92 research outputs found

    E-learning as a modern resource of education

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    E-learning is becoming increasingly popular today. It is being widely implemented not only in educational institutions but in business and industrial enterprises demanding the fastest and the cheapest means of information exchange and communication. This article is dedicated to eliciting of the background factors of successful implementation and favourable environment to develop e-learning programs. It analyses the e-learning teaching process and methods practiced in several countries, including Russia, and empathizes the major issues and problems the national systems of education have had to face recentl

    Случай регресса витилиго у пациента с псориазом и псориатическим артритом, получавшего терапию адалимумабом

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    The article discusses the common pathogenetic pathways of autoimmune skin diseases – psoriasis and vitiligo. Currently proposed treatments for vitiligo do not significantly reduce or completely restore skin pigmentation. The use of adalimumab for 6 years in a patient suffering from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), vitiligo and autoimmune thyroiditis made it possible to control the activity of psoriasis and PsA, and also contributed to the regression of depigmentation foci. The use of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy in this group of patients in order to achieve repigmentation may be promising. В статье рассматриваются общие звенья патогенеза аутоиммунных заболеваний кожи – псориаза и витилиго. Предлагаемые в настоящее время методы лечения витилиго не позволяют добиться значительного уменьшения или полного восстановления пигментации кожи. Применение адалимумаба в течение 6 лет у пациента, страдающего псориазом, псориатическим артритом (ПсА), витилиго и аутоиммунным тиреоидитом, позволило контролировать активность псориаза и ПсА, а также способствовало регрессу очагов депигментации.Использования генно-инженерной биологической терапии у данной группы пациентов с целью достижения репигментации может быть перспективным

    Evaluation of the influence of Inosine pranobex on the matrix protein system in patients with chronic viral cervicitis

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    The reproductive potential of both women and men is declining every year. Many factors contribute to the violation of the reproductive function – chemical, physical, mechanical, psychogenic, however, biological factors have the most pronounced effect on reproduction. Chronic viral cervicitis can be not only the cause of infertility and reproductive losses, but also the development of intraepithelial dysplasia, as well as cervical cancer. PVI, as a monoinfection, is quite rare along with HPV. Other UGIs (urogenital infections) act as common routes of transmission and entry gates. The most common association with PVI is herpesvirus infection. An increase in MMP, both systemically and at the local level, may indicate a violation of cell modeling processes, which contributes to the development of autoimmune inflammation with further destruction of the tissues of the reproductive tract. Activation of MMP promotes the release of HSV from the nerve ganglia and reactivation of the infection. Therapy for HPV and HVI (herpes virus infections) are debatable. There is no single standard of treatment, but there are a number of drugs that have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Currently, there are no studies on the dynamics of the effect of HPV and HSV infection on the state of MMPs and TIMPs during Inosine pranobex therapy. Objective: to evaluate changes in matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 and their tissue inhibitors types 1 and 2 in patients with human papillomavirus and herpes infections after Inosine pranobex therapy. 6 patients with papillomavirus and herpetic infections were examined and treated with drugs containing the active ingredient Inosine pranobex. The levels of MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-1, TIMP-2 in blood serum were determined using specific reagents from R&D Diagnostics Inc. (USA). The dynamics of indicators in the blood serum of patients with PVI showed a decrease in the level of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 with a simultaneous increase in TIMP-2 relative to the values before therapy. In patients with PVI and HVI, Inosine pranobex therapy showed a decrease in MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels, no changes in the content of TIMP-1, but an increase in the serum content of TIMP-2. Prior to the use of therapy, an increase in the ratio in the main groups in comparison with the control group was found, however, the largest increase was found in the group with the association of infections. After therapy, positive dynamics was established in the main groups. Thus, the ratio in group I decreased and became equal to the control values. In the II group of patients, the ratio, despite the decrease, remained higher than the control values and higher in comparison with the I group of women

    Quantum Entanglement in Nitrosyl Iron Complexes

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    Recent magnetic susceptibility measurements for polycrystalline samples of binuclear nitrosyl iron complexes [Fe_2(C_3H_3N_2S)_2(NO)_4] (I) and [Fe_2(SC_3H_5N_2)_2(NO)_4] (II), suggest that quantum-mechanical entanglement of the spin degrees of freedom exists in these compounds. Entanglement E exists below the temperature T_E that we have estimated for complexes I and II to be 80-90 and 110-120 K, respectively. Using an expression of entanglement in terms of magnetic susceptibility for a Heisenberg dimer, we find the temperature dependence of the entanglement for complex II. Having arisen at the temperature T_E, the entanglement increases monotonically with decreasing temperature and reaches 90-95% in this complex at T=25 K, when the subordinate effects are still small.Comment: 8 page


