3,325 research outputs found

    Subcooled boiling in a negligible gravity field final report

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    Forces acting on bubble formed in nucleate boiling and effect of gravity on removal of vapor bubble from heated surfac

    Improving Mechanical Ventilator Clinical Decision Support Systems with A Machine Learning Classifier for Determining Ventilator Mode

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    Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) will play an in-creasing role in improving the quality of medical care for critically ill patients. However, due to limitations in current informatics infrastructure, CDSS do not always have com-plete information on state of supporting physiologic monitor-ing devices, which can limit the input data available to CDSS. This is especially true in the use case of mechanical ventilation (MV), where current CDSS have no knowledge of critical ventilation settings, such as ventilation mode. To enable MV CDSS to make accurate recommendations related to ventilator mode, we developed a highly performant ma-chine learning model that is able to perform per-breath clas-sification of 5 of the most widely used ventilation modes in the USA with an average F1-score of 97.52%. We also show how our approach makes methodologic improvements over previous work and that it is highly robust to missing data caused by software/sensor error

    Einfluss der Futterleguminosenart, deren Saatzeit und Nutzung auf die Nachfrucht Winterweizen

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    The preceding crop effect of fodder legumes concerning sowing date, type of legume and utilization were conducted in field trials at two sites in Upper Bavaria in 2012- 2013. All in all, seven types of clover in pure stands or clover/grass leys were grown one main production year. Sowing dates were undersowings in triticale in spring, stubble seeds after harvest of preceding crop triticale and spring seed in the main production year. Utilization variants were mulching or cutting without organic fertilization in the subsequent crop winter wheat. Mulching of fodder legumes resulted in higher yields and mostly higher baking quality (crude protein content, wet gluten content and baking volume) of the succeeding wheat. Earlier sowings leaded mostly to higher yields and higher baking quality. At species level, a mixture of white clover and black medic showed highest yield as well as highest crude protein and wet gluten contents. It is concluded, that fodder legume management strongly affected the preceding crop effect

    Vergleich verschiedener Arten und Saatzeiten bei Futterleguminosen

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    Sowing date of fodder legumes and type of legume may influence yield and preceding crop effect. Field trials were conducted at two sites in Upper Bavaria in 2010-2012. Seven types of clover in pure stands or clover/grass leys were compared for one main production year. Sowing dates were undersowing triticale in spring, stubble seeds after harvest of preceding crop triticale and spring seed in the main production year. Dry matter and crude protein yields were strongly affected by sowing date and by type of clover. Earlier sowings lead to higher yield of fodder legumes. Crude protein yield for clover/grass ley dominated by lucerne, red and white clover undersown in triticale was nearly twice as high as for spring seed in the main production year. Among this clover/grass ley, red clover in pure stands achieved highest yields at species level

    There are many barriers to species’ migrations

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    Temperature-change trajectories are being used to identify the geographic barriers and thermal ‘cul-de-sacs’ that will limit the ability of many species to track climate change by migrating. We argue that there are many other potential barriers to species’ migrations. These include stable ecotones, discordant shifts in climatic variables, human land use, and species’ limited dispersal abilities. To illustrate our argument, for each 0.5° latitude/longitude grid cell of the Earth’s land surface, we mapped and tallied the number of cells for which future (2060–2080) climate represents an analog of the focal cell’s current climate. We compared results when only considering temperature with those for which both temperature and total annual precipitation were considered in concert. We also compared results when accounting for only geographic barriers (no cross-continental migration) with those involving both geographic and potential ecological barriers (no cross-biome migration). As expected, the number of future climate analogs available to each pixel decreased markedly with each added layer of complexity (e.g. the proportion of the Earth’s land surface without any available future climate analogs increased from 3% to more than 36% with the inclusion of precipitation and ecological boundaries). While including additional variables can increase model complexity and uncertainty, we must strive to incorporate the factors that we know will limit species’ ranges and migrations if we hope to predict the effects of climate change at a high-enough degree of accuracy to guide management decisions

    The 8^8B Neutrino Spectrum

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    Knowledge of the energy spectrum of 8^8B neutrinos is an important ingredient for interpreting experiments that detect energetic neutrinos from the Sun. The neutrino spectrum deviates from the allowed approximation because of the broad alpha-unstable 8^8Be final state and recoil order corrections to the beta decay. We have measured the total energy of the alpha particles emitted following the beta decay of 8^8B. The measured spectrum is inconsistent with some previous measurements, in particular with a recent experiment of comparable precision. The beta decay strength function for the transition from 8^8B to the accessible excitation energies in 8^8Be is fit to the alpha energy spectrum using the R-matrix approach. Both the positron and neutrino energy spectra, corrected for recoil order effects, are constructed from the strength function. The positron spectrum is in good agreement with a previous direct measurement. The neutrino spectrum disagrees with previous experiments, particularly for neutrino energies above 12 MeV.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, typos correcte

