423 research outputs found

    Chromatographic separation of active polymer–like worm mixtures by contour length and activity

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    The convective transport rate of polymers through confined geometries depends on their size, allowing for size-based separation of polymer mixtures (chromatography). Here, we investigate whether mixtures of active polymers can be separated in a similar manner based on their activity. We use thin, living Tubifex tubifex worms as a model system for active polymers and study the transport of these worms by an imposed flow through a channel filled with a hexagonal pillar array. The transport rate through the channel depends strongly on the degree of activity, an effect that we assign to the different distribution of conformations sampled by the worms depending on their activity. Our results demonstrate a unique way to sort mixtures of active polymers based on their activity and provide a versatile and convenient experimental system to investigate the hydrodynamics of active polymers

    Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Antiparallel β-Sheet Secondary Structure

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    We investigate the sensitivity of femtosecond Fourier transform two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to protein secondary structure with a study of antiparallel β-sheets. The results show that 2D IR spectroscopy is more sensitive to structural differences between proteins than traditional infrared spectroscopy, providing an observable that allows comparison to quantitative models of protein vibrational spectroscopy. 2D IR correlation spectra of the amide I region of poly-L-lysine, concanavalin A, ribonuclease A, and lysozyme show cross-peaks between the IR-active transitions that are characteristic of amide I couplings for polypeptides in antiparallel hydrogen-bonding registry. For poly-L-lysine, the 2D IR spectrum contains the eight-peak structure expected for two dominant vibrations of an extended, ordered antiparallel β-sheet. In the proteins with antiparallel β-sheets, interference effects between the diagonal and cross-peaks arising from the sheets, combined with diagonally elongated resonances from additional amide transitions, lead to a characteristic “Z”-shaped pattern for the amide I region in the 2D IR spectrum. We discuss in detail how the number of strands in the sheet, the local configurational disorder in the sheet, the delocalization of the vibrational excitation, and the angle between transition dipole moments affect the position, splitting, amplitude, and line shape of the cross-peaks and diagonal peaks.

    In Situ Identification of Secondary Structures in Unpurified <i>Bombyx mori</i> Silk Fibrils Using Polarized Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy

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    [Image: see text] The mechanical properties of biomaterials are dictated by the interactions and conformations of their building blocks, typically proteins. Although the macroscopic behavior of biomaterials is widely studied, our understanding of the underlying molecular properties is generally limited. Among the noninvasive and label-free methods to investigate molecular structures, infrared spectroscopy is one of the most commonly used tools because the absorption bands of amide groups strongly depend on protein secondary structure. However, spectral congestion usually complicates the analysis of the amide spectrum. Here, we apply polarized two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy (IR) to directly identify the protein secondary structures in native silk films cast from Bombyx mori silk feedstock. Without any additional peak fitting, we find that the initial effect of hydration is an increase of the random coil content at the expense of the helical content, while the β-sheet content is unchanged and only increases at a later stage. This paper demonstrates that 2D-IR can be a valuable tool for characterizing biomaterials

    The giant staphylococcal protein Embp facilitates colonization of surfaces through Velcro-like attachment to fibrillated fibronectin

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    Staphylococcus epidermidis causes some of the most hard-to-treat clinical infections by forming biofilms: Multicellular communities of bacteria encased in a protective matrix, supporting immune evasion and tolerance against antibiotics. Biofilms occur most commonly on medical implants, and a key event in implant colonization is the robust adherence to the surface, facilitated by interactions between bacterial surface proteins and host matrix components. S. epidermidis is equipped with a giant adhesive protein, extracellular matrix-binding protein (Embp), which facilitates bacterial interactions with surface-deposited, but not soluble fibronectin. The structural basis behind this selective binding process has remained obscure. Using a suite of single-cell and single-molecule analysis techniques, we show that S. epidermidis is capable of such distinction because Embp binds specifically to fibrillated fibronectin on surfaces, while ignoring globular fibronectin in solution. S. epidermidis adherence is critically dependent on multivalent interactions involving 50 fibronectin-binding repeats of Embp. This unusual, Velcro-like interaction proved critical for colonization of surfaces under high flow, making this newly identified attachment mechanism particularly relevant for colonization of intravascular devices, such as prosthetic heart valves or vascular grafts. Other biofilm-forming pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus, express homologs of Embp and likely deploy the same mechanism for surface colonization. Our results may open for a novel direction in efforts to combat devastating, biofilm-associated infections, as the development of implant materials that steer the conformation of adsorbed proteins is a much more manageable task than avoiding protein adsorption altogether

    Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Extended Molecular Systems: Applications to Energy Transport and Relaxation in an α-Helix

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    A simulation study of the coupled dynamics of amide I and amide II vibrations in an α-helix dissolved in water shows that two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy may be used to disentangle the energy transport along the helix through each of these modes from the energy relaxation between them. Time scales for both types of processes are obtained. Using polarization-dependent 2D spectroscopy is an important ingredient in the method we propose. The method may also be applied to other two-band systems, both in the infrared (collective vibrations) and the visible (excitons) parts of the spectrum.

    Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in pancreatic lesions induced in the rat by azaserine.

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    In the present study, the expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was investigated in putative preneoplastic and neoplastic acinar cell lesions induced in the rat pancreas by azaserine, using Northern blotting, in situ hybridisation (ISH) and immunohistochemistry. EGFR protein levels were decreased in putative preneoplastic eosinophilic acinar cell lesions (atypical acinar cell nodules, AACN) in comparison with normal acinar cells of the pancreas. However, EGFR mRNA expression correlated positively with the volume of AACN in pancreatic homogenates and ISH showed equal or stronger EGFR mRNA expression in AACN than in the surrounding normal acinar cells. Neither EGFR protein nor EGFR mRNA was detected in more advanced lesions such as acinar adenocarcinomas (in situ). Moreover, EGFR protein expression showed an inverse relationship with the mitotic rate of the acinar cells. These findings suggest that down-regulation of EGFR at the protein level may abrogate negative constraints on cell growth, which may stimulate the development of putative preneoplastic AACN to more advanced lesions and, ultimately, acinar adenocarcinomas

    Broadband multidimensional spectroscopy Identifies the amide II vibrations in silkworm films

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    We used two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to disentangle the broad infrared band in the amide II vibrational regions of Bombyx mori native silk films, identifying the single amide II modes and correlating them to specific secondary structure. Amide I and amide II modes have a strong vibrational coupling, which manifests as cross-peaks in 2D infrared spectra with frequencies determined by both the amide I and amide II frequencies of the same secondary structure. By cross referencing with well-known amide I assignments, we determined that the amide II (N-H) absorbs at around 1552 and at 1530 cm–1 for helical and β-sheet structures, respectively. We also observed a peak at 1517 cm−1 that could not be easily assigned to an amide II mode, and instead we tentatively assigned it to a Tyrosine sidechain. These results stand in contrast with previous findings from linear infrared spectroscopy, highlighting the ability of multidimensional spectroscopy for untangling convoluted spectra, and suggesting the need for caution when assigning silk amide II spectra