164 research outputs found

    Privacy enhanced interface identifiers in IPv6

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    The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6) proposed to replace IPV4 to solve scalability challenges and improve quality of service and security. Current implementation of IPv6 uses static value that is determined from the Media Access Control (MAC) address as the Interface Identifier (IID). This results in a deterministic IID for each user that is the same regardless of any network changes. This provides an eavesdropper with the ability to easily track the physical location of the communicating nodes using simple tools, such as ping and traceroute. Moreover, this address generation method provides a means to correlate network traffic with a specific user which can be achieved by filtering the IID and traffic analysis. These serious privacy breaches need to be addressed before widespread deployment of IPv6. In this paper we propose a privacy-enhanced method for generating IID which combines different network parameters. The proposed method generates non-deterministic IIDs that is resistance against correlation attack. We validate our approach using Wireshark, ping and traceroute tools and show that our proposed approach achieves better privacy compared to the existing IID generation methods

    Ethical Approaches to Mandating Influenza Vaccinations for Local Health Department Workforce in Georgia

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    Background: The seasonal influenza illness occurs every year in the United States during the cooler months from October to April, sometimes lasting longer. Although certain populations are more susceptible to this condition, data have shown that otherwise healthy individuals have experienced alarming rates of morbidity and mortality associated with these infections. Despite the CDC’s recommendation for influenza vaccination for all HCWs, compliance have been lagging among local health departments’ workforce. This practice arguably exposes a wide cross section of the U.S. population to the flu, while being served in these facilities. The utilitarian approach provides a framework to examine the ethical implications to the public of mandating influenza vaccination for these employees. Methods: A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature was conducted to address the following research questions: 1) Do local public health departments in Georgia mandate annual influenza vaccinations?  2) What are the ethical considerations for mandating influenza vaccinations for public health employees? and 3) What are the ethical considerations for mandating influenza vaccinations for the community? Twenty-five articles were included in the review. Results: Descriptive analysis shows that there is no mandatory vaccination policy in place for state or local departments in health in the state of Georgia. Most of the literature available relates to policy implementation within acute or long-term care facilities. A systematic review of mandatory influenza vaccination for public health workers focused on four areas: theoretical approaches to increase influenza vaccination coverage and support of, opposition to, and alternative strategies for influenza vaccinations. Conclusions: The utilitarian approach is sufficient for the influenza vaccination policy- making strategies and in the ethical approaches of mandating influenza vaccinations for local health department workforce in Georgia if need be, for vaccination targets are to be achieved

    Fatal Injuries in the Slums of Nairobi and their Risk Factors: Results from a Matched Case-Control Study

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    Injuries contribute significantly to the rising morbidity and mortality attributable to non-communicable diseases in the developing world. Unfortunately, active injury surveillance is lacking in many developing countries, including Kenya. This study aims to describe and identify causes of and risk factors for fatal injuries in two slums in Nairobi city using a demographic surveillance system framework. The causes of death are determined using verbal autopsies. We used a nested case-control study design with all deaths from injuries between 2003 and 2005 as cases. Two controls were randomly selected from the non-injury deaths over the same period and individually matched to each case on age and sex. We used conditional logistic regression modeling to identity individual- and community-level factors associated with fatal injuries. Intentional injuries accounted for about 51% and unintentional injuries accounted for 49% of all injuries. Homicides accounted for 91% of intentional injuries and 47% of all injury-related deaths. Firearms (23%) and road traffic crashes (22%) were the leading single causes of deaths due to injuries. About 15% of injuries were due to substance intoxication, particularly alcohol, which in this community comes from illicit brews and is at times contaminated with methanol. Results suggest that in the pervasively unsafe and insecure environment that characterizes the urban slums, ethnicity, residence, and area level factors contribute significantly to the risk of injury-related mortality

    Systematic review and meta-analysis: prevalence of alcohol use among young people in eastern Africa.

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    OBJECTIVE: Systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies of alcohol use among young people (age 15-24 years) in eastern Africa to estimate prevalence of alcohol use and determine the extent of use of standardised screening questionnaires in alcohol studies. METHODS: Five databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, Africa-wide, and PsycINFO) were searched for publications until 30th June 2013. Results were summarised using the guidelines on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) and on quality assessment using the modified quality assessment tool for systematic reviews of observational studies (QATSO). Heterogeneity was assessed using the I(2) statistic (DerSimonian-Laird). RESULTS: We identified 2785 potentially relevant studies, of which 56 were eligible for inclusion. Only two studies (4%) used the standardised Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) questionnaire, and six studies (13%) used the Cut down, Annoyed, Guilt, Eye opener (CAGE) questionnaire. The reported median prevalence of alcohol use was ever-use 52% [interquartile range (IQR): 20-58%], use in the last month 28% (IQR: 17-37%), use in the last year 26% (IQR: 22-32%), and problem drinking as defined by CAGE or AUDIT 15% (IQR: 3-36%). We observed high heterogeneity between studies, with the highest prevalence of ever use of alcohol among university students (82%; 95%CI: 79-85%) and female sex workers (66%; 95%CI: 58-74%). Current use was most prevalent among male sex workers (69%; 95%CI: 63-75%). CONCLUSIONS: Reported alcohol use and problem drinking were common among diverse groups of young people in eastern Africa, indicating the urgent need for alcohol-focused interventions in this population. Few studies have used standardised alcohol screening questionnaires. Epidemiological research to investigate alcohol-focused interventions in young people should aim to apply such questionnaires that should be validated for use in this population

    Health worker views on pre-treatment loss to follow-up in adults with pulmonary TB in Western Kenya

