1,059 research outputs found

    VETA x ray data acquisition and control system

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    We describe the X-ray Data Acquisition and Control System (XDACS) used together with the X-ray Detection System (XDS) to characterize the X-ray image during testing of the AXAF P1/H1 mirror pair at the MSFC X-ray Calibration Facility. A variety of X-ray data were acquired, analyzed and archived during the testing including: mirror alignment, encircled energy, effective area, point spread function, system housekeeping and proportional counter window uniformity data. The system architecture is presented with emphasis placed on key features that include a layered UNIX tool approach, dedicated subsystem controllers, real-time X-window displays, flexibility in combining tools, network connectivity and system extensibility. The VETA test data archive is also described

    Cost per case or total cost? The potential of prevention of hand injuries in young children – Retrospective and prospective studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health-care costs for hand and forearm injuries in young children are poorly documented. We examined costs in 533 children injured years 1996–2003.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Health-care costs and costs for lost productivity were retrospectively calculated in children from three catchment areas in Sweden. Seven case categories corresponding to alternative prevention strategies were constructed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over time, diminishing number of ward days reduced the health-care cost per case. Among children, the cost of lost productivity due to parental leave was 14 percent of total cost. Fingertip injuries had low median costs but high total costs due to their frequency. Complex injuries by machine or rifle had high costs per case, and despite a low number of cases, total cost was high. Type of injury, surgery and physiotherapy sessions were associated with variations in health-care cost. Low age and ethnic background had a significant effect on number of ward days.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The costs per hand injury for children were lower compared to adults due to both lower health-care costs and to the fact that parents had comparatively short periods of absence from work. Frequent simple fingertip injuries and rare complex injuries induce high costs for society. Such costs should be related to costs for prevention of these injuries.</p

    Alteration of Gene Expression Signatures of Cortical Differentiation and Wound Response in Lethal Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common malignancy of the adult kidney and displays heterogeneity in clinical outcomes. Through comprehensive gene expression profiling, we have identified previously a set of transcripts that predict survival following nephrectomy independent of tumor stage, grade, and performance status. These transcripts, designated as the SPC (supervised principal components) gene set, show no apparent biological or genetic features that provide insight into renal carcinogenesis or tumor progression. We explored the relationship of this gene list to a set of genes expressed in different anatomical segments of the normal kidney including the cortex (cortex gene set) and the glomerulus (glomerulus gene set), and a gene set expressed after serum stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts (the core serum response or CSR gene set). Interestingly, the normal cortex, glomerulus (part of the normal renal cortex), and CSR gene sets captured more than 1/5 of the genes in the highly prognostic SPC gene set. Based on gene expression patterns alone, the SPC gene set could be used to sort samples from normal adult kidneys by the anatomical regions from which they were dissected. Tumors whose gene expression profiles most resembled the normal renal cortex or glomerulus showed better survival than those that did not, and those with expression features more similar to CSR showed poorer survival. While the cortex, glomerulus, and CSR signatures predicted survival independent of traditional clinical parameters, they were not independent of the SPC gene list. Our findings suggest that critical biological features of lethal ccRCC include loss of normal cortical differentiation and activation of programs associated with wound healing

    VETA x ray data acquisition and control system

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    We describe the X-ray Data Acquisition and Control System (XDACS) used together with the X-ray Detection System (XDS) to characterize the x-ray image during testing of the AXAF P1/H1 mirror pair at the MSFC X-ray Calibration Facility. A variety of x-ray data were acquired, analyzed, and archived during the testing including: mirror alignment, encircled energy, effective area, point spread function, system housekeeping, and proportional counter window uniformity data. The system architecture will be presented with emphasis placed on key features that include a layered UNIX tool approach, dedicated subsystem controllers, real-time X-window displays, flexibility in combining tools, network connectivity, and system extensibility. The VETA test data archive are also described

    Merialueemme vieraslajien seurannan, varhaisvaroitus-järjestelmän (VVJ) ja riskin-arvioinnin kehittäminen

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    Liitteessä 1 Suomessa (Itämeressä) ns. vakiintuneet vieraslajit (useammin kuin kerran havaitut). VISEVARIS-projektin yhteydessä toimineen työryhmän ehdottamat uudet/muutetut suomenkieliset lajinimet lihavoitu. (Työryhmän vetäjänä toimi Erkki Leppäkoski).VISEVARIS-hankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää rannikkovesiemme vieraslajien seuranta- ja varhaisvaroitusjärjestelmä (VVJ), mihin kuuluu mm. tietoisuuden lisääminen, vieraslajien aikainen havainnointi, tiedonkulun nopea välittäminen haitallisten lajien havaitsemisen jälkeen sekä kansalaisten valistaminen lajien levittämisen estämiseksi. Hankkeessa tutkittiin miltä osin ja miksi nykyseuranta ei pysty havaitsemaan uusia vieraslajeja, etsittiin tehokkaampia menetelmiä vieraslajien havaitsemiseksi ja niiden elinympäristöjen ja alueiden kartoittamiseksi, selvitettiin ja kuvattiin merialueemme keskeiset biologiset seurannat sekä niiden tuottama tieto tavattujen vieraslajien levinneisyydestä ja runsaudesta. Työssä todettiin, etteivät seurannat tavoita suurinta osaa nykyisistäkään vieraslajeista. Havaituista lajeista vain parista saadaan riittävä kuva runsauden ja levinneisyyden suhteen. Matalat rannikkovedet ovat heikoimmin seuratut elinympäristöt. Niiden seurantaa pitäisi lisätä. Hankkeessa tuotettiin ehdotus tehostetun seurannan toteuttamisesta, sen keskittämisestä eri elinympäristöihin sekä velvoiteseurannan toteuttamisesta satamissa. Hanke tuotti nettipohjaisen tunnistus-oppaan suurimmasta osasta Suomen merialueella esiintyvistä ja mahdollisesti tänne saapuvista vieraslajeista helpottamaan niiden havaitsemista ja tunnistamista. Hankkeessa selvitettiin myös vieraslajien riskinarviointiin tarjolla olevia kansainvälisiä työkaluja, joista testattaviksi valittiin makeanveden selkärangattomille kehitetty Fi-ISK ja kaloille käytetty FISK riskinarviointi-työkalu. Niiden avulla saadaan numeerisia arvoja eri lajien haitallisuudelle, mikä auttaa ryhmittelemään vieraslajeja niiden torjunnan kannalta. Kehittämällä työkaluja paremmin murtovesiolosuhteet huomioiviksi riskinarviointeja voidaan toteuttaa Itämeren alueella. Varhais-varoitus- ja informaatiojärjestelmän kehittämiseen tuotetuista osista voidaan rakentaa raamiversio, jonka kehysten sisälle tarvittava lisätieto voidaan helposti koota. Hanke auttaa kehittämään ja monipuolistamaan nykyisiä seurantoja ottamaan huomioon myös vieraslajit. Suomen kansallinen VVJ voi toimia esimerkkinä muille Itämeren maille ja se voi toimia yhteydenpitoväylänä Itämeren valtioiden kesken. Hankkeessa kehitetyllä nettilomakkeella parannetaan vieraslajihavaintojen ilmoittamismahdollisuuksia. Lomakkeen avulla niin tutkijat, konsultit, hallintoviranomaiset kuin kansalaisetkin voivat helposti ilmoittaa havaitsemansa vieraslajit sekä tarkistaa jo tehdyt vieraslajiilmoitukset. Hankkeessa saatuja tuloksia hyödynnetään EU:n meristrategia-direktiivin hyvän tilan indikaattoreita kehitettäessä sekä direktiivin toimeenpanoa tukevien seurantojen kehityksessä. Hankkeen aktiviteettien ansiosta monen vieraslajin havainnot moninkertaistuivat ja levinneisyys osoittautui oletettua laajemmaksi.Maa- ja metsätalousministeri

    Multi-performance optimisation framework for the selection of structural alternatives based on sustainable qualities

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    In recent years, the increasing demand for innovative sustainable policies in building engineering has shifted the decision rationale from traditional performance-based systems towards systems augmented by life-cycle sustainability notions. This paper investigates a novel optimisation framework, which supports the selection of buildings’ structural alternatives at concept stage by applying multiple performance, sustainable requirements. The established model explores ways to effectively compute and process expert knowledge across different stakeholders groups into a consolidated decision-making platform supported by Lean Theory. A systematic procedure based on the Quality Function Deployment is utilised to successfully translate 16 sustainability requirements into 27 corresponding engineering design requirements. The theoretical and mathematical principles of Analytic Network Process are applied on a pilot study to build general decision clusters, identify feedback links amongst the various engineering criteria and determine their inner dependences

    Conferencing otherwise: a feminist new materialist writing experiment

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    This paper attempts to reconfigure hegemonic framings of ‘the academic conference’ and thereby offer a means to (re-)encounter the spatial, temporal and affective forces that conferences generate, differently. We are a geographically dispersed but multiply entangled group of academic researchers united by theoretical fault lines within our work that seek to ask what if (Haraway, 2016) and what else (Manning, 2016). This ‘what if’ and ‘what else’ thinking has manifested in experimental and subversive doings otherwise at a series of academic conferences. The storying practices presented in this paper were made possible by the vital materialism (Bennett, 2010) of a shared google.doc. It was within this virtual environment that we attempted to weave diffractive accounts of what conferencing otherwise produces. This writing experiment offers a series of speculative provocations and counter-provocations to ask what else does conferencing make possible. This article is an invitation to the reader to plunge in and wallow (Taylor, 2016) within the speculative accounts which ensue and to contemplate the possibilities of breaking free from sedimented ways of neoliberal conferencing