1,846 research outputs found

    Photoionization Suppression by Continuum Coherence: Experiment and Theory

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    We present experimental and theoretical results of a detailed study of laser-induced continuum structures (LICS) in the photoionization continuum of helium out of the metastable state 2s 1S0^1S_0. The continuum dressing with a 1064 nm laser, couples the same region of the continuum to the {4s 1S0^1S_0} state. The experimental data, presented for a range of intensities, show pronounced ionization suppression (by as much as 70% with respect to the far-from-resonance value) as well as enhancement, in a Beutler-Fano resonance profile. This ionization suppression is a clear indication of population trapping mediated by coupling to a contiuum. We present experimental results demonstrating the effect of pulse delay upon the LICS, and for the behavior of LICS for both weak and strong probe pulses. Simulations based upon numerical solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation model the experimental results. The atomic parameters (Rabi frequencies and Stark shifts) are calculated using a simple model-potential method for the computation of the needed wavefunctions. The simulations of the LICS profiles are in excellent agreement with experiment. We also present an analytic formulation of pulsed LICS. We show that in the case of a probe pulse shorter than the dressing one the LICS profile is the convolution of the power spectra of the probe pulse with the usual Fano profile of stationary LICS. We discuss some consequences of deviation from steady-state theory.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, accepted to PR

    Preparation of nondegenerate coherent superpositions in a three-state ladder system assisted by Stark Shifts

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    We propose a technique to prepare coherent superpositions of two nondegenerate quantum states in a three-state ladder system, driven by two simultaneous fields near resonance with an intermediate state. The technique, of potential application to enhancement of nonlinear processes, uses adiabatic passage assisted by dynamic Stark shifts induced by a third laser field. The method offers significant advantages over alternative techniques: (\i) it does not require laser pulses of specific shape and duration and (\ii) it requires less intense fields than schemes based on two-photon excitation with non-resonant intermediate states. We discuss possible experimental implementation for enhancement of frequency conversion in mercury atoms.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to PHys. Rev.

    Instability of equilibrium and appearance of ordered spatial structures on the free surface of ferrofluid

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    The process of ordered spatial structures’ formation on the free surface of a magnetizable fluid in a steady magnetic field is considered. The stability boundary for the equilibrium state of the ferrofluid layer in a cylindrical solenoid with circular and rectangular crosssections is defined in a range of physical parameters. The initial stage of the flat free surface evolution is investigated when stability is lost

    Adiabatic creation of entangled states by a bichromatic field designed from the topology of the dressed eigenenergies

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    Preparation of entangled pairs of coupled two-state systems driven by a bichromatic external field is studied. We use a system of two coupled spin-1/2 that can be translated into a three-state ladder model whose intermediate state represents the entangled state. We show that this entangled state can be prepared in a robust way with appropriate fields. Their frequencies and envelopes are derived from the topological properties of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Glycine receptors in CNS neurons as a target for nonretrograde action of cannabinoids

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    At many central synapses, endocannabinoids released by postsynaptic cells act retrogradely on presynaptic G-protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors to inhibit neurotransmitter release. Here, we demonstrate that cannabinoids may directly affect the functioning of inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) channels. In isolated hippocampal pyramidal and Purkinje cerebellar neurons, endogenous cannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol, applied at physiological concentrations, inhibited the amplitude and altered the kinetics of rise time, desensitization, and deactivation of the glycine-activated current (

    On the Definition of Effective Permittivity and Permeability For Thin Composite Layers

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    The problem of definition of effective material parameters (permittivity and permeability) for composite layers containing only one-two parallel arrays of complex-shaped inclusions is discussed. Such structures are of high importance for the design of novel metamaterials, where the realizable layers quite often have only one or two layers of particles across the sample thickness. Effective parameters which describe the averaged induced polarizations are introduced. As an explicit example, we develop an analytical model suitable for calculation of the effective material parameters ϵeff\epsilon_{\rm{eff}} and μeff\mu_{\rm{eff}} for double arrays of electrically small electrically polarizable scatterers. Electric and magnetic dipole moments induced in the structure and the corresponding reflection and transmission coefficients are calculated using the local field approach for the normal plane-wave incidence, and effective parameters are introduced through the averaged fields and polarizations. In the absence of losses both material parameters are purely real and satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relations and the second law of thermodynamics. We compare the analytical results to the simulated and experimental results available in the literature. The physical meaning of the introduced parameters is discussed in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Chaos assisted adiabatic passage

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    We study the exact dynamics underlying stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) for a particle in a multi-level anharmonic system (the infinite square-well) driven by two sequential laser pulses, each with constant carrier frequency. In phase space regions where the laser pulses create chaos, the particle can be transferred coherently into energy states different from those predicted by traditional STIRAP. It appears that a transition to chaos can provide a new tool to control the outcome of STIRAP


