100 research outputs found
Sampling the canonical phase from phase-space functions
We discuss the possibility of sampling exponential moments of the canonical
phase from the s-parametrized phase space functions. We show that the sampling
kernels exist and are well-behaved for any s>-1, whereas for s=-1 the kernels
diverge in the origin. In spite of that we show that the phase space moments
can be sampled with any predefined accuracy from the Q-function measured in the
double-homodyne scheme with perfect detectors. We discuss the effect of
imperfect detection and address sampling schemes using other measurable
phase-space functions. Finally, we discuss the problem of sampling the
canonical phase distribution itself.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, REVTe
Multi-mode density matrices of light via amplitude and phase control
A new method is described for determining the quantum state of correlated
multimode radiation by interfering the modes and measuring the statistics of
the superimposed fields in four-port balanced homodyne detection. The full
information on the -mode quantum state is obtained by controlling both the
relative amplitudes and the phases of the modes, which simplifies the
reconstruction of density matrices to only Fourier transforms. In
particular, this method yields time-correlated multimode density matrices of
optical pulses by superimposing the signal by a sequence of short
local-oscillator pulses.Comment: 6 pages, late
Mode structure and photon number correlations in squeezed quantum pulses
The question of efficient multimode description of optical pulses is studied.
We show that a relatively very small number of nonmonochromatic modes can be
sufficient for a complete quantum description of pulses with Gaussian
quadrature statistics. For example, a three-mode description was enough to
reproduce the experimental data of photon number correlations in optical
solitons [S. Spalter et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 786 (1998)]. This approach is
very useful for a detailed understanding of squeezing properties of soliton
pulses with the main potential for quantum communication with continuous
variables. We show how homodyne detection and/or measurements of photon number
correlations can be used to determine the quantum state of the multi-mode
field. We also discuss a possible way of physical separation of the
nonmonochromatic modes.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; minor revisions of the text, new references; to
appear in the Phys. Rev.
Continuous-variable teleportation improvement by photon subtraction via conditional measurement
We show that the recently proposed scheme of teleportation of continuous
variables [S.L. Braunstein and H.J. Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 869 (1998)]
can be improved by a conditional measurement in the preparation of the
entangled state shared by the sender and the recipient. The conditional
measurement subtracts photons from the original entangled two-mode squeezed
vacuum, by transmitting each mode through a low-reflectivity beam splitter and
performing a joint photon-number measurement on the reflected beams. In this
way the degree of entanglement of the shared state is increased and so is the
fidelity of the teleported state.Comment: 7 pages REVTeX, 7 figure
Translational Entanglement of Dipole-Dipole Interacting Atoms in Optical Lattices
We propose and investigate a realization of the position- and
momentum-correlated Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states [Phys. Rev. 47, 777
(1935)] that have hitherto eluded detection. The realization involves atom
pairs that are confined to adjacent sites of two mutually shifted optical
lattices and are entangled via laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions. The
EPR "paradox" with translational variables is then modified by
lattice-diffraction effects, and can be verified to a high degree of accuracy
in this scheme.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in PR
Conditional teleportation using optical squeezers and photon counting
We suggest a scheme of using two-mode squeezed vacuum for conditional
teleportation of quantum states of optical field. Alice mixes the input state
with one of the squeezed modes on another squeezing device and detects the
output photon numbers. The result is then communicated to Bob who shifts the
photon number of his part accordingly. This is a principally realizable
modification of the recent scheme [G.J. Milburn and S.L. Braunstein, Phys. Rev.
A 60, 937 (1999)] where measurements of photon number difference and phase sum
are considered. We show that for some classes of states this method can yield
very high fidelity of teleportation, nevertheless, the success probability may
be limited.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; notations simplified, more explicit explanatio
Number phase uncertainty relations: verification by homodyning
It is shown that fundamental uncertainty relations between photon number and
canonical phase of a single-mode optical field can be verified by means of
balanced homodyne measurement. All the relevant quantities can be sampled
directly from the measured phase-dependent quadrature distribution.Comment: 1 Ps figure (divided in 3 subfigures) using REVTE
Maximum likelihood estimation of photon number distribution from homodyne statistics
We present a method for reconstructing the photon number distribution from
the homodyne statistics based on maximization of the likelihood function
derived from the exact statistical description of a homodyne experiment. This
method incorporates in a natural way the physical constraints on the
reconstructed quantities, and the compensation for the nonunit detection
efficiency.Comment: 3 pages REVTeX. Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev. A as a Brief
Wigner-function description of quantum teleportation in arbitrary dimensions and continuous limit
We present a unified approach to quantum teleportation in arbitrary
dimensions based on the Wigner-function formalism. This approach provides us
with a clear picture of all manipulations performed in the teleportation
protocol. In addition within the framework of the Wigner-function formalism all
the imperfections of the manipulations can be easily taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (included). Accepted for publication in
Phys. Rev. A A minor correction added on May 2
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