64 research outputs found

    Outsourcing HR as a tool

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    The article deals with the analytic results of the basic concepts of outsourcing and its features in HR management. A study was carried out on outsourcing use by Ukrainian and foreign companies. Defining the causes that hinder the process of implementing outsourced human resources into Ukrainian enterprises and outlining the main ways to successfully apply existing outsourcing experience in the activity of leading international companies into the workflow of domestic enterprises.Т. В. Тунік-Чорна, студентка 4 курсу кафедри маркетингу та логістики Національного університету "Львівська політехніка" (Україна, м. Львів

    Spectrum of conditionally pathogenic microflora isolated from the prostate secret in chronic bacterial prostatitis patients

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    The article represents a description for microbiocenosis of isolated prostate secret. The initial samples were taken on the territory of the Irkutsk region from men diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis in the acute stage. 90 % of samples of isolated prostate secret were tested by cultural method revealed 4l representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora. Gram-positive microorganisms were found in most samples (86.7 %). Staphylococcus genus representatives formed the majority in isolated samples of conditionally pathogenic microflora (66.7 %). As for gram-negative representatives (which role in chronic bacterial prostatitis is proven by multiple research), E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated. In the half of samples, we revealed bacterial associations consisting mostly of two kinds of microorganisms. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 70 % of such associations


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    The article describes the results of recognaissance surveys of blood serums of humans in Baikal area for hantavirus antibodies and of tissue specimens (lungs) of small mammal for hantavirus antigens. This investigation demonstrated that Baikal area inhabitants contact such dangerous pathogens as hantaviruses. It's proved by the presence of hantavirus antibodies in human serum samples. IgG or IgM antibodies to hantaviruses were found in 3,7 % of 379 tested serum samples. IgM were found in 1,6 % of cases, IgG - in 2,1 % of cases. 2 patients with IgG and IgM with suspected traces of hantavirus infection had complaints to hyperthermia (up to 40,5 °C) and wasting. Blood serums with positive results of hantavirus antibodies were found in residents of Irkutsk region. Hantavirus antigens weren't found in researched lung samples of mouse-like rodent and insectivores from Angarsk, Irkutsk, Zalari and Ust-Kut districts of Irkutsk region and Tunkinsky district of Republic of Buryatia

    Response sensitivity to bacteriophages of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from the microbiota of the oropharynx in children of Irkutsk

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    Dysbiotic disorders of the oropharynx takes one of the first places in the structure of morbidity worldwide. The aim of the study was to determine the peculiarities of microbiocenosis of the oropharynx in children at different ages and to assess the level of sensitivity of S. aureus strains to specific bacteriophages. Material for the study consisted of 84 smears from the oropharynx of children with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis (J00, J02, J03, J04 according to 1CD-10). The biological material was distributed depending on the age of the surveyed: the first group - children 3-6 years (n = 61) and the second age group - children 7-12 years (n = 23). Studies of the microflora of the oropharynx were performed according to standard methods. Isolated microorganisms were identified by morphological, tinctorial, cultural and biochemical properties. The results were evaluated in accordance with the Order of USSR Ministry of Health N 535 as of April 22,1985. Specific lytic activity of bacteriophages against S. aureus was determined using preparations of staphylococcal bacteriophage and polyvalent pyobacteriophage Sexta. The sensitivity of strains of S. aureus to specific bacteriophages was assessed by the method of «crosses», according to the guidelines. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of licensed applications Offiœ Ms Excel 2007for Windows 7 BioStat v. Correlation analysis (Pearson method) was used. 1t has been shown that with increasing age children in the oropharynx microbial density is increasing for indicators of both normoflora (S. oralis), and of opportunistic microflora (S. β-hemolytic, S. pyogenes, S. pneumoniae, bacteria Enterobacteriaceae), especially of S. aureus (up to 74 %). Registration of sensitive strains of S. aureus in more than 70 % of cases in preschool and school-aged children is evidence of the correctness of correction of the dysbiotic disorders of the oropharynx with the use of bacteriophages of staphylococcus and Sexta


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    The information about more than 17 thousand cases of public inquiries to the Center of Diagnostics and prevention of tick-borne infections of Scientific Center of Problems Family and Human Reproduction Problems because of bites of ticks at the territory of Irkutsk Region during the last six years (2007-2012) is analyzed in the article. All age groups undergo to the bites of ticks. Over the half of the people asking for help have the policy of voluntary health insurance of "Anti tick" kind. The percentage of people vaccinated against the tick borne encephalitis is a little bit over than 8 % what proves the low level of the sanitary education and neglect to the human health in the region. Every year the cases of tick's bites and findings of tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen in blood serum of bitten people in the northern areas of Irkutsk region are revealed. Every year in average 90 examples of blood serum had tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen that means 3 % of bitten people have pre-clinical infection of tick-borne encephalitis. Patients with positive result of tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen (543 patients) had the necessary consultation and preventive treatment with specific immunoglobulin according to the instruction of application. Diseases of tick-borne encephalitis among the patients had the preventive treatment in time were not marked

    Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Microbiocenosis and Evaluation of the Interaction of its Associates in Women with Chronic Endometritis

