244 research outputs found

    The optimization of the system of taxpayers’ state registration using road mapping method

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    In the state registration of taxpayers is the basis for creation of Unified State Register of Taxpayers (as to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), which allows controlling completeness and timeliness of taxes’ payment and, consequently, providing formation of budget. The paper analyses legal framework for regulation of taxpayers’ registration, distinguishes the particularities of registration of organizations and private persons (individual entrepreneurs). There is also an analysis of applicable practice of taxpayers’ registration in Russia and the Republic of Mordovia. The positive trends (formation of unified federal registration base for taxpayers’ recording; openness and general availability of information about all taxpayers registered on the territory of Russia; wide list of services on state registration that are rendered by tax authorities to taxpayers; transition to the regime of “single window” in interaction between registering structures; prejudicial regulation of appeal of decisions on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) and system problems (impossibility of use of unified registration number of a taxpayer for coordination of information about him in different state organizations; irrelevance and incompleteness of information contained in databases of different state institutions; conscious evasion of taxpayers of performance of tax obligations on registration; difficulty of timely detection of short-lived companies; significant volume of migrant organizations; insufficient technical and program support of regional tax inspections) linked to registration processes are elicited.peer-reviewe

    The role of chemokine genes in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure

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    The data on the role of chemokine genes (+1931A/T CCL4, A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5, C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12) in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure, in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, is presented in the work. It was established, that the allele A CXCL11 (rs4512021) (OR = 1.65) was the marker for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and the genotype GG CXCL11was a protective factor for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal failure (OR = 0.22

    Development and investigation of common wheat lines of winter cultivar Bezostaya 1 with combinations of dominant alleles of VRN-1 loci

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    VRN genes, determining wheat sensitivity to vernalization, are the main genetic system that defnes the duration of the entire growing period and the durations of the main organogenesis phases. To date, several alleles have been described for VRN-1 loci, and allele­specifc primers have been developed that allow rapid identifcation of allelic spectra in common wheat varieties and lines. The unequal influence of different alleles of VRN-1 loci on the duration of the growing period has also been shown; however, there is little information on the effect of the combination of different alleles on heading time. In developing genotypes having different alleles of dominant VRN genes on the base of the same genetic background, it is necessary to study the genetic effects of VRN genes on the duration of the growing season and the individual developmental phases, as well as on productivity. Most varieties presently grown in Russia carry the dominant alleles of two VRN-1 genes: Vrn-A1a and Vrn-B1a or Vrn-B1c; thus, the task was to create lines combining the dominant alleles of Vrn-A1a with Vrn-B1a and Vrn-B1c against the genetic background of the winter variety Bezostaya 1 (Bez1 Vrn-A1a/Vrn-B1a and Bez1 Vrn-A1a/Vrn-B1c). Homozygous plants were isolated in the F2 generation by using known allele­specifc primers for the Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 loci. The durations of the tillering–frst node period, which is the key stage determining growing duration, and the period from shoots to heading were signifcantly reduced in lines with a combination of two dominant alleles of VRN-1 loci compared to isogenic lines of Bezostaya 1 with the dominant alleles Vrn-B1a and Vrn-B1c. The duration of these developmental phases also decreased in the obtained lines as compared to the isogenic line containing the dominant Vrn-A1a allele, but the differences were not signifcant. No substantial differences were found in the duration of other growing phases in lines with two dominant alleles of the VRN-1 loci as compared to isogenic lines of Bezostaya 1

    Inheritance of signs of «many-flowered» common wheat and evaluation of productivity of the spike of F2 hybrids

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    Parameters of spike productivity in plants varieties Novosibirskaya 67 (N67), Saratovskaya 29 (S29), Puza-4 and «many-flowered» line Skle 123-09 were assessed in two years with different weather conditions. It was shown that «many-flowered» line Skle 123-09 is significantly higher in the number of grains per spike and number of grains per spikelet than varieties N67, S29 and Puza-4, and that the expression of «many-flowering» depends on the environmental conditions and the genetic background. It was shown that the «many-flowering» is a genetic trait and is therefore workable. A study of hybrids F2 С29×Skle123-09, N67×Skle 123-09, P-4×Skle 123-09 isolated plants with fan-shaped cones and a high number of grains per spikelet as Skle 123-09 and having the best performance of other features as ear varieties recipients. The seeds of these plants will be used to secure «flowering». Two-factor analysis of variance showed that the number of grains per spike knotted depends on growing conditions, genotype and their interaction. Variability of grains per spikelet in drought-resistant varieties of S29 and Puza-4 is mainly dependent on the genotype and, to a lesser extent, on the «genotype×environment» interaction. In variety N67 created for West Siberia, only genotype is a factor. The weight of a grain per ear primarily is primarily affected by «genotype×environment» (almost 60 %), while the influence of «genotype×environmental» was half as strong. The variability of «masse of one grain» in F2 hybrids (S29, P-4×Skle123-09) is influenced by environmental factors, genotype and their interplay. Genotype accounts for the highest impact (> 70 %). F2 hybrids (N67×Skle 123-09) share the greatest variability in the «genotype×environment» interaction (77 %)

