31 research outputs found
Principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "tourism" and the rules for their implementation in practice
© 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The need to study this problem stems from the fact that in a competitive tourism business the problem of competent, professionally-motivated personnel training is actualized for the implementation of this type of activity in modern conditions. To solve this problem in practice, it is necessary to investigate its theoretical foundations. In this context, this paper presents the rationale for the principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism", and also proposes the rules to implement them in practice. The article contents are valuable both in theoretical and practical terms for university faculty members that train students majoring in "Tourism"
Comparative Analysis of Particularly Dangerous Infections Manifestations in the Territory of the Saratov and West-Kazakhstan Regions with a View to Advanced Epidemiological Risk Assessment
On the model of the Saratov and West-Kazakhstan regions carried out is the analysis of the current epidemiological and epizootiological situations in the cross-border territories of the two states: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Depicted is not only the common area of natural-focal territories of old-established infections, such as tularemia, but an intense outspread and formation of natural foci of the emerging infectious diseases too: Crimean hemorrhagic and West Nile fevers. This phenomenon assumes a great deal of importance due to dissemination and circulation of previously unknown to these areas infections concurrently in the two neighboring regions. Specified uniformity of epidemiological public risks in the bordering regions testifies to the need for development and implementation of the integrated system for prevention and response to the emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population in the territory of both of them
Aim: to estimate prevalence of markers, genetic diversity, risk factors of HBV and HDV infections in all age groups among healthy population in Republic Tyva. Serum samples obtained from healthy population in Republic Tyva (N = 1086) were tested (aged from birth to older 60 years). The markers of HBV and HDV infections were determined by enzyme immunoassay and PCR. HBsAg was detected in 7,7% (84/1086), anti-HBc — in 47,8% (519/1086) and HBeAg — in 0,3% (3/1086) cases. Prevalence of HBsAg in children under 9 years was 1,3%, no positive results of anti-HDV were determined among children aged up to 9 year. Prevalence of anti-HDV among HBsAg-positive individuals of healthy population was 32,1% (27/84). HBV DNA was detected in 2,9% (31/1086) cases; HDV RNA — in 32,1% (14/84) HBsAg-positive individuals. The obtained data showed high prevalence of HBV ang HDV infections among healthy population of Republic Tyva. Thus, it is necessary to extend screening program in this region to improve viral hepatitis surveillance and diagnostics. The sharp decline in the prevalence of these infections in children up to 9 years in the surveyed endemic region is an evidence of effective protection against HBV and HDV with vaccination against hepatitis B. Цель работы: оценить распространенность маркеров, генетическое разнообразие, факторы риска инфицирования вирусами HBV и HDV во всех возрастных группах детского и взрослого условно здорового населения Республики Тыва. Исследованы образцы сывороток крови, полученные от условно здорового населения Республики Тыва (N = 1086), от новорожденных до лиц старше 60 лет. Маркеры инфицирования HBV и HDV определяли методом ИФА и ПЦР. HBsAg был определен в 7,7% (84/1086), anti-HBc — в 47,8% (519/1086) и HBeAg — в 0,3% (3/1086) случаях. Частота выявления anti-HDV среди HBsAg-положительных лиц из группы условно здорового населения составила 32,1% (27/84). HBV DNA была определена в 2,9% (31/1086) случаях; HDV RNA была обнаружена у 32,1% (14/84) HBsAg-положительных лиц. Среди детей до 9 лет частота выявления HBsAg составила 1,3%, в этой возрастной группе не было выявлено ни одного образца сыворотки крови с наличием anti-HDV. Полученные нами данные свидетельствуют о высоком уровне инфицирования HBV и HDV условно здорового населения Республики Тыва, что указывает на необходимость расширения скрининговых программ в данном регионе для усовершенствования диагностики вирусных гепатитов и надзора за этими инфекциями. Резкое снижение распространенности данных инфекций среди детей до 9 лет в обследованном эндемичном регионе является свидетельством эффективной защиты от HBV и HDV с помощью вакцинации против гепатита В.
