4,949 research outputs found
Baseline LHC machine parameters and configuration of the 2015 proton run
This paper shows the baseline LHC machine parameters for the 2015 start-up.
Many systems have been upgraded during LS1 and in 2015 the LHC will operate at
a higher energy than before and with a tighter filling scheme. Therefore, the
2015 commissioning phase risks to be less smooth than in 2012. The proposed
starting configuration puts the focus on feasibility rather than peak
performance and includes margins for operational uncertainties. Instead, once
beam experience and a better machine knowledge has been obtained, a push in
and performance can be envisaged. In this paper, the focus is on
collimation settings and reach in ---other parameters are covered in
greater depth by other papers in these proceedings.Comment: submitted for publication in a CERN yellow report (Proceedings of the
LHC Performance Workshop - Chamonix 2014
LHC Cleaning Efficiency with Imperfections
The performance reach of the LHC depends on the magnitude of beam losses and the achievable cleaning efficiency of its collimation system. The ideal performance reach for the nominal Phase 1 collimation system is reviewed. However, unavoidable imperfections affect any accelerator and can further deteriorate the collimation performance. Multiple static machine and collimator imperfections were included in the LHC tracking simulations. Error models for collimator jaw flatness, collimator setup accuracy, the LHC orbit and the LHC aperture were set up, based to the maximum extent possible on measurements and results of experimental beam tests. It is shown that combined ârealisticâ imperfections can reduce the LHC cleaning efficiency by about a factor 11 on average
Beam Commissioning Plan For LHC Collimation
The Large Hadron Collider extends the present state-of-the-art in stored beam energy by 2-3 orders of magnitude. A sophisticated system of collimators is implemented along the 27 km ring and mainly in two dedicated cleaning insertions, to intercept and absorb unavoidable beam losses which could induce quenches in the superconducting (sc) magnets. 88 collimators for the two beams are initially installed for the so called Phase 1. An optimized strategy for the commissioning of this considerable number of collimators has been defined. This optimized strategy maximizes cleaning efficiency and tolerances available for operation, while minimizing the required beam time for collimator setup and ensuring at all times the required passive machine protection. It is shown that operational tolerances from collimation can initially be significantly relaxed
Hydrodynamic force on a small squirmer moving with a time-dependent velocity at small Reynolds numbers
We calculate the hydrodynamic force on a small spherical, unsteady squirmer
moving with a time-dependent velocity in a fluid at rest, taking into account
convective and unsteady fluid-inertia effects in perturbation theory. Our
results generalise those of Lovalenti and Brady (1993) from passive to active
spherical particles. We find that convective inertia changes the history
contribution to the hydrodynamic force, as it does for passive particles. We
determine how the hydrodynamic force depends on the swimming gait of the
unsteady squirmer. Since swimming breaks the spherical symmetry of the problem,
the force is not completely determined by the outer solution of the
asymptotic-matching problem, as it is for passive spheres. There are additional
contributions brought by the inhomogeneous solution of the inner problem. We
also compute the disturbance flow, illustrating convective and unsteady
fluid-inertia effects for a sudden start of the centre-of-mass motion, and for
swimming with a periodic gait. We discuss the implications of our findings for
small motile organisms in a marine environment.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure
Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC
Beam-beam forces and collision optics can strongly affect beam lifetime,
dynamic aperture, and halo formation in particle colliders. Extensive
analytical and numerical simulations are carried out in the design and
operational stage of a machine to quantify these effects, but experimental data
is scarce. The technique of small-step collimator scans was applied to the
Fermilab Tevatron collider and to the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the
effect of collisions on transverse beam halo dynamics. We describe the
technique and present a summary of the first results on the dependence of the
halo diffusion coefficient on betatron amplitude in the Tevatron and in the
LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ICFA
Mini-Workshop on Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders (BB2013), Geneva,
Switzerland, 18-22 March 201
Studies on combined momentum and betatron cleaning in the LHC
Collimation and halo cleaning for the LHC beams are performed separately for betatron and momentum losses, requiring two dedicated insertions for collimation. Betatron cleaning is performed in IR7 while momentum cleaning is performed in IR3. A study has been performed to evaluate the performance reach for a combined betatron and momentum cleaning system in IR3. The results are presented
Results of the studies on energy deposition in IR6 superconducting magnets from continuous beam loss on the TCDQ system
A single sided mobile graphite diluter block TCDQ, in combination with a two-sided secondary collimator TCS and an iron shield TCDQM, will be installed in front of the superconducting quadrupole Q4 magnets in IR6, in order to protect it and other downstream LHC machine elements from destruction in the event of a beam dump that is not synchronised with the abort gap. The TCDQ will be positioned close to the beam, and will intercept the particles from the secondary halo during low beam lifetime. Previous studies (1-4) have shown that the energy deposited in the Q4 magnet coils can be close to or above the quench limit. In this note the results of the latest FLUKA energy deposition simulations for Beam 2 are described, including an upgrade possibility for the TCDQ system with an additional shielding device. The results are discussed in the context of the expected performance levels for the different phases of LHC operation
Microfluidic system for a label-free, real-time functional assessment of thrombotic risk
High incidence of thrombotic diseases worldwide,
together with the variability of patientsâ response to antiplatelet
drugs, makes the management of antithrombotic regimes of
paramount importance. Platelet function testing is the most
promising tool in addressing this clinical need. Here we present
the first prototype of a microfluidic system for rapid, label-free,
real-time functional assessment of the thrombotic risk of patients
undergoing antiplatelet treatment. Our platform allows to
monitor pressure drop variations on a collagen-coated
microchannel under a range of blood flow conditions, and to
relate these measurements to thrombus formation and ultimately
to platelet functionality. The preliminary testing campaign
presented in this work demonstrated the feasibility of our
approach and allowed us to determine the most suitable working
range of the current system
An instrument for low-level measurements of the leakage current from high-voltage biased detectors
Resistive Plates Chambers (RPC) are detectors biased at High-Voltage (HV) in excess of 4 kV. When fired by a particle, they develop a large signal current that can be read across a small resistance, 100 Omega or so. A characterization has been made of their ageing as a function of the behaviour of their leakage current with time. An array of 10 detectors has been developed for this purpose. We present the instrument designed and built to perform a continuous and automatic monitoring of the leakage current from each detector of the array, while the system is taking data. For the particular biasing set-up adopted, the current has been measured in series to the terminal connected to the HV of every channel. Since the small value of the currents, order of tens of nA, a special circuit solution and special precautions have been adopte
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