56 research outputs found

    Timing of deposition, orogenesis and glaciation within the Dalradian rocks of Scotland: constraints from U-Pb zircon ages

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    The stratigraphical and structural continuity of the Late Proterozoic Dalradian rocks of the Scottish Highlands is re-examined in the light of new U-Pb zircon ages on the tuffs belonging to the Tayvallich Volcanic Formation (601 ñ 4 Ma), and on the late Grampian 'Newer Gabbros' (470 ñ 9 Ma) of Insch and Morven-Cabrach in Aberdeenshire. These age data, together with the existing 590 ñ 2 Ma age for the Ben Vuirich Granite, provide key radiometric constraints on the evolution of the Dalradian block, and the implications arising from these ages are critically assessed. Three main conclusions are drawn. (1) The entire Caledonian orogeny, although short-lived, is unlikely to have affected sediments of Arenig age and a break probably occurs between those Dalradian sediments of late Proterozoic (<600 Ma) age and the Ordovician rocks of the Highland Border Complex. (2) A period of crustal thickening probably affected some Dalradian rocks prior to 590 Ma. Such an event is indicated by both the polymetamorphic histories of the lower parts of the Dalradian pile and the contact metamorphic assemblages within the aureole of the Ben Vuirich Granite, which are incompatible with sedimentary thicknesses. (3) Age constraints on global Late Proterozoic glacial activity also suggest that the Dalradian stratigraphy is broken into discrete smaller units. Models involving continuous deposition of Dalradian sediments from pre-750 Ma to 470 Ma are rejected

    Exploring the Bimodal Solar System via Sample Return from the Main Asteroid Belt: The Case for Revisiting Ceres

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    Abstract: Sample return from a main-belt asteroid has not yet been attempted, but appears technologically feasible. While the cost implications are significant, the scientific case for such a mission appears overwhelming. As suggested by the “Grand Tack” model, the structure of the main belt was likely forged during the earliest stages of Solar System evolution in response to migration of the giant planets. Returning samples from the main belt has the potential to test such planet migration models and the related geochemical and isotopic concept of a bimodal Solar System. Isotopic studies demonstrate distinct compositional differences between samples believed to be derived from the outer Solar System (CC or carbonaceous chondrite group) and those that are thought to be derived from the inner Solar System (NC or non-carbonaceous group). These two groups are separated on relevant isotopic variation diagrams by a clear compositional gap. The interface between these two regions appears to be broadly coincident with the present location of the asteroid belt, which contains material derived from both groups. The Hayabusa mission to near-Earth asteroid (NEA) (25143) Itokawa has shown what can be learned from a sample-return mission to an asteroid, even with a very small amount of sample. One scenario for main-belt sample return involves a spacecraft launching a projectile that strikes an object and flying through the debris cloud, which would potentially allow multiple bodies to be sampled if a number of projectiles are used on different asteroids. Another scenario is the more traditional method of landing on an asteroid to obtain the sample. A significant range of main-belt asteroids are available as targets for a sample-return mission and such a mission would represent a first step in mineralogically and isotopically mapping the asteroid belt. We argue that a sample-return mission to the asteroid belt does not necessarily have to return material from both the NC and CC groups to viably test the bimodal Solar System paradigm, as material from the NC group is already abundantly available for study. Instead, there is overwhelming evidence that we have a very incomplete suite of CC-related samples. Based on our analysis, we advocate a dedicated sample-return mission to the dwarf planet (1) Ceres as the best means of further exploring inherent Solar System variation. Ceres is an ice-rich world that may be a displaced trans-Neptunian object. We almost certainly do not have any meteorites that closely resemble material that would be brought back from Ceres. The rich heritage of data acquired by the Dawn mission makes a sample-return mission from Ceres logistically feasible at a realistic cost. No other potential main-belt target is capable of providing as much insight into the early Solar System as Ceres. Such a mission should be given the highest priority by the international scientific community

    What is the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Venus? The Scientific Case for Sample Return from Earth’s “Sister” Planet

