747 research outputs found
Timing Properties of Magnetars
We study the pulse morphologies and pulse amplitudes of thermally emitting
neutron stars with ultrastrong magnetic fields. The beaming of the radiation
emerging from a magnetar was recently shown to be predominantly non-radial,
with a small pencil and a broad fan component. We show that the combination of
this radiation pattern with the effects of strong lensing in the gravitational
field of the neutron star yields pulse profiles that show a qualitatively
different behavior compared to that of the radially-peaked beaming patterns
explored previously. Specifically, we find that: (i) the pulse profiles of
magnetars with a single hot emission region on their surface exhibit 1-2 peaks,
whereas those with an antipodal emission geometry have 1-4 peaks, depending on
the neutron star compactness, the observer's viewing angle, and the size of the
hot regions; (ii) the energy dependence of the beaming pattern may give rise to
weakly or strongly energy-dependent pulse profiles and may introduce phase lags
between different energy bands; (iii) the non-radial beaming pattern can give
rise to high pulsed fractions even for very relativistic neutron stars; (iv)
the pulsed fraction may not vary monotonically with neutron star compactness;
(v) the pulsed fraction does not decrease monotonically with the size of the
emitting region; (vi) the pulsed fraction from a neutron star with a single hot
pole has, in general, a very weak energy dependence, in contrast to the case of
an antipodal geometry. Comparison of these results to the observed properties
of anomalous X-ray pulsars strongly suggests that they are neutron stars with a
single hot region of ultrastrong magnetic field.Comment: 22 pages, 13 color figures, ApJ in pres
Non-radiative resonance energy transfer in bi-polymer nanoparticles of fluorescent conjugated polymers
Cataloged from PDF version of article.his work demonstrates the comparative studies of non-radiative resonance energy transfer in bi-polymer nanoparticles based on fluorescent conjugated polymers. For this purpose, poly[(9,9-dihexylfluorene) (PF) as a donor (D) and poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) as an acceptor (A) have been utilized, from which four different bi-polymer nanoparticle systems are designed and synthesized. Both, steady-state fluorescence spectra and time-resolved fluorescence measurements indicate varying energy transfer efficiencies from the host polymer PF to the acceptor polymer MEH-PPV depending on the D-A distances and structural properties of the nanoparticles. The first approach involves the preparation of PF and MEH-PPV nanoparticles separately and mixing them at a certain ratio. In the second approach, first PF and MEH-PPV solutions are mixed prior to nanoparticle formation and then nanoparticles are prepared from the mixture. Third and fourth approaches involve the sequential nanoparticle preparation. In the former, nanoparticles are prepared to have PF as a core and MEH-PPV as a shell. The latter is the reverse of the third in which the core is MEH-PPV and the shell is PF. The highest energy transfer efficiency recorded to be 35% is obtained from the last system, in which a PF layer is sequentially formed on MEH-PPV NPs. © 2010 Optical Society of America
Modeling the Small-World Phenomenon with Road Networks
Dating back to two famous experiments by the social-psychologist, Stanley
Milgram, in the 1960s, the small-world phenomenon is the idea that all people
are connected through a short chain of acquaintances that can be used to route
messages. Many subsequent papers have attempted to model this phenomenon, with
most concentrating on the "short chain" of acquaintances rather than their
ability to efficiently route messages. In this paper, we study the small-world
navigability of the U.S. road network, with the goal of providing a model that
explains how messages in the original small-world experiments could be routed
along short paths using U.S. roads. To this end, we introduce the Neighborhood
Preferential Attachment model, which combines elements from Kleinberg's model
and the Barab\'asi-Albert model, such that long-range links are chosen
according to both the degrees and (road-network) distances of vertices in the
network. We empirically evaluate all three models by running a decentralized
routing algorithm, where each vertex only has knowledge of its own neighbors,
and find that our model outperforms both of these models in terms of the
average hop length. Moreover, our experiments indicate that similar to the
Barab\'asi-Albert model, networks generated by our model are scale-free, which
could be a more realistic representation of acquaintanceship links in the
original small-world experiment
Job Analysis System for Civil Engineers in Construction Companies
Job research and analysis studies are the reports that detail the system andenvironmental conditions and performance of each job for obtaining higher efficiency andreducing the unit cost. In order to do the job analysis properly, information and data regardingthe job have to be evaluated accurately and realistically. The originating point of the article isbased on this definition and requirement. In the study, the established job analysis model hasbeen built on system approach. Steps of the model consist of input-preliminary preparation,process-analysis and conclusion phases.In accordance with the model suggested, a job analysis form has been developed to beused in improvement of functions of various human resources and in selection of civil engineersat manager position of construction companies during the study. The form specifies the jobprofile and personal requirements of civil engineers and gives information about time researchstudies aimed at efficiency. Form data has been collected by interviewing 50 (fifty) civilengineers at manager position working at large and medium sized construction firms, in order tobe used in job analysis discipline. In the study, information and data obtained by job analysisform have been analyzed by statistical methods and the results have been compared to similarliterature findings
Hybrid Thermal-Nonthermal Synchrotron Emission from Hot Accretion Flows
We investigate the effect of a hybrid electron population, consisting of both
thermal and non-thermal particles, on the synchrotron spectrum, image size, and
image shape of a hot accretion flow onto a supermassive black hole. We find two
universal features in the emitted synchrotron spectrum: (i) a prominent
shoulder at low (< 10^11 Hz) frequencies that is weakly dependent on the shape
of the electron energy distribution, and (ii) an extended tail of emission at
high (> 10^13 Hz) frequencies whose spectral slope depends on the slope of the
power-law energy distribution of the electrons. In the low-frequency shoulder,
the luminosity can be up to two orders of magnitude greater than with a purely
thermal plasma even if only a small fraction (< 1%) of the steady-state
electron energy is in the non-thermal electrons. We apply the hybrid model to
the Galactic center source, Sgr A*. The observed radio and IR spectra imply
that at most 1% of the steady-state electron energy is present in a power-law
tail in this source. This corresponds to no more than 10% of the electron
energy injected into the non-thermal electrons and hence 90% into the thermal
electrons. We show that such a hybrid distribution can be sustained in the flow
because thermalization via Coulomb collisions and synchrotron self-absorption
are both inefficient. The presence of non-thermal electrons enlarges the size
of the radio image at low frequencies and alters the frequency dependence of
the brightness temperature. A purely thermal electron distributions produces a
sharp-edged image while a hybrid distribution causes strong limb brightening.
These effects can be seen up to frequencies ~10^11 Hz and are accessible to
radio interferometers.Comment: 33 pages with figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa
Hard turning with variable micro-geometry PcBN tools
Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper presents investigations on hard turning with variable edge design PcBN inserts. Turning of
hardened AISI 4340 steel with uniform and variable edge design PcBN inserts is conducted, forces and
tool wear are measured. 3D finite element modelling is utilized to predict chip formation, forces,
temperatures and tool wear on uniform and variable edge micro-geometry tools. Predicted forces and
tool wear contours are compared with experiments. The temperature distributions and tool wear
contours demonstrate the advantages of variable edge micro-geometry design.
2008 CIRP
Highway Preferential Attachment Models for Geographic Routing
In the 1960s, the world-renowned social psychologist Stanley Milgram
conducted experiments that showed that not only do there exist ``short chains''
of acquaintances between any two arbitrary people, but that these arbitrary
strangers are able to find these short chains. This phenomenon, known as the
\emph{small-world phenomenon}, is explained in part by any model that has a low
diameter, such as the Barab\'asi and Albert's \emph{preferential attachment}
model, but these models do not display the same efficient routing that
Milgram's experiments showed. In the year 2000, Kleinberg proposed a model with
an efficient greedy routing algorithm. In 2004, Martel
and Nguyen showed that Kleinberg's analysis was tight, while also showing that
Kleinberg's model had an expected diameter of only -- a much
smaller value than the greedy routing algorithm's path lengths. In 2022,
Goodrich and Ozel proposed the \emph{neighborhood preferential attachment}
model (NPA), combining elements from Barab\'asi and Albert's model with
Kleinberg's model, and experimentally showed that the resulting model
outperformed Kleinberg's greedy routing performance on U.S. road networks.
While they displayed impressive empirical results, they did not provide any
theoretical analysis of their model. In this paper, we first provide a
theoretical analysis of a generalization of Kleinberg's original model and show
that it can achieve expected routing, a much better
result than Kleinberg's model. We then propose a new model, \emph{windowed
NPA}, that is similar to the neighborhood preferential attachment model but has
provable theoretical guarantees w.h.p. We show that this model is able to
achieve greedy routing for any .Comment: v1 appeared in the 16th Annual International Conference on
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA'23) in 2023, 25 pages, 6
Peptide-Mediated Constructs of Quantum Dot Nanocomposites for Enzymatic Control of Nonradiative Energy Transfer
Cataloged from PDF version of article.A bottom-up approach for constructing colloidal semiconductor quantum dot (QDot) nanocomposites that facilitate nonradiative Forster-type resonance energy transfer (FRET) using polyelectrolyte peptides was proposed and realized. The electrostatic interaction of these polypeptides with altering chain lengths was probed for thermodynamic, structural, and morphological aspects. The resulting nanocomposite film was successfully cut with the protease by digesting the biomimetic peptide layer upon which the QDot assembly was constructed. The ability to control photoluminescence decay lifetime was demonstrated by proteolytic enzyme activity, opening up new possibilities for biosensor applications
Violet to deep-ultraviolet InGaN/GaN and GaN/AIGaN quantum structures for UV electroabsorption modulators
Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we present four GaN based polar quantum structures grown on c-plane embedded in p-i-n diode architecture as a part of high-speed electroabsorption modulators for use in optical communication (free-space non-line-of-sight optical links) in the ultraviolet (UV): the first modulator incorporates similar to 4-6 nm thick GaN/AlGaN quantum structures for operation in the deep-UV spectral region and the other three incorporate similar to 2-3 nm thick InGaN/GaN quantum structures tuned for operation in violet to near-UV spectral region. Here, we report on the design, epitaxial growth, fabrication, and characterization of these quantum electroabsorption modulators. In reverse bias, these devices exhibit a strong electroabsorption (optical absorption coefficient change in the range of 5500-13 000 cm(-1) with electric field swings of 40-75 V/mu m) at their specific operating wavelengths. In this work, we show that these quantum electroabsorption structures hold great promise for future applications in ultraviolet optoelectronics technology such as external modulation and data coding in secure non-line-of-sight communication systems. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics
Noisy Sorting Without Searching: Data Oblivious Sorting with Comparison Errors
We provide and study several algorithms for sorting an array of n comparable distinct elements subject to probabilistic comparison errors. In this model, the comparison of two elements returns the wrong answer according to a fixed probability, p_e < 1/2, and otherwise returns the correct answer. The dislocation of an element is the distance between its position in a given (current or output) array and its position in a sorted array. There are various algorithms that can be utilized for sorting or near-sorting elements subject to probabilistic comparison errors, but these algorithms are not data oblivious because they all make heavy use of noisy binary searching. In this paper, we provide new methods for sorting with comparison errors that are data oblivious while avoiding the use of noisy binary search methods. In addition, we experimentally compare our algorithms and other sorting algorithms
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