    Linear approaches to intramolecular Förster Resonance Energy Transfer probe measurements for quantitative modeling

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    Numerous unimolecular, genetically-encoded Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) probes for monitoring biochemical activities in live cells have been developed over the past decade. As these probes allow for collection of high frequency, spatially resolved data on signaling events in live cells and tissues, they are an attractive technology for obtaining data to develop quantitative, mathematical models of spatiotemporal signaling dynamics. However, to be useful for such purposes the observed FRET from such probes should be related to a biological quantity of interest through a defined mathematical relationship, which is straightforward when this relationship is linear, and can be difficult otherwise. First, we show that only in rare circumstances is the observed FRET linearly proportional to a biochemical activity. Therefore in most cases FRET measurements should only be compared either to explicitly modeled probes or to concentrations of products of the biochemical activity, but not to activities themselves. Importantly, we find that FRET measured by standard intensity-based, ratiometric methods is inherently non-linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. Alternatively, we find that quantifying FRET either via (1) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) or (2) ratiometric methods where the donor emission intensity is divided by the directly-excited acceptor emission intensity (denoted R<sub>alt</sub>) is linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. This linearity property allows one to calculate the fraction of active probes based on the FRET measurement. Thus, our results suggest that either FLIM or ratiometric methods based on R<sub>alt</sub> are the preferred techniques for obtaining quantitative data from FRET probe experiments for mathematical modeling purpose

    Combining best evidence: A novel method to calculate the alcohol-attributable fraction and its variance for injury mortality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The alcohol-attributable fraction for injury mortality is defined as the proportion of fatal injury that would disappear if consumption went to zero. Estimating this fraction has previously been based on a simplistic view of drinking and associated risk. This paper develops a new way to calculate the alcohol-attributable fraction for injury based on different dimensions of drinking, mortality data, experimental data, survey research, new risk scenarios, and by incorporating different distributions of consumption within populations. For this analysis, the Canadian population in 2005 was used as the reference population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Binge drinking and average daily consumption were modeled separately with respect to the calculation of the AAF. The acute consumption risk was calculated with a probability-based method that accounted for both the number of binge drinking occasions and the amount of alcohol consumed per occasion. The average daily consumption was computed based on the prevalence of daily drinking at various levels. These were both combined to get an overall estimate. 3 sensitivity analyses were performed using different alcohol consumption parameters to test the robustness of the model. Calculation of the variance to generate confidence limits around the point estimates was accomplished via Monte Carlo resampling methods on randomly generated AAFs that were based on the distribution and prevalence of drinking in the Canadian population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, the AAFs decrease with age and are significantly lower for women than men across all ages. As binge drinking increases, the injury mortality AAF also increases. Motor vehicle collisions show the largest relative increases in AAF as alcohol consumption is increased, with over a 100% increase in AAF from the lowest to highest consumption category. Among non-motor vehicle collisions, the largest change in total AAF occurred both for homicide and other intentional injuries at about a 15% increase in the AAF from the lowest to the highest binge consumption scenarios.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This method combines the best available evidence to generate new alcohol-attributable fractions for alcohol-attributable injury mortality. Future research is needed to refine the risk function for non-motor vehicle injury types and to investigate potential interactions between binge drinking and average volume of alcohol consumption.</p

    Structure evolution of nanodiamond aggregates: a SANS and USANS study

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    Ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements, covering length scales from micrometres to nanometres, were made to investigate the structure of nanodiamonds (NDs) and their suspensions. These nanodiamonds were produced by two different techniques, namely by the detonation method and by the laser ablation of a carbon-hydrocarbon mixture. The (U)SANS results indicated the presence of structures four orders of magnitude larger than the dimensions of a single ND particle, consisting of aggregations of ND particles. This aggregation of the ND particles was studied by employing the contrast variation technique. Two different solvents, namely H2O and dimethyl sulfoxide (and their deuterated counterparts), were used to understand the role of hydrogen in the shape and size of the aggregates. The analysis of experimental data from SANS measurements also reveals the ND particles to have an ellipsoidal structure. Using a defined shape model and the SANS contrast variation technique, it was possible to characterize the non-diamond outer shell of the particles and determine the outer layer thickness. This clarification of the structure of the NDs will allow better preparation of suspensions/samples for various applications. Understanding the structure of NDs at multiple length scales also provides crucial knowledge of particle-particle interaction and its effect on the aggregation structures