28 research outputs found

    Epidermal RAF prevents allergic skin disease

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    The RAS pathway is central to epidermal homeostasis, and its activation in tumors or in Rasopathies correlates with hyperproliferation. Downstream of RAS, RAF kinases are actionable targets regulating keratinocyte turnover; however, chemical RAF inhibitors paradoxically activate the pathway, promoting epidermal proliferation. We generated mice with compound epidermis restricted BRAF/RAF1 ablation. In these animals, transient barrier defects and production of chemokines and Th2-type cytokines by keratinocytes cause a disease akin to human atopic dermatitis, characterized by IgE responses and local and systemic inflammation. Mechanistically, BRAF and RAF1 operate independently to balance MAPK signaling: BRAF promotes ERK activation, while RAF1 dims stress kinase activation. In vivo, JNK inhibition prevents disease onset, while MEK/ERK inhibition in mice lacking epidermal RAF1 phenocopies it. These results support a primary role of keratinocytes in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, and the animals lacking BRAF and RAF1 in the epidermis represent a useful model for this disease

    New Insights into the Genetic Regulation of Homologue Disjunction in Mammalian Oocytes

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    Mammalian oocytes execute a unique meiotic programme involving 2 arrest stages and an unusually protracted preamble to chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division (meiosis I). How mammalian oocytes successfully navigate their exceptional meiotic journey has long been a question of immense interest. Understanding the minutiae of female mammalian meiosis I is not merely of academic interest as 80–90% of human aneuploidy is the consequence of errors arising at this particular stage of oocyte maturation, a stage with a peculiar vulnerability to aging. Recent evidence indicates that oocytes employ many of the same cast of proteins during meiosis I as somatic cells do during mitosis, often to execute similar tasks, but intriguingly, occasionally delegate them to unexpected and unprecedented roles. This is epitomised by the master cell-cycle regulon, the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C), acting in concert with a critical APC/C-targeted surveillance mechanism, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Together, the APC/C and the SAC are among the most influential entities overseeing the fidelity of cell-cycle progression and the precision of chromosome segregation. Here I review the current status of pivotal elements underpinning homologue disjunction in mammalian oocytes including spindle assembly, critical biochemical anaphase-initiating events, APC/C activity and SAC signalling along with contemporary findings relevant to progressive oocyte SAC dysfunction as a model for age-related human aneuploidy

    Bub3 Is a Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Protein Regulating Chromosome Segregation during Mouse Oocyte Meiosis

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    In mitosis, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents anaphase onset until all chromosomes have been attached to the spindle microtubules and aligned correctly at the equatorial metaphase plate. The major checkpoint proteins in mitosis consist of mitotic arrest-deficient (Mad)1–3, budding uninhibited by benzimidazole (Bub)1, Bub3, and monopolar spindle 1(Mps1). During meiosis, for the formation of a haploid gamete, two consecutive rounds of chromosome segregation occur with only one round of DNA replication. To pull homologous chromosomes to opposite spindle poles during meiosis I, both sister kinetochores of a homologue must face toward the same pole which is very different from mitosis and meiosis II. As a core member of checkpoint proteins, the individual role of Bub3 in mammalian oocyte meiosis is unclear. In this study, using overexpression and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches, we analyzed the role of Bub3 in mouse oocyte meiosis. Our data showed that overexpressed Bub3 inhibited meiotic metaphase-anaphase transition by preventing homologous chromosome and sister chromatid segregations in meiosis I and II, respectively. Misaligned chromosomes, abnormal polar body and double polar bodies were observed in Bub3 knock-down oocytes, causing aneuploidy. Furthermore, through cold treatment combined with Bub3 overexpression, we found that overexpressed Bub3 affected the attachments of microtubules and kinetochores during metaphase-anaphase transition. We propose that as a member of SAC, Bub3 is required for regulation of both meiosis I and II, and is potentially involved in kinetochore-microtubule attachment in mammalian oocytes

    Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Regulates Mitotic Cell Cycle Progression during Preimplantation Embryo Development

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    Errors in chromosome segregation or distribution may result in aneuploid embryo formation, which causes implantation failure, spontaneous abortion, genetic diseases, or embryo death. Embryonic aneuploidy occurs when chromosome aberrations are present in gametes or early embryos. To date, it is still unclear whether the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is required for the regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression to ensure mitotic fidelity during preimplantation development. In this study, using overexpression and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches, we analyzed the role of SAC components (Bub3, BubR1 and Mad2) in mouse preimplantation embryos. Our data showed that overexpressed SAC components inhibited metaphase-anaphase transition by preventing sister chromatid segregation. Deletion of SAC components by RNAi accelerated the metaphase-anaphase transition during the first cleavage and caused micronuclei formation, chromosome misalignment and aneuploidy, which caused decreased implantation and delayed development. Furthermore, in the presence of the spindle-depolymerizing drug nocodazole, SAC depleted embryos failed to arrest at metaphase. Our results suggest that SAC is essential for the regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression in cleavage stage mouse embryos

    The Aurora kinase inhibitor ZM447439 accelerates first meiosis in mouse oocytes by overriding the spindle assembly checkpoint

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    Previous studies have established that when maturing mouse oocytes are continuously incubated with the Aurora inhibitor ZM447439, meiotic maturation is blocked. In this study, we observe that by altering the time of addition of the inhibitor, oocyte maturation can actually be accelerated by 1 h as measured by the timing of polar body extrusion. ZM447439 also had the ability to overcome a spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) arrest caused by nocodazole and so rescue polar body extrusion. Consistent with the ability of the SAC to inhibit cyclin B1 degradation by blocking activation of the anaphase-promoting complex, we could also observe a rescue in cyclin B1 degradation when ZM447439 was added to nocodazole-treated oocytes. The acceleration of the first meiotic division by ZM447439, which has not been achieved previously, and its effects on the SAC are all consistent with the proposed mitotic role of Aurora B in activating the SAC. We hypothesize that Aurora kinase activity controls the SAC in meiosis I, despite differences to the mitotic cell cycle division in spindle architecture brought about by the meiotic mono-orientation of sister kinetochores