63 research outputs found

    Language Contact with Crew of Rykyu\u27s Drifting Ships in the Qing Dynasty

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    The communication between Ryukyu・Okinawa and China has a long history. It has been said that the history has begun even at Ming Dynasty Ryukyu Dynasty were canonized by Chinese king even after Satsuma clan (now Kagoshima Prefecture)\u27s invasion in the beginning of 17 century. The tributary relations between Ryukyu and China had last for 5 centuries until Ryukyu became Okinawa Prefecture by Meiji Japanese government in 1872. The relationship between China and Ryukyu basic were tributary relations. However, the main transportation mean in Ryukyu were by ship,and lots of ship encountered typhoon, lost control of their ship,and finally were drifted to China continent. You can refer to these historical documentation in the book「Selected documentation of China-Ryukyurelations in Qing Dynasty」which was public by China First Historical Archives. Lots of ship-drift cases are written in this book from Qianlong era to Guangxu era of Qing Dynasty. Various forms of transportation can be found form those cases. This paper will not focus on tributary ships from Ryukyu, but on the part of rescue and aid from Qing government to those who were drifted from Ryukyu.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点東アジアの歴史と動

    Effect of NO Synthase Blockade on Myocardial Contractility of Hypokinetic Rats during Stimulation of β-Adrenoreceptors

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Stimulation of β-adrenoreceptors with low (10–8 and 10–7 M) or high (10–6 M) doses of isoproterenol in hypokinetic rats treated with L-NAME (a non-selective blocker of NO synthases) decreased or increased myocardial contractility, respectively. In control rats, all examined doses of isoproterenol used under blockade of NO synthases inhibited myocardial contractility

    Norepinephrine effect on myocardial contractility in rats at hypokinesia

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Hypokinesia for warm-blooded animals and humans is a stressor agent,and the activation of the NO-system is one of the body mechanisms of reduction of stress influences. A prolonged hypokinesia causes significant changes in myocardial contractility and cardiac phases as a consequence of the formation of the phase syndrome of “myocardial hypodynamia”. Objective of the research was to study the effect of hypokinesia on myocardial contractility in rats at administration of various doses of norepinephrine under blocking NO-synthases (NOS) and β-adrenergic receptors (β- AR). The effect of a non-selective agonist of adrenergic receptors - norepinephrine - was studied in the concentration range of 10-5 - 10-7 on atrial and ventricular myocardial contractility in mature rats of control (unlimited motor activity) and experimental (90-day hypokinesia) groups on the background of a NOS inhibitor - L-NAME at a dose of 10 mg/kg (intraperitoneally,1 hour before autopsy) and β-AR blockade with Obsidan (0.1% solution at a concentration of 0.8 mg/kg),with the use of “PowerLab” (“ADInstruments”) device,with the force sensor “MLT 050/D” (“ADInstruments”). The contractile force reaction in response to pharmacological agents was calculated in percentage of the original (100%). On the background of the β-AR and NOS blockade,the administration of norepinephrine at all studied concentrations causes a decrease in contractility of the strips of ventricular myocardium in both experimental groups. In the atria,the studied substance at a concentration of 10-5M causes a slight increase in the contractility of myocardial strips

    Regional characteristics of infant mortality in the Middle Urals

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    There is presented the analysis of the mortality of children aged up to one year in Sverdlovsk region from 2008 to 2013. The dynamics of infantile mortality indicators in Sverdlovsk region is given taking into account various reasons and in comparison with similar indicators in the Russian Federation. The increase of specific load of infectious diseases is shown in the structure of infantile mortality due to viral infections. The negative tendency of the increase in infant death cases at home due to infectious causes is marked in combination with unfavourable social factors. Infectious diseases composed 25,0% in the structure of child mortality at home among children aged up to one year. In 2013 unidentified infections (41,4%), Herpes virus infection (20,7%), intestinal viral infections (3,4%), and cytomegalovirus infections (3,4%) had the highest numbers

    Magnetic microstructure and the electrical properties of rare-earth Fe-substituted cuprates of the 8-8-20 type