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    The upper respiratory tract is one of the most important biotopes in the human body. Therefore, in order to understand the cause-effect relationships between the microbial world and the pathological state of a person, it is crucial to clarify the relationship of the microbes-associates.The study involved 74 women with reproductive disorders. The main group – women with chronic endometritis (n = 47). The diagnosis of chronic endometritis was revealed on the basis of morphological signs of histological examination of aspirates from the uterine cavity. The comparison group consisted of 27 women, in whom the chronic endometritis was not confirmed. When applying, women complained more often of infertility and (or) miscarriage. Of the accompanying extragenital diseases, chronic tonsillitis in women of the studied groups was most often diagnosed. Therefore, it was important to give a microbiological description of the nasopharyngeal biotope of these women, as one of the factors that influences the reserves of confrontation of the reproductive function of the body to infections. Nasopharyngeal microbiocenosis of women with chronic endometritis was characterized by deficiency of the indigenous microbiota and a permanent presence in the microbiocenosis of the absolute pathogen (S. aureus) and transient species (enterococci, CNS). Between the representatives of normoflora antagonistic relations were established. The obtained results indicate violations in the nasopharyngeal biotope of these women, which can cause immunodeficiency and, as a consequence, the development and flow of chronic endometritis


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    For the first time the results of the study of 1399 blood serum, samples from people bitten by Ixodid ticks in Predbaykalye region (East Siberia, Russia) and asking for medical care in the Center for prophylaxis of tick-borne diseases of Scientific Center of Family Health. Problems and. Human Reproduction. SB RAMS. The study showed, high, (up to 99,93 %) efficacy of early antibiotic course in preventing the Lyme disease in bitten peopl

    The Effect of Keyboard-Based Word Processing on Students With Different Working Memory Capacity During the Process of Academic Writing

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    This study addresses the current debate about the beneficial effects of text processing software on students with different working memory (WM) during the process of academic writing, especially with regard to the ability to display higher-level conceptual thinking. A total of 54 graduate students (15 male, 39 female) wrote one essay by hand and one by keyboard. Our results show a beneficial effect of text processing software, in terms of both the qualitative and quantitative writing output. A hierarchical cluster analysis was used to detect distinct performance groups in the sample. These performance groups mapped onto three differing working memory profiles. The groups with higher mean WM scores manifested superior writing complexity using a keyboard, in contrast to the cluster with the lowest mean WM. The results also point out that more revision during the writing process itself does not inevitably reduce the quality of the final output


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    Aims. To establish the incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection and giardiasis in children of different age groups with abdominal pain and dyspeptic syndrome immunochromatographic method.Materials and methods. The coprological material from 407 children of different age, aimed at examination by gastroenterologist and allergist, who have a history of abdominal pain and dyspeptic syndrome, was studied: 215 people were examined for Helicobacter infection, 192 people for giardiasis. The study was conducted by non-invasive methods with the help of immunochromatographic tests of ICT Helicontest (NOVAmed, Israel) and RIDA® QUICK Giardia (R-Biopharm AG, Germany). The examined groups were divided into five age subgroups, separated according to the conventional periodization of human ontogenesis.Results. Invasion of Giardia detected in 27 (14,1%) of the 192 examined, the infection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) was diagnosed in 65 (30, 2%) of the 215 patients of preschool and school age. It is shown that in early childhood and the second childhood (1–3 years and 10–12 years) recorded the maximum frequency of giardiasis (p<0,05), in the age dynamics of infection of H. pylori, no statistically significant differences were found, however, H. pylori infection is not diagnosed in children up to 3 years. The data obtained can be used in practice, doctors gastroenterologists, allergists and pediatricians for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection and Giardia lamblia.Цель: установить частоту встречаемости хеликобактериоза и лямблиоза у детей разных возрастных групп с болевым абдоминальным и диспепсическим синдромом иммунохроматографическим методом.Материалы и методы: исследован копрологический материал от 407 детей разного возраста, направленных на обследование гастроэнтерологом и аллергологом, имеющих в анамнезе болевой абдоминальный и диспепсический синдром: на хеликобактерную инфекцию обследовано 215 человек, на лямблиоз – 192 человека. Исследование проводили неинвазивными методами с помощью иммунохроматографических тестов ИХТ ХеликоСтик (NOVAmed, Израиль) и RIDA® QUICK Giardia (R-Biopharm AG, Германия). Обследованные были разбиты на пять возрастных подгрупп, выделенных согласно общепринятой периодизации онтогенеза человека.Результаты: инвазия лямблиями обнаружена у 27 (14,1%) из 192 обследованных, инфекция Helicobacter рylori (H. рylori) диагностирована у 65 (30, 2%) из 215 пациентов дошкольного и школьного возраста. Показано, что в раннем детском и втором детском возрасте (1–3 года и 10–12 лет) регистрируется максимальная частота лямблиоза (р<0,05), в возрастной динамике инфицированности H. рylori статистически значимых отличий обнаружено не было, однако хеликобактерная инфекция не диагностировалась у детей до 3 лет. Полученные данные можно использовать в практике врачей гастроэнтерологов, аллергологов и педиатров для диагностики инфекций H. рylori и Giardia lamblia