218 research outputs found

    Prospects for the creation of antimicrobial preparations based on copper and copper oxides nanoparticles

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    The spread of strains of microorganisms that are multidrug resistant to modern antimicrobial drugs is still an urgent problem in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and public health in general.Currently, the possibility of using metal nanopreparations in various fields of medicine is being actively studied. Nanoparticles of metals and metal oxides are promising antimicrobial agents and are attracting growing interest due to their effectiveness. Nanoscale copper metal particles have shown high antimicrobial activity againstvarious types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi. Taking into account the potential of copper nanoparticles in antimicrobial therapy, we present an overview of the current state of research related to their antimicrobial properties, consideration of the mechanisms of action, key factors affecting antimicrobial activity, including the polymer matrix. The issues of toxicity and resistance to copper are considered. The advantage of copper nanoparticles over other metal nanoparticles is shown.The studies summarized in this review have shown the promise of copper nanoparticles in the creation of new antimicrobial drugs that can be used in the future to control, prevent, and treat various diseases

    Минералогические и биологические свидетели Редикарского захоронения X–XI вв.

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    The study of products of copper alloys of the Lomatov culture of the X-XI centuries from the collection of the Cherdyn Museum revealed two types of patina. The first pseudomorphic might be composed of intergrowths of chlorides formed upon interaction with the sweat of the hands, or a zonal rim of cuprite-malachite-azurite composition, due to interaction with groundwater. The second type, which distorts the shape of the original product, is associated with the leaching of copper and other metals and the crystallization of oxides and salts on the surface in the form of worm-like, kidney-shaped and drusoid aggregates. Fragments of mineralized biological objects (wings, eggs and larvae of flies, mole hair) found on the surface of the patina testify to the rapid oxidation of bronze, which is associated with flooding of the soil of the burial ground immediately after burial.Археоминералогическое изучение изделий из медных сплавов ломоватовской культуры X–XI вв. из коллекции Чердынского краеведческого музея позволило выявить два типа патины. Первая – псевдоморфная – может быть сложена вростками хлоридов, формирующихся при взаимодействии с потом рук, или зональной оторочкой куприт-малахит-азуритового состава, обусловленной взаимодействием с грунтовыми водами. Второй тип, искажающий форму исходного изделия, связывается с выщелачиванием меди и других металлов и кристаллизацией оксидов и солей на поверхности в виде червеобразных, почковидных и друзовидных агрегатов. Выявленные на поверхности патины фрагменты минерализованных биологических объектов (крылья, яйца и личинки мух, волосы крота) свидетельствуют о быстрой скорости окисления бронзы, что связывается с обводнением грунта могильника сразу после захоронени


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    We carried out comparative analysis of the results of microbiological researches and antibiotic resistance of main pathogens of nosocomial infections from 2005 to 2010 years. During this period quota of MRSE (65—74 %), MRSA (22,7—35 %) is stably high and. especially quota of producers of different β-lactamases among other Enterobacteriaceae pathogens (3,2—65 %) increased that caused, significant expenses for antibiotic therapy by carbapenems (22,7—40 %), glycopeptides (2,7—10 %). Monitoring of tendencies of resistance of the most important pathogens of hospital infections optimication of antimicrobial therapy and introduction, of the system of preventive measures allowed, to decrease economic expenses for antimicrobial means to 17,5 %

