97 research outputs found


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    The central nervous system injuries are a common neonatal pathology, hypoxia being one of the main causes of cerebral dysfunction. The purpose of this study was studying the incidence of hypoxic cerebral disorders in premature infants with an extremely low body weight and a very low birth weight and revealing the risk factors that adversely affected the disease outcome. The subject of the study was preterm infants whose gestational age did not exceed 31 weeks. The main criterion for inclusion into the study was the presence of hypoxic-ischemic and hypoxic-hemorrhagic brain damage. To reveal the perinatal risk factors, the somatic health of mothers, and pregnancy and childbirth peculiarities were studied. The structure of children’s pathology and intensive care techniques were analyzed. Cerebral disorders were verified in 42 out of 176 patients (23.5 %). 2–3rd-degree intraventricular hemorrhage was diagnosed in 34 newborns (80.9 %), severe ischemia in 8 children (19.1 %). To determine the structure of the disease outcome, all children were divided into deceased and survivors. A fatal outcome was observed in 14 cases (33.3 %). The mothers of deceased children were more likely to have obstetric and concomitant extragenital pathologies. Analysis of pediatric pathology showed that the hemodynamically significant functioning arterial duct and severe asphyxia in childbirth were much more frequent in deceased children. Intensive therapy of deceased children included «hard» parameters of artificial ventilation and high doses of cardiotonic drugs. Thus the presented risk factors can be considered as predictors of an unfavorable outcome in children with this pathology

    The experimental model of laboratory animals’ intoxication by polyacrylonitrile pyrolysis products

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    Purpose of research – To develop an experimental model of intoxication of laboratory animals by polyacrylonitrile pyrolysis products. Materials and methods. The study was performed on the rats. Pyrolysis of polyacrylonitrile fibers was carried out at temperature of 270–350 °C. The laboratory animals were exposed to static inhalation intoxication by pyrolysis products for 15 min. Vital signs were determined in animals before and 5 minutes after intoxication. Arterial blood oxygenation index and acid-base state parameters were evaluated at 10 min after exposure. Qualitative detection of cyanides in brain and myocardial samples obtained 15 minutes after intoxication was carried out by gas chromatography. Results and discussion. It was found that the weight of the material (containing 85 % polyacrylonitrile), which pyrolysis products lead to the death of 50 % of laboratory animals within 24 hours after exposure, was 0.81 ± 0.15 g. The animals showed signs of poisoning by substances interrupting the processes of cell bioenergy when exposed to pyrolysis products obtained under specified conditions. The evident bradycardia and bradypnea (p < 0,05), and significant decrease in rectal temperature was marked. The exposed animals did not differ (p > 0,05) from the rats of the control group by the parameters of oxygenation. The signs of decompensated metabolic acidosis were detected in blood. The cyanide peak was detected by gas chromatography with a retention time of 3.78 min in brain and heart muscle biopsies. The experimental model, in which inhalation exposure of pyrolysis products of polyacrylonitrile fibers led to severe intoxication of laboratory animals, was developed. The model can be used to search for means of etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of poisoning by combustion products of nitrogen-containing polymeric materials

    Опыт применения N-ацетилцистеина в комплексном лечении среднетяжелой COVID-ассоциированной пневмонии

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    The need for safe and effective treatment is becoming increasingly urgent due to the high COVID-19 mortality rates observed worldwide. The choice of drug products for COVID-19 treatment regimens is based on the efficacy and safety data, the mechanism of action, and potential interactions. N-acetylcysteine's (NAC) pharmacological activity and its potential to suppress the progression of COVID-19 make it a promising therapeutic agent for COVID-19. Aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of NAC in the complex treatment of moderate COVID-associated pneumonia. Methods. The study included adult patients (n = 46) with moderate COVID-associated (the 2nd degree on CT) pneumonia (age 57 (51; 71) years, body mass index - 30 (27.1; 32.3) kg/m2, duration of the disease before hospitalization - 7 (6; 8) days, body temperature at the admission - 37.5 (37.1; 37.8)°С). The patients were randomized into two study groups. The 1st group (n= 22) received standard COVID-19 treatment [1]. The 2nd group (n= 24) additionally received NAC 1,200 - 1,500 mg/day intravenously. Treatment with NAC was started together with the standard therapy. Results. Our study showed that the inclusion of NAC in the complex treatment of moderate COVID-associated pneumonia led to a statistically significant increase in blood oxygen saturation, oxygenation index, the difference in delta increase in oxygenation index, a quicker reduction in the volume of lung damage and the difference between the groups in delta reduction of this index. Also, the rate of reduction of C-reactive protein and reduction of the duration of hospitalization in the group of patients who received NAC was statistically significantly more profound than in the standard treatment group. Conclusion. The study confirmed the effectiveness of NAC as a part of the complex treatment of moderate COVID-associated pneumonia.Потребность в безопасном и эффективном лечении COVID-19 становится все более актуальной из-за высоких показателей смертности в мире. Выбор лекарственных средств (ЛС), входящих в схемы лечения COVID-19, основан на данных об их эффективности и безопасности, механизме их действия и потенциальных взаимодействий. Фармакологическая активность N-ацетилцистеина (NAC) и потенциально возможное действие в подавлении прогрессирования COVID-19 делают его многообещающим терапевтическим средством при COVID-19. Целью исследования явилась оценка эффективности NAC в комплексном лечении среднетяжелой COVID-ассоциированной пневмонии. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены взрослые пациенты (п = 46; возраст — 57 (51; 71) лет, индекс массы тела - 30 (27,1; 32,3) кг / м2, продолжительность заболевания до госпитализации - 7 (6; 8) дней, температура тела на момент госпитализации — 37,5 (37,1; 37,8) °С) со среднетяжелой (II степень по данным компьютерной томографии) COVID-ассоциированной пневмонией. Случайным образом сформированы 2 группы: пациенты 1-й группы (n = 22) получали стандартное лечение COVID-19; больные 2-й (n = 24) группы дополнительно получали NAC 1 200-1 500 мг в сутки внутривенно капельно. NAC назначался одновременно с началом стандартной терапии. Результаты. По данным исследования показано, что при включении в комплексное лечение среднетяжелой COVID-ассоциированной пневмонии NAC статистически значимо повысились уровень насыщения крови кислородом, индекс оксигенации, различия разности дельта (Δ), индекс оксигенации, скорость снижения объема поражения легких и межгрупповое различие Δ уменьшения данного показателя. Отмечены статистически значимо более интенсивная, чем в группе стандартного лечения, скорость снижения уровня С-реактивного белка, а также сокращение продолжительности госпитализации в группе пациентов, получавших NAC. Заключение. Результаты проведенного исследования свидетельствуют об эффективности включения NAC в комплексное лечение среднетяжелой COVID-ассоциированной пневмонии

