9 research outputs found
Predicting exposure of wildlife in radionuclide contaminated wetland ecosystems
Many wetlands support high biodiversity and are protected sites, but some are contaminated with radionuclides from routine or accidental releases from nuclear facilities. This radiation exposure needs to
be assessed to demonstrate radiological protection of the environment. Existing biota dose models cover
generic terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, not wetlands specifically. This paper, which was
produced under IAEA's Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS) II programme, describes
an evaluation of how models can be applied to radionuclide contaminated wetlands. Participants used
combinations of aquatic and terrestrial model parameters to assess exposure. Results show the importance of occupancy factor and food source (aquatic or terrestrial) included. The influence of soil saturation conditions on external dose rates is also apparent. In general, terrestrial parameters provided
acceptable predictions for wetland organisms. However, occasionally predictions varied by three orders
of magnitude between assessors. Possible further developments for biota dose models and research
needs are identified
Ensuring robust radiological risk assessment for wildlife: insights from the International Atomic Energy Agency EMRAS and MODARIA programmes
In response to changing international recommendations and national requirements, a number of assessment approaches, and associated tools and models, have been developed over the last circa 20 years to assess radiological risk to wildlife. In this paper, we summarise international intercomparison exercises and scenario applications of available radiological assessment models for wildlife to aid future model users and those such as regulators who interpret assessments. Through our studies, we have assessed the fitness for purpose of various models and tools, identified the major sources of uncertainty and made recommendations on how the models and tools can best be applied to suit the purposes of an assessment. We conclude that the commonly used tiered or graded assessment tools are generally fit for purpose for conducting screening-level assessments of radiological impacts to wildlife. Radiological protection of the environment (or wildlife) is still a relatively new development within the overall system of radiation protection and environmental assessment approaches are continuing to develop. Given that some new/developing approaches differ considerably from the more established models/tools and there is an increasing international interest in developing approaches that support the effective regulation of multiple stressors (including radiation), we recommend the continuation of coordinated international programmes for model development, intercomparison and scenario testing
An international model validation exercise on radionuclide transfer and doses to freshwater biota
Under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s EMRAS (Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety) programme, activity concentrations of 60Co, 90Sr, 137Cs and 3H in Perch Lake at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited’s Chalk River Laboratories site were predicted, in freshwater primary
producers, invertebrates, fishes, herpetofauna and mammals using elevenmodelling approaches. Comparison of predicted radionuclide concentrations in the different species types with measured values highlighted a number of areas where additional work and understanding is required to improve the predictions of radionuclide transfer. For some species, the differences could be explained by ecological factors such as trophic level or the influence of stable analogues. Model predictions were relatively poor for mammalian species and herpetofauna compared with measured values, partly due to a lack of relevant data. In addition, concentration ratios are sometimes under-predicted when
derived from experiments performed under controlled laboratory conditions representative of conditions in other water bodies
The IAEA handbook on radionuclide transfer to wildlife
An IAEA handbook presenting transfer parameter values for wildlife has recently been produced. Concentration ratios (CRwo-media) between the whole organism (fresh weight) and either soil (dry weight) or water were collated for a range of wildlife groups (classified taxonomically and by feeding strategy) in terrestrial, freshwater, marine and brackish generic ecosystems. The data have been compiled in an on line database, which will continue to be updated in the future providing the basis for subsequent revision of the Wildlife TRS values. An overview of the compilation and analysis, and discussion of the extent and limitations of the data is presented. Example comparisons of the CRwo-media values are given for polonium across all wildlife groups and ecosystems and for molluscs for all radionuclides. The CRwo-media values have also been compared with those currently used in the ERICA Tool which represented the most complete published database for wildlife transfer values prior to this work. The use of CRwo-media values is a pragmatic approach to predicting radionuclide activity concentrations in wildlife and is similar to that used for screening assessments for the human food chain. The CRwo-media values are most suitable for a screening application where there are several conservative assumptions built into the models which will, to varying extents, compensate for the variable data quality and quantity, and associated uncertainty.Additional co-authors: H Takata, P Andersson, P Dale, J Ryan, A Bollhöfer, C Doering, CL Barnett, C Well
Findings and recommendations from an international comparison of models and approaches for the estimation of radiological exposure to non-human biota
There is general international acceptance of the need to demonstrate that the environment
is protected from ionising radiation. In some countries requirements and guidelines for the protection
of non-human biota are already in place. As a consequence a number of models and approaches have
been proposed for the estimation of the exposure of non-human biota to ionising radiation. The IAEA
EMRAS programme’s Biota Working Group has conducted the most comprehensive intercomparison of
the predictions of these approaches to date. In this paper, we present an overview of the activities of the
Biota Working Group concentrating on its conclusions and recommendations