118 research outputs found

    Chiral fermions on the lattice and index relations

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    Comparing recent lattice results on chiral fermions and old continuum results for the index puzzling questions arise. To clarify this issue we start with a critical reconsideration of the results on finite lattices. We then work out various aspects of the continuum limit. After determining bounds and norm convergences we obtain the limit of the anomaly term. Collecting our results the index relation of the quantized theory gets established. We then compare in detail with the Atiyah-Singer theorem. Finally we analyze conventional continuum approaches.Comment: 34 pages; a more detaild introduction and a subsection with remarks on literature adde

    Scaling of magnetic monopoles in the pure compact QED

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    In the pure U(1) lattice gauge theory with the Villain action we find that the monopole mass in the Coulomb phase and the monopole condensate in the confinement phase scale according to simple power laws. This holds outside the coupling region in which on finite toroidal lattices the metastability phenomena occur. A natural explanation of the observed accuracy of the scaling behaviour would be the second order of the phase transition between both phases in the general space of couplings not far away from the Villain action.Comment: LATTICE99(Topology and Confinement) - 3 pages, 4 fig

    Scaling analysis of the magnetic monopole mass and condensate in the pure U(1) lattice gauge theory

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    We observe the power law scaling behavior of the monopole mass and condensate in the pure compact U(1) gauge theory with the Villain action. In the Coulomb phase the monopole mass scales with the exponent \nu_m=0.49(4). In the confinement phase the behavior of the monopole condensate is described with remarkable accuracy by the exponent \beta_{exp}=0.197(3). Possible implications of these phenomena for a construction of a strongly coupled continuum U(1) gauge theory are discussed.Comment: Added references [1

    Mapping Class Group Actions on Quantum Doubles

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    We study representations of the mapping class group of the punctured torus on the double of a finite dimensional possibly non-semisimple Hopf algebra that arise in the construction of universal, extended topological field theories. We discuss how for doubles the degeneracy problem of TQFT's is circumvented. We find compact formulae for the S±1{\cal S}^{\pm 1}-matrices using the canonical, non degenerate forms of Hopf algebras and the bicrossed structure of doubles rather than monodromy matrices. A rigorous proof of the modular relations and the computation of the projective phases is supplied using Radford's relations between the canonical forms and the moduli of integrals. We analyze the projective SL(2,Z)SL(2, Z)-action on the center of Uq(sl2)U_q(sl_2) for qq an l=2m+1l=2m+1-st root of unity. It appears that the 3m+13m+1-dimensional representation decomposes into an m+1m+1-dimensional finite representation and a 2m2m-dimensional, irreducible representation. The latter is the tensor product of the two dimensional, standard representation of SL(2,Z)SL(2, Z) and the finite, mm-dimensional representation, obtained from the truncated TQFT of the semisimplified representation category of Uq(sl2)U_q(sl_2)\,.Comment: 45 page

    Scaling of gauge balls and static potential in the confinement phase of the pure U(1) lattice gauge theory

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    We investigate the scaling behaviour of gauge-ball masses and static potential in the pure U(1) lattice gauge theory on toroidal lattices. An extended gauge field action P(βcosΘP+γcos2ΘP)-\sum_P(\beta \cos\Theta_P + \gamma \cos2\Theta_P) is used with γ=0.2\gamma= -0.2 and -0.5. Gauge-ball correlation functions with all possible lattice quantum numbers are calculated. Most gauge-ball masses scale with the non-Gaussian exponent νng0.36\nu_{ng}\approx 0.36. The A1++A_1^{++} gauge-ball mass scales with the Gaussian value νg0.5\nu_{g} \approx 0.5 in the investigated range of correlation lengths. The static potential is examined with Sommer's method. The long range part scales consistently with νng\nu_{ng} but the short range part tends to yield smaller values of ν\nu. The β\beta-function, having a UV stable zero, is obtained from the running coupling. These results hold for both γ\gamma values, supporting universality. Consequences for the continuum limit of the theory are discussed.Comment: Contribution to the Lattice 97 proceedings, LaTeX, 3 pages, 3 figure