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    It is noted that the unprecedented dynamic globalization of trade and economic relations and the fourth industrial revolution cardinally transform the global distribution system of the world economy, accompanied by the growing impact of global challenges and risks, the failure to take into account the effects of which permanently reduces the efficiency of economic functioning and international trade. For developing countries affected by geopolitical challenges, the development of partnerships with countries that are recognized as global leaders in the world economy is essential in terms of national interests and the promotion of state sovereignty.The purpose of this paper is to characterize the impact of global risks on the formation and implementation of trade and economic policies of countries based on the methodological approaches of leading international economic institutions and organizations. Major global risks have identified rising / falling prices for assets, oil or gas, changes in the structure of trade and economic cooperation, terrorism, separatism, climate change, unemployment, income inequality, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyberattacks, etc.The following methods of scientific research were used to achieve the goal and to solve the tasks of the article: systematic structural analysis of economic processes and phenomena, method of quantitative and qualitative comparisons, tabular method of calculating the degree of influence.The scientific novelty of the results is to study the processes of formation and implementation of trade and economic policies of countries under the influence of exogenous factors on them. The influence of exogenous factors is characterized not only according to the sectoral classification (economic, geopolitical, technological, social and natural), but also taking into account the degree of influence of the factor (global challenges and global risks) on the environment.It is substantiated that in the conditions of globalization of the world economy, the threats receive a corresponding more serious nature. Therefore, government agencies need to develop new effective tools for their minimization in order to prevent negative effects and to implement more productive trade and economic cooperation with partner countries.Отмечено, что беспрецедентная динамическая глобализация торгово-экономических отношений и четвертая промышленная революция кардинально трансформируют систему распределения мировой экономики сопровождается ростом влияния глобальных вызовов и рисков, неучет действия которых сплошь снижает эффективность функционирования экономик и ведения международной торговли. Для развивающихся стран, подвергающихся воздействию геополитических вызовов, необходимым с точки зрения реализации национальных интересов и отстаивания государственного суверенитета, становится развитие партнерства со странами, которые являются признанными лидерами мировой экономики.Обосновано, что в условиях глобализации мировой экономики угрозы получают соответствующий более серьезный характер. Поэтому правительственным структурам необходимо разработать новые эффективные инструменты их минимизации для предотвращения негативных последствий и реализации более плодотворного торгово-экономического сотрудничества со странами-партнерами.Означено, що безпрецедентна динамічна глобалізація торговельно-економічних відносин та четверта промислова революція кардинально трансформують систему розподілу світової економіки, що супроводжується зростанням впливу глобальних викликів та ризиків, неврахування дії яких суцільно знижує ефективність функціонування економік та ведення міжнародної торгівлі. Для країн, що розвиваються, які зазнають впливу геополітичних викликів, необхідним, з точки зору реалізації національних інтересів та відстоювання державного суверенітету, стає розвиток партнерства з країнами, які є визнаними глобальними лідерами світової економіки.Метою наукової статті є характеристика впливу глобальних ризиків на формування та реалізацію торговельно-економічних політик країн на основі методичних підходів провідних міжнародних економічних інститутів та організацій. Магістральними глобальними ризиками визначено зростання/падіння цін на активи, нафту чи газ, зміни структури торговельно-економічного співробітництва, тероризм, сепаратизм, кліматичні зміни, безробіття, нерівність у доходах, поширення зброї масового знищення, кібератаки тощо.Для досягнення мети і розв’язання завдань статті були використані наступні методи наукового дослідження: системно-структурний аналіз економічних процесів та явищ, метод кількісного та якісного порівнянь, табличний метод розрахунку ступеня впливу.Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає у дослідженні процесів формування та реалізації торговельно-економічних політик країн в умовах впливу на них екзогенних факторів. Вплив екзогенних факторів охарактеризований не тільки відповідно до секторальної класифікації (економічні, геополітичні, технологічні, соціальні та природні), а й з урахуванням ступеня впливу фактору (глобальні виклики та глобальні ризики) на середовище.Обґрунтовано, що в умовах глобалізації світової економіки загрози отримують відповідний більш серйозний характер. Тому урядовим структурам необхідно розробити нові ефективні інструменти їх мінімізації задля запобігання негативних наслідків та реалізації більш плідного торговельно-економічного співробітництва з країнами-партнерами

    On the topology of adiabatic passage

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    We examine the topology of eigenenergy surfaces characterizing the population transfer processes based on adiabatic passage. We show that this topology is the essential feature for the analysis of the population transfers and the prediction of its final result. We reinterpret diverse known processes, such as stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), frequency-chirped adiabatic passage and Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP). Moreover, using this picture, we display new related possibilities of transfer. In particular, we show that we can selectively control the level which will be populated in STIRAP process in Lambda or V systems by the choice of the peak amplitudes or the pulse sequence