    Experimental Modeling of General Purulent Peritonitis

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    General purulent peritonitis takes one of the first places in the structure of purulent complications. Despite the im provement of methods of diagnosis and treatment, mortality in postoperative purulent peritonitis remains quite high.Aim of the study: develop a reproducible model of postoperative general peritonitis to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of its development and the development of pathogenetically substantiated therapy.Materials and methods. The study was performed on 18 Wistar male rats aged 6 months, weighing 250–300 grams. Animals underwent laparotomy and modeling of postoperative general peritonitis according to the proposed method. Hospital strains of Escherichia coli BRLS 109 and Bacteroides fragilis 109 (strain ISCST1982, registered in Genbank), which we isolated from patients with acute appendicitis, with a total volume of 1.0 ml per animal, were used as infectious agents. Animals were taken out of the experiment under anesthesia with compliance with the rules of euthanasia at 1st, 3rd, 7th days after surgery. For morphological studies, samples of a fragment of the abdominal wall and cecum were taken. Bacteriological studies were performed on the 3rd, 7th day from the beginning of the experiment.Results. It was established that all animals developed peritonitis with the progression of purulent-destructive changes in the abdominal cavity and the development of adhesions, which was confirmed by the data of the morphological method of research. According to the results of bacteriological studies on the 3rd day, exudate infection was detected in all rats (in 100 % of observations). E. coli BLS were isolated in all cases at concentrations of 103–104 CFU/ml. The strain B. fragilis is inoculated in 3 animals at a concentration of 103 CFU/ml, which made 50 %. By the 7th day, only an aerobic E. coli strain of BLS was detected in peritoneal exudate at concentrations of 103 CFU/ml in the complete absence of growth of B. fragilis.Conclusion. We have developed a model of postoperative general peritonitis, which allows us to study the dynamics of the development of the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity and, in terms of its clinical manifestations, is close to a real human disease. The reproducibility of the model is 100 %, which is confirmed by microbiological and morphological data


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    Currently, Clostridium difficile is the main reason of a nosocomial diarrhea, caused by uncontrolled antibacterial treatment. This problem is not paid, enough attention in our country. We analyzed. 536 cases of antibiotic associated infections using new immunochromotographical assay for express detection of Clostridium difficile. Since 2008 to 2011 evaluated rate of the positive tests was 28,7 % among the hospital patients. The first line therapy of this infection is vancomycine and metronidazole. We also observed increased incidence of mycosis, which accompanying the antibiotic associated diarrheas. During the same period the rate of Candida spp. infection was 50,8 % among the same patients. We used fluconazole and. amphotericine for the mycosis treatment. We also recommended to manage disbiosis during one year after discontinue of the treatment, and. we supposed reasonable to be managed by infectionist for this group of patients

    Development of the PCR Assay with Universal Primers for the Detection of Different <i>tcpA</i> Gene Variants

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    Developed is the PCR assay for the detection of the structural genes of toxin co-regulated adhesion piluses - tcpA of different types. Determined are the universal primers, the usage of which provides for the detection of the stated above genes in V. cholerae of various serogroups. With the help of this PCR assay identified is a new variant of tcpA gene in toxigenic cholera vibrio of non-O1/non-O139 serogroup

    Subjective perception by students of quality and significance of the employment and their psychoemotical condition

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    In this article, we examine the relationship between the psych emotional state of students of clinical psychologists in the classroom with the assessment of the quality and significance of the training. The research was carried out with the purpose of revealing the consistency of the subjective perception of the educational process and the emotional attitude of the students towards it. The results obtained can be used to improve the quality of education and help students develop a motivational sphere.В данной статье рассмотрена связь психоэмоционального состояния студентов клинических психологов на занятии с оценкой ими качества и значимости обучения. Исследование было проведено с целью выявления согласованности субъективного восприятия учебного процесса и эмоционального отношения студентов к нему. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в целях улучшения качества образования и помощи студентам в развитии мотивационной сфер

    Investigation of releasing therapeutic solutions from soft contact lens surfaces constructed by nanoparticles

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    This article reveals the recent achievements in the field of alternative drug delivery in ophthalmology to treat glaucoma combined with myopia. During in vitro experiments it was demonstrated that lossless and prolonged drug delivery is feasible if soft contact lenses of various materials are utilized as drug carriers. However, among two studied model solutions, only one of them passed all drug release tests with all five types soft contact lenses material

    Psychological and educational prevention of conflict behavior in preschool children

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    In this article describes features of child behavior in conflict situations in preschool age. The results can be used to create programs to improve the emotional background of the group and reducing overall aggressiveness.В данной статье рассмотрены особенности детского поведения в конфликтных ситуациях в дошкольном возрасте. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для создания программ по улучшению эмоционального фона в группе и снижения общей агрессивности

    High performance liquid chromatography method for determination of carnosine and taurine and composition them with Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles

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    The aim of the study was to develop a methodology that allows the determination of amino acids by HPLC in their joint presence in eye drops. In the result a method has been developed for the simultaneous quantitative determination of the components of eye drops (carnosine and taurine) by HPLC with preliminary preparation of dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivative