727 research outputs found

    Accounting for the finiteness of the Higgs-boson mass in the 3D Georgi-Glashow model

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    (2+1)-dimensional Georgi-Glashow model is explored in the regime when the Higgs boson is not infinitely heavy, but its mass is rather of the same order of magnitude as the mass of the W boson. In the weak-coupling limit, the Debye mass of the dual photon and the expression for the monopole potential are found. The cumulant expansion applied to the average over the Higgs field is checked to be convergent for the known data on the monopole fugacity. These results are further generalized to the SU(N)-case. In particular, it is found that the requirement of convergence of the cumulant expansion establishes a certain upper bound on the number of colours. This bound, expressed in terms of the parameter of the weak-coupling approximation, allows the number of colours to be large enough. Finally, the string tension and the coupling constant of the so-called rigidity term of the confining string are found at arbitrary number of colours.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Higgs-inspired corrections to the RG flow in the finite-temperature 3D Georgi-Glashow model and its SU(N)-generalization

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    The Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) RG flow in the ensemble of monopoles existing in the finite-temperature (2+1)D Georgi-Glashow model is explored in the regime when the Higgs field is not infinitely heavy, but its mass is rather of the same order of magnitude as the mass of the W-boson. The corrections to the standard RG flow are derived to the leading order in the inverse mass of the Higgs boson. According to the obtained RG equations, the scaling of the free-energy density in the critical region and the value of the critical temperature of the phase transition are found to be unaffected by the finiteness of the Higgs-boson mass. The evolution of the Higgs mass itself is also investigated and shown to be rather weak, that enables one to treat this parameter as a constant. The same analysis is further performed in the SU(N)-case at N>2, where the RG invariance is demonstrated to hold only approximately, in a certain sense. Modulo this approximation, the critical behaviour of the SU(N)-model turns out to be identical to that of the SU(2)-one.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    The 1000 GeV gamma rays from ms pulsars

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    The detection of 1000 GeV gamma-rays with the characteristic 6.1 ms periodicity of the radio pulsar PSR 1953 +29 is reported. This result, significant at the 5.4 beta level, provides the first direct evidence for the association of the 6 ms radio pulsar PSR1953+29 with the gamma-ray source 2CG065+0. Extensive observations of the 1.5 ms pulsar PSR 1937 are also reported

    The 1000 GeV gamma ray emission from radio pulsars

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    Radio pulsars have concentrated on long observations of the Crab pulsar and showed that it emits short intense bursts and a persistent weak periodic flux at gamma-ray energies 1000 GeV. It was shown that the light curve of the persistent emission was dominated by a single peak, coincident with the position of the radio and low energy gamma-ray main pulse. The results of a more detailed analysis of the structure of this main pulse are reported following an appraisal of the timing system. It is shown that at energies 1000 GeV the duration of the main pulse is not greater than 0.4 ms, which is less than that seen at all frequencies other than radio. Flux limits for the emission of 1000 GeV gamma-rays by seven other radio pulsars are reporte

    1000 GeV gamma rays from Cygnus X-3: An update

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    Measurements of 1000 GeV gamma-rays from Cygnus X-3 made with the University of Durham facility at Dugway, Utah in 1981/82 are reviewed. The light curve of the 4.8 hour modulated emission is updated and shows evidence significant at the 4.4 sigma level for strong emission (9% of the cosmic ray rate) at phase 0.625 and less significant (1.4 sigma level) indications of weaker emission (3% of the cosmic ray rate) at phase 0.125. The effect constituting the excess on the few nights showing the strongest emission appears to arise from the smallest Cerenkov light signals suggesting a steep gamma-ray spectrum. The 1982 data have been searched unsuccessfully for evidence of emission at phase 0.2, in coincidence with the results from the ultra-high energy (extensive Air Showers (EAS) measurements in 1979-1982. A systematic investigation of a long term variation in the strength of the peak of the 4.8 hr modulated 1000 GeV gamma-ray emission has been made. We find that in addition to the approximately 34 d variation reported by us previously, a stronger effect exists at around 19d