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    A comparative study of major elements, trace elements, and isotopes in high- and moderate-Mg volcanic sequences of 16–14 and 14–13 Ma, respectively, has been performed in the Bereya volcanic center. In the former (small volume) sequence, contaminated by crustal material basalts and trachybasalts of K–Na series were followed by uncontaminated basanites and basalts of transitional (K–Na–K) compositions and afterwards by picrobasalts and ba­salts of K series. From pressure estimates using equation [Scarrow, Cox, 1995], high-Mg magma originated at the deep range of 115–150 km. In the latter (high-volume) sequence, basalts and basaltic andesites of transitional (Na–K–Na) compositions and basalts of Na series were overlain by basalts and trachybasalts of K–Na series. First, there was a strong melting of its shallow garnet-free part with coeval weak melting of more deep garnet-bearing portion, then only a deep garnet-bearing portion of the lithospheric mantle melted. It is suggested that the sequential formation of high- and moderate-Mg melts reflected the mid-Miocene thermal impact of the lithosphere by hot material from the Transbaikalian low-velocity domain, which had the potential temperature Tp as high as 1510 °С. This thermal impact triggered the rifting in the lithosphere of the Baikal Rift System.В восточной части Витимского плоскогорья, в Береинском вулканическом центре, выполнено сравнительное изучение вариаций петрогенных оксидов, микроэлементов и изотопов в последовательностях высоко- и умеренно-Mg вулканитов, извергавшихся, соответственно, 16–14 и 14–13 млн лет назад. В первой (малообъемной) последовательности определена смена контаминированных коровым материалом базальтов–трахибазальтов K–Na-серии неконтаминированными высоко-Mg базанитами–базальтами переходного (K–Na–K) состава и пикробазальтами–базальтами K-серии. По оценкам давлений с использованием уравнения [Scarrow, Cox, 1995], высоко-Mg магмы выплавлялись в глубинном интервале 115–150 км. Во второй (крупнообъемной) последовательности выявлена смена базальтов–андезибазальтов переходного (Na–K–Na) состава и базальтов Na-серии базальтами–трахибазальтами K–Na-серии. Сначала произошло сильное плавление малоглубинной безгранатовой части литосферной мантии (или с небольшим содержанием граната) с одновременным слабым плавлением более глубинного субстрата, обогащенного гранатом, а затем продолжал слабо плавиться только ее более глубинный субстрат. Предполагается, что последовательное образование высоко- и умеренно-Mg выплавок отразило среднемиоценовое термальное воздействие на литосферу горячего материала Забайкальского низкоскоростного домена, обладавшего высокой потенциальной температурой (до 1510 °С). Это термальное воздействие вызвало рифтогенез в литосфере Байкальской рифтовой системы

    Мутации в геноме вирусов гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5, ответственные за адаптацию к млекопитающим

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    Avian influenza viruses of H1 and H5 subtypes were involved in the formation of highly pathogenic viruses that caused pandemics and panzootics in the 20th–21st centuries. In order to assess the zoonotic potential of viruses of these subtypes, two viruses of H1N1 and H5N3 have been isolated from wild ducks in Moscow and adapted to growth in mouse lungs. Their phenotypic properties were studied, and the genetic changes that occurred during adaptation were identified. The original A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) and A/duck/Moscow/4182-C/2010 (H5N3) viruses were apathogenic for mice but became pathogenic after 7–10 passages in mouse lungs. Complete genome sequencing revealed 2 amino acid substitutions in the proteins of the H1N1 mouse-adapted variant (Glu627Lys in PB2 and Asp35Asn in hemagglutinin (HA) – numbering according to H3) and 6 mutations in the proteins of H5N3 virus (Glu627lys in PB2, Val113Ala in PB1, Ser82Pro in PB1-F2, Lys52Arg in HA2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Ser59Ile in NA). The increase in virulence is most likely due to a common substitution in the protein PB2 Glu627Lys as revealed in both viruses. The replacement of Asp35Asn in HA of the mouse-adapted H1N1 virus is associated with an increase in the pH value of the HA transition from 5.0 for 5.5 in comparison to the HA of parent virus. The found mutations in HA, NA, and PB1-F2 proteins of the adapted H5N3 variant are unique. The mutations Glu627Lys in PB2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Val113Ala in PB1 are most likely host adaptive.Вирусы гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5 участвовали в формировании высокопатогенных вариантов вирусов, вызвавших пандемии и  панзоотии в  XX–XXI  веках. С  целью оценки зоонозного потенциала вирусов этих подтипов, выделенных от диких уток в черте Москвы, была проведена адаптация вирусов к размножению в легких мышей, изучены их фенотипические свойства и идентифицированы генетические изменения, возникшие при адаптации. Изначально апатогенные для мышей вирусы A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) и A/duck/Moscow/4182‑C/2010 (H5N3) после 7–10 пассажей через легкие мышей изменили фенотип на патогенный. Полногеномное секвенирование выявило в адаптированных к мышам вирусах 2 аминокислотные замены в вирусе гриппа H1N1 (Glu627Lys в белке PB2 и Asp35Asn в гемагглютинине (HA) — нумерация по H3) и 6 мутаций в белках вируса H5N3 (Glu627Lys в PB2, Val113Ala в PB1, Ser82Pro в PB1‑F2, Lys52Arg в HA2, Arg65Lys в NP и Ser59Ile в NA). Возрастание вирулентности для мышей, скорее всего, обусловлено общей для обоих вирусов заменой – Glu627Lys в  белке PB2. Замена Asp35Asn в  HA адаптированного к  мышам вируса гриппа H1N1  ассоциирована с возрастанием значения рН конформационного перехода HA с 5.0 до 5.5 относительно HA дикого вируса. Обнаруженные в адаптированном варианте H5N3 мутации в белках НА, NA и PB1‑F2 — уникальные. Мутации Glu627Lys в PB2, Arg65Lys в NP и Val113Ala в PB1, скорее всего, носят адаптационный характер