    Upper limits on the isotropic diffuse flux of cosmic PeV photons from Carpet-2 observations

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    Isotropic diffuse gamma-ray flux in the PeV energy band is an important tool for multimessenger tests of models of the origin of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos and for new-physics searches. So far, this flux has not yet been observed. Carpet-2 is an air-shower experiment capable of detecting astrophysical gamma rays with energies above 0.1 PeV. Here we report the upper limits on the isotropic gamma-ray flux from Carpet-2 data obtained in 1999-2011 and 2018-2022. These results, obtained with the new statistical method based on the shape of the muon-number distribution, summarize Carpet-2 observations as the upgraded installation, Carpet-3, starts its operation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, JETPL.cls; V2: references added, version accepted by JETP Letter

    The First Saint Petersburg Regional Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Registry on the Basis of the Regional Health Information System: Principles of Functioning, Testing Results, Plan of Development

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    Aim: to present the principles of functioning of the regional registry of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients in Saint Petersburg on the basis of the City Health Information System (Saint Petersburg IBD Registry).Key points. The Saint Petersburg IBD Registry consists of General Statistical Module and Clinical Module. The General Statistical Module is intended to analyze the prevalence of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the number of patient visits to medical institutions; to assess the burden on the healthcare system, demographic characteristics, routing and mortality for the whole region. The Clinical Module allows to assess the IBD features in prospective observation. The register case report form is integrated into the patient's status in the Medical Information System of the medical institution. Saint Petersburg IBD Registry operates on the basis of the Saint Petersburg Medical Center of Information and Analysis within the framework of the Regional Medical Data Collection System of the Russian state information system “Regional Fragment of the Unified State Information System in the Healthcare Branch”. The accumulation of prospective data in the Clinical Module continues, which in the near future will make it possible to test and configure the automated analytical block of the registry.Conclusion. The functioning of the Saint Petersburg IBD Registry allows to achieve following primary goals within region: assessment of the epidemiological features of IBD in Saint Petersburg; dynamic assessment of the disease features; assessment and planning of health care resources required to provide care to IBD patients; improvement of approaches to the treatment taking into account the specifics of the region; assessment of the effectiveness and tolerability of specific treatment including biologics

    Genome-Wide Profile of Pleural Mesothelioma versus Parietal and Visceral Pleura: The Emerging Gene Portrait of the Mesothelioma Phenotype

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma is considered an almost incurable tumour with increasing incidence worldwide. It usually develops in the parietal pleura, from mesothelial lining or submesothelial cells, subsequently invading the visceral pleura. Chromosomal and genomic aberrations of mesothelioma are diverse and heterogenous. Genome-wide profiling of mesothelioma versus parietal and visceral normal pleural tissue could thus reveal novel genes and pathways explaining its aggressive phenotype.Well-characterised tissue from five mesothelioma patients and normal parietal and visceral pleural samples from six non-cancer patients were profiled by Affymetrix oligoarray of 38 500 genes. The lists of differentially expressed genes tested for overrepresentation in KEGG PATHWAYS (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) and GO (gene ontology) terms revealed large differences of expression between visceral and parietal pleura, and both tissues differed from mesothelioma. Cell growth and intrinsic resistance in tumour versus parietal pleura was reflected in highly overexpressed cell cycle, mitosis, replication, DNA repair and anti-apoptosis genes. Several genes of the “salvage pathway” that recycle nucleobases were overexpressed, among them TYMS, encoding thymidylate synthase, the main target of the antifolate drug pemetrexed that is active in mesothelioma. Circadian rhythm genes were expressed in favour of tumour growth. The local invasive, non-metastatic phenotype of mesothelioma, could partly be due to overexpression of the known metastasis suppressors NME1 and NME2. Down-regulation of several tumour suppressor genes could contribute to mesothelioma progression. Genes involved in cell communication were down-regulated, indicating that mesothelioma may shield itself from the immune system. Similarly, in non-cancer parietal versus visceral pleura signal transduction, soluble transporter and adhesion genes were down-regulated. This could represent a genetical platform of the parietal pleura propensity to develop mesothelioma.Genome-wide microarray approach using complex human tissue samples revealed novel expression patterns, reflecting some important features of mesothelioma biology that should be further explored

    Synthesis of Saturated Heterocycles via Metal-Catalyzed Formal Cycloaddition Reactions That Generate a C–N or C–O Bond

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