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    Crystal structure, magnetic microstructure, and electrical properties of cuprates of rare-earth elements with a partial substitution of the atoms of strontium for rare-earth elements (REEs) and iron for copper have been investigated. The detailed analysis of the Mössbauer spectra of cuprates made it possible to assume that the substitution of strontium for REEs in iron-substituted cuprates of neodymium leads to a recharging of part of iron cations, and in praseodymium cuprates, of lanthanide ions. The measurements of electrical conductivity and thermopower of the samples confirmed this assumption. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Selecting and structuring teaching content algorithm for physical and mathematical disciplines, aimed at students’ project-technical competence formation

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The most important component of the professional competence of an engineer is the synthesis of project and technical competences—project-technical competence, suggesting a set of special knowledge, skills and proficiencies, personal qualities necessary for the effective specialists’ performance of their professional duties, in particular, for the successful implementation of engineering projects requiring technical calculations running, capabilities to effectively operate in real life, to get oriented in production situations, to adapt to changing conditions, to work in different teams. In this connection, the problem of selecting and structuring teaching content of physical and mathematical disciplines, aimed at the formation of project-technical competence of technical university students, is becoming relevant. The paper presents an algorithm for selecting and structuring the physical and mathematical disciplines teaching content, aimed at the formation of students’ project-technical competence, involving a sequence of analytical and preparatory, organizational-substantive, procedural-methodological, as well as correction-implemental stages. The article submissions are of practical value to Mathematics and Physics teachers for selecting and structuring the content of these disciplines


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    The aim of research is to study the state of circadian arterial tension profile in the patients with bronchial asthma and hypertensive disease as comorbid disease. Materials and methods. The research has been performed at 76 patients with bronchial asthma and hypertensive disease as comorbid disease (the main group) and 52 patients with hypertensive disease as the comparison group. The groups were comparable with respect to the gender and age sign. Investigation was performed in the period of clinical remission. The main method used in this research was the investigation of day arterial tension profile in the time of its monitoring. Results. It has been revealed the presence of frequent and expressed change from the side of the studied indexes, especially in the patients with comorbid pathology, which were characterized by more frequent and more significant disorders from the side of diastolic blood pressure, especially at night in combination with more considerable and more rapid rise in early morning hours. The day arterial tension profile was characterized either with insufficient decline of arterial pressure at night or, opposite, with its sharp decrease. Specified disorders were increased as far as heaving of main and comorbid diseases, presence of disorders from the side of lipid exchange were not related to the phase of bronchial asthma (remission, exacerbation) and level of its flow control. Цель  исследования – изучение состояния циркадного профиля артериального давления у больных бронхиальной астмой, имеющих в качестве коморбидного заболевания гипертоническую болезнь. Материал и методы. Исследование выполнено у 76 больных бронхиальной астмой, имеющих в качестве коморбидного заболевания бронхиальную астму, (основная группа) и 52 больных с гипертонической болезнью (группа сравнения). Группы были сопоставимы по половому и возрастному признаку. Обследование выполнялось в период клинической ремиссии. Основной метод исследования – изучение суточного профиля артериального давления, получаемого в ходе суточного мониторирования последнего. Результаты. Выявлено наличие частого и выраженного изменения со стороны изучаемых показателей, особенно у пациентов с коморбидной патологией, для которых характерно более частое и более значимое нарушение со стороны диастолического артериального давления, особенно ночью, в сочетании с более значительным и быстрым его подъемом в ранние утренние часы. Суточный профиль артериального давления характеризовался либо недостаточным снижением артериального давления ночью, либо, напротив, его резким снижением. Указанные нарушения возрастали по мере утяжеления основного и коморбидного заболевания, наличия нарушений со стороны липидного обмена и не были связаны с фазой бронхиальной астмы (ремиссия, обострение) и уровнем контроля ее течения


