645 research outputs found

    Nonlinear wave propagation through cold plasma

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    Electromagnetic wave propagation through cold collision free plasma is studied using the nonlinear perturbation method. It is found that the equations can be reduced to the modified Kortweg-de Vries equation

    Progressive internal gravity waves with bounded upper surface climbing a triangular obstacle

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    In this paper we discuss a theoretical model for the interfacial profiles of progressive non-linear waves which result from introducing a triangular obstacle, of finite height, attached to the bottom below the flow of a stratified, ideal, two layer fluid, bounded from above by a rigid boundary. The derived equations are solved by using a nonlinear perturbation method. The dependence of the interfacial profile on the triangular obstacle size, as well as its dependence on some flow parameters, such as the ratios of depths and densities of the two fluids, have been studied

    Kakutani Dichotomy on Free States

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    Two quasi-free states on a CAR or CCR algebra are shown to generate quasi-equivalent representations unless they are disjoint.Comment: 12 page

    Enhancement of Vivid-based photo-activatable Gal4 transcription factor in mammalian cells

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    The Gal4/UAS system is a versatile tool to manipulate exogenous gene expression of cells spatially and temporally in many model organisms. Many variations of light-controllable Gal4/UAS system are now available, following the development of photo-activatable (PA) molecular switches and integration of these tools. However, many PA-Gal4 transcription factors have undesired background transcription activities even in dark conditions, and this severely attenuates reliable light-controlled gene expression. Therefore, it is important to develop reliable PA-Gal4 transcription factors with robust light-induced gene expression and limited background activity. By optimization of synthetic PA-Gal4 transcription factors, we have validated configurations of Gal4 DNA biding domain, transcription activation domain and blue light-dependent dimer formation molecule Vivid (VVD), and applied types of transcription activation domains to develop a new PA-Gal4 transcription factor we have named eGAV (enhanced Gal4-VVD transcription factor). Background activity of eGAV in dark conditions was significantly lower than that of hGAVPO, a commonly used PA-Gal4 transcription factor, and maximum light-induced gene expression levels were also improved. Light-controlled gene expression was verified in cultured HEK293T cells with plasmid-transient transfections, and in mouse EpH4 cells with lentivirus vector-mediated transduction. Furthermore, light-controlled eGAV-mediated transcription was confirmed in transfected neural stem cells and progenitors in developing and adult mouse brain and chick spinal cord, and in adult mouse hepatocytes, demonstrating that eGAV can be applied to a wide range of experimental systems and model organisms

    N. Sugimoto

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    Differential regulation of a MYB transcription factor is correlated with transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of trichome density in Mimulus guttatus

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Scoville, A. G., Barnett, L. L., Bodbyl-Roels, S., Kelly, J. K. and Hileman, L. C. (2011), Differential regulation of a MYB transcription factor is correlated with transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of trichome density in Mimulus guttatus. New Phytologist, 191: 251–263. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03656.x, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03656.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Epigenetic inheritance, transgenerational transmission of traits not proximally determined by DNA sequence, has been linked to transmission of chromatin modifications and gene regulation, which are known to be sensitive to environmental factors. Mimulus guttatus increases trichome (plant hair) density in response to simulated herbivore damage. Increased density is expressed in progeny even if progeny do not experience damage. To better understand epigenetic inheritance of trichome production, we tested the hypothesis that candidate gene expression states are inherited in response to parental damage. Using M. guttatus recombinant inbred lines, offspring of leaf-damaged and control plants were raised without damage. Relative expression of candidate trichome development genes was measured in offspring. Line and parental damage effects on trichome density were measured. Associations between gene expression, trichome density, and response to parental damage were determined. We identified M. guttatus MYB MIXTA-like 8 as a possible negative regulator of trichome development. We found that parental leaf damage induces down-regulation of MYB MIXTA-like 8 in progeny, which is associated with epigenetically inherited increased trichome density. Our results link epigenetic transmission of an ecologically important trait with differential gene expression states – providing insight into a mechanism underlying environmentally induced ‘soft inheritance’

    The Administration of Xultophy for Diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis

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    Background: Recent diabetic treatments include Insulin Degludec/ liraglutide (IDeg/Lira, Xultophy) in clinical practice. Authors have continued clinical research concerning diabetes, chronic renal failure, dialysis, and others. Subjects and Methods: Ten patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) undergoing hemodialysis were investigated. They showed that ages 74.5 ± 5.9 years, M/F=6/4, BMI 21.1± 3.8kg/m2, hemodialysis duration 8.1 ± 5.7 years. At the beginning, fundamental data were Cre 8.2 ± 1.9 mg/dL, HbA1c 6.5 ± 0.8%. Xultophy was started on 5-12 doses and continued for 6 months with the same or 1-4 increased doses for better glycemic variability. Results: Out of 10 subjects, the changes in HbA1c showed a decrease in 7, stable in 2, and an increase in 1. HbA1c value was 6.2 ± 0.8% in average at 6 months. There were no remarkable adverse effects by Xultophy for 6 months. Discussion and Conclusion: Xultophy was started at 5-12 doses, which were remarkably lower doses than usual doses with satisfactory efficacy. One of the reasons may be from the characteristic of the patients, who were diabetic with undergoing hemodialysis. Another factor is possibly from liraglutide, which has hepatic clearance with potential vascular protective effects. These results are expected to become reference data for future research

    Conformally Invariant Fractals and Potential Theory

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    The multifractal (MF) distribution of the electrostatic potential near any conformally invariant fractal boundary, like a critical O(N) loop or a QQ -state Potts cluster, is solved in two dimensions. The dimension f^(θ)\hat f(\theta) of the boundary set with local wedge angle θ\theta is f^(θ)=πθ25c12(πθ)2θ(2πθ)\hat f(\theta)=\frac{\pi}{\theta} -\frac{25-c}{12} \frac{(\pi-\theta)^2}{\theta(2\pi-\theta)}, with cc the central charge of the model. As a corollary, the dimensions DEP=supθf^(θ)D_{\rm EP} =sup_{\theta}\hat f(\theta) of the external perimeter and DHD_{\rm H} of the hull of a Potts cluster obey the duality equation (DEP1)(DH1)=1/4(D_{\rm EP}-1)(D_{\rm H}-1)={1/4}. A related covariant MF spectrum is obtained for self-avoiding walks anchored at cluster boundaries.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum capacity under adversarial quantum noise: arbitrarily varying quantum channels

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    We investigate entanglement transmission over an unknown channel in the presence of a third party (called the adversary), which is enabled to choose the channel from a given set of memoryless but non-stationary channels without informing the legitimate sender and receiver about the particular choice that he made. This channel model is called arbitrarily varying quantum channel (AVQC). We derive a quantum version of Ahlswede's dichotomy for classical arbitrarily varying channels. This includes a regularized formula for the common randomness-assisted capacity for entanglement transmission of an AVQC. Quite surprisingly and in contrast to the classical analog of the problem involving the maximal and average error probability, we find that the capacity for entanglement transmission of an AVQC always equals its strong subspace transmission capacity. These results are accompanied by different notions of symmetrizability (zero-capacity conditions) as well as by conditions for an AVQC to have a capacity described by a single-letter formula. In he final part of the paper the capacity of the erasure-AVQC is computed and some light shed on the connection between AVQCs and zero-error capacities. Additionally, we show by entirely elementary and operational arguments motivated by the theory of AVQCs that the quantum, classical, and entanglement-assisted zero-error capacities of quantum channels are generically zero and are discontinuous at every positivity point.Comment: 49 pages, no figures, final version of our papers arXiv:1010.0418v2 and arXiv:1010.0418. Published "Online First" in Communications in Mathematical Physics, 201

    Electron-acoustic plasma waves: oblique modulation and envelope solitons

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    Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the amplitude modulation of electron-acoustic waves (EAWs) propagating in space plasmas whose constituents are inertial cold electrons, Boltzmann distributed hot electrons and stationary ions. Perturbations oblique to the carrier EAW propagation direction have been considered. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE), reveals that the EAW may become unstable; the stability criteria depend on the angle θ\theta between the modulation and propagation directions. Different types of localized EA excitations are shown to exist.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.