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    Venus is Earth’s closest planetary neighbour and both bodies are of similar size and mass. As a consequence, Venus is often described as Earth’s sister planet. But the two worlds have followed very different evolutionary paths, with Earth having benign surface conditions, whereas Venus has a surface temperature of 464 °C and a surface pressure of 92 bar. These inhospitable surface conditions may partially explain why there has been such a dearth of space missions to Venus in recent years.The oxygen isotope composition of Venus is currently unknown. However, this single measurement (Δ17O) would have first order implications for our understanding of how large terrestrial planets are built. Recent isotopic studies indicate that the Solar System is bimodal in composition, divided into a carbonaceous chondrite (CC) group and a non-carbonaceous (NC) group. The CC group probably originated in the outer Solar System and the NC group in the inner Solar System. Venus comprises 41% by mass of the inner Solar System compared to 50% for Earth and only 5% for Mars. Models for building large terrestrial planets, such as Earth and Venus, would be significantly improved by a determination of the Δ17O composition of a returned sample from Venus. This measurement would help constrain the extent of early inner Solar System isotopic homogenisation and help to identify whether the feeding zones of the terrestrial planets were narrow or wide.Determining the Δ17O composition of Venus would also have significant implications for our understanding of how the Moon formed. Recent lunar formation models invoke a high energy impact between the proto-Earth and an inner Solar System-derived impactor body, Theia. The close isotopic similarity between the Earth and Moon is explained by these models as being a consequence of high-temperature, post-impact mixing. However, if Earth and Venus proved to be isotopic clones with respect to Δ17O, this would favour the classic, lower energy, giant impact scenario.We review the surface geology of Venus with the aim of identifying potential terrains that could be targeted by a robotic sample return mission. While the potentially ancient tessera terrains would be of great scientific interest, the need to minimise the influence of venusian weathering favours the sampling of young basaltic plains. In terms of a nominal sample mass, 10 g would be sufficient to undertake a full range of geochemical, isotopic and dating studies. However, it is important that additional material is collected as a legacy sample. As a consequence, a returned sample mass of at least 100 g should be recovered.Two scenarios for robotic sample return missions from Venus are presented, based on previous mission proposals. The most cost effective approach involves a “Grab and Go” strategy, either using a lander and separate orbiter, or possibly just a stand-alone lander. Sample return could also be achieved as part of a more ambitious, extended mission to study the venusian atmosphere. In both scenarios it is critical to obtain a surface atmospheric sample to define the extent of atmosphere-lithosphere oxygen isotopic disequilibrium. Surface sampling would be carried out by multiple techniques (drill, scoop, “vacuum-cleaner” device) to ensure success. Surface operations would take no longer than one hour.Analysis of returned samples would provide a firm basis for assessing similarities and differences between the evolution of Venus, Earth, Mars and smaller bodies such as Vesta. The Solar System provides an important case study in how two almost identical bodies, Earth and Venus, could have had such a divergent evolution. Finally, Venus, with its runaway greenhouse atmosphere, may provide data relevant to the understanding of similar less extreme processes on Earth. Venus is Earth’s planetary twin and deserves to be better studied and understood. In a wider context, analysis of returned samples from Venus would provide data relevant to the study of exoplanetary systems

    Trends in reported flooding in the UK: 1884–2013

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    A long term dataset of reported flooding based on reports from the UK Meteorological Office and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology is described. This is possibly a unique dataset as the authors are unaware of any other 100+ year records of flood events and their consequences on a national scale. Flood events are classified by severity based upon qualitative descriptions. There is an increase in the number of reported flood events over time associated with an increased exposure to flooding as floodplain areas were developed. The data was de-trended for exposure, using population and dwelling house data. The adjusted record shows no trend in reported flooding over time, but there is significant decade to decade variability. This study opens a new approach considering flood occurrence over a long timescale using reported information (and thus likely effects on society) rather than just considering trends in extreme hydrological conditions.<br/

    Geoscientific Mapping of the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentine-Australian Cooperative Project

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    Fil: Ireland, MSc. Australian Geological Survey Organisation; Australia.Fil: Camacho, A. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Ireland, T.R. Australian Geological Survey Organisation y The Australian National University. Research School of Earth Sciences; Australia.This report presents SHRIMP zircon U-Pb analyses from the Sierras septentrionales de Córdoba, Sierras de San Luis y Comechingones and the Sierras de Chepes y las Minas areas. Location details, petrographic descriptions and whole rock geochemical analyses are reported separately by Stuart-Smith and others (1996), Sims and others (1996) and Lyons and others (1996), respectively. Geological interpretations of rocks pertaining to this study are to be found in the 1:250 000 sheet reports. The Geoscientific Mapping of the Sierras Pampeanas is a cooperative project between the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) and the Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico (DNSG) of the Subsecretaría de Minería, funded by the Government of the Argentine Republic. As a pilot second generation mapping program, the project aims to update the geoscientific knowledge base, provide a modern framework for resource assesment, and promote exploration and development in the region. The project covers three separate areas totalling 27 000 square kilometres in the southern part of the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina where basement Precambrian to Palaeozoic metamorphics and granites crop out on the eastern margin of the Andean Mobile Belt. The area, best known for its production of industrial and construction materials also contains metallic deposits. Mineral resources include gold and polymetallic (Au, Ag, Pb, and Zn) vein deposits with past production of tungsten, bismuth, tin, manganese, and chromium. The three areas were selected to provide key information on their geology and mineral potential through the application of integrated geophysical/ geological mapping and metallogenic analysis and to provide a continuous section of the major tectonostratigraphic packages comprising the southern Sierras Pampeanas. As part of the Work Program, geochronological analyses, using SHRIMP U-Pb, ArAr and Rb-Sr techniques of selected samples were undertaken. The aim of the geochronological program is to provide key data to establish the timing of igneous rock crystallisation, major metamorphic/ deformation episodes, and mineralising events. The data would also allow independent correlation of metamorphic rock packages with numerical age control, assisting geological mapping of the project area, and providing an important database and framework for tectonic interpretation of the Sierras Pampeanas. This report focuses on the SHRIMP U-Pb results

