20 research outputs found
Absence of dopamine D2 receptors unmasks an inhibitory control over the brain circuitries activated by cocaine
Cocaine is a psychostimulant and a drug widely abused by humans. Cocaine elicits its effects primarily by blocking the activity of the dopamine (DA) transporter, leading to elevated levels of extracellular DA in areas receiving dopaminergic innervation, with the consequent activation of DA receptors. Cocaine, however, also elevates other neurotransmitter levels, leading to a general activation of interconnected brain circuitries. Studies aimed at unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of cocaine have shown a leading role of DA D1 receptors in the cascade of cellular events elicited by this drug. In this study, we have analyzed the acute response to cocaine in animals deleted for the expression of DA D2 receptors (D2R), an inhibitor of DA signaling. Importantly, we show that although D1 receptor-mediated functions are preserved and even enhanced in D2R-/- mutants, the behavioral response to acute cocaine administration is severely altered. In addition, c-fos response to acute cocaine administration, in contrast to wild-type mice, is absent in D2R-/- mutants. Our findings show that the absence of D2R, very likely through a presynaptic mechanism, uncovers an inhibitory signaling pathway normally masked by the activity of this receptor on brain circuitries engaged by abused drugs.Cocaine is a psychostimulant and a drug widely abused by humans. Cocaine elicits its effects primarily by blocking the activity of the dopamine (DA) transporter, leading to elevated levels of extracellular DA in areas receiving dopaminergic innervation, with the consequent activation of DA receptors. Cocaine, however, also elevates other neurotransmitter levels, leading to a general activation of interconnected brain circuitries. Studies aimed at unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of cocaine have shown a leading role of DA D1 receptors in the cascade of cellular events elicited by this drug. In this study, we have analyzed the acute response to cocaine in animals deleted for the expression of DA D2 receptors (D2R), an inhibitor of DA signaling. Importantly, we show that although D1 receptor-mediated functions are preserved and even enhanced in D2R-/- mutants, the behavioral response to acute cocaine administration is severely altered. In addition, c-fos response to acute cocaine administration, in contrast to wild-type mice, is absent in D2R-/- mutants. Our findings show that the absence of D2R, very likely through a presynaptic mechanism, uncovers an inhibitory signaling pathway normally masked by the activity of this receptor on brain circuitries engaged by abused drugs. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Sementes de feijão submetidas a ciclos e períodos de hidratação-secagem Bean seeds subjected to hydration-dehydration cycles and periods
A técnica de hidratação-secagem pode ocasionar alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes de feijão e afetar sua qualidade fisiológica. Sementes do cultivar Carioca foram submetidas a tratamentos de hidratação-secagem por 6, 12 e 24 horas com três ciclos de hidratação, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos causados por períodos e ciclos de hidratação-secagem na qualidade fisiológica das sementes. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, analisado estatisticamente em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 com uma testemunha absoluta. Para a primeira contagem da germinação, os tratamentos de períodos combinados com ciclos de hidratação-secagem, apresentaram superioridade em relação ao tratamento testemunha. Na avaliação de grupos de proteínas, as concentrações de globulinas e prolaminas nas sementes submetidas aos tratamentos, foram significativamene superiores a testemunha. Os cátions (Ca, Mg e K) lixiviados para solução de embebição das sementes tiveram comportamento semelhante à condutividade elétrica das mesmas.<br>The hydration-dehydration technique may cause physiological and biochemical modifications in bean seeds, affecting their physiological quality. Seeds cv. Carioca were submitted to hydration-dehydration treatments for 6, 12 and 24 hours with three hydration cycles. The objective was evaluate the effects caused by hydration-dehydration treatments on bean seed physiological quality. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications, 3 x 3 factorial, with an absolute control. At the first germination count the hydration-dehydration duration and cycle treatments were superior in relation to the control. Regarding the protein fractions the treated seed globulin and prolamin concentrations increased significantly as compared to the controls. The leached cations (Ca, Mg and K) in the seed imbibition solution had a similar behaviour in relation to the electrolytic leakage