    Protecting Mice from H7 Avian Influenza Virus by Immunisation with a Recombinant Adenovirus Encoding Influenza A Virus Conserved Antigens

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    Influenza is a highly contagious disease that causes annual epidemics and occasional pandemics. Birds are believed to be the source of newly emerging pandemic strains, including highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the subtype H7. The aim of the study: to evaluate the ability of the recombinant human adenovirus, serotype 5, which expresses genes of influenza A highly conserved antigens (ion channel M2 and nucleoprotein NP), to provide protection to laboratory mice against infection with a lethal dose of avian influenza virus, subtype H7. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to adapt influenza A virus, subtype H7 for reproduction in the lungs of mice, to characterise it, and to use it for evaluation of the protective properties of the recombinant adenovirus. Materials and methods: avian influenza virus A/Chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (H7N2) was adapted for reproduction in the lungs of mice by repeated passages. The adapted strain was sequenced and assessed using hemagglutination test, EID50 and LD50 for laboratory mice. BALB/c mice were immunised once with Ad5-tet-M2NP adenovirus intranasally, and 21 days after the immunisation they were infected with a lethal dose (5 LD50) of influenza virus A/Chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (H7N2) in order to assess the protective properties of the recombinant adenovirus. The level of viral shedding from the lungs of the infected mice was evaluated by titration of the lung homogenates in MDCK cell culture on days 3 and 6 after infection. The level of specific antibodies to H7 avian influenza virus was determined by indirect enzyme immunoassay. Results: the use of Ad5-tet-M2NP adenovirus for immunisation of the mice ensured 100% survival of the animals that had disease symptoms (weight loss) after their infection with the lethal dose (5 LD50) of H7 avian influenza virus. The study demonstrated a high post-vaccination level of humoral immune response to H7 avian influenza virus. The virus titer decreased significantly by day 6 in the lungs of mice that had been immunised with Ad5-tet-M2NP compared to the control group. Conclusion: the Ad5-tetM2NP recombinant adenovirus can be used to create a candidate pandemic influenza vaccine that would protect against avian influenza viruses, subtype H7, in particular

    Региональная адаптация федеральной модели оплаты медицинской помощи по клинико-статистическим группам на примере случаев госпитализации пациентов, требующих назначения генно-инженерных биологических препаратов

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    The existing model of financial support of medical assistance for clinical-statistical groups (CSGs) in 2018 provides for the reimbursement for hospital stay expenses by the compulsory medical insurance fund in patients claiming the need for genetically engineered biological products (GiBP) during their stay in a day-care or 24-hour inpatient facility. The payment is made to CSG no. 121 in a day care and to CSG no. 316 in a 24-hour inpatient facility. The heterogeneity of the expenses for therapy with GiBP necessitates further division of the Federal CSGs into subgroups located in the constituent parts of the Russian Federation. This process has been initiated in some parts of the country, and it is seen as a way of regional adaptation of the Federal Medical insurance model. The proposed subdivision of the Federal CSGs allows for setting the tariffs reflecting the real expenses incurred by a local medical organization due to the therapeutic use of GiBP. The models of such specific CSGs proposed by RF subjects (after an expert evaluation) can be taken as a basis for updating the Federal CSG model, taking into account the differences in the costs of different drug therapy regimens.Модель финансирования медицинской помощи по клинико-статистическим группам (КСГ) в 2018 г. предусматривает оплату случаев госпитализации пациентов, требующих назначение генно-инженерных биологических препаратов (ГИБП) в условиях дневного и круглосуточного стационара за счет средств системы общего медицинского страхования (ОМС). Оплата осуществляется в рамках КСГ №121 в дневном стационаре и КСГ №316 в круглосуточном стационаре. Стоимостная разнородность лекарственной терапии ГИБП обуславливает начатое в части субъектов РФ выделение подгрупп в составе федеральных КСГ, представляющее собой один из способов региональной адаптации модели, предложенный на федеральном уровне. Разукрупнение федеральных КСГ позволяет устанавливать тарифы в зависимости от фактически понесенных медицинской организацией затрат на лекарственную терапию ГИБП. Предложенные в субъектах РФ модели разукрупнения КСГ для назначения ГИБП после экспертной проработки могут быть взяты за основу актуализации федеральной модели КСГ, учитывающей различия в стоимости схем лекарственной терапии

