53 research outputs found

    The Principles and the Teaching of English Vocabulary: a Review

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    The importance of vocabulary, its types, selection criteria, size and depth, and teaching principles were found unclear. The present article seeks to respond to such challenge. To achieve the mentioned goals, we did a systematic review to previously related studies and theories. The results showed that the vocabulary was found to be more functional as a basis for communication, a reflection of social reality, emotion booster, and academic ability predictor. It also revealed that its contribution to the basic language skills varied. Finally, the principles of teaching vocabulary, size and depth, and teaching and learning vocabulary materials (TLVMs) appeared to be associated with student\u27s vocabulary mastery. Keywords: vocabulary teaching; principles; vocabulary importance; breadth and dept

    Penambahan Minyak Cengkeh Syzygium Aromaticum Dalam Pakan Untuk Memperbaiki Kinerja Pertumbuhan Ikan Mas Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus 1758 [the Supplementation of Clove Oil Syzygium Aromaticum in the Diet to Improve the Growth Performance of Common Carp Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus 1758]

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengevaluasi penambahan minyak cengkeh Syzygium aromaticum dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan ikan mas Cyprinus carpio. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari hingga bulan April 2015, di Laboratorium Produksi, Kolam Percobaan Departemen Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah mas dari varietas Majalaya yang berbobot 3,90 Ā±1,08 g. Ikan ditebar pada akuarium berukuran 50x40x35 cm3 (volume 150 L) dengan kepadatan 25 ekor ikan setiap akuarium. Selama masa pemeliharaan, ikan diberi pakan yang mengandung minyak cengkeh dengan dosis 0, 5, 10, 15, atau 100 mg 100 g-1 pakan dengan masing-masing tiga ulangan. Uji pertumbuhan dilakukan selama 56 hari, dilanjutkan dengan uji kecernaan selama 10 hari. Ikan diberi pakan tiga kali dalam sehari, yaitu pukul 08.00, 12.00, dan 16.00. Ha-sil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pertumbuhan ikan mas dipengaruhi oleh penambahan minyak cengkeh. Ikan yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan minyak cengkeh pada dosis 100 mg 100 g-1 pakan secara signifikan memiliki kinerja pertumbuhan dan status kesehatan terbaik, termasuk profil gambaran darah dan tinggi vili usus

    Context-dependent cheating: experimental evidence from 16 countries

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    Policy makers use several international indices that characterize countries according to the quality of their institutions. However, no effort has been made to study how the honesty of citizens varies across countries. This paper explores the honesty among citizens across sixteen countries with 1440 participants. We employ a very simple task where participants face a trade-off between the joy of eating a fine chocolate and the disutility of having a threatened self-concept because of lying. Despite the incentives to cheat, we find that individuals are mostly honest. Further, international indices that are indicative of institutional honesty are completely uncorrelated with citizens' honesty for our sample countries

    Factors that influence children's gambling attitudes and consumption intentions: Lessons for gambling harm prevention research, policies and advocacy strategies

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    Background: Harmful gambling is a public health issue that affects not only adults but also children. With the development of a range of new gambling products, and the marketing for these products, children are potentially exposed to gambling more than ever before. While there have been many calls to develop strategies which protect children from harmful gambling products, very little is known about the factors that may influence children's attitudes towards these products. This study aimed to explore children's gambling attitudes and consumption intentions and the range of consumer socialisation factors that may influence these attitudes and behaviours. Methods: Children aged 8 to 16 years old (n = 48) were interviewed in Melbourne, Australia. A semi-structured interview format included activities with children and open-ended questions. We explored children's perceptions of the popularity of different gambling products, their current engagement with gambling, and their future gambling consumption intentions. We used thematic analysis to explore children's narratives with a focus on the range of socialising factors that may shape children's gambling attitudes and perceptions. Results: Three key themes emerged from the data. First, children's perceptions of the popularity of different products were shaped by what they had seen or heard about these products, whether through family activities, the media (and in particular marketing) of gambling products, and/or the alignment of gambling products with sport. Second, children's gambling behaviours were influenced by family members and culturally valued events. Third, many children indicated consumption intentions towards sports betting. This was due to four key factors: (1) the alignment of gambling with culturally valued activities; (2) their perceived knowledge about sport; (3) the marketing and advertising of gambling products (and in particular sports betting); and (4) the influence of friends and family. Conclusions: This study indicates that there is a range of socialisation factors, particularly family and the media (predominantly via marketing), which may be positively shaping children's gambling attitudes, behaviours and consumption intentions. There is a need for governments to develop effective policies and regulations to reduce children's exposure to gambling products and ensure they are protected from the harms associated with gambling. Ā© 2017 The Author(s)

