260 research outputs found

    Participatory evaluation of cattle fattening innovations of smallholder farmers in Gamogofa zone of southern Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in Gamogofa zone, southern Ethiopia, located 445-505 km south of Addis Ababa. The area is semi-arid lowland with altitudes ranging from 746 to 1450 m asl and mean temperature ranges from 22 to 25 °C. The dominant farming system is mixed crop-livestock. Cattle, goats and poultry are the major livestock species, while maize, sorghum, teff, banana and mango are the major crops. Cattle fattening is an important undertaking and source of livelihoods. However, the fattening system is traditional low-input-low-output and producers are not benefiting much from the sector. This study evaluated the challenges and constraints, and cattle fattening innovations introduced through the participation of stakeholders in the study area. The study used focus group discussion, key informants interview, livestock commodity platforms and questionnaires for data collection. The major challenges and constraints identified are; a) feed and feeding related - lack of improved fodder and poor utilisation, lack of fodder conservation practices, poor natural grazing lands management and energy loss due to long distance grazing; lack of access for concentrate feed; b) cattle related - inappropriate cattle type for fattening; c) production related - long cycle fattening (> 8 months), poor housing and poor cattle management; d) market related - unorganised cattle marking, dominance of local markets with brokers which makes producers price takers, lack of market linkage; e) capacity related - lack of knowledge and skill on improved cattle fattening by producers, input providers and livestock extension staff. The following interventions were introduced: a) capacity related, which includes skill based training and coaching & mentoring of producers and livestock extension staff on improved cattle fattening, improved reproductive management and artificial insemination; b) fattening innovations which includes stall feeding instead of grazing, short cycle (3-4 months) multiple fattening per annum, improved on farm fodder production, improved fodder utilisation through chopping, fodder conservation through bag silage making & proper harvesting and storage of crop residues, initiation of commercial concentrate feed supplying business and use of concentrate supplementation, better animal selection from the market and deworming before fattening, establishment of fattened cattle marketing groups, and marketing linkage with buyers

    Assessment of the production and importance of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp]: Cases from selected districts of southern Ethiopia

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp) is an important legume in the hot, dry tropics and subtropics of sub-Saharan Africa, serving a multiple role for  the livelihoods of millions of relatively low-income people. The entire plant can be used for either human or livestock consumption and with  considerable drought-tolerating capacity. Tender young leaves, green pods and matured seeds are used as human food. Moreover, the crop serves  for sustainable soil fertility improvement due to its excellent nitrogenfixing capacity. However, its production and utilization are limited in Ethiopia  partly due to dependence on the conventional agronomic practices and lack of information on its wide ranging uses. This study was conducted to  assess the cowpea agronomy and the contributions the crop has in the livelihoods of farmers at Loka-Abaya and Humbo districts of Southern  Ethiopia. Multi-stage sampling techniques were employed to achieve the set objectives. Both primary and secondary data were collected to solicit  the required information. The data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics such as multiple linear regression model using the SPSS  Software version 20 and STATA 13. Multiple linear regression model results showed that education, land size, climate information access, credit  access, lack of market chain, availability of seed of improved varieties, and pests significantly (P<0.001) affected cowpea production in the studied  areas. The trend analysis showed that the cowpea yield and production area coverage is increasing in Humbo District whereas, a decreasing trend  was observed at the Loka Abaya. According to the household interview data, about 76 % of the respondents reported a decrease in the cultivated  area of cowpea. According to the respondents, lack of access to improved seed and lack of extension support services contributed 79 % and 73 %,  respectively to the low yield observed in the area. The majority of the respondents cultivate cowpea as intercropping and rotation with cereals and  in the main field with the main purpose to replenish soil fertility (97 %). On the other hand, 62 % of the respondents cultivate cowpea for home  consumption. According to the survey result, 48 % of the respondents use the matured grain for consumption. The production trends of the cowpea  are highly variable mainly due to less attention paid by the extension systems to boost the yield of the crop, reliance of farmers on local  varieties, pest occurrence and poor market chain. Therefore, modern production technologies including the supply of improved varieties of seed  with their full production package should be introduced to the area so as to improve the yield and optimize its contribution towards achieving food  security.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Kinerja Guru terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi di SMA