    Влияние комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином на микрофлору ран и толстого кишечника осетра

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    The authors in the article presented the results of determining the effectiveness of using the chitosan-ß-cyclodextrin complex with levofloxacin in the healing of mechanical wounds of valuable commercial fish sturgeons and their feeding. The experiment was conducted based on the “Progressive biotechnologies in aquaculture” research laboratory of the Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering. N.I. Vavilov. The microflora of incised wounds and the large intestine of sturgeon fingerlings under the influence of fluoroquinolone, represented by levofloxacin based on cyclodextrin, included in the shell of high-molecular chitosan, was studied. The studied microbiological indicators were chosen to determine that changes in the total number of microorganisms show the nature of the course of the inflammatory/pathological process, which contributes to the development of microorganisms (including opportunistic pathogens) and lactic acid bacteria in the intestine. Therefore, they are essential physiological indicators of the formation of “ intestinal immunity. It was found that the use of cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in the treatment of incised wounds in sturgeons leads to a significant decrease in the total microbial number (TMC) on their surface (by 10 thousand times compared to the group without treatment). It has been shown that using cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in feeding sturgeons reduces the total microbial number in the large intestine. This complex is characterised by good solubility and bioavailability for fish. The future study results can be used in aquaculture to treat mechanical injuries received during transportation and sorting in the rearing process in fish.Представлены результаты определения эффективности применения комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином в заживлении механических ран ценных промысловых рыб – осетров и их кормлении. Эксперимент проводили на базе научно-исследовательской лаборатории «Прогрессивные биотехнологии в аквакультуре» Саратовского государственного университета генетики, биотехнологии и инженерии им. Н.И. Вавилова. Исследовалась микрофлора резаных ран и толстого кишечника сеголетков осетров под действием фторхинолона, представленного левофлоксацином на основе циклодекстрина, включенного в оболочку высокомолекулярного хитозана. Исследуемые микробиологические показатели были выбраны для определения на том основании, что изменения общего количества микроорганизмов показывают характер течения воспалительного/патологического процесса, способствующего развитию микроорганизмов (в т.ч. условно-патогенных) и молочнокислых бактерий в кишечнике, поэтому являются важными физиологическими показателями формирования «кишечного иммунитета». Было обнаружено, что применение при лечении резаных ран у осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином приводит к значительному уменьшению общего микробного числа (ОМЧ) на их поверхности (в 10 тыс. раз по сравнению с группой без лечения). Показано, что использование в кормлении осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином также снижает общее микробное число в толстом кишечнике. Данный комплекс характеризуется хорошей растворимостью и биодоступностью для рыб. Результаты исследования в перспективе могут найти применение в аквакультуре при лечении механических травм, полученных при перевозке и сортировке в процессе выращивания, у рыб

    Adaption of Seasonal H1N1 Influenza Virus in Mice

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    The experimental infection of a mouse lung with influenza A virus has proven to be an invaluable model for studying the mechanisms of viral adaptation and virulence. The mouse adaption of human influenza A virus can result in mutations in the HA and other proteins, which is associated with increased virulence in mouse lungs. In this study, a mouse-adapted seasonal H1N1 virus was obtained through serial lung-to-lung passages and had significantly increased virulence and pathogenicity in mice. Genetic analysis indicated that the increased virulence of the mouse-adapted virus was attributed to incremental acquisition of three mutations in the HA protein (T89I, N125T, and D221G). However, the mouse adaption of influenza A virus did not change the specificity and affinity of receptor binding and the pH-dependent membrane fusion of HA, as well as the in vitro replication in MDCK cells. Notably, infection with the mouse adapted virus induced severe lymphopenia and modulated cytokine and chemokine responses in mice. Apparently, mouse adaption of human influenza A virus may change the ability to replicate in mouse lungs, which induces strong immune responses and inflammation in mice. Therefore, our findings may provide new insights into understanding the mechanisms underlying the mouse adaption and pathogenicity of highly virulent influenza viruses