14,190 research outputs found

    Commercialization of the land remote sensing system: An examination of mechanisms and issues

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    In September 1982 the Secretary of Commerce was authorized (by Title II of H.R. 5890 of the 97th Congress) to plan and provide for the management and operation of the civil land remote sensing satellite systems, to provide for user fees, and to plan for the transfer of the ownership and operation of future civil operational land remote sensing satellite systems to the private sector. As part of the planning for transfer, a number of approaches were to be compared including wholly private ownership and operation of the system by an entity competitively selected, mixed government/private ownership and operation, and a legislatively-chartered privately-owned corporation. The results of an analysis and comparison of a limited number of financial and organizational approaches for either transfer of the ownership and operation of the civil operational land remote sensing program to the private sector or government retention are presented

    Contributions of primary and secondary biogenic VOC tototal OH reactivity during the CABINEX (Community Atmosphere-Biosphere INteractions Experiments)-09 field campaign

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    We present OH reactivity measurements using the comparative reactivity method with a branch enclosure technique for four different tree species (red oak, white pine, beech and red maple) in the UMBS PROPHET tower footprint during the Community Atmosphere Biosphere INteraction EXperiment (CABINEX) field campaign in July of 2009. Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) was sequentially used as a detector for OH reactivity and BVOC concentrations including isoprene and monoterpenes (MT) for enclosure air. Therefore, the measurement dataset contains both measured and calculated OH reactivity from well-known BVOC. The results indicate that isoprene and MT, and in one case a sesquiterpene, can account for the measured OH reactivity. Significant discrepancy between measured OH reactivity and calculated OH reactivity from isoprene and MT is found for the red maple enclosure dataset but it can be reconciled by adding reactivity from emission of a sesquiterpene, <i>α</i>-farnesene, detected by GC-MS. This leads us to conclude that no significant unknown BVOC emission contributed to ambient OH reactivity from these trees at least during the study period. However, this conclusion should be followed up by more comprehensive side-by-side intercomparison between measured and calculated OH reactivity and laboratory experiments with controlled temperature and light environments to verify effects of those essential parameters towards unknown/unmeasured reactive BVOC emissions. This conclusion leads us to explore the contribution towards ambient OH reactivity (the dominant OH sink in this ecosystem) oxidation products such as hydroxyacetone, glyoxal, methylglyoxal and C4 and C5-hydroxycarbonyl using recently published isoprene oxidation mechanisms (Mainz Isoprene Mechanism II and Leuven Isoprene Mechanism). Evaluation of conventionally unmeasured first generation oxidation products of isoprene and their possible contribution to ambient missing OH reactivity indicates that the ratio of OH reactivity from unmeasured products over OH reactivity from MVK + MACR is strongly dependent on NO concentrations. The unmeasured oxidation products can contribute ~7.2 % (8.8 % from LIM and 5.6 % by MIM 2 when NO = 100 pptv) of the isoprene contribution towards total ambient OH reactivity. This amount can explain ~8.0 % (9.7 % from LIM and 6.2 % from MIM 2) of missing OH reactivity, reported by Di Carlo et al. (2004) at the same site. Further study on the contribution from further generation of unmeasured oxidation products is needed to constrain tropospheric photochemical reactivity of BVOC that have important implications for both photochemical ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation

    Anyons as quon particles

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    The momentum operator representation of nonrelativistic anyons is developed in the Chern - Simons formulation of fractional statistics. The connection between anyons and the q-deformed bosonic algebra is established.Comment: 10 pages,Late

    Hopf algebraic structure of the parabosonic and parafermionic algebras and paraparticle generalization of the Jordan Schwinger map

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    The aim of this paper is to show that there is a Hopf structure of the parabosonic and parafermionic algebras and this Hopf structure can generate the well known Hopf algebraic structure of the Lie algebras, through a realization of Lie algebras using the parabosonic (and parafermionic) extension of the Jordan Schwinger map. The differences between the Hopf algebraic and the graded Hopf superalgebraic structure on the parabosonic algebra are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex2e fil

    Book Reviews

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    CRIME AND DELINQUENCY-A Reader. By Carl A. Bersani. Riverside: The Macmillan Company. THE HONEST POLITICIAN\u27S GUIDE TO CRIME CONTROL. By N. Morris and G. Hawkins. Chicago, Ill., University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. xi, 271. 5.95. DRUGS & YOUTH. By Robert Coles, Joseph H. Brenner and Dermot Meagher. New York: Liveright. Pp. xiv, 258. 1970. 5.95