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    SETTING: County referral hospital in Western Kenya. OBJECTIVES: To explore factors contributing to pre-treatment loss to follow-up (PTLFU) in adults with pulmonary TB and propose solutions to address PTLFU from healthcare worker (HCW) perspectives. DESIGN: This was an exploratory qualitative study using thematic analysis. RESULTS: We conducted 19 key informant interviews with HCWs representing laboratory, clinical care, management and the community. Participant age ranged from 26 to 62 years; 14 (74%) were females; and most (74%) had worked in TB care for 5 years. They reported that patients experienced stigma and had misconceptions about TB that contributed to PTLFU. HCWs were hesitant to work in the TB clinic, which contributed to suboptimal patient care, leading to PTLFU. Unclear linkage between laboratory and clinician, and limited financial resources to track patients were among the healthcare system factors that led to PTLFU. HCWs suggested having proper patient preparation, assigning resources to track patients and holding regular interdisciplinary meetings as practical solutions to address PTLFU. CONCLUSION: HCWs reported multiple factors that may influence PTLFU and recommended various solutions to address these. Knowledge of TB management, patient preparation, resources to track patients and multidisciplinary meetings will be central to addressing PTLFU

    Induction of microRNAs, mir-155, mir-222, mir-424 and mir-503, promotes monocytic differentiation through combinatorial regulation

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) involves a block in terminal differentiation of the myeloid lineage and uncontrolled proliferation of a progenitor state. Using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), it is possible to overcome this block in THP-1 cells (an M5-AML containing the MLL-MLLT3 fusion), resulting in differentiation to an adherent monocytic phenotype. As part of FANTOM4, we used microarrays to identify 23 microRNAs that are regulated by PMA. We identify four PMA-induced micro- RNAs (mir-155, mir-222, mir-424 and mir-503) that when overexpressed cause cell-cycle arrest and partial differentiation and when used in combination induce additional changes not seen by any individual microRNA. We further characterize these prodifferentiative microRNAs and show that mir-155 and mir-222 induce G2 arrest and apoptosis, respectively. We find mir-424 and mir-503 are derived from a polycistronic precursor mir-424-503 that is under repression by the MLL-MLLT3 leukemogenic fusion. Both of these microRNAs directly target cell-cycle regulators and induce G1 cell-cycle arrest when overexpressed in THP-1. We also find that the pro-differentiative mir-424 and mir-503 downregulate the anti-differentiative mir-9 by targeting a site in its primary transcript. Our study highlights the combinatorial effects of multiple microRNAs within cellular systems.Comment: 45 pages 5 figure

    Citywide Trauma Experience in Mwanza, Tanzania: A Need for Urgent Intervention.

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    Trauma remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in resource limited countries. There is paucity of published reports on trauma care in Tanzania, particularly the study area. This study was carried out to describe our experiences in trauma management outlining the etiological spectrum, injury characteristics and treatment outcome of trauma patients at our local setting and compare our results with those from other centers in the world. A descriptive prospective study of trauma patients was conducted at Bugando Medical Centre from April 2010 to March 2012. Statistical data analysis was done using SPSS software version 17.0. A total of 5672 trauma patients were enrolled in the study. The male to female ratio was 2.3: 1. The majority of patients were in the 2nd decade of life. Road traffic accident was the most common cause of trauma accounting for 60.7% of cases. The majority of patients (76.6%) sustained blunt injuries. Musculoskeletal (68.5%) and head/neck (52.6%) were the most frequent body region injured. Soft tissue injuries (open wounds) and fractures were the most common injuries accounting for 82.8% and 76.8% respectively. Majority of patients (74.4%) were treated surgically with wound debridement (94.0%) being the most frequently performed procedure. Postoperative complications were recorded in 31.5% of cases.The overall median duration of hospitalization was 26 days (range 1 day to 144 days). Mortality rate was 16.7%. Patients who had polytrauma, burn injuries and those who had tetanus and long bone fractures stayed longer in the hospital and this was statistically significant (P < 0.001), whereas the age > 65 years, severe trauma, admission Systolic Blood Pressure < 90 mmHg, presence of tetanus, severe head injury, the duration of loss of consciousness, the need for intensive care unit admission and finding of space occupying lesion on CT scan of the brain significantly influenced mortality (P < 0.001). Trauma resulting from road traffic accidents remains a major public health problem in this part of Tanzania. Urgent preventive measures targeting at reducing the occurrence of road traffic accidents is necessary to reduce the incidence of trauma in this region

    Abnormalities on 1q and 7q are associated with poor outcome in sporadic Burkitt's lymphoma. A cytogenetic and comparative genomic hybridization study

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    Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies have demonstrated a high incidence of chromosomal imbalances in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. However, the information on the genomic imbalances in Burkitt's Lymphoma (BL) is scanty. Conventional cytogenetics was performed in 34 cases, and long-distance PCR for t(8;14) was performed in 18 cases. A total of 170 changes were present with a median of four changes per case (range 1-22). Gains of chromosomal material (143) were more frequent than amplifications (5) or losses (22). The most frequent aberrations were gains on chromosomes 12q (26%), Xq (22%), 22q (20%), 20q (17%) and 9q (15%). Losses predominantly involved chromosomes 13q (17%) and 4q (9%). High-level amplifications were present in the regions 1q23-31 (three cases), 6p12-p25 and 8p22-p23. Upon comparing BL vs Burkitt's cell leukemia (BCL), the latter had more changes (mean 4.3 +/- 2.2) than BL (mean 2.7 +/- 3.2). In addition, BCL cases showed more frequently gains on 8q, 9q, 14q, 20q, and 20q, 9q, 8q and 14q, as well as losses on 13q and 4q. Concerning outcome, the presence of abnormalities on 1q (ascertained either by cytogenetics or by CGH), and imbalances on 7q (P=0.01) were associated with a short survival