1,454 research outputs found

    Feshbach blockade: single-photon nonlinear optics using resonantly enhanced cavity-polariton scattering from biexciton states

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    We theoretically demonstrate how the resonant coupling between a pair of cavity-polaritons and a biexciton state can lead to a large single-photon Kerr nonlinearity in a semiconductor solid-state system. A fully analytical model of the scattering process between a pair of cavity-polaritons is developed, which explicitly includes the biexcitonic intermediate state. A dramatic enhancement of the polariton-polariton interactions is predicted in the vicinity of the biexciton Feshbach resonance. Application to the generation of non-classical light from polariton dots is discussed

    On Calculation of Thermal Conductivity from Einstein Relation in Equilibrium MD

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    In equilibrium molecular dynamics, Einstein relation can be used to calculate the thermal conductivity. This method is equivalent to Green-Kubo relation and it does not require a derivation of an analytical form for the heat current. However, it is not commonly used as Green-Kubo relationship. Its wide use is hindered by the lack of a proper definition for integrated heat current (energy moment) under periodic boundary conditions. In this paper, we developed an appropriate definition for integrated heat current to calculate thermal conductivity of solids under periodic conditions. We applied this method to solid argon and silicon based systems; compared and contrasted with the Green-Kubo approach.Comment: We updated this manuscript from second version by changing the title and abstract. This paper is submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Spectroscopy of Ultracold, Trapped Cesium Feshbach Molecules

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    We explore the rich internal structure of Cs_2 Feshbach molecules. Pure ultracold molecular samples are prepared in a CO_2-laser trap, and a multitude of weakly bound states is populated by elaborate magnetic-field ramping techniques. Our methods use different Feshbach resonances as input ports and various internal level crossings for controlled state transfer. We populate higher partial-wave states of up to eight units of rotational angular momentum (l-wave states). We investigate the molecular structure by measurements of the magnetic moments for various states. Avoided level crossings between different molecular states are characterized through the changes in magnetic moment and by a Landau-Zener tunneling method. Based on microwave spectroscopy, we present a precise measurement of the magnetic-field dependent binding energy of the weakly bound s-wave state that is responsible for the large background scattering length of Cs. This state is of particular interest because of its quantum-halo character.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 4 table

    Edge-Based Compartmental Modeling for Infectious Disease Spread Part III: Disease and Population Structure

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    We consider the edge-based compartmental models for infectious disease spread introduced in Part I. These models allow us to consider standard SIR diseases spreading in random populations. In this paper we show how to handle deviations of the disease or population from the simplistic assumptions of Part I. We allow the population to have structure due to effects such as demographic detail or multiple types of risk behavior the disease to have more complicated natural history. We introduce these modifications in the static network context, though it is straightforward to incorporate them into dynamic networks. We also consider serosorting, which requires using the dynamic network models. The basic methods we use to derive these generalizations are widely applicable, and so it is straightforward to introduce many other generalizations not considered here

    Relativistic coupled-cluster single-double method applied to alkali-metal atoms

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    A relativistic version of the coupled-cluster single-double (CCSD) method is developed for atoms with a single valence electron. In earlier work, a linearized version of the CCSD method (with extensions to include a dominant class of triple excitations) led to accurate predictions for energies, transition amplitudes, hyperfine constants, and other properties of monovalent atoms. Further progress in high-precision atomic structure calculations for heavy atoms calls for improvement of the linearized coupled-cluster methodology. In the present work, equations for the single and double excitation coefficients of the Dirac-Fock wave function, including all non-linear coupled-cluster terms that contribute at the single-double level are worked out. Contributions of the non-linear terms to energies, electric-dipole matrix elements, and hyperfine constants of low-lying states in alkali-metal atoms from Li to Cs are evaluated and the results are compared with other calculations and with precise experiments.Comment: 12 page

    Behavior of Particle Depots in Molten Silicon During Float-Zone Growth in Strong Static Magnetic Fields

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    In the photovoltaics industry, the largest market share is represented by solar cells made from multicrystalline silicon, which is grown by directional solidification. During the growth process, the silicon melt is in contact with the silicon nitride coated crucible walls and the furnace atmosphere which contains carbon monoxide. The dissolution of the crucible coating, the carbon bearing gas, and the carbon already present in the feedstock, lead to the precipitation of silicon carbide, and silicon nitride, at later stages of the growth process. The precipitation of Si3N4 and SiC particles of up to several hundred micrometers in diameter leads to severe problems during the wire sawing process for wafering the ingots. Furthermore the growth of the silicon grains can be negatively influenced by the presence of particles, which act as nucleation sources and lead to a grit structure of small grains and are sources for dislocations. If doped with Nitrogen from the dissolved crucible coating, SiC is a semi conductive material, and can act as a shunt, short circuiting parts of the solar cell. For these reasons, the incorporation of such particles needs to be avoided. In this contribution we performed model experiments in which the transport of intentionally added SiC particles and their interaction with the solid-liquid interface during float zone growth of silicon in strong steady magnetic fields was investigated. SiC particles of 7m and 60m size are placed in single crystal silicon [100] and [111] rods of 8mm diameter. This is achieved by drilling a hole of 2mm diameter, filling in the particles and closing the hole by melting the surface of the rod until a film of silicon covers the hole. The samples are processed under a vacuum of 1x10(exp -5) mbar or better, to prevent gas inclusions. An oxide layer to suppress Marangoni convection is applied by wet oxidation. Experiments without and with static magnetic field are carried out to investigate the influence of melt convection on the distribution of particles and their incorporation into the crystal. The field strengths applied by a superconducting magnet are 1T, 3T, 4.5T, and 5T. The increase in field strength dampens the melt flow, and so this study provides comparative data to the crystal growth experiment to be carried out onboard the sounding rocket mission TEXUS 51, where purely diffusive growth condition will be achieved under microgravity conditions

    A statistical network analysis of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Cuba

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    The Cuban contact-tracing detection system set up in 1986 allowed the reconstruction and analysis of the sexual network underlying the epidemic (5,389 vertices and 4,073 edges, giant component of 2,386 nodes and 3,168 edges), shedding light onto the spread of HIV and the role of contact-tracing. Clustering based on modularity optimization provides a better visualization and understanding of the network, in combination with the study of covariates. The graph has a globally low but heterogeneous density, with clusters of high intraconnectivity but low interconnectivity. Though descriptive, our results pave the way for incorporating structure when studying stochastic SIR epidemics spreading on social networks

    Shift of percolation thresholds for epidemic spread between static and dynamic small-world networks

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    The aim of the study was to compare the epidemic spread on static and dynamic small-world networks. The network was constructed as a 2-dimensional Watts-Strogatz model (500x500 square lattice with additional shortcuts), and the dynamics involved rewiring shortcuts in every time step of the epidemic spread. The model of the epidemic is SIR with latency time of 3 time steps. The behaviour of the epidemic was checked over the range of shortcut probability per underlying bond 0-0.5. The quantity of interest was percolation threshold for the epidemic spread, for which numerical results were checked against an approximate analytical model. We find a significant lowering of percolation thresholds for the dynamic network in the parameter range given. The result shows that the behaviour of the epidemic on dynamic network is that of a static small world with the number of shortcuts increased by 20.7 +/- 1.4%, while the overall qualitative behaviour stays the same. We derive corrections to the analytical model which account for the effect. For both dynamic and static small-world we observe suppression of the average epidemic size dependence on network size in comparison with finite-size scaling known for regular lattice. We also study the effect of dynamics for several rewiring rates relative to latency time of the disease.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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