21,822 research outputs found

    Hierarchical social modularity in gorillas

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    Modern human societies show hierarchical social modularity (HSM) in which lower-order social units like nuclear families are nested inside increasingly larger units. It has been argued that this HSM evolved independently and after the chimpanzee–human split due to greater recognition of, and bonding between, dispersed kin. We used network modularity analysis and hierarchical clustering to quantify community structure within two western lowland gorilla populations. In both communities, we detected two hierarchically nested tiers of social structure which have not been previously quantified. Both tiers map closely to human social tiers. Genetic data from one population suggested that, as in humans, social unit membership was kin structured. The sizes of gorilla social units also showed the kind of consistent scaling ratio between social tiers observed in humans, baboons, toothed whales, and elephants. These results indicate that the hierarchical social organization observed in humans may have evolved far earlier than previously asserted and may not be a product of the social brain evolution unique to the hominin lineage

    Seed production, infestation, and viability in Acacia tortilis (synonym: Vachellia tortilis) and Acacia robusta (synonym: Vachellia robusta) across the Serengeti rainfall gradient

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    Tree recruitment in savannas proceeds in multiple stages characterized by successive filters occurring at the seed and seedling stages. The “demographic bottleneck” hypothesis suggests that such filters ultimately restrict tree density and prevent trees from dominating grasses in savannas, but many of the demographic transitions underlying this assumption have not been quantified. We investigated how short- (1–2 years) and long-term (40 + years) rainfall patterns influenced seed production, infestation, and viability for two dominant species, Acacia robusta and Acacia tortilis across the Serengeti ecosystem mean annual precipitation gradient over a two-year period. We found that neither production, nor infestation, nor viability was influenced by rainfall. Pod production differed between species and increased with tree height in A. robusta. Mean infestation proportion in 2013 was higher (mean ± SE; 0.28 ± 0.08) in A. tortilis than in A. robusta (0.11 ± 0.05) but the trend reversed in 2014, when A. tortilis (0.33 ± 0.10) had lower infestation than A. robusta (0.61 ± 0.09). Under laboratory conditions, A. tortilis and A. robusta seeds had maximum germination (= viability) proportions of 70 and 20%, respectively. Mean seed viability was more than five-fold higher (0.46 ± 0.19) in A. tortilis than in A. robusta (0.08 ± 0.10). Our study has produced important estimates for seed stage demographic dynamics that can be used for modeling tree dynamics in Serengeti system, and savannas in general

    Mach-Zehnder optical configuration with Brewster window and two quarter-wave plates

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    Configuration is improvement because of the following: It provides higher efficiency. It reduces or eliminates feedthrough of untranslated local oscillator, which would produce a beat signal at shifted frequency of translator. When used without translator and with low-power detector, telescope secondary mirror reflects portion of output to local oscillator

    Mode signature and stability for a Hamiltonian model of electron temperature gradient turbulence

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    Stability properties and mode signature for equilibria of a model of electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence are investigated by Hamiltonian techniques. After deriving the infinite families of Casimir invariants, associated with the noncanonical Poisson bracket of the model, a sufficient condition for stability is obtained by means of the Energy-Casimir method. Mode signature is then investigated for linear motions about homogeneous equilibria. Depending on the sign of the equilibrium "translated" pressure gradient, stable equilibria can either be energy stable, i.e.\ possess definite linearized perturbation energy (Hamiltonian), or spectrally stable with the existence of negative energy modes (NEMs). The ETG instability is then shown to arise through a Kre\u{\i}n-type bifurcation, due to the merging of a positive and a negative energy mode, corresponding to two modified drift waves admitted by the system. The Hamiltonian of the linearized system is then explicitly transformed into normal form, which unambiguously defines mode signature. In particular, the fast mode turns out to always be a positive energy mode (PEM), whereas the energy of the slow mode can have either positive or negative sign

    Response to Comment on `Undamped electrostatic plasma waves' [Phys. Plasmas 19, 092103 (2012)]

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    Numerical and experimental evidence is given for the occurrence of the plateau states and concomitant corner modes proposed in \cite{valentini12}. It is argued that these states provide a better description of reality for small amplitude off-dispersion disturbances than the conventional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal or cnoidal states such as those proposed in \cite{comment

    Atomistic Theory of Coherent Spin Transfer between Molecularly Bridged Quantum Dots

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    Time-resolved Faradary rotation experiments have demonstrated coherent transfer of electron spin between CdSe colloidal quantum dots coupled by conjugated molecules. We employ here a Green's function approach, using semi-empirical tight-binding to treat the nanocrystal Hamiltonian and Extended Huckel theory to treat the linking molecule Hamiltonian, to obtain the coherent transfer probabilities from atomistic calculations, without the introduction of any new parameters. Calculations on 1,4-dithiolbenzene and 1,4-dithiolcyclohexane linked nanocrystals agree qualitatively with experiment and provide support for a previous transfer Hamiltonian model. We find a striking dependence on the transfer probabilities as a function of nanocrystal surface site attachment and linking molecule conformation. Additionally, we predict quantum interference effects in the coherent transfer probabilities for 2,7-dithiolnaphthalene and 2,6-dithiolnaphthalene linking molecules. We suggest possible experiments based on these results that would test the coherent, through-molecule transfer mechanism.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Submitted Phys. Rev.
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