    Clinical and genetic research of chronic glomerulonephritis

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    The paper presents data on interaction of candidate genes (S311C PON2, (-6)A/G AGT, (-1166)A/CAGTR1, (-592)C/A IL-10, VNTR IL-1Ra, T113M IL-9, K198N EDN1, (+46)G/A ADRB2, G/A GNB3 (rs.2301339)) with oligogenic and continuous characters of chronic glomerulonephriti

    A Poly-Art Approach to Creating an Inclusive Theatrical Production for a Group of Children with Disabilities

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    The article presents the experience of organizing the educational process and creating an inclusive theater production for a group of children with disabilities (intellectual disability, mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, hyperreactivity and other disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere) as part of the implementation of a comprehensive program for children's art school.В статье представлен опыт организации учебного процесса и создания инклюзивной театральной постановки для коллектива детей с ОВЗ (с интеллектуальной недостаточностью, задержкой психического развития, расстройствами аутичного спектра, гиперреактивностью и другими нарушениями развития эмоционально-волевой сферы) в рамках реализации общеразвивающей комплексной программы в детской школе искусств

    Дослідження клінічної ефективності комплексного методу лікування гіперестезії зубів у дітей

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    The article presents the results of a study of the influence of comprehensive method for the treatment of hyperesthesia of hard tooth tissues in 12 years old children. The aim of the study – to learn the effectiveness of the use of a comprehensive method of treating dental hyperesthesia in 12 years old children. Materials and Methods. The study involved 44 children aged 12 years with hyperesthesia of the teeth degree II of severity. Children, depending on the method of treatment, were divided into 2 groups. The comparison group included 23 children of 12 years of both sexes who used the standard treatment regimen for hyperesthesia. The main group included 23 children aged 12 years of both sexes. Prior to treatment, children underwent rehabilitation and professional oral hygiene. The complex treatment method that was developed by us was used in children of the main group. In children of each group, the indices of the prevalence of hyperesthesia of the teeth and the intensity of hyperesthesia of the teeth were determined. To determine the electroexcitability of dental pulp with increased sensitivity, we used the PulpTester-P device. Results and Discussion. As a result of the studies, we found a significant decrease in the prevalence index of dental hyperesthesia in children of the main group and the comparison group after the course of treatment, but this index in children of the main group was six months later 9.31 times less than the indicator of the comparison group. The values of the intensity index of hyperesthesia of the teeth after 6 months, a year and one and half year indicate a prolonged effect after the application of the treatment method proposed by us. Conclusions. Our comprehensive treatment method allows to reduce the manifestations of dental hyperesthesia in children, which is confirmed by the values of prevalence indices, intensity of dental hyperesthesia and indicators of electroodontometry. The children who were subjected to treatment for tooth hypersensitivity decreased the number of relapses.В статье представлены результаты исследования влияния комплексного метода лечения гиперестезии твердых тканей зубов у детей 12 лет. Цель исследования – изучить эффективность применения комплексного метода лечения гиперестезии зубов у детей 12 лет. Материалы и методы. В исследованиях приняли участие 44 ребенка в возрасте 12 лет с гиперестезией зубов II степени тяжести. Детей, в зависимости от метода лечения, разделили на 2 группы. В группу сравнения вошли 23 ребенка 12 лет обоего пола, которым применялась стандартная схема лечения гиперестезии. В основную группу вошли 23 ребенка в возрасте 12 лет обоих полов. До начала лечения детям проводилась санация и профессиональная гигиена полости рта. У детей основной группы применялся разработанный нами комплексный метод лечения. У детей каждой группы определяли индексы распространенности гиперестезии зубов и интенсивности гиперестезии зубов. Для определения электровозбудимости пульпы зубов с повышенной чувствительностью мы использовали аппарат «PulpTester-P». Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. В результате проведенных исследований мы установили достоверное снижение индекса распространенности гиперестезии зубов у детей основной группы и группы сравнения после проведенного курса лечения, но этот индекс у детей основной группы через полгода был в 9,31 раза меньше, чем показатель группы сравнения. Показатели индекса интенсивности гиперестезии зубов через 6 месяцев, год и полтора года свидетельствуют об пролонгированном эффекте после применения, предложенного нами метода лечения. Выводы. Использование предложенного нами комплексного метода лечения позволяет уменьшить проявления гиперестезии зубов у детей, что подтверждается показателями индексов распространенности, интенсивности гиперестезии зубов и показателями электроодонтометрии. У детей, у которых использовался разработанный нами метод лечения гиперчувствительности зубов, уменьшалось количество рецидивов заболевания.У статті представлено результати дослідження впливу комплексного методу лікування гіперестезії твердих тканин зубів у дітей 12 років. Мета дослідження – вивчити ефективність застосування комплексного методу лікування гіперестезії зубів у дітей 12 років. Матеріали і методи. У дослідженнях взяли участь 44 дитини віком 12 років із гіперестезією зубів ІІ ступеня тяжкості. Дітей, залежно від методу лікування, поділили на 2 групи. До  групи порівняння ввійшли 23 дитини 12 років обох статей, яким застосовували стандартну схему лікування гіперестезії. До основної групи увійшли 23 дитини віком 12 років обох статей. До початку лікування їм проводили санацію та професійну гігієну ротової порожнини. У дітей  основної групи застосовували комплексний метод лікування, який ми розробили. У дітей кожної групи визначали індекси розповсюдження гіперестезії зубів та інтенсивності гіперестезії зубів. Для визначення електрозбудливості пульпи зубів із гіперчутливістю ми використовували апарат «PulpTester-P». Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. У результаті проведених досліджень ми  встановили достовірне зниження індексу розповсюдження гіперестезії зубів у дітей основної групи та групи порівняння після проведеного курсу лікування, але цей індекс у дітей основної групи через півроку був в 9,31 раза менше, ніж показник групи порівняння. Показники індексу інтенсивності гіперестезії зубів через 6 місяців, рік та півтора року засвідчують пролонгований ефект після застосування запропонованого нами методу лікування. Висновки. Використання комплексного методу лікування дозволяє зменшити прояви гіперестезії зубів у дітей, що підтверджується показниками індексів розповсюдження, інтенсивності гіперестезії зубів та показниками електроодонтометрії. У дітей,  яким використовували розроблений метод лікування гіперчутливості зубів, зменшувалась кількість рецидивів захворювання