    Effect of a quality improvement program on compliance to the sepsis bundle in non-ICU patients: a multicenter prospective before and after cohort study

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    ObjectiveSepsis and septic shock are major challenges and economic burdens to healthcare, impacting millions of people globally and representing significant causes of mortality. Recently, a large number of quality improvement programs focused on sepsis resuscitation bundles have been instituted worldwide. These educational initiatives have been shown to be associated with improvements in clinical outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the impact of a multi-faceted quality implementing program (QIP) on the compliance of a ā€œsimplified 1-h bundleā€ (Sepsis 6) and hospital mortality of severe sepsis and septic shock patients out of the intensive care unit (ICU).MethodsEmergency departments (EDs) and medical wards (MWs) of 12 academic and non-academic hospitals in the Lombardy region (Northern Italy) were involved in a multi-faceted QIP, which included educational and organizational interventions. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of severe sepsis or septic shock according to the Sepsis-2 criteria were enrolled in two different periods: from May 2011 to November 2011 (before-QIP cohort) and from August 2012 to June 2013 (after-QIP cohort).Measurements and main resultsThe effect of QIP on bundle compliance and hospital mortality was evaluated in a beforeā€“after analysis. We enrolled 467 patients in the before-QIP group and 656 in the after-QIP group. At the time of enrollment, septic shock was diagnosed in 50% of patients, similarly between the two periods. In the after-QIP group, we observed increased compliance to the ā€œsimplified rapid (1ā€‰h) intervention bundleā€ (the Sepsis 6 bundle ā€“ S6) at three time-points evaluated (1ā€‰h, 13.7 to 18.7%, pā€‰=ā€‰0.018, 3ā€‰h, 37.1 to 48.0%, pā€‰=ā€‰0.013, overall study period, 46.2 to 57.9%, pā€‰<ā€‰0.001). We then analyzed compliance with S6 and hospital mortality in the before- and after-QIP periods, stratifying the two patientsā€™ cohorts by admission characteristics. Adherence to the S6 bundle was increased in patients with severe sepsis in the absence of shock, in patients with serum lactate <4.0ā€‰mmol/L, and in patients with hypotension at the time of enrollment, regardless of the type of admission (from EDs or MWs). Subsequently, in an observational analysis, we also investigated the relation between bundle compliance and hospital mortality by logistic regression. In the after-QIP cohort, we observed a lower in-hospital mortality than that observed in the before-QIP cohort. This finding was reported in subgroups where a higher adherence to the S6 bundle in the after-QIP period was found. After adjustment for confounders, the QIP appeared to be independently associated with a significant improvement in hospital mortality. Among the single S6 procedures applied within the first hour of sepsis diagnosis, compliance with blood culture and antibiotic therapy appeared significantly associated with reduced in-hospital mortality.ConclusionA multi-faceted QIP aimed at promoting an early simplified bundle of care for the management of septic patients out of the ICU was associated with improved compliance with sepsis bundles and lower in-hospital mortality

    Implementasi Pengujian Alat Pendeteksi Pohon Keropos Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno R3 dan Sensor Piezoelectric

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    Trees is one of important factor for human life, trees can absorb CO2 in the air and can improve the quality of environment. Regardless of the many benefits of trees, trees can also be affected by diseases and can harm the living creatutures around them. Unhealthy or porous trees can collapse whenever and wherever. Then a tool is needed to detect a porous trees in order to reduce the disaster, that can occur due to trees fallen. In this research tool porous detection used Microcontroller Arduino Uno R3 and piezoelectric sensor with prototype method

    Students' Perception Toward the Implementation of Synchronous Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in English Language Teaching (ELT)