Aim. To determine the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in different age groups of the conditionally healthy population of Russia.Materials and methods. Total 4764 serum samples from a conditionally healthy population of five regions of Russia (Moscow, Rostov, Sverdlovsk regions, Tyva Republic, and Sakha Republic (Yakutia) were tested. The study included persons of 10 age groups: < 1 year, 1–4 years, 5–9 years, 10–14 years, 15–19 years, 20–29 years, 30–39 years, 40–49 years, 50–59 years old, ≥ 60 years. Anti-HCV was determined in ELISA with commercial test systems. Anti-HCV positive samples were tested for HCV RNA by RT-PCR. The genotype of HCV was determined based on the analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the core and NS5B regions of the viral genome.Results. The overall prevalence of anti-HCV in 5 regions of Russia was 2,6% (126/4764), and the proportion of people with HCV RNA was 1,1% (50/4764). The highest anti-HCV positivity rate was observed in Tyva and Yakutia (3,3% in both regions), in other regions its prevalence varied from 1,7% (Moscow region) to 3,0% (Sverdlovsk region). The highest frequency of HCV RNA detection was observerd in Tyva Republic and Rostov region (1.3% in both regions). No positive for HCV RNA cases was detected among persons aged 0–19 years in any region, except for Tyva Republic (1,0% (1/98) in age group 15–19 years). Peak positivity rates of HCV RNA were detected in the age groups 20–29 years and 30–39 years in the Rostov Region (3,9% and 3,0%, respectively); in Yakutia – in the group of 30–39 years (3,7%), in Tyva – in the group of 40–49 years (3,6%), in the Moscow region – in the groups of 20–29 and 30–39 years (2,9% and 2,5%, respectively).Conclusion. The results obtained indicate a high degree of HCV infection in virtually all age groups in the interval from 20 years to ≥60 years. Specific age cohorts that might benefit from inclusion in regional HCV screening programs were identified in each region. Цель. Определить долю инфицированных вирусом гепатита С (ВГС) лиц в различных возрастных группах условно здорового населения России.Материалы и методы. Исследованы 4764 образца сы- воротки крови от условно здорового населения пяти регионов РФ: Свердловской, Ростовской, Московской областей, Республики Тыва и Республики Саха (Якутия). В исследование были включены лица 10 возрастных групп: меньше 1 года, 1–4 года, 5–9 лет, 10–14 лет, 15–19 лет, 20–29 лет, 30–39 лет, 40–49 лет, 50–59 лет, старше 60 лет. Анти-ВГС определяли в ИФА с коммерческими тест-системами. В положительных по анти-ВГС образцах определяли РНК ВГС методом ОТ-ПЦР. Генотип ВГС определяли на основании анализа нуклеотидных последовательностей участков core и NS5B вирусного генома.Результаты. Общая распространенность анти-ВГС в 5 регионах РФ составила 2,6% (126/4764), доля лиц с РНК ВГС – 1,1% (50/4764). Наибольшая распространенность анти-ВГС выявлена в Республиках Тыва и Якутия (3,3%), в остальных регионах данный показатель варьировал от 1,7% (Московская область) до 3,0% (Свердловская область). Наибольшая частота выявления РНК ВГС отмечена в Республике Тыва и Ростовской области (1,3% в обоих регионах). Среди лиц в возрасте от 0 до 19 лет РНК ВГС не была выявлена ни в одном регионе, за исключением Республики Тыва (1% (1/98) в группе 15–19 лет). Пиковые показатели выявления РНК ВГС были вы- явлены в возрастных группах 20–29 лет и 30–39 лет в Ростовской области (3,9% и 3,0% соответственно); в Якутии – в группе 30–39 лет (3,7%), в Тыве – в группе 40–49 лет (3,6%), в Московской области – в группах 20–29 лет и 30–39 лет (2,9% и 2,5% соответственно).Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о высокой степени пораженности ВГС практически всех возрастных групп в интервале от 20 лет до ≥ 60 лет. В каждом из обследованных регионов выявлены возрастные когорты, для которых целесообразно включение в региональные скрининговые программы.
Новая мутация в гене TRIP4, ассоциированная с фенотипом врожденной мышечной дистрофии типа Давиньон–Шове (клинический случай)
Congenital muscular dystrophies are heterogeneous groups of neuromuscular diseases leading to hypotonia, progressive muscle weakness and dystrophic or structural signs in muscle biopsy. At the present time, 34 genes associated with congenital muscular dystrophy have been described. The clinical case of a rare form of congenital muscular dystrophia associated with a homozygous mutation in the TRIP4 gene in a patient with respiratory failure requiring respiratory support, neurological symptoms, muscular hypotonia, and multiple congenital malformations of skeletal system is presented for the first time in Russia. The undescribed pathogenic homozygous variant of the nucleotide sequence in the TRIP4 gene (chr15:64686179, c.136C>T, p.Arg46Ter, 2 exon, NM_016213.4) was detected by whole exome sequencing. The mutation in the TRIP4 gene was validated by Sanger sequencing in a child and its origin was investigated. The mother and father of the girl are carriers of the heterozygous variant in the TRIP4 gene. Identification of the genetic cause of a rare form of neuromuscular disease is important for determining the tactics of patient management and medical and genetic counseling of the family, as well as clarifying the pathogenesis of a rare pathology. Врожденные мышечные дистрофии и врожденные миопатии представляют собой гетерогенную группу нервно-мышечных заболеваний, приводящих к гипотонии, прогрессирующей мышечной слабости и дистрофическим или структурным признакам при мышечной биопсии. В настоящее время описано 34 гена, связанных с врожденной мышечной дистрофией. Впервые в России представляется клинический случай редкой формы врожденной мышечной дистрофии, обусловленной гомозиготной мутацией в гене TRIP4, у пациента с дыхательной недостаточностью, требующей респираторной поддержки, неврологической симптоматикой, мышечной гипотонией, множественными врожденными пороками развития опорно-двигательной системы. В результате проведенного полноэкзомного секвенирования выявлен ранее не описанный патогенный вариант нуклеотидной последовательности в гене TRIP4 в гомозиготном состоянии, приводящий к остановке синтеза полнофункционального белка (chr15:64686179, c.136C>T, p.Arg46Ter, 2 й экзон, NM_016213.4). Мутация в гене TRIP4 была валидирована методом секвенирования по Сэнгеру у ребенка, и исследовано ее происхождение. Мать и отец девочки являются носителями гетерозиготного варианта в гене TRIP4. Выявление генетической причины редкой формы нервно-мышечного заболевания важно для определения тактики ведения пациента и медико-генетического консультирования семьи, а также уточнения патогенеза редкой патологии
Diagnosis of hepatitis c today and interpretation of infection markers
Viral hepatitis C is one of the most pressing global health issues. Infection caused by hepatitis C virus is often latent with minimal clinical manifestations, chracterized by high probability of chronization. Hepatitis C is often diagnosed incidentally; in many cases patients are underdiagnosed. Currently available serological (determining the spectrum of hepatitis C antibodies) and molecular tests (qualitative and quantitative detection of HCV RNA, genotyping) provide for early detection of HCV infection, defining the need for antiviral therapy, evaluation of its effectiveness and chances of achieving a sustained response to treatment. The problem of diagnosing latent hepatitis C is highlighted
Principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "tourism" and the rules for their implementation in practice
© 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The need to study this problem stems from the fact that in a competitive tourism business the problem of competent, professionally-motivated personnel training is actualized for the implementation of this type of activity in modern conditions. To solve this problem in practice, it is necessary to investigate its theoretical foundations. In this context, this paper presents the rationale for the principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism", and also proposes the rules to implement them in practice. The article contents are valuable both in theoretical and practical terms for university faculty members that train students majoring in "Tourism"
Significance of exome sequencing for diagnosis of epilepsy in children
Introduction. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by periodic seizure attacks. Around 70–80% of epilepsy cases have a hereditary component.Aim: to identify the genetic factors of pharmacoresistant epilepsy in children.Materials and methods. Fifty two patients with epilepsy and psychomotor / speech retardation were examined. We used the next generation sequencing (NGS) technique, which is the targeted exome sequencing, the “Hereditary epilepsy” panel of genes, and the whole exome sequencing assay.Results. Mutations were detected in 30 (57.7%) patients, while 22 patients had no mutations. In the latter cases, either epilepsy was of non-hereditary nature or the tested nucleotide sequence was located in the non-coding part of the gene (intron); in addition, a chromosomal rearrangement could be involved.Conclusion. The obtained data illustrate a diagnostic significance of the whole exome sequencing and encourage the interaction between an epileptologist and a geneticist in the diagnostic procedure. Identification of the genetic base of the disease is of great importance for genetic counseling and for selecting an antiepileptic therapy in this group of patients.The authors declare about the absence of conflict of interest with respect to this publication. Authors contributed equally to this article
Principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "tourism" and the rules for their implementation in practice
© 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The need to study this problem stems from the fact that in a competitive tourism business the problem of competent, professionally-motivated personnel training is actualized for the implementation of this type of activity in modern conditions. To solve this problem in practice, it is necessary to investigate its theoretical foundations. In this context, this paper presents the rationale for the principles of professionally-motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism", and also proposes the rules to implement them in practice. The article contents are valuable both in theoretical and practical terms for university faculty members that train students majoring in "Tourism"
The Frequency of Hepatitis Virus Infection Markers Among Highly Qualified Sportsmen
Study Objective is to evaluate prevalence of hepatitis A, B, C, E, and TT virus infection markers in highly qualified sportsmen. Study Design: multicenter open single-site clinical study.Materials and Methods: 100 blood serum samples of sportsmen (game, complex coordination, technical, etc.) were studied. Biological material (blood serum) was obtained from 54 men and 46 women aged 16 to 45 years during an in-depth medical examination. All sportsmen filled out a questionnaire, including demographic data, description of the sport, information about infection risk factors, information about the presence of acute viral hepatitis and vaccination. Anti-HAV IgG, HBsAg, anti-HBcore, anti-HCV, anti-HEV IgG, anti-HEV IgM were determined in the blood serum by enzyme immunoassay; using polymerase chain reaction — DNA Anelloviridae (TTV, TTMDV, TTMV). Study Results: Anti-HAV IgG was detected in 57/66 (86,4%) sportsmen, women (91,2%) predominated, among them a third were engaged in synchronized swimming. 7/57 (12,3%) of the examined had indications of vaccination against hepatitis A. The frequency of anti-HEV IgG did not exceed 3% (2/66). anti-HEV IgM were not detected in any case. Also, none of the examined sportsmen in the blood serum was not determined HBsAg. However, anti-HBcore (marker of latent HBV infection) was detected in 13% (13/100) of the samples. The detection rate of anti-HCV was low, combined with the presence of anti-HBcore was 2% (2/100). In addition, DNA TTV, TTMDV and TTMV, respectively, were found in serum samples from 66/100 (86%), 79/100 (79%), 71/100 of sportsmen. Conclusion: The high frequency of hepatitis virus markers was found (HAV — 74,1%, TTV/TTMDV /TTMV — 71-86%), HBV — 13%, HEV — 3%, HCV — 2%). All patients denied a history of acute viral hepatitis. Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is a modern strategy that prevents infection and the development of acute viral hepatitis. Its mandatory holding should become part of the targeted preparation of sportsmen to achieve the highest sports results