    Химический состав льда и подлёдной воды Онежского озера (на примере Петрозаводской губы)

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    Data on the content of ions, nutrients and organic substance in snow on the ice as well as in the ice and water under ice in the Petrozavodsk Bay and Central part of Onega Lake (March 2017) as well as in the snow cover on the Petrozavodsk Bay shore (2008–2017) are presented. In areas of the Petrozavodsk Bay experiencing anthropogenic and natural impacts, chloride ions prevail among anions in crystallo-hydrates, while sulphate ions are prevalent at the exit from the Bay and in the central part of the lake (clean water). The water under ice has a bicarbonate-calcium composition. Among the inorganic forms of nitrogen compounds (NH4+, NO2, NO3) ammonium ions prevail in the ice(70%), while in snow and the water under ice the prevalent are nitrate ions and organic nitrogen. The content of nitrogen compounds and mineral and total phosphorus is increased in the upper layer of ice. Note, that chemical composition of ice cover is formed by both, a water under the ice and atmospheric precipitation. To determine intensity of involvement of dissolved substances to the ice in combination with ice-forming water, the coefficient of involvement Kv was used. As is shown by our studies, value of the involvement index Kv is individual for each chemical component, however a certain general regularity is observed. Thus, the not proportional relations between contents of ammonium and phosphate ions in ice and water under ice were noticed. The increased involvement indices of NH4+and РО43− into the ice from the water under ice seem to be due to the high rate of migration of these ions together with detachment of them from organic matter molecules.Представлены результаты исследований гидрокриогенных компонентов минеральных, биогенных и органических веществ в системе лёд – подлёдная вода – снег на акватории и на побережье Петрозаводской губы и Центрального плёса Онежского озера. Среди неорганических форм азотистых соединений во льду преобладают аммонийные ионы (~70%), а в снеге и подлёдной воде – нитрат-ионы и органический азот. В районах Петрозаводской губы, испытывающих антропогенное и природное воздействие, в кристаллогидратах среди анионов преобладают хлорид-ионы, а в чистых её районах и Центральной части озера – сульфат-ионы

    Genetic factors of renal survival in patents with chronic kidney disease

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    This paper presents the results of the study of associations of polymorphic loci of chemokines (+1931А/Т ССL4 (rs1719153), A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5 (rs2107538), C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12 (rs1801157)) with renal survival in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. It was established that AA and CXCL11 AG genotypes (rs4512021) (p=0.05) are the marker of high creatinine level in patients with chronic glomerulonephriti

    Взаимодействие значимого взрослого с ребенком раннего возраста в России и Вьетнаме

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    The article discusses the role of child interaction with a significant adult (parent, kindergarten teacher, caregiver) in child’s neurocognitive development within socio-cultural contexts of Russia and Vietnam. The article presents the results of a pilot study that included focus group interviews with kindergarten specialists from Russia and Vietnam. The pilot study sample consisted of 74 participants (72 women, 2 men), aged 32 to 54 years (M = 43.04; SD = 6.61). Of these, Russian participants (10 cities) — 42 people (40 women and 2 men) aged 32 to 50 (M = 40.19; SD = 6.28) and Vietnamese participants (1 city) — 32 people (32 women) aged 38 to 54 years (M = 46.67; SD = 5.12). The interviews followed the questionnaire developed by the authors. It consisted of 21 open-ended questions grouped in 3 blocks: Block 1. What characteristics and skills should be developed during early childhood? Where and how should these be developed? Block 2. How are children under 3 years of age developed? Block 3. Who is involved in the development of a child under 3 years of age? A comparative analysis of the responses of the Russian and Vietnamese kindergarten specialists revealed no significant differences between the groups, which suggests similarities in educational and developmental strategies of young children in a kindergarten environment. © 2019 Moscow State University of Psychology& Education.The reported study was funded by RFBR and VASS, project number 19-513-92001