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    This paper describes study of larynx microflora in patients with acute laryngtis and exacerbations of chronic laryngitis. Therapeutic algorithm based on bacteriologic examination data was developed reduce. New algorithm helps reduce sickness terms and to decrease prevalence of desease.123 patients of age from 18 to 60 were under observation: 43 patients with acute laryngitis and 80 patients with exacerbation of chronic laryngitis. 22 patients with acute laryngitis and 58 patients with exacerbation of chronic laryngitis underwent etiotropic treatment with antibiotics. The group of comparison with acute laryngitis (21 patients) and chronic laryngitis (22 patients) received treatment according to the conventional scheme.Bacteriologic examination of larynx mucous, clinical study and functional voice test (time of maximum vowels phonation) before and after treatment were carried out.As a result of the research it was established that the most common causative agent of acute and chronic inflammatory larynx diseases is S. aureus as a mono culture or combined with other bacterial associations (S. аnhemolyticus, Str. viridans etc.).After the end of antibacterial therapy we found symptoms as hoarseness, irritation, dry laryngopharynx, hyperemia and swelling of larynx mucous reduced eather in new treatment group than controlled group. Time of maximum vowels phonation (in seconds) also increased significantly.Sickness terms after prescription of new treatment was shorter than in comparison groups: (10.9 ± 7.9) days for acute laryngitis and (12.6 ± 7.3) days for chronic laryngitis respectively. Health index was 20.8 and 19.5% respectively.Проведено исследование микрофлоры гортани у больных острыми и хроническими ларингитами в стадии обострения для разработки терапевтических комплексов с учетом данных бактериологического исследования с целью сокращения сроков нетрудоспособности и повышения уровня здоровья.Под наблюдением находились 123 пациента, из них 43 с острым ларингитом и 80 с обострением хронического ларингита, в возрасте от 18 до 60 лет; 22 больным с острым ларингитом и 58 больным с обострением хронического ларингита проводилось этиотропное лечение с учетом выделенной бактериальной культуры (антибиотик и специфический бактериофаг); группам сравнения с острым ларингитом (21 человек) и хроническим ларингитом (22 человека) назначали терапию по традиционной схеме.Больным проводилось бактериологическое исследование слизистой оболочки гортани, клиническое исследование и функциональные пробы голоса (время максимальной фонации гласных) до и после окончания терапии.Установлено, что наиболее частым возбудителем острых и хронических воспалительных заболеваний гортани является S. aureus как монокультура, так и в сочетании с другими бактериальными возбудителями (S. аnhemolyticus, Str. viridans и др.).После окончания антибактериальной терапии оказалось, что такие симптомы, как осиплость, першение и сухость в гортаноглотке, гиперемия и отечность слизистой оболочки гортани и истинных голосовых складок исчезали на фоне комплексного лечения быстрее, чем у больных на фоне традиционной терапии. Время максимальной фонации гласных в секундах также быстрее увеличивалось на фоне комплексной терапии.Продолжительность нетрудоспособности при назначении комплексной терапии оказалась более короткой, чем в группах сравнения: на (10,9 ± 7,9) дня при остром ларингите и на (12,6 ± 7,3) дней – при хроническом; индекс здоровья увеличился на 20,8 и 19,5% соответственно

    Региональные особенности младенческой смертности на Среднем Урале

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    There is presented the analysis of the mortality of children aged up to one year in Sverdlovsk region from 2008 to 2013. The dynamics of infantile mortality indicators in Sverdlovsk region is given taking into account various reasons and in comparison with similar indicators in the Russian Federation. The increase of specific load of infectious diseases is shown in the structure of infantile mortality due to viral infections. The negative tendency of the increase in infant death cases at home due to infectious causes is marked in combination with unfavourable social factors. Infectious diseases composed 25,0% in the structure of child mortality at home among children aged up to one year. In 2013 unidentified infections (41,4%), Herpes virus infection (20,7%), intestinal viral infections (3,4%), and cytomegalovirus infections (3,4%) had the highest numbers.Проанализирована смертность детей в возрасте до одного года в Свердловской области за период с 2008 по 2013 г. Приведена динамика показателя младенческой смертности в Свердловской области от различных причин в сравнении с аналогичным показателем по Российской Федерации. Показано возрастание удельного веса инфекционных болезней в структуре младенческой смертности за счет вирусных инфекций. Отмечена негативная тенденция увеличения смертей младенцев на дому от инфекционных причин в сочетании с неблагоприятными социальными факторами. В структуре смертности на дому детей в возрасте до одного года инфекционные болезни составили 25,0%. Среди них в 2013 г. наиболее высока доля вирусных неидентифицированных инфекций (41,4%), далее – герпетическая (20,7%), кишечные (3,4%) и цитомегаловирусная (3,4%) инфекции