471 research outputs found

    Foolproof quick-release locking pin

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    Locking pin can be withdrawn only when stress on the joint is negligible. Pin consists of a forward-pointing sleeve, a spring-loaded sliding handle, and a sliding plunger. Plunger movement controls installation and withdrawal of pin

    An evaluation of geomagnetic harmonic series for 1100 kilometers altitude

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    Geomagnetic harmonic series evaluation for 1100 kilometers altitude using satellite observation

    The scaler magnetic intensity at 1100 kilometers in middle and low latitudes

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    Satellite borne magnetometer for measuring scalar magnetic intensities in middle and low latitudes at 1100 km altitud

    Long-term Running Experience with the Silicon Micro-strip Tracker at the D{\O} detector

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    The SiliconMicro-strip Tracker (SMT) at the D{\O} experiment in the Fermilab Tevatron collider has been operating since 2001. In 2006, an additional layer, referred to as 'Layer 0', was installed to improve impact parameter resolution and compensate for detector degradation due to radiation damage to the original innermost SMT layer. The SMT detector provides valuable tracking and vertexing information for the experiment. This contribution will highlight aspects of the long term operation of the SMT, including the impact of the silicon readout test-stand. Due to the full integration of the test-stand into the D{\O} trigger framework, this test-stand provides an advantageous tool for training of new experts and studying subtle effects in the SMT while minimizing impact on the global data acquisition.Comment: Proceedings of TIPP 2011 (Technology and Instrumentation for Particle Physics 2011), June 9-14 2011, Chicago, US

    An island based hybrid evolutionary algorithm for optimization

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    This is a post-print version of the article - Copyright @ 2008 Springer-VerlagEvolutionary computation has become an important problem solving methodology among the set of search and optimization techniques. Recently, more and more different evolutionary techniques have been developed, especially hybrid evolutionary algorithms. This paper proposes an island based hybrid evolutionary algorithm (IHEA) for optimization, which is based on Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Fast Evolutionary Programming (FEP), and Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA). Within IHEA, an island model is designed to cooperatively search for the global optima in search space. By combining the strengths of the three component algorithms, IHEA greatly improves the optimization performance of the three basic algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that IHEA outperforms all the three component algorithms on the test problems.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1

    NIA Long Life Family Study: Objectives, design, and heritability of cross-sectional and longitudinal phenotypes

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    The NIA Long Life Family Study (LLFS) is a longitudinal, multicenter, multinational, population-based multigenerational family study of the genetic and nongenetic determinants of exceptional longevity and healthy aging. The Visit 1 in-person evaluation (2006-2009) recruited 4 953 individuals from 539 two-generation families, selected from the upper 1% tail of the Family Longevity Selection Score (FLoSS, which quantifies the degree of familial clustering of longevity). Demographic, anthropometric, cognitive, activities of daily living, ankle-brachial index, blood pressure, physical performance, and pulmonary function, along with serum, plasma, lymphocytes, red cells, and DNA, were collected. A Genome Wide Association Scan (GWAS) (Ilumina Omni 2.5M chip) followed by imputation was conducted. Visit 2 (2014-2017) repeated all Visit 1 protocols and added carotid ultrasonography of atherosclerotic plaque and wall thickness, additional cognitive testing, and perceived fatigability. On average, LLFS families show healthier aging profiles than reference populations, such as the Framingham Heart Study, at all age/sex groups, for many critical healthy aging phenotypes. However, participants are not uniformly protected. There is considerable heterogeneity among the pedigrees, with some showing exceptional cognition, others showing exceptional grip strength, others exceptional pulmonary function, etc. with little overlap in these families. There is strong heritability for key healthy aging phenotypes, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, suggesting that at least some of this protection may be genetic. Little of the variance in these heritable phenotypes is explained by the common genome (GWAS + Imputation), which may indicate that rare protective variants for specific phenotypes may be running in selected families