563 research outputs found

    Universality aspects of the d=3 random-bond Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the universality aspects of the simple cubic lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied numerically in both its first- and second-order phase transition regimes by a comprehensive finite-size scaling analysis. We find that our data for the second-order phase transition, emerging under random bonds from the second-order regime of the pure model, are compatible with the universality class of the 3d random Ising model. Furthermore, we find evidence that, the second-order transition emerging under bond randomness from the first-order regime of the pure model, belongs to a new and distinctive universality class. The first finding reinforces the scenario of a single universality class for the 3d Ising model with the three well-known types of quenched uncorrelated disorder (bond randomness, site- and bond-dilution). The second, amounts to a strong violation of universality principle of critical phenomena. For this case of the ex-first-order 3d Blume-Capel model, we find sharp differences from the critical behaviors, emerging under randomness, in the cases of the ex-first-order transitions of the corresponding weak and strong first-order transitions in the 3d three-state and four-state Potts models.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Uncovering the secrets of the 2d random-bond Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the ground-state structure, phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel (BC) model are discussed. The calculation of ground states at strong disorder and large values of the crystal field is carried out by mapping the system onto a network and we search for a minimum cut by a maximum flow method. In finite temperatures the system is studied by an efficient two-stage Wang-Landau (WL) method for several values of the crystal field, including both the first- and second-order phase transition regimes of the pure model. We attempt to explain the enhancement of ferromagnetic order and we discuss the critical behavior of the random-bond model. Our results provide evidence for a strong violation of universality along the second-order phase transition line of the random-bond version.Comment: 6 LATEX pages, 3 EPS figures, Presented by AM at the symposium "Trajectories and Friends" in honor of Nihat Berker, MIT, October 200

    Matrix Elements and Few-Body Calculations within the Unitary Correlation Operator Method

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    We employ the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM) to construct correlated, low-momentum matrix elements of realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. The dominant short-range central and tensor correlations induced by the interaction are included explicitly by an unitary transformation. Using correlated momentum-space matrix elements of the Argonne V18 potential, we show that the unitary transformation eliminates the strong off-diagonal contributions caused by the short-range repulsion and the tensor interaction, and leaves a correlated interaction dominated by low-momentum contributions. We use correlated harmonic oscillator matrix elements as input for no-core shell model calculations for few-nucleon systems. Compared to the bare interaction, the convergence properties are dramatically improved. The bulk of the binding energy can already be obtained in very small model spaces or even with a single Slater determinant. Residual long-range correlations, not treated explicitly by the unitary transformation, can easily be described in model spaces of moderate size allowing for fast convergence. By varying the range of the tensor correlator we are able to map out the Tjon line and can in turn constrain the optimal correlator ranges.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, using REVTEX

    The role of the continuum and the spurious 1- transitions in incoherent mu - e conversion rate calculations

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    By using the Continuum RPA (CRPA) method, the incoherent transition strength of the exotic mu - e conversion in the 208Pb and 40Ca nuclei is investigated. The question whether excited nuclear states lying high in the continuum give an important contribution to the incoherent rate is addressed. The admixture of spurious components in the rate coming from 1- excitations is investigated in detail by using the self-consistent CRPA with Skyrme interactions as well as a less consistent version and by employing two ways to remove the spurious strength: the use of effective operators or simply the exclusion of the spurious state appearing close to zero energy. In all cases, the correction achieved is quite large

    The Effect of the Short-Range Correlations on the Generalized Momentum Distribution in Finite Nuclei

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    The effect of dynamical short-range correlations on the generalized momentum distribution n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) in the case of Z=NZ=N, ℓ\ell-closed shell nuclei is investigated by introducing Jastrow-type correlations in the harmonic-oscillator model. First, a low order approximation is considered and applied to the nucleus 4^4He. Compact analytical expressions are derived and numerical results are presented and the effect of center-of-mass corrections is estimated. Next, an approximation is proposed for n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p}, \vec{Q}) of heavier nuclei, that uses the above correlated n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) of 4^4He. Results are presented for the nucleus 16^{16}O. It is found that the effect of short-range correlations is significant for rather large values of the momenta pp and/or QQ and should be included, along with center of mass corrections for light nuclei, in a reliable evaluation of n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) in the whole domain of pp and QQ.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Further results, figures and discussion for the CM corrections are added. Accepted by Journal of Physics

    Hartree-Fock and Many-Body Perturbation Theory with Correlated Realistic NN-Interactions

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    We employ correlated realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions for the description of nuclear ground states throughout the nuclear chart within the Hartree-Fock approximation. The crucial short-range central and tensor correlations, which are induced by the realistic interaction and cannot be described by the Hartree-Fock many-body state itself, are included explicitly by a state-independent unitary transformation in the framework of the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM). Using the correlated realistic interaction V_UCOM resulting from the Argonne V18 potential, bound nuclei are obtained already on the Hartree-Fock level. However, the binding energies are smaller than the experimental values because long-range correlations have not been accounted for. Their inclusion by means of many-body perturbation theory leads to a remarkable agreement with experimental binding energies over the whole mass range from He-4 to Pb-208, even far off the valley of stability. The observed perturbative character of the residual long-range correlations and the apparently small net effect of three-body forces provides promising perspectives for a unified nuclear structure description.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, using REVTEX

    Isoscalar dipole coherence at low energies and forbidden E1 strength

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    In 16O and 40Ca an isoscalar, low-energy dipole transition (IS-LED) exhausting approximately 4% of the isoscalar dipole (ISD) energy-weighted sum rule is experimentally known, but conspicuously absent from recent theoretical investigations of ISD strength. The IS-LED mode coincides with the so-called isospin-forbidden E1 transition. We report that for N=Z nuclei up to 100Sn the fully self-consistent Random-Phase-Approximation with finite-range forces, phenomenological and realistic, yields a collective IS-LED mode, typically overestimating its excitation energy, but correctly describing its IS strength and electroexcitation form factor. The presence of E1 strength is solely due to the Coulomb interaction between the protons and the resulting isospin-symmetry breaking. The smallness of its value is related to the form of the transition density, due to translational invariance. The calculated values of E1 and ISD strength carried by the IS-LED depend on the effective interaction used. Attention is drawn to the possibility that in N-not-equal-Z nuclei this distinct mode of IS surface vibration can develop as such or mix strongly with skin modes and thus influence the pygmy dipole strength as well as the ISD strength function. In general, theoretical models currently in use may be unfit to predict its precise position and strength, if at all its existence.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, EPJA submitte