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    This thesis entitled Effects of Teacher Performance Against Student Results Class X Social Subjects In Economics In Exp Kemala Bhayangkari Kubu Raya district . The problem of this study were ( 1 ) How is the performance of class X social economics teacher in high school Kemala Bhayangkari Kubu Raya district ? ( 2 ) How do the results of class X social learning semester 2013/2014 on economic subjects in high school Kemala Bhayangkari Kubu Raya district ? ( 3 ) How much influence teacher performance to student learning results of class X social on economic subjects in high school Kemala Bhayangkari Kubu Raya District ?. The method used is descriptive method in the form of relations association studies ( Interrelationship Studies) . The sample was Kemala Bhayangkari high school students was 131 students . The results showed that there are significant between the independent variable ( X ) on the dependent variable ( Y ) which is shown in the equation Y = 67.975 + 0.40 , and test a hypothesis test tcount > ttable 16 048 > 1.984 . The magnitude of the effect of the coefficient of determination of test results with SPSS 16 is 36 % while the rest is influenced by other factors

    Strategi Pengembangan Subsektor Perikanan di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat, Propinsi Maluku

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    The objective of the study is: Analyzing a good strategy in the development of the Fisheries Resources in West Southeast Maluku District, so as to provide a decent income for communities and regions. This research is done by using the method of SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) by looking at internal and external factors that exist. The research results indicate that internal factors, which become the strengths in the management of the fishery sector are the potential of Natural Resources, the availability of a reliable workforce, the potential of the sea in West Southeast Maluku District, improving the management of natural resources in the field of fisheries, and policies of the Government of the district in managing fishery sector. While the weakness of the internal factors are quality of human resources that are still relatively low, lack of education for the workers, the availability of infrastructure, lack of good understanding in technology, and lack of support from formal and informal institutions. External factors which become opportunity are regional autonomy, national policy for marine, support from the central government, and market potential. While the threats of external factors are the condition of the natural, social and cultural, illegal fishing, the limited supply of energy, and the price of the product which is not stable. In short, to improve the good management of the fishery sector in West Southeast Maluku District, then through a SWOT analysis, all elements of society in the district, especially the local government should optimize its strengths and opportunities that exist, as well as seeking alternative policies to reduce its weaknesses and threats which exist

    Thermoelectric three-terminal hopping transport through one-dimensional nanosystems

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    A two-site nanostructure (e.g, a "molecule") bridging two conducting leads and connected to a phonon bath is considered. The two relevant levels closest to the Fermi energy are connected each to its lead. The leads have slightly different temperatures and chemical potentials and the nanos- tructure is also coupled to a thermal (third) phonon bath. The 3 x 3 linear transport ("Onsager") matrix is evaluated, along with the ensuing new figure of merit, and found to be very favorable for thermoelectric energy conversion.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    The localization transition at finite temperatures: electric and thermal transport

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    The Anderson localization transition is considered at finite temperatures. This includes the electrical conductivity as well as the electronic thermal conductivity and the thermoelectric coefficients. An interesting critical behavior of the latter is found. A method for characterizing the conductivity critical exponent, an important signature of the transition, using the conductivity and thermopower measurements, is outlined.Comment: Article for the book: "50 Years of Anderson Localization", edited by E. Abrahams (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010

    Share the love : parental bias, women empowerment and intergenerational mobility

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    This study provides empirical evidence and develops a model that captures the complex intra-household bargaining interactions and gender-based intergenerational occupational mobility. Using panel data from Nigeria, our estimates show that greater intra-household female bargaining power leads to greater intergenerational occupational mobility for sons more than daughters. Similarly, the median age at first marriage has a positive impact on occupational mobility for both daughters and sons. However, benefit is larger for sons. In the model, parental gender bias is modeled as non-pecuniary (psychic) cost – a representation of parents’ pessimistic attitude towards their children’s adulthood outcomes – which negatively affects the marginal benefit of investing in children’s human capital. The decision of parents is critical in determining children’s mobility and becomes the basis of gender-based differences in human capital investment and intergenerational persistence.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jebohj2022Economic
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