10,758 research outputs found

    Star scanner

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    A star scanner on a spin stabilized spacecraft is described which includes a reticle with a pair of slits having different separations as a function of the spacecraft vertical plane, to form a V slit. The time between a star image crossing one of the slits relative to a reference telemetry time provides an indication of azimuth angle. The time between the image crossing the two slits provides an indication of elevation angle of the star. If a star cluster is detected such that two stars pass the slits in less time than normally required for a single star to cross the two slits, an indication of the cluster occurrence is derived. Means are provided to prevent effective detection of large celestial bodies, such as the sun or moon

    Active Brownian Motion Tunable by Light

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    Active Brownian particles are capable of taking up energy from their environment and converting it into directed motion; examples range from chemotactic cells and bacteria to artificial micro-swimmers. We have recently demonstrated that Janus particles, i.e. gold-capped colloidal spheres, suspended in a critical binary liquid mixture perform active Brownian motion when illuminated by light. In this article, we investigate in some more details their swimming mechanism leading to active Brownian motion. We show that the illumination-borne heating induces a local asymmetric demixing of the binary mixture generating a spatial chemical concentration gradient, which is responsible for the particle's self-diffusiophoretic motion. We study this effect as a function of the functionalization of the gold cap, the particle size and the illumination intensity: the functionalization determines what component of the binary mixture is preferentially adsorbed at the cap and the swimming direction (towards or away from the cap); the particle size determines the rotational diffusion and, therefore, the random reorientation of the particle; and the intensity tunes the strength of the heating and, therefore, of the motion. Finally, we harness this dependence of the swimming strength on the illumination intensity to investigate the behaviour of a micro-swimmer in a spatial light gradient, where its swimming properties are space-dependent

    An electromagnetically levitated two-axis gimbaless pointing mechanism

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    A brief description for a proposed new pointing mechanism which requires no mechanical gimbals, is virtually friction free, and is vibration isolated from a ground support system or vehicle is presented. The device uses electromagnetic forces for support levitation and pointing, both being accomplished from a ground reference thereby leaving the payload virtually free from a remotely located command center. Solid pointing angles of almost 2(pi) steradians are achievable, limited only by structural interference. A third degree-of-freedom tilt axis can be added at will, but will not be elaborated. Although the system is primarily intended for space vehicles in a micro-gravity environment, earth-ground support is possible with superconducting electromagnets

    Low energy neutrino scattering measurements at future Spallation Source facilities

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    In the future several Spallation Source facilities will be available worldwide. Spallation Sources produce large amount of neutrinos from decay-at-rest muons and thus can be well adapted to accommodate state-of-the-art neutrino experiments. In this paper low energy neutrino scattering experiments that can be performed at such facilities are reviewed. Estimation of expected event rates are given for several nuclei, electrons and protons at a detector located close to the source. A neutrino program at Spallation Sources comprises neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements relevant for neutrino and core-collapse supernova physics, electroweak tests and lepton-flavor violation searches.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    Experimental and numerical study of error fields in the CNT stellarator

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    Sources of error fields were indirectly inferred in a stellarator by reconciling computed and numerical flux surfaces. Sources considered so far include the displacements and tilts (but not the deformations, yet) of the four circular coils featured in the simple CNT stellarator. The flux surfaces were measured by means of an electron beam and phosphor rod, and were computed by means of a Biot-Savart field-line tracing code. If the ideal coil locations and orientations are used in the computation, agreement with measurements is poor. Discrepancies are ascribed to errors in the positioning and orientation of the in-vessel interlocked coils. To that end, an iterative numerical method was developed. A Newton-Raphson algorithm searches for the coils' displacements and tilts that minimize the discrepancy between the measured and computed flux surfaces. This method was verified by misplacing and tilting the coils in a numerical model of CNT, calculating the flux surfaces that they generated, and testing the algorithm's ability to deduce the coils' displacements and tilts. Subsequently, the numerical method was applied to the experimental data, arriving at a set of coil displacements whose resulting field errors exhibited significantly improved quantitative and qualitative agreement with experimental results.Comment: Special Issue on the 20th International Stellarator-Heliotron Worksho

    Neutrino-nucleus interaction rates at a low-energy beta-beam facility

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    We compute the neutrino detection rates to be expected at a low-energy beta-beam facility. We consider various nuclei as neutrino detectors and compare the case of a small versus large storage ring.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure