1,815 research outputs found

    A Limited Habitable Zone for Complex Life

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    The habitable zone (HZ) is commonly defined as the range of distances from a host star within which liquid water, a key requirement for life, may exist on a planet's surface. Substantially more CO2 than present in Earth's modern atmosphere is required to maintain clement temperatures for most of the HZ, with several bars required at the outer edge. However, most complex aerobic life on Earth is limited by CO2 concentrations of just fractions of a bar. At the same time, most exoplanets in the traditional HZ reside in proximity to M dwarfs, which are more numerous than Sun-like G dwarfs but are predicted to promote greater abundances of gases that can be toxic in the atmospheres of orbiting planets, such as carbon monoxide (CO). Here we show that the HZ for complex aerobic life is likely limited relative to that for microbial life. We use a 1D radiative-convective climate and photochemical models to circumscribe a Habitable Zone for Complex Life (HZCL) based on known toxicity limits for a range of organisms as a proof of concept. We find that for CO2 tolerances of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 bar, the HZCL is only 21%, 32%, and 50% as wide as the conventional HZ for a Sun-like star, and that CO concentrations may limit some complex life throughout the entire HZ of the coolest M dwarfs. These results cast new light on the likely distribution of complex life in the universe and have important ramifications for the search for exoplanet biosignatures and technosignatures.Comment: Revised including additional discussion. Published Gold OA in ApJ. 9 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    An experimental study of the sensitivity of helicopter rotor blade tracking to root pitch adjustment in hover

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    The sensitivity of blade tracking in hover to variations in root pitch was examined for two rotor configurations. Tests were conducted using a four bladed articulated rotor mounted on the NASA-Army aeroelastic rotor experimental system (ARES). Two rotor configurations were tested: one consisting of a blade set with flexible fiberglass spars and one with stiffer (by a factor of five in flapwise and torsional stiffnesses) aluminum spars. Both blade sets were identical in planform and airfoil distribution and were untwisted. The two configurations were ballasted to the same Lock number so that a direct comparison of the tracking sensitivity to a gross change in blade stiffness could be made. Experimental results show no large differences between the two sets of blades in the sensitivity of the blade tracking to root pitch adjustments. However, a measurable reduction in intrack coning of the fiberglass spar blades with respect to the aluminum blades is noted at higher rotor thrust conditions

    Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical Lattices

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    Mean-field dynamics of strongly interacting bosons described by hard core bosons with nearest-neighbor attraction has been shown to support two species of solitons: one of Gross-Pitaevskii (GP-type) where the condensate fraction remains dark and a novel non-Gross-Pitaevskii-type (non-GP-type) characterized by brightening of the condensate fraction. Here we study the effects of quantum fluctuations on these solitons using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, which takes into account the effect of strong correlations. We use local observables as the density, condensate density and correlation functions as well as the entanglement entropy to characterize the stability of the initial states. We find both species of solitons to be stable under quantum evolution for a finite duration, their tolerance to quantum fluctuations being enhanced as the width of the soliton increases. We describe possible experimental realizations in atomic Bose Einstein Condensates, polarized degenerate Fermi gases, and in systems of polar molecules on optical lattices

    Novel Mechanism of Supersolid of Ultracold Polar Molecules in Optical Lattices

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    We study the checkerboard supersolid of the hard-core Bose-Hubbard model with the dipole-dipole interaction. This supersolid is different from all other supersolids found in lattice models in the sense that superflow paths through which interstitials or vacancies can hop freely are absent in the crystal. By focusing on repulsive interactions between interstitials, we reveal that the long-range tail of the dipole-dipole interaction have the role of increasing the energy cost of domain wall formations. This effect produces the supersolid by the second-order hopping process of defects. We also perform exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations and observe a novel double peak structure in the momentum distribution of bosons, which is a clear evidence for supersolid. This can be measured by the time-of-flight experiment in optical lattice systems

    HIV-infected sex workers with beneficial HLA-variants are potential hubs for selection of HIV-1 recombinants that may affect disease progression

