2,167,825 research outputs found

    Glycerol as an Energy Source for Ruminants: a Meta-Analysis of in Vitro Experiments

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    Glycerol or glycerin is generally recognized as a safe compound to be used in animal feed, especially for ruminants. A number of in vitro studies related to glycerol supplementation in ruminant ration have been published but to date the results have not been summarized. The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate in vitro digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, total gas and methane production through the meta-analysis approach. Meta-analysis was applied to 13 experiments and 42 treatments dealing with glycerol supplementation in ruminants. Data were analyzed by general linear model procedure in which the glycerol levels and the different studies were treated as fixed effects. Results revealed that glycerol supplementation did not affect the in vitro digestibility and total VFA production, but significantly decreased molar proportion of acetate and iso-valerate (P<0.05). In contrast, molar proportion of propionate, butyrate, and valerate significantly increased, and thus the ratio of acetate to propionate declined linearly (P<0.05). Methane production decreased linearly and accompanied with an increase of total gas production with increasing levels of glycerol supplementation (P<0.05). It is concluded that the use of glycerol as an energy substitution in animal feed has no detrimental effects in the rumen and environmentally friendly

    Semileptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons to scalar "f_0" meson

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    The transition form factors of (D_s -> f_0 l nu), (D -> f_0 l nu) and (B_u -> f_0 l nu) decays are calculated in 3-point QCD sum rule method, assuming that "f_0" is a quark-antiquark state with a mixture of strange and light quarks. The branching ratios of these decays are calculated in terms of the mixing angle.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX formatte

    Expansions of the solutions of the general Heun equation governed by two-term recurrence relations for coefficients

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    We examine the expansions of the solutions of the general Heun equation in terms of the Gauss hypergeometric functions. We present several expansions using functions, the forms of which differ from those applied before. In general, the coefficients of the expansions obey three-term recurrence relations. However, there exist certain choices of the parameters for which the recurrence relations become two-term. The coefficients of the expansions are then explicitly expressed in terms of the gamma functions. Discussing the termination of the presented series, we show that the finite-sum solutions of the general Heun equation in terms of generally irreducible hypergeometric functions have a representation through a single generalized hypergeometric function. Consequently, the power-series expansion of the Heun function for any such case is governed by a two-term recurrence relation

    Semi-direct Gauge Mediation in Conformal Windows of Vector-like Gauge Theories

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    Direct gauge mediation models using the Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (ISS) metastable vacua suffer from the Landau pole problem of the standard model gauge couplings and the existence of R symmetry forbidding gaugino masses. These problems may be solved by using the recently proposed SUSY breaking models in a conformal window of the vector-like SU(NC)SU(N_C) gauge theory with gauge singlets. In this paper we propose a model of gauge mediation based on the SUSY-breaking model in the conformal window, and study the dynamics for the SUSY breaking. In the model, there are massive vector-like bifundamental fields charged under both SU(NC)SU(N_C) and the standard model gauge group, and our model can be regarded as a semi-direct gauge mediation model. The color number NCN_C can be small to avoid the Landau pole problem, and the R symmetry is also broken under a reasonable assumption on the strong dynamics of the model. The model possesses only one free parameter, and the gaugino and sfermion masses are naturally of the same order.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum chaos with spin-chains in pulsed magnetic fields

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    Recently it was found that the dynamics in a Heisenberg spin-chain subjected to a sequence of periodic pulses from an external, parabolic, magnetic field can have a close correspondence with the quantum kicked rotor (QKR). The QKR is a key paradigm of quantum chaos; it has as its classical limit the well-known Standard Map. It was found that a single spin excitation could be converted into a pair of non-dispersive, counter-propagating spin coherent states equivalent to the accelerator modes of the Standard Map. Here we consider how other types of quantum chaotic systems such as a double-kicked quantum rotor or a quantum rotor with a double-well potential might be realized with spin chains; we discuss the possibilities regarding manipulation of the one-magnon spin waves.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PTP special issue for QMC200

    Multiexciton molecules in the hexaborides

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    We investigate multiexciton bound states in a semiconducting phase of divalent hexaborides. Due to three degenerate valleys in both the conduction and valence bands the binding energy of a 6-exciton molecule is greatly enhanced by the shell effect. The ground state energies of multiexciton molecules are calculated using the density functional formalism. We also show that charged impurities stabilize multiexciton complexes leading to condensation of localized excitons. These complexes can act as nucleation centers of local moments.Comment: RevTEX, 7 pages with 3 figure

    Near-infrared spectroscopy of AGB star candidates in Fornax, Sculptor and NGC 6822

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    Context: The Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase is characterised by substantial mass loss that is accompanied by the formation of dust. In extreme cases this will make the star no longer visible in the optical. For a better understanding of AGB evolution it is important to identify and characterise these very red AGB stars. Aims: The first aim of this article is to improve the census of red AGB stars in three Local Group galaxies, based on near-IR spectroscopic observations of new candidates with red 2MASS (J-K) colours. The opportunity is taken to compare the near-IR spectra with those of Milky Way stars. Methods: We used ISAAC on the ESO VLT to take J and H-band spectra of 36 targets in Fornax, Sculptor and NGC 6822. Results: Twelve new C-stars are found in Fornax, and one is confirmed in Sculptor. All C-stars have (J-K) > 1.6, and are brighter than -3.55 in bolometric magnitude. Ten new oxygen-rich late-type giant stars are identified in Fornax, but none is extremely red or very luminous. Five luminous O-rich AGB stars are identified in NGC 6822, of which 3 show water absorption, indicative of spectral type M. Again, none is as red as Milky Way OH/IR stars, but in this galaxy the list of candidate AGB stars is biased against very red objects. In some C-stars with (J-K)>2 an extremely strong 1.53 μ\mum absorption band is found. These stars are probably all Mira variables and the feature is related to the low temperature, high density chemistry that is a first step towards dust formation and mass loss.Comment: A&A accepte

    Baade-Wesselink distances to Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids and the effect of metallicity

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    (abridged) The aim of this paper is to investigate the metallicity dependence of the PL relation in V and K, based on a sample of 128 Galactic, 36 LMC, and 6 SMC Cepheids with individual Baade-Wesselink (BW) distances and individually determined metallicities from high-resolution spectroscopy. The p-relation finally adopted is 1.50 -0.24log P. The slope of this relation is based on the condition that the distance to the LMC does not depend on period or (V-K) colour and that the slope of the PL relation based on the BW distances agrees with that based on apparent magnitude. The zero point of the relation is tight to the Cepheids with HST and revised Hipparcos parallaxes as well as to Cepheids in clusters. The slope of the Galactic and LMC K-band relation formally agrees within the errors, and combining all Cepheids (including the SMC) results in a negligible metallicity dependence. A similar conclusion is found for the reddening-free Wesenheit relation. In the V-band the situation is more complex. The slope of the LMC and the Galactic PL relation differ at the 3sigma level. Combining the sample nevertheless results in a metallicity term significant at the 2sigma level. The details of the comparison of BW-based distances and Cepheids with HST and revised Hipparcos parallaxes also play a role. The method used by Storm et al. would lead to larger DM of 18.37 and 18.81 for the LMC and SMC, respectively. The LMC DM is shorter than the currently accepted value, which is in the range 18.42 to 18.55 (Walker 2012), and it is speculated that the p-factor may depend on metallicity.Comment: Accepted for A&