11 research outputs found

    Сезонность инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна – Барр

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    The literature provides conflicting data on the presence of seasonality of infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The aim of the work was to assess the annual dynamics of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis in Moscow. Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out according to the official statistics and the results of laboratory studies (IgM VCA, IgG EA, EBV DNA in blood and saliva), conducted in the branches of LLC “Independent laboratory INVITRO” for the period 2014-2018. Were used conventional statistical methods. Results. Identified: seasonal rise in the incidence of infectious mononucleosis in the cold season with two peaks in autumn and spring; the presence of a strong direct correlation between the annual incidence and the frequency of detection of EBV DNA in the blood, IgM VCA, IgG EA per 100 thousand population; the distribution of detectability of markers per 100 examined from the maximum to the minimum (EBV DNA in saliva, IgG EA, IgM VCA, EBV DNA in the blood); a significant excess of detectability IgG EA, IgM VCA and EBV DNA in blood per 100 examined in the warm season; the presence in the annual dynamics of the frequency of detection of EBV DNA in saliva per 100 thousand population seasonal rise from October to June, reflecting the presence of sources of infection in the population. Conclusion. The use of indicators of the frequency of detection of markers of acute EBV infection allowed with a high probability to determine the presence of two seasonal wave rise in morbidity, which did not allow making official statistics that do not take into account the results of laboratory studies.В литературе приводятся противоречивые данные о наличии сезонности инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна – Барр.Цель: оценка внутригодовой динамики заболеваемости инфекционным мононуклеозом в Москве.Материалы и методы: анализ проведен по данным официальной статистики и результатам лабораторных исследований (иммуноглобулины М к капсидному и G к раннему антигенам, ДНК вируса Эпштейна – Барр в крови и слюне), проведенным в филиалах ООО «Независимая лаборатория ИНВИТРО» за период 2014–2018 гг. Для статистической обработки использовали общепринятые методы.Результаты. Выявлены: сезонный подъем заболеваемости инфекционным мононуклеозом в холодное время года с двумя пиками осенью и весной; наличие сильной прямой корреляционной связи между внутригодовой заболеваемостью и частотой выявления ДНК вируса в крови, иммуноглобулинов M к капсидному и G к раннему антигенам на 100 тыс. населения; распределение выявляемости маркеров на 100 обследованных от максимальной к минимальной (ДНК вируса в слюне, иммуноглобулины G к раннему антигену, иммуноглобулины M к капсидному антигену, ДНК вируса в крови); достоверное превышение выявляемости иммуноглобулинов G к раннему, M к капсидному и ДНК вируса в крови на 100 обследованных в теплое время года; наличие во внутригодовой динамике частоты выявления ДНК вируса в слюне на 100 тыс. населения сезонного подъема с октября по июнь, отражающего наличие источников инфекции в популяции.Заключение. Использование показателей частоты выявления маркеров острой инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна – Барр, позволило с высокой долей вероятности определить наличие двухволнового сезонного подъема заболеваемости, что не позволяли сделать данные официальной статистики, не учитывающие результаты лабораторных исследований.

    The role of active herpesvirus infection in the formation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

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    The results of previous studies suggest the involvement of herpes viruses in the development of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but there is no convincing evidence. Aim of the study was to evaluate the role of active herpesvirus infection in exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Material and methods. The analysis of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis in Russia in 2000–2020 was carried out. 92 blood donors and 97 patients with skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases (44 with atopic dermatitis and 53 with psoriasis) were examined for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to herpes simplex viruses (HSV1,2), Epstein-Barr (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes type 6 (HНV6). Results and discussion. A significant strong direct correlation was revealed between the incidence of genital herpes and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (p = 0.85), atopic dermatitis (p = 0.85); infectious mononucleosis and psoriasis (p = 0.85). The frequency of detection of IgM to HSV1,2, in total, IgG EA and IgM VCA EBV in the group of patients is significantly higher than in donors (p < 0.05). In patients with atopic dermatitis, IgM to HSV1 were detected significantly more often than in individuals with psoriasis, and markers of active EBV infection were significantly less common. The presence of IgM HSV-1 statistically significantly increases the incidence of atopic dermatitis (relative risk (RR) = 2.3, 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 1.6–3.3)), IgM VCA and IgG EA EBV – the incidence of psoriasis (RR = 2.3, 95 % CI 1.5–3.3). Conclusions. It has been shown for the first time that active HSV1,2 infection is a trigger factor for the development of atopic dermatitis, EBV infection is psoriasis

