International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering
Job research and analysis studies are the reports that detail the system andenvironmental conditions and performance of each job for obtaining higher efficiency andreducing the unit cost. In order to do the job analysis properly, information and data regardingthe job have to be evaluated accurately and realistically. The originating point of the article isbased on this definition and requirement. In the study, the established job analysis model hasbeen built on system approach. Steps of the model consist of input-preliminary preparation,process-analysis and conclusion phases.In accordance with the model suggested, a job analysis form has been developed to beused in improvement of functions of various human resources and in selection of civil engineersat manager position of construction companies during the study. The form specifies the jobprofile and personal requirements of civil engineers and gives information about time researchstudies aimed at efficiency. Form data has been collected by interviewing 50 (fifty) civilengineers at manager position working at large and medium sized construction firms, in order tobe used in job analysis discipline. In the study, information and data obtained by job analysisform have been analyzed by statistical methods and the results have been compared to similarliterature findings