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against the HIV Gag protein are associated with lowering viremia; however, immune control is undermined by viral escape mutations. The rapid viral mutation rate is a key factor, but recombination may also contribute. We hypothesized that CTL responses drive the outgrowth of unique intra-patient HIV-recombinants (URFs) and examined gag sequences from a Kenyan sex worker cohort. We determined whether patients with HLA variants associated with effective CTL responses (beneficial HLA variants) were more likely to carry URFs and, if so, examined whether they progressed more rapidly than patients with beneficial HLA-variants who did not carry URFs. Women with beneficial HLA-variants (12/52) were more likely to carry URFs than those without beneficial HLA variants (3/61) (p < 0.0055; odds ratio = 5.7). Beneficial HLA variants were primarily found in slow/standard progressors in the URF group, whereas they predominated in long-term non-progressors/survivors in the remaining cohort (p = 0.0377). The URFs may sometimes spread and become circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) of HIV and local CRF fragments were over-represented in the URF sequences (p < 0.0001). Collectively, our results suggest that CTL-responses associated with beneficial HLA variants likely drive the outgrowth of URFs that might reduce the positive effect of these CTL responses on disease progression

    The two-fluid model with superfluid entropy

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    The two-fluid model of liquid helium is generalized to the case that the superfluid fraction has a small entropy content. We present theoretical arguments in favour of such a small superfluid entropy. In the generalized two-fluid model various sound modes of He  \;II are investigated. In a superleak carrying a persistent current the superfluid entropy leads to a new sound mode which we call sixth sound. The relation between the sixth sound and the superfluid entropy is discussed in detail.Comment: 22 pages, latex, published in Nuovo Cimento 16 D (1994) 37

    Conceptualizing the adventure-sports coach

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    As a comparatively recent development, the adventure-sports coach struggles for a clear and distinct identity. The generic term ‘instructor’ no longer characterizes the role and function of this subgroup of outdoor professionals. Indeed, although the fields of adventure/outdoor education and leadership are comparatively well researched, the arrival of this ‘new kid on the block’ appears to challenge both the adventure-sports old guard and traditional views of sports coaching. In an attempt to offer clarity and stimulate debate, this paper attempts to conceptualize the adventure-sports coach in the context of the existing roles in the field and current motivations for activity in the outdoors. We identify issues that are specific to the adventure-sports coach while also recognizing those skills and competencies shared with other professionals, both in the adventure sports profession and traditional sports coaching fields. Based on this review, we offer a conceptual model which may be used to focus debate, stimulate research and, at a possible later stage, to underpin accreditation, training and professional development

    Rethinking CO Antibiosignatures in the Search for Life Beyond the Solar System

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    Some atmospheric gases have been proposed as counter indicators to the presence of life on an exoplanet if remotely detectable at sufficient abundance (i.e., antibiosignatures), informing the search for biosignatures and potentially fingerprinting uninhabited habitats. However, the quantitative extent to which putative antibiosignatures could exist in the atmospheres of inhabited planets is not well understood. The most commonly referenced potential antibiosignature is CO, because it represents a source of free energy and reduced carbon that is readily exploited by life on Earth and is thus often assumed to accumulate only in the absence of life. Yet, biospheres actively produce CO through biomass burning, photooxidation processes, and release of gases that are photochemically converted into CO in the atmosphere. We demonstrate with a 1D ecosphere-atmosphere model that reducing biospheres can maintain CO levels of approximately 100 ppmv (parts per million by volume) even at low H2 fluxes due to the impact of hybrid photosynthetic ecosystems. Additionally, we show that photochemistry around M dwarf stars is particularly favorable for the buildup of CO, with plausible concentrations for inhabited, oxygen-rich planets extending from hundreds of ppm to several percent. Since CH4 buildup is also favored on these worlds, and because O2 and O3 are likely not detectable with the James Webb Space Telescope, the presence of high CO (greater than 100 ppmv) may discriminate between oxygen-rich and reducing biospheres with near-future transmission observations. These results suggest that spectroscopic detection of CO can be compatible with the presence of life and that a comprehensive contextual assessment is required to validate the significance of potential antibiosignatures
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