282 research outputs found

    Nanohyperthermia of malignant tumors. II. In vivo tumor heating with manganese perovskite nanoparticles

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    Objectives: To evaluate the ability of manganese perovskite nanoparticles (lanthanum-strontium manganite) to heat the tumor tissue in vivo under action of external alternating magnetic field. Materials and Methods: The magnetic fluid on the basis of nanoparticles of perovskite manganite was tested in the heating experiments using of alternating magnetic field of frequency 300 kHz and amplitude 7.7 kA/m. Guerin carcinoma was transplanted into the muscle of rat. Magnetic fluid was injected intramuscularly or intratumorally. Temperature was measured by copper-constantan thermocouple. Results: Temperature of magnetic fluid was increased by 56 °C for 10 min of alternating magnetic field action. Administration of magnetic fluid into the muscle followed by alternating magnetic field resulted in the elevation of muscle temperature by 8 °C after 30 min post injection. Temperature of the tumor injected with magnetic fluid and treated by alternating magnetic field was increased by 13.6 °C on the 30 min of combined influence. Conclusion: In vivo study with rat tissue has demonstrated that magnetic fluid of manganite perovskite injected in the tumor increases the tumor temperature under an alternating magnetic field. Obtained results emphasize that magnetic fluid of manganite perovskite can be considered as effective inducer of tumor hyperthermia

    Theory of transverse spin dynamics in a polarized Fermi liquid and an itinerant ferromagnet

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    The linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in a weakly polarized degenerate Fermi liquid with arbitrary relationship between temperature and polarization are derived from Landau-Silin phenomenological kinetic equation with general form of two-particle collision integral. Unlike the previous treatment where Fermi velocity and density of states have been taken as constants independent of polarization here we made derivation free from this assumption. The obtained equations are applicable for description of spin dynamics in paramagnetic Fermi liquid with finite polarization as well in an itinerant ferromagnet. In both cases transverse spin wave frequency is found to be proportional to the square of the wave vector with complex constant of proportionality (diffusion coefficient) such that the damping has a finite value at T=0. The polarization dependence of the diffusion coefficient is found to be different for a polarized Fermi liquid and for an itinerant ferromagnet. These conclusions are confirmed by derivation of transverse spin wave dispersion law in frame of field theoretical methods from the integral equation for the vortex function. It is shown that similar derivation taking into consideration the divergency of static transverse susceptibility also leads to the same attenuating spin wave spectrum.Comment: 7 pages, no figure


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    In this review we presented data about infection cases of people and animals with anthrax in the world, CIS and Russia based on the materials of WHO, Promed-mail andRospotrebnadzorwebsites and monographs of Russian scientists. The epidemiological situation of this serious infection remains quite serious and is evaluated as stressful and having no tendency to stabilization due to existence of soil bornefocus which are active for many years, causing periodic outbreaks among farm animals and people


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    Purpose. Determine the dependence of yield of cutting lettuce variety ‘Snezhinka ‘on the hydrothermal coefficients of the Left bank Forest-steppe and Polissya zones, and analyze the parameters of the zone's adaptive of varieties. Methods. Field studies, statistical methods for determining ecological variability. Results. The results of researches on determining the dependence of productivity of cutting variety ‘Snezhinka’ on the hydrothermal coefficient in the zones of the Left bank Forest-steppe and Polissya of Ukraine are presented. The optimum values of the GTK for obtaining the maximum yield in the conditions of the Left bank Forest-steppe make up 0,8–1,0, in the Polissya – 1,2–2,0. In conditions of Polissya, the influence of weather conditions on the yield of cutting lettuce was the lowest, which is confirmed not by high values of the coefficient of elasticity (0,00053–0,00155). Relative stability of variety is greater in the Forest-steppe (20,24 %), that is, in the data of the soil-climatic conditions for the variation of weather conditions, stable high productivity is not guaranteed. But in the conditions of the Forest-steppe on the parameter bi of cutting lettuce variety ‘Snezhinka’ was more plastic (1,24), that is, in favorable weather conditions, showed relatively high yields. In the conditions of Polissya, on the contrary, variety ‘Snezhinka’ was less plastic (0,76) and with a lower level of relative stability of genotype (15,94 %). The breeding value of genotype for the variety of cutting lettuce ‘Snezhinka’ in the zone of Polissya was higher (4,59). Conclusions. In the zone of the Left bank Forest-steppe, according to the fluctuations of the year cultivation of the sum of active temperatures 1076-1318 oC and the amount of precipitation 56,6–193,6 mm, the yield of cutting lettuce ‘Snezhinka’ was 6,7-12,2 t/ha. In the zone of Polissya, the ratio of precipitation to the sum of active temperatures almost did not affect the formation of yields at its fluctuation from 0,65 to 1,48. The dependence of yield formation in the zones of the Forest-steppe and Polissya on the coefficient of elasticity, respectively, was 0,05 and 0,26, indicating the favorable conditions of natural zone of the Left-bank Forest-steppe for the development of seedlings. The general and specific adaptive ability of variety Snezhinka was higher in the Forest-steppe zone (0,75 and 3,93 respectively); The largest breeding value of variety is characteristic for the zone of Polissya (4,59)

    Science Requirements and Conceptual Design for a Polarized Medium Energy Electron-Ion Collider at Jefferson Lab

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    This report presents a brief summary of the science opportunities and program of a polarized medium energy electron-ion collider at Jefferson Lab and a comprehensive description of the conceptual design of such a collider based on the CEBAF electron accelerator facility.Comment: 160 pages, ~93 figures This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177, DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC05-060R23177, and DESC0005823. The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce this manuscript for U.S. Government purpose

    Updated Report Acceleration of Polarized Protons to 120-150 GeV/c at Fermilab

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    The SPIN@FERMI collaboration has updated its 1991-95 Reports on the acceleration of polarized protons in Fermilab's Main Injector, which was commissioned by Fermilab. This Updated Report summarizes some updated Physics Goals for a 120-150 GeV/c polarized proton beam. It also contains an updated discussion of the Modifications and Hardware needed for a polarized beam in the Main Injector, along with an updated Schedule and Budget.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Evidence of High Harmonics from Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation for Seeding X-Ray Free Electron Lasers

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    Echo-enabled harmonic generation free electron lasers hold great promise for the generation of fully coherent radiation in x-ray wavelengths. Here we report the first evidence of high harmonics from the echo-enabled harmonic generation technique in the realistic scenario where the laser energy modulation is comparable to the beam slice energy spread. In this experiment, coherent radiation at the seventh harmonic of the second seed laser is generated when the energy modulation amplitude is about 2-3 times the slice energy spread. The experiment confirms the underlying physics of echo-enabled harmonic generation and may have a strong impact on emerging seeded x-ray free electron lasers that are capable of generating laserlike x rays which will advance many areas of science