    High-statistics finite size scaling analysis of U(1) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action

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    We describe the results of a systematic high-statistics Monte-Carlo study of finite-size effects at the phase transition of compact U(1) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action on a hypercubic lattice with periodic boundary conditions. We find unambiguously that the critical exponent nu is lattice-size dependent for volumes ranging from 4^4 to 12^4. Asymptotic scaling formulas yield values decreasing from nu(L >= 4) = 0.33 to nu(L >= 9) = 0.29. Our statistics are sufficient to allow the study of different phenomenological scenarios for the corrections to asymptotic scaling. We find evidence that corrections to a first-order transition with nu=0.25 provide the most accurate description of the data. However the corrections do not follow always the expected first-order pattern of a series expansion in the inverse lattice volume V^{-1}. Reaching the asymptotic regime will require lattice sizes greater than L=12. Our conclusions are supported by the study of many cumulants which all yield consistent results after proper interpretation.Comment: revtex, 12 pages, 9 figure

    Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithmic extensions of Virasoro minimal models

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    We derive and study a quantum group g(p,q) that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to the W-algebra W(p,q) of the logarithmic (p,q) conformal field theory model. The algebra W(p,q) is generated by two currents W+(z)W^+(z) and W(z)W^-(z) of dimension (2p-1)(2q-1), and the energy--momentum tensor T(z). The two currents generate a vertex-operator ideal RR with the property that the quotient W(p,q)/R is the vertex-operator algebra of the (p,q) Virasoro minimal model. The number (2 p q) of irreducible g(p,q)-representations is the same as the number of irreducible W(p,q)-representations on which RR acts nontrivially. We find the center of g(p,q) and show that the modular group representation on it is equivalent to the modular group representation on the W(p,q) characters and ``pseudocharacters.'' The factorization of the g(p,q) ribbon element leads to a factorization of the modular group representation on the center. We also find the g(p,q) Grothendieck ring, which is presumably the ``logarithmic'' fusion of the (p,q) model.Comment: 52pp., AMSLaTeX++. half a dozen minor inaccuracies (cross-refs etc) correcte

    Spin and Gauge Systems on Spherical Lattices

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    We present results for 2D and 4D systems on lattices with topology homotopic to the surface of a (hyper) sphere S2S^2 or S4S^4. Finite size scaling is studied in situations with phase transitions of first and second order type. The Ising and Potts models exhibit the expected behaviour; for the 4D pure gauge U(1)U(1) theory we find consistent scaling indicative of a second order phase transition with critical exponent ν0.36(1)\nu\simeq 0.36(1).Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 POSTSCRIPT figures (uuencoded

    A note on the generalised Lie algebra sl(2)q

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    In a recent paper, V. Dobrev and A. Sudbery classified the highest-weight and lowest-weight finite dimensional irreducible representations of the quantum Lie algebra sl(2)_q introduced by V. Lyubashenko and A. Sudbery. The aim of this note is to add to this classification all the finite dimensional irreducible representations which have no highest weight and/or no lowest weight, in the case when q is a root of unity. For this purpose, we give a description of the enlarged centre.Comment: Latex2e, 7 page

    Phase structure and monopoles in U(1) gauge theory

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    We investigate the phase structure of pure compact U(1) lattice gauge theory in 4 dimensions with the Wilson action supplemented by a monopole term. To overcome the suppression of transitions between the phases in the simulations we make the monopole coupling a dynamical variable. We determine the phase diagram and find that the strength of the first order transition decreases with increasing weight of the monopole term, the transition thus ultimately getting of second order. After outlining the appropriate topological characterization of networks of currents lines, we present an analysis of the occurring monopole currents which shows that the phases are related to topological properties.Comment: 22 pages (latex), 14 figures (available upon request), BU-HEP 94-