251 research outputs found

    Antiparasitic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus) and its natural bioactive compounds in livestock: a review

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    Increasing drug resistance in gastrointestinal (GI) parasites of livestock and concerns about chemical residues in animal products and the environment are driving the development of alternative control strategies that are less reliant on the use of synthetic drugs. An increasingly investigated approach is the use of bioactive forages with antiparasitic properties as part of the animal’s diet (nutraceuticals) or as potential sources of novel, natural parasiticides. Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is a multi-purpose crop and one of the most promising bioactive forages in temperate regions, and numerous in vivo trials have explored its potential against parasitic nematodes in livestock. However, it is unclear whether chicory can induce a direct and broad activity against various GI parasites in different livestock species, and the levels of chicory in the diet that are required to exert an efficient antiparasitic effect. Moreover, the mechanisms leading to the reported parasiticidal activity of chicory are still largely unknown, and its bioactive phytochemicals have only recently been investigated. In this review, we summarise the progress in the study of the antiparasitic activity of chicory and its natural bioactive compounds against GI parasites in livestock, through examination of the published literature. The available evidence indicates that feeding chicory can reduce faecal egg counts and/or worm burdens of abomasal nematodes, but not infections with intestinal worms, in ruminants. Highly chicory-rich diets (≄ 70% of chicory dry matter in the diet) may be necessary to directly affect abomasal parasitism. Chicory is known to synthesise several bioactive compounds with potential antiparasitic activity, but most research has been devoted to the role of sesquiterpene lactones (SL). Recent in vitro studies have confirmed direct and potent activity of SL-rich extracts from chicory against different GI helminths of livestock. Chicory SL have also been reported to exhibit antimalarial properties and its potential antiprotozoal activity in livestock remains to be evaluated. Furthermore, the detailed identification of the main antiparasitic metabolites of chicory and their pharmacokinetics need further confirmation. Research gaps and perspectives on the potential use of chicory as a nutraceutical forage and a source of bioactive compounds for parasite control in livestock are discussed

    Atherosclerotic Plaque Segmentation Based on Strain Gradients: A Theoretical Framework

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    Background: Atherosclerotic plaque detection is a clinical and technological problem that has been approached by different studies. Nowadays, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is the standard used to capture images of the coronary walls and to detect plaques. However, IVUS images are difficult to segment, which complicates obtaining geometric measurements of the plaque. Objective: IVUS, in combination with new techniques, allows estimation of strains in the coronary section. In this study, we have proposed the use of estimated strains to develop a methodology for plaque segmentation. Methods: The process is based on the representation of strain gradients and the combination of the Watershed and Gradient Vector Flow algorithms. Since it is a theoretical framework, the methodology was tested with idealized and real IVUS geometries. Results: We achieved measurements of the lipid area and fibrous cap thickness, which are essential clinical information, with promising results. The success of the segmentation depends on the plaque geometry and the strain gradient variable (SGV) that was selected. However, there are some SGV combinations that yield good results regardless of plaque geometry such as ▜ΔvMises+▜ΔrΞ, ▜Δyy+▜Δrr or ▜Δmin+▜ΔTresca. These combinations of SGVs achieve good segmentations, with an accuracy between 97.10% and 94.39% in the best pairs. Conclusions: The new methodology provides fast segmentation from different strain variables, without an optimization step

    Characterizing atherosclerotic tissues: in silico analysis of mechanical properties using intravascular ultrasound and inverse finite element methods

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    Atherosclerosis is a prevalent cause of acute coronary syndromes that consists of lipid deposition inside the artery wall, creating an atherosclerotic plaque. Early detection may prevent the risk of plaque rupture. Nowadays, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is the most common medical imaging technology for atherosclerotic plaque detection. It provides an image of the section of the coronary wall and, in combination with new techniques, can estimate the displacement or strain fields. From these magnitudes and by inverse analysis, it is possible to estimate the mechanical properties of the plaque tissues and their stress distribution. In this paper, we presented a methodology based on two approaches to characterize the mechanical properties of atherosclerotic tissues. The first approach estimated the linear behavior under particular pressure. In contrast, the second technique yielded the non-linear hyperelastic material curves for the fibrotic tissues across the complete physiological pressure range. To establish and validate this method, the theoretical framework employed in silico models to simulate atherosclerotic plaques and their IVUS data. We analyzed different materials and real geometries with finite element (FE) models. After the segmentation of the fibrotic, calcification, and lipid tissues, an inverse FE analysis was performed to estimate the mechanical response of the tissues. Both approaches employed an optimization process to obtain the mechanical properties by minimizing the error between the radial strains obtained from the simulated IVUS and those achieved in each iteration. The second methodology was successfully applied to five distinct real geometries and four different fibrotic tissues, getting median R2 of 0.97 and 0.92, respectively, when comparing the real and estimated behavior curves. In addition, the last technique reduced errors in the estimated plaque strain field by more than 20% during the optimization process, compared to the former approach. The findings enabled the estimation of the stress field over the hyperelastic plaque tissues, providing valuable insights into its risk of rupture

    Femtosecond laser fabrication of monolithic double volume phase-gratings in glass

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    A diffractive optical element was fabricated by monolithically integrating two volume phase-gratings (VPGs) in the bulk of a single-piece transparent material. A computer model of the diffraction generated by the double volume phase-grating (DVPG) was made with a rigorous coupled wave analysis simulator. Simulations and experiments show that the diffractive behavior of a DVPG can be controlled by arranging the relative displacement and the distance between the VPGs according to Talbot self-imaging planes. In order to diffract the total incident light, the phase accumulation in the VPGs has to be π/2, which was achieved by single-scan femtosecond laser processing of a nanocrystal doped glass as the substrate material. Ex situ microscope images of the cross-sections are presented for laser processed lines in the form of VPGs and DVPGs. The far-field diffraction of DVPGs formed by selectively located VPGs was characterized with a monochromatic 633 nm and a supercontinuum white light. Functional designs of high diffraction efficiency with potential applications in photonics were successfully fabricated in a one-step and free of chemicals process

    High-temperature phase transitions in dense germanium.

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    Through a series of high-pressure x-ray diffraction experiments combined with in situ laser heating, we explore the pressure-temperature phase diagram of germanium (Ge) at pressures up to 110 GPa and temperatures exceeding 3000 K. In the pressure range of 64-90 GPa, we observe orthorhombic Ge-IV transforming above 1500 K to a previously unobserved high-temperature phase, which we denote as Ge-VIII. This high-temperature phase is characterized by a tetragonal crystal structure, space group I4/mmm. Density functional theory simulations confirm that Ge-IV becomes unstable at high temperatures and that Ge-VIII is highly competitive and dynamically stable at these conditions. The existence of Ge-VIII has profound implications for the pressure-temperature phase diagram, with melting conditions increasing to much higher temperatures than previous extrapolations would imply

    Single - and double energy swift and slow heavy ion irradiated optical waveguides in Er: Tungstene-Tellurite glass and BGO for telecom applications

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    The fabrication of broadband amplifiers in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) around 1.55 m, as they exhibit large stimulated cross sections and broad emission bandwidth. Bi4Ge3O12 (eultine type BGO) - well known scintillator material, also a rare-earth host material, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions in the past. Recently: MeV N+ ions and swift O5+ and C5+ ions, too*. Bi12GeO20 (sillenite type BGO) - high photoconductivity and photorefractive sensitivity in the visible and NIR good candidate for real-time holography and optical phase conjugation, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions. No previous attempts of ion beam fabrication of waveguides in it

    Identification of compounds responsible for the anthelmintic effects of chicory (Cichorium intybus) by molecular networking and bio-guided fractionation

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    [EN] Increasing resistance towards anthelmintic drugs has necessitated the search for alternative treatments for the control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites. Animals fed on chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), a temperate (pasture) crop, have reduced parasite burdens, hence making C. intybus a potentially useful source for novel anthelmintic compounds or a diet-based preventive/therapeutic option. Here, we utilized in vitro bioassays with the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum and molecular networking techniques with five chicory cultivars to identify putative active compounds. Network analysis predicted sesquiterpene lactones (SL) as the most likely group of anthelmintic compounds. Further bioassay-guided fractionation supported these predictions, and isolation of pure compounds demonstrated that the SL 8-deoxylactucin (8-DOL) is the compound most strongly associated with anti-parasitic activity. Furthermore, we showed that 8-DOL acts in a synergistic combination with other SL to exert the anti-parasitic effects. Finally, we established that chicory-derived extracts also showed activity against two ruminant nematodes (Teladorsagia circumcincta and Cooperia oncophora) in in vitro assays. Collectively, our results confirm the anti-parasitic activity of chicory against a range of nematodes, and pave the way for targeted extraction of active compounds or selective breeding of specific cultivars to optimize its future use in human and veterinary medicineSIWe are very grateful for the guidance and support by Dr. Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen and Christopher Phippen, Technical University of Denmark, Natural product discovery, and the laboratory assistance of Mette Schjelde, University of Copenhagen. This work was funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (Grant DFF–6111-00394). Fractionation and purification of compounds were further supported by the Green Development and Demonstration Program (GUDP) (Project No. 34009-17-1220). MPE was supported by CONICYT Chile (FONDECYT Postdoctorado #3170875

    Parasites of the Reintroduced Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) and Sympatric Mesocarnivores in Extremadura, Spain.

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    The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is one of the most endangered felid species in the world. Conservation efforts have increased its population size and distribution and reinforced their genetic diversity through captive breeding and reintroduction programmes. Among several threats that the Iberian lynx faces, infectious and parasitic diseases have underlined effects on the health of their newly reintroduced populations, being essential to identify the primary sources of these agents and assess populations health status. To achieve this, 79 fresh faecal samples from Iberian lynx and sympatric mesocarnivores were collected in the reintroduction area of Extremadura, Spain. Samples were submitted to copromicroscopic analyses to assess parasite diversity, prevalence, and mean intensity of parasite burden. Overall, 19 (24.1%, ±15.1-35.0) samples were positive for at least one enteric parasite species. Parasite diversity and prevalence were higher in the Iberian lynx (43.8%) compared with the others mesocarnivores under study (e.g., the red fox Vulpes vulpes and the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon). Ancylostomatidae and Toxocara cati were the most prevalent (15.6%) parasites. Obtained results revealed that Iberian lynx role as predator control might have reduced parasite cross-transmission between this felid and mesocarnivores due to their decreasing abundances. Surveillance programs must include regular monitoring of this endangered felid, comprising mesocarnivores, but also domestic/feral and wild cat communities.This research was funded by the European Union through its LIFE project Life + IBERLINCE (LIFE + 10NAT/ES/570) “RecuperaciĂłn de la distribuciĂłn histĂłrica del lince ibĂ©rico (Lynx pardinus) en España y Portugal”. R. T. Torres is funded by national funds (OE), through FCT—Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5, and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of 29 August, changed by Law 57/2017, of 19 July. Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020 + UIDB/50017/2020) and CIISA Project UIDB/00276/2020 through national funds.S