    Клинико-лабораторные особенности первичной острой и реактивации хронической Эпштейна-Барр вирусной инфекции у детей (систематический обзор и метаанализ)

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    At the moment, the clinical differences between primary acute and reactivation of chronic infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) have not been fully studied.The aim is to identify clinical and laboratory differences between primary acute and reactivation of chronic EBV infection in children aged 0—17 years.Materials and methods. A systematic review and meta-analysis of publications was carried out, which were searched through the bibliographic databases PubMed, Cyberleninka, eLibrary, as well as using the Researchgate scientific network. The total number of keyword search results was 1,830 publications, of which 26 were included in the study according to the results of the selection. 1318 cases of active EB infection were subjected to meta-analysis, including 917 cases of acute primary and 401 cases of reactivation.Results. Distinctive signs of primary acute EBV infection are fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, enlargement of cervical lymph nodes, acute tonsillitis, exanthema, excess of ALT reference values, leukocytosis, the presence of atypical mononuclears. With the reactivation of chronic EBV infection, the clinical manifestations are  less pronounced, but in 24% of cases the disease is accompanied by the development of interstitial pneumonia. Characteristic signs are hypertrophy of the lymphoepithelial pharyngeal ring and thymomegaly, not described in primary acute infection.Conclusion. The revealed clinical and laboratory differences between primary acute and reactivation of chronic EBV infection in children aged 0—17 years can be used for differential diagnosis of these conditions.На настоящий момент клинико-лабораторные особенности первичной острой и реактивации хронической инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ВЭБ), до конца не изучены.Цель — выявить клинико-лабораторные особенности первичной острой и реактивации хронической ВЭБ-инфекции у детей в возрасте 0—17 лет.Материалы и методы. Проведен систематический обзор и метаанализ научных публикаций, поиск которых осуществлялся по библиографическим базам PubMed, Cyberleninka, eLibrary, а также с использованием научной сети Researchgate. Общее число результатов поиска по ключевым словам составило 1830 публикаций, из которых по результатам отбора в исследование включены 26. Метаанализу подвергнуты 1318 случаев активной ВЭБ-инфекции, в том числе 917 — острой первичной и 401 — реактивации.Результаты. Отличительными признаками первичной острой ВЭБ-инфекции являются лихорадка, генерализованная лимфаденопатия, увеличение шейных лимфоузлов, острый тонзиллит, экзантема, превышение референсных значений АЛТ, лейкоцитоз, наличие атипичных мононуклеаров.При реактивации хронической ВЭБ-инфекции клинические проявления менее выраженные, однако в 24% случаев заболевание сопровождается развитием интерстициальной пневмонии. Характерными признаками являются гипертрофия лимфоэпителиального глоточного кольца и тимомегалия, не описанные при первичной острой инфекции.Заключение. Выявленные клинико-лабораторные различия между первичной острой и реактивацией хронической ВЭБ-инфекции у детей 0—17 лет могут быть использованы для дифференциальной диагностики указанных состояний

    Вирусные гепатиты и туберкулез как сочетанные инфекции. От прошлого к настоящему и будущему

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    Chronic virus hepatitises and tuberculosis are widespread in the population as monoinfections that is caused by action of biological, social and economic factors of risk. The presented materials of the epidemiological analysis testify to growth of incidence of co-infections, active involvement in epidemic process, lethality increase. For the prevention of formation of co-infections expediently early identification of cases these diseases, adequate treatment of HVG and tuberculosis for the purpose of the prevention of the epidemic situation.Хронические вирусные гепатиты и туберкулез широко распространены как моноинфекции. Они обусловлены действием биологических, социально-экономических факторов риска. Представленные в настоящей статье материалы эпидемиологического анализа хронических вирусных гепатитов и туберкулеза как сочетанных инфекций свидетельствуют о росте заболеваемости, вовлечении в эпидемический процесс преимущественно лиц работоспособного возраста, высокой летальности. Для профилактики сочетанной инфекции необходимо введение обязательной регистрации эпидемиологического надзора, включающего раннее выявление больных клинико-лабораторными методами, своевременное лечение ХВГ и туберкулеза для предупреждения неблагоприятных последствий

    Роль детей и взрослых как резервуара возбудителей в период сезонного подъема заболеваемости инфекциями верхних дыхательных путей