    Europium s-process signature at close-to-solar metallicity in stardust SiC grains from asymptotic giant branch stars

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    Individual mainstream stardust silicon carbide (SiC) grains and a SiC-enriched bulk sample from the Murchison carbonaceous meteorite have been analyzed by the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe-Reverse Geometry for Eu isotopes. The mainstream grains are believed to have condensed in the outflows of ∼1.5-3 M carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with close-to-solar metallicity. The Eu fractions [fr( Eu) = Eu/(Eu+Eu)] derived from our measurements are compared with previous astronomical observations of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars enriched in elements made by slow neutron captures (the s-process). Despite the difference in metallicity between the parent stars of the grains and the metal-poor stars, the fr( Eu) values derived from our measurements agree well with fr( Eu) values derived from astronomical observations. We have also compared the SiC data with theoretical predictions of the evolution of Eu isotopic ratios in the envelope of AGB stars. Because of the low Eu abundances in the SiC grains, the fr(Eu) values derived from our measurements show large uncertainties, in most cases being larger than the difference between solar and predicted fr(Eu) values. The SiC aggregate yields a fr(Eu) value within the range observed in the single grains and provides a more precise result (fr(Eu) = 0.54 ± 0.03, 95% conf.), but is approximately 12% higher than current s-process predictions. The AGB models can match the SiC data if we use an improved formalism to evaluate the contribution of excited nuclear states in the calculation of the Sm(n, γ) stellar reaction rate.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Re-initiation of plutonism at the Gondwana margin after a magmatic hiatus: the bimodal Permian-Triassic Longwood Suite, New Zealand

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    The Cambrian to Cretaceous Tuhua Intrusives, New Zealand, preserve an igneous record of Phanerozoic subduction and crustal growth at the margin of Gondwana. Within the Tuhua Intrusives, the coeval gabbroic and trondhjemitic intrusions of the c. 261-243 Ma Longwood Suite stand out as being isotopically more primitive and chemically distinct from all other New Zealand plutonic suites. We present new U-Pb crystallization ages, trace element analyses and Sr-Nd isotope compositions of the Longwood Suite. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of 258.5 ± 2.5 Ma, 256.0 ± 1.8 Ma, 247.8 ± 2.7 Ma and 243.2 ± 2.4 Ma obtained from plutons on Ruapuke Island, and a dike at Bluff, affirm the restricted time range and expand the known areal extent of the Longwood Suite. Longwood Suite granitoids are I-type and sodic (K/Na < 0.4), with distinctive low Rb and Nb/Ta, flat rare earth element patterns (La/YbN < 10), unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0.7029 to 0.7032) and radiogenic ε143Nd(t) (+6.3 to +8.2), compared to the nearby, calc-alkaline, Late Triassic Darran Suite I-type plutons of the Tuhua Intrusives. Stable Nd isotope ratios of Longwood Suite samples are highly variable (δ146/144Nd = 233 ppm) compared to global plutonic rocks (δ146/144Nd = 44 ppm) and reflect the removal of phosphate minerals. Collectively, these geochemical characteristics are consistent with generation of the granitoids by shallow (garnet-absent) melting of an amphibolitic residue, from which we infer relatively thin lithosphere. The Longwood Suite has a maximum areal addition rate of 43 km2/Ma, substantially less than the subsequent plutonic suites when the magmatic arc was fully established. We suggest a petrotectonic model whereby Gondwana continental margin crust was tectonically underplated by Permian intra-oceanic island arc crust and mantle lithosphere, which subsequently melted to generate the isotopically primitive gabbro and trondhjemite plutons of the Longwood Suite