11 research outputs found

    Third Yearly Activity Report

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    The calculation work performed during the 3rd project year in WP2 as well as the R&D activities carried out in WP3, WP4 and WP5 are described in this report. In addition, the work dedicated to the project management (WP1) as well as to WP6 regarding the dissemination/communication activities and the education/training program (e.g. the follow-up of the mobility program between different organizations in the consortium, training on simulation tools and activities accomplished by PhD/post-doctoral students) is also reported

    Review of experimental database to support nuclear power plant safety analyses in SGTR and LOCA domains

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    In the framework of the EU R2CA project the available experimental databases were reviewed to support nuclear power plant safety analyses in SGTR and LOCA domains. The review focused on the phenomena related to fuel failure, fission products release from the fuel rods and activity transport up to the environment. Furthermore, it was shown that the phenomena were covered by different scale facilities and different experimental procedures for several reactor designs and materials. Among the tests several separate effect tests and integral tests are listed and some NPP measurements were also included. It was concluded that the reviewed database, which includes more than forty experimental programmes and measurement series can be considered as a reliable basis to support the development and validation of numerical models for SGTR and LOCA safety analyses.</p

    Die unheimlichen Miterzieher - Internet und Computerspiele und ihre Wirkungen auf Kinder und Jugendliche

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    Es existieren überzeugende empirische Befunde, nach denen mit Art und Ausmaß der Medienbetätigung eine Reihe gesellschaftlich unerwünschter Effekte verbunden sind, die aus der Nutzerperspektive aus verschiedenen Gründen (z. B. »Third-Person«-Effekt) nicht unbedingt erkannt werden. Diese »dunklen Seiten der Spielenutzung« können mit folgenden Schlagworten charakterisiert werden: 1. Gewaltwirkungen, 2. Lernbeeinträchtigungen, 3. körperliche Effekte (Zunahme von Übergewicht und mangelnder körperlicher Fitness) und 4. Suchtwirkungen. Zu den ersten drei Aspekten wird unter Verweis auf aktuelle Forschungsbefunde ein kurzer Überblick gegeben. Hingegen wird die Thematik der Computer- und Internetsucht ausführlich dargestellt. Nach einer begrifflichen Erläuterung werden Kriterien für suchtartiges Verhalten und mögliche Einordnungen in die klinischen Klassifikationssysteme (ICD-10, DSM-IV) vorgenommen. Ausführlich werden die bislang entwickelten Verfahren zur Diagnose von Computer- und Internetsucht dargestellt. Auf deren Basis können auch Angaben zur Epidemiologie und zum Verlauf von Computer- und Internetsucht gemacht werden, wobei die konkreten Zahlen je nach einbezogener Stichprobe und Diagnoseverfahren sehr stark schwanken. Abschließend werden weitere Korrelate der Computer- und Internetsucht angesprochen und im Sinne von ätiologischen Modellvorstellungen interpretiert. (DIPF/Orig.

    The embryonic development of the bovine stomach revisited.

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    The adult anatomy and physiology of the bovine (Bos taurus) stomach have been investigated extensively. Despite the many studies, however, the early development of the stomach has not yet been fully elucidated. The goal of the present study, therefore, was to review the available literature, to visualize the embryonic and early foetal development of the bovine stomach and to shed light on unresolved issues. The stomachs of fifteen bovine embryos and eleven foetuses from 26 to 80 days of gestation were photographed both in situ and after exenteration and critical point drying. A series of photographs was obtained that yielded a contiguous and comprehensive view of all the developmental changes that occurred until the virtually final configuration of the stomach was attained. In addition, the serosal surface was studied by electron microscopy, thus revealing subtle regional differences in the lining of the peritoneal cavity. Our observations corroborate the contention that all the compartments evolve from the fusiform primordium and that no outgrowth at the level of the oesophagus occurs. The greater curvature as well as the attachment line of the dorsal mesogastrium shift to the left, which is similar to the process in monogastrians. The rumen and reticulum develop from separate protrusions, and further compartmentalization results from constrictions and bulges and not from folding. Between 55 and 60 days of gestation, the entire bovine stomach except for the abomasum eventually relocates to its final position. In summary, previously debated key issues were addressed and integrated with current findings


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