    The 4U 0115+63: Another energetic gamma ray binary pulsar

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    Following the discovery of Her X-1 as a source of pulsed 1000 Gev X-rays, a search for emission from an X-ray binary containing a pulsar with similar values of period, period derivative and luminosity was successful. The sporadic X-ray binary 4U 0115-63 has been observed, with probability 2.5 x 10 to the minus 6 power ergs/s to emit 1000 GeV gamma-rays with a time averaged energy flux of 6 to 10 to the 35th power

    Dynamical approach to chains of scatterers

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    Linear chains of quantum scatterers are studied in the process of lengthening, which is treated and analysed as a discrete dynamical system defined over the manifold of scattering matrices. Elementary properties of such dynamics relate the transport through the chain to the spectral properties of individual scatterers. For a single-scattering channel case some new light is shed on known transport properties of disordered and noisy chains, whereas translationally invariant case can be studied analytically in terms of a simple deterministic dynamical map. The many-channel case was studied numerically by examining the statistical properties of scatterers that correspond to a certain type of transport of the chain i.e. ballistic or (partially) localised.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Temporal variation of cephalopods in the diet of Cape fur seals in Namibia

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    Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) scats were sampled over a period of eight years (1994-2001) at Atlas and Wolf Bay seal colonies in order to assess the cephalopod component of the diet of these seals and cephalopod diversity off the coast of Namibia. The temporal variation within the cephalopod component was investigated. A low diversity of cephalopods, only six species, are preyed upon, with Todarodes angolensis being the most important component both in numbers and wet weight in all years. Its lowered weight contribution during winter coincided with a greater diversity of other cephalopod species in the diet, which showed higher proportional weight contribution relative to Todarodes angolensis. Scat sampling was found to be an unreliable method of providing estimates of total prey weight consumption by seals, but was considered an acceptable method for proportional comparisons, especially given the ease of scat collection over extended periods

    Effect of rejection on electrophysiologic function of canine intestinal grafts: Correlation with histopathology and na-k-ATPase activity

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    To investigate whether electrophysiologic changes can detect the early onset and progress of intestinal rejection, changes in in vitro electrophysiologic function, intestinal histopathology, and Na-K-ATPase activity were studied in dogs. Adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing 18-24 kg, were used for auto and allo small bowel transplantation. The entire small bowels, except for short segments at the proximal and distal ends, were snitched between a pair of dogs (allograft). Animals receiving intestinal autotransplantation were used as controls. AIIograji recipients were sacrificed 3, 4, 5, 7, or 9 days after transplantation, and autograft recipients were sacrificed 3, 7, or 14 days afier transplantation. Immunosuppression was not used. Electrophysiologic measurements were done with an Ussing chamber. Histological analysis was performed blindly using whole thickness sections. Na-K-ATPase activity in the mucosal tissue, which is said to regulate the potential difference, was also measured. Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the allografi intestine decreased with time and were significantly lower 7 and 9 days after transplantation compared to host intestine, normul intestine, and graft intestine of controls (autograft). Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the native intestinal tissue and the autografts did not decrease with time. Detection of histologically mild rejection of the intestine, which is important for appropriate immunosup-pressive treatment in clinical cases, could not be achieved based on electrophysiology or Na-K-ATPase activity. Deterioration of electrophysiologic function during rejection correlated with the histological rejection process and Na-K-ATPase activity; however, electrophysiology my not be a reliable tool for monitoring grafrs, since it cannot detect early intestinal rejection. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Black Holes in Magnetic Monopoles

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    We study magnetically charged classical solutions of a spontaneously broken gauge theory interacting with gravity. We show that nonsingular monopole solutions exist only if the Higgs vacuum expectation value vv is less than or equal to a critical value vcrv_{cr}, which is of the order of the Planck mass. In the limiting case the monopole becomes a black hole, with the region outside the horizon described by the critical Reissner-Nordstrom solution. For v<vcrv<v_{cr}, we find additional solutions which are singular at r=0r=0, but which have this singularity hidden within a horizon. These have nontrivial matter fields outside the horizon, and may be interpreted as small black holes lying within a magnetic monopole. The nature of these solutions as a function of vv and of the total mass MM and their relation to the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions is discussed.Comment: (28 pages