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    . Selama pandemi COVID-19, para pendidik menerapkan pembelajaran online dalam proses pendidikan. Model pembelajaran online interaktif dasar yang tersedia, seperti pembelajaran sinkron, sebagai proses pembelajaran tatap muka melalui media online. Penelitian ini mengkaji persepsi siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran sinkron di ELT khususnya TOEFL. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) 51% siswa menggunakan Zoom dan Live YouTube dalam pembelajaran TOEFL. 2) 89,7% siswa menggunakan ponsel dalam pembelajaran online. 3) 49,7% siswa setuju bahwa Zoom memiliki fitur yang lengkap. 4) 83,2% siswa setuju bahwa mengoperasikan fitur Zoom sangat mudah. 5) 74,2% siswa setuju bahwa Zoom mudah digunakan. 6) 72,9% siswa setuju bahwa menggunakan Zoom in learning TOEFL efektif. 7) 73% siswa setuju bahwa menggunakan Live YouTube dalam pembelajaran TOEFL juga efektif. 8) 63,9% setuju bahwa dengan Zoom, mereka dapat berpartisipasi dengan interaksi tatap muka (misalnya tanya jawab bahkan diskusi dengan dosen dan teman sekelas. 9) 95,5% mahasiswa setuju bahwa dengan menggunakan YouTube, video dapat dilihat kapan saja dan di mana saja karena video disimpan di saluran dosen. Pada tingkat pemahaman TOEFL, 83,2% siswa sangat memahami bagian menyimak, 89,7% siswa memahami bagian membaca, dan 81,3% siswa memahami bagian Struktur dan Ekspresi Tertulis. Beberapa masalah memengaruhi pembelajaran TOEFL dengan Zoom dan YouTube. Siswa memiliki masalah dengan koneksi internet. Masalah lainnya adalah kuota internet, masalah teknis perangkat (misal baterai, perangkat mati mendadak, kualitas audio, video/audio perangkat, dan lain-lain), jenis perangkat yang digunakan, dan kondisi sekitarnya (misal kondisi cahaya, suara, atau gangguan lainnya). Pada sistem pembelajaran selanjutnya, 80,6% siswa setuju bahwa sistem pembelajaran selanjutnya menerapkan pembelajaran tatap muka dan masih menggunakan Zoom dan YouTube Live Streaming

    Investigating the Emergence of Digital Platforms for Listening Learning Proficiency

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    This study investigates the use of any platforms in English language teaching and learning, especially in listening skills. This research design is qualitative. From the result, it shows that some technologies available both online or offline include applications or platforms that provide many choices for listening to English, they are. 1) Music platform. These platforms can be found in PlayStore, such as Joox and Spotify recommends songs for listening skills. 2) Youtube channel. Many YouTube channels for learning English listening skills include 1) Voice of America (VOA), BBC Learning English, Learn English with TV Series, English with Lucy, and Oxford Online English. 3) Podcasts. Both BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and VoA (Voice of America). These Podcasts offer listening skills. The other podcasts are ā€œThe English We Speak, Podcast in English, Better at English, Luke's English Podcast, Espresso English Podcast, Anchor FMā€ etc. 4) Websites that are pretty representative in practicing the listening skills such as Sound English, ESL-Lab, English listening, Ello, learn English British Council, Daily ESL, Story Nory, Story Line, which can be accessed. Learning English through several applications above can be an alternative for students in practicing and improving their English listening skills. Listening exercises can be carried out by using interesting listening strategies when learning English. It depends on the teachers/lecturers who teach listening subjects and the students who learn English materials

    Linguistic Problems of Translating Indonesian Popular Lyrics of Cover Songs Into English

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    Translation results can be influenced by linguistic aspects. The objective of this study is to investigate several kinds of linguistic problems in the translation of Indonesian popular lyrics' cover-songs from Indonesian into English. This study applies descriptive qualitative research. This research uses the document to collect data. The document used is cover songs from several popular singers and bands such as Andmesh Kamaleng, Anneth, Budi Doremi, Nineball, and Christian Bautista. There are seven popular lyrics' cover songs that have been analyzed. The result analysis shows that translation songs activities cannot be separated from linguistic problems as in morphological, syntactical, phonological, and semantic. Morphologically, the problem is in the difference of the grammatical system related to singular and plural nouns. In phonological, the problem is in the differences between Indonesian and English syllables. As a result, the differences cause a different pronunciation and produce a different number of syllables. Syntactically, the problem is in constructing sentence elements. In a sentence, both in Indonesian and English at least will need a subject and a predicate orderly. Semantically, the problem is related to the meaning contained in a word or sentence, but equivalence may occur in translating to achieve an adequate degree of equivalence. When translating a song, a translator must pay close attention to the many components that contribute to the creation of a full product song. These components include song lyrics or text, as well as musical elements like melody and rhythm. In its formulation, the song lyric is a language that is not isolated from the musical principles such as the song's rhythm, melody, and harmony. In song translation, the sense and facts of the source texts are often changed. Therefore, the translator is faced with a choice of whether or not to translate such a lyric

    The Influence of Intellectual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance

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    Human Resource is a vital asset for the organization to achieve its goals and one of the important factors to achieve the organizational goals is performance. To produce optimal performance, it is necessary to have an adequate quality of the human resources, not only in terms of intelligence and the ability to think (intellectual intelligence), emotional intelligence also needed to control and manage themselves. Intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence are important because they greatly influence the performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the magnitude of the influence of intellectual and emotional intelligence on employee performance. The method that will use in this research is the census method which this research takes the whole employee's population of KPID Provinsi Jawa Barat to become respondents. The research instrument uses questionnaires with data analysis techniques using: instrument test (validity and reliability), and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the magnitude of the effect of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence on employee performance of 85.1% and the rest of 14.9%. Partially emotional intelligence greater influence on employee performance
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