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    Infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is more common in children and is transmitted through contact with saliva. The role of adults in the epidemic process has not been sufficiently studied.The goal is to study the role of children and adults with catarrhal phenomena in the spread of EBV during the seasonal epidemic rise in the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI).Materials and methods. In the epidemic season of 201 9—2020, 226 people with catarrhal symptoms (140 adults and 86 children) were examined by PCR for the presence of EBV and other URTI pathogens in their nasal and oropharyngeal smears.Results. Significant differences in the frequency of detection of pathogens in children and adults have not been established. In both groups, EBV was detected as a single pathogen and in combination with other pathogens. The presence of a runny nose, sneezing and coughing is unusual for EBV, but occurs when EBV is combined with other URTI pathogens.Discussion. The presence of EBV in the nasopharynx and oropharynx in children and adults plays an important role in the spread of the pathogen. The combination of EBV with other pathogens that cause runny nose, sneezing, and coughing contributes to the formation of a more concentrated infectious aerosol and its spread over long distances.Conclusions. During the seasonal epidemic upsurge, children and adults are equally involved in URTI epidemic process and are sources of EBV infection with a frequency of 3 1.39 and 37.14 per 1 00 examined and an average concentration of the virus in smears of 31 199 and 33 074 copies/ ml, respectively. In children and adults, EBV was detected in combination with other U RTI pathogens with a frequency of 1 6.28 and 1 8.57 per 1 00 subjects, respectively. The presence of EBV in the upper respiratory tract, together with other pathogens, contributes to the active transmission of EBV during the seasonal epidemic rise of upper respiratory tract infections.Инфекция, вызванная вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ВЭБ), чаще встречается у детей и передается при контакте со слюной. Роль взрослых в эпидемическом процессе изучена недостаточно.Цель — изучить роль детей и взрослых с катаральными явлениями в распространении ВЭБ в период сезонного эпидемического подъема заболеваемости инфекциями верхних дыхательных путей (ИВДП).Материалы и методы. В эпидемический сезон 2019—2020 гг. методом ПЦР на наличие ВЭБ и других возбудителей ИВДП в мазках их носо- и ротоглотки обследовано 226 человек с катаральными явлениями (140 взрослых и 86 детей).Результаты. Достоверные различия в частоте обнаружения возбудителей у детей и взрослых не установлены. В этих группах ВЭБ выявлялся как единственный возбудитель и в сочетании с другими патогенами. Наличие насморка, чихания и кашля для ВЭБ нехарактерно, но имеет место при сочетании ВЭБ с другими возбудителями ИВДП.Обсуждение. Присутствие ВЭБ в носо- и ротоглотке у детей и взрослых играет важную роль в распространении возбудителя. Сочетание ВЭБ с другими возбудителями, вызывающими насморк, чихание, кашель, способствует формированию более концентрированного инфекционного аэрозоля и распространению его на большие расстояния.Выводы. В период сезонного эпидемического подъема дети и взрослые в равной степени вовлекаются в эпидемический процесс ИВДП и являются источниками ВЭБ-инфекции с частотой 31,39 и 37,14 на 100 обследованных и средней концентрацией вируса в мазках 31 199 и 33 074 копий/мл соответственно. У детей и взрослых ВЭБ выявлялся в сочетании с другими возбудителями ИВДП с частотой 16,28 и 1 8,57 на 100 обследованных соответственно. Присутствие ВЭБ в верхних дыхательных путях совместно с другими патогенами способствует активной передаче ВЭБ в период сезонного эпидемического подъема ИВДП

    Features of change of immune status indicators in individuals with active and latent forms of herpes-virus infections

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    Objective. The aim of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of changes in the immune status of individuals with active and latent forms of herpesvirus infections. Herpesvirus infections are an urgent problem of modern health care. Materials and methods. The prospective longitudinal cohort study included 92 permanent blood donors who were examined twice at 6-month intervals for the presence of specific IgM and IgG antibodies and antigens of herpes simplex viruses 1, 2, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus type 6, as well as humoral immunity indicators. Results. In the period from October to April, 68.5 % of blood and its components donors were found to have markers of active herpesvirus infection caused by HSV 1, 2, EBV, CMV, and HHV6. The combination of the detected markers in the absence of clinical manifestations and changes in General and biochemical blood tests indicated asymptomatic reactivation of latent infection. The frequency of reactivations in the autumn and spring months is the same. The absence of IgG production after asymptomatic reactivation of HSV-2 and HHV-6 infections and an increase in IgG concentrations to HSV-1, EBV, and CMV were revealed. EBV infection is the most common among the studied nosologies (98.91 %) and is characterized by statistically significantly higher levels of specific IgG. The effect of asymptomatic reactivation of herpesvirus infections on the levels of total IDA, IgM, IgG, IDE, and CEC was not established. Conclusions. Asymptomatic reactivation of herpesvirus infections does not significantly affect the changes in immune status indicators, and the absence of clinical manifestations, and significant changes in General and biochemical blood tests cause epidemiological risks associated with difficulties in identifying the sources of infection

    [Reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus (Herpesviridae: Lymphocryptovirus, HHV-4) infection during COVID-19: epidemiological features].

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    INTRODUCTION: Immunodeficiency underlying the development of severe forms of new coronavirus infection may be the result of mixed infection with SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens, including Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).The aim is to study the prevalence and epidemiological features of co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 and EBV. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional randomized study was conducted in Moscow region from March to May 2020. Two groups were examined for EBV-markers: hospital patients (n = 95) treated for SARS-CoV-2 infection and blood donors (n = 92). RESULTS: With equal EBV prevalence the detection of active infection markers in donors (10.9%) was noticeably lower than in SARS-CoV-2 patients (80%). Significant differences in this indicator were also found when patients from subgroups with interstitial pneumonia with the presence (96.6%) and absence (97.2%) of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasopharyngeal smear were compared with the subgroup of patients with mild COVID-19 (43.3%). The average IgG VCA and IgG EBNA positivity coefficients in donor group were higher than in patient group (p < 0.05). Patients with active EBV infection markers were significantly more likely to have pneumonia, exceeding the reference values of ALT and the relative number of monocytes (odds ratio - 23.6; 3.5; 9.7, respectively). DISCUSSION: The present study examined the incidence and analyzed epidemiological features of active EBV infection in patients with COVID-19. CONCLUSION: A significantly higher rate of detection of active EBV infection markers in hospital patients indicates a combined participation SARS-CoV-2 and EBV in the development of interstitial pneumonia. Low levels of specific IgG EBV serve as predictors of EBV reactivation. Exceeding the reference values of ALT and the relative number of monocytes in patients should serve as a reason for examination for active EBV infection markers

    Seasonality of infection caused by Epstein – Barr virus

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    The literature provides conflicting data on the presence of seasonality of infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The aim of the work was to assess the annual dynamics of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis in Moscow. Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out according to the official statistics and the results of laboratory studies (IgM VCA, IgG EA, EBV DNA in blood and saliva), conducted in the branches of LLC “Independent laboratory INVITRO” for the period 2014-2018. Were used conventional statistical methods. Results. Identified: seasonal rise in the incidence of infectious mononucleosis in the cold season with two peaks in autumn and spring; the presence of a strong direct correlation between the annual incidence and the frequency of detection of EBV DNA in the blood, IgM VCA, IgG EA per 100 thousand population; the distribution of detectability of markers per 100 examined from the maximum to the minimum (EBV DNA in saliva, IgG EA, IgM VCA, EBV DNA in the blood); a significant excess of detectability IgG EA, IgM VCA and EBV DNA in blood per 100 examined in the warm season; the presence in the annual dynamics of the frequency of detection of EBV DNA in saliva per 100 thousand population seasonal rise from October to June, reflecting the presence of sources of infection in the population. Conclusion. The use of indicators of the frequency of detection of markers of acute EBV infection allowed with a high probability to determine the presence of two seasonal wave rise in morbidity, which did not allow making official statistics that do not take into account the results of laboratory studies

    Features of the Epidemiology of Chickenpox in a Single Territory

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    Relevance.The urgency of the problem of chickenpox is determined by the high incidence, severe complications and the possibility of deaths.The aim of the work is to analyze the peculiarities of the epidemiology of chickenpox in a single territory located in the immediate vicinity of a large metropolis.Materials and methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis was carried out using official statistics.Results and discussion. It is established that in the study area in 2009–2018 there was a unfavorable epidemic situation for chickenpox. The most vulnerable groups in terms of morbidity are young children, especially those who attend children's organized institutions. In recent years, there has been a trend of increasing morbidity among the adult population. Preventive measures do not have a significant impact on reducing the incidence of chickenpox.Conclusions. The analysis showed the high relevance of the organization of a reliable system of prevention of chickenpox, which should be based on the development and implementation in the practice of health care of domestic vaccine against this infection

    Viral hepatitis as co-infection. Of the past to the present and future

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    Chronic virus hepatitises and tuberculosis are widespread in the population as monoinfections that is caused by action of biological, social and economic factors of risk. The presented materials of the epidemiological analysis testify to growth of incidence of co-infections, active involvement in epidemic process, lethality increase. For the prevention of formation of co-infections expediently early identification of cases these diseases, adequate treatment of HVG and tuberculosis for the purpose of the prevention of the epidemic situation