activities of daily living scores improved in six of seven after operations on the hand, and in 14 of 22 after procedures on the foot. Another benefit was subjective improvement in the opposite limb, probably because of the protective effect of better function in the operated side. This study demonstrates that nerve/muscle interposition grafting in leprosy results in consistent sensory recovery and high levels of patient satisfaction. Ten of 11 patients with hand operations and 22 of 25 with procedures to the foot showed sensory recovery in at least one modality

    Denatured autologous muscle graft in leprosy

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    Autologous muscle grafts were used to repair 12 mixed peripheral nerves (9 posterior tibial, 3 median) in 10 patients with leprosy who had total anaesthesia and analgesia of the area supplied by the nerve. Postoperatively, 7 patients reported improved sensation in the foot or hand, with a return of vibration sense and joint position sense in 11 and of perception of a 10 g pin in 5; the ability to sweat in the affected area was also restored in 7

    Denatured autologous muscle graft in leprosy

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    Autologous muscle grafts were used to repair 12 mixed peripheral nerves (9 posterior tibial, 3 median) in 10 patients with leprosy who had total anaesthesia and analgesia of the area supplied by the nerve. Postoperatively, 7 patients reported improved sensation in the foot or hand, with a return of vibration sense and joint position sense in 11 and of perception of a 10 g pin in 5; the ability to sweat in the affected area was also restored in 7

    Bipolar cell for production of magnesium

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    Bipolar type of cells appear to be promising in the field of fused chloride electrolysis as found in the case of ALCOA type aluminium cells. The adoption of this technique for magnesium production could also lead to design of improved type of cells which would result in further cost reduction. CECRI with its experience on building modular cells without the diaphragm has conducted trial experiment's on bipolar systems for magnesium production. The preliminary results obtained from a